…is horrible off-season heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on police investigating a 7 year old’s toy gun.

…is horrible off-season heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on police investigating a 7 year old’s toy gun.
She’ll warm the water.
And maybe melt the snow.
Now that’s global warming the way it’s supposed to be.
A story about how a crowded nation of commies kept it’s population secure from Covid-45.
(Hint: They took it seriously in January instead of waiting until March)
If only the US had such leadership.
Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this…
Might ruin the narrative.
MSLSD? Shirley, you jest. Gates wants us under lockdowns stiffer the Ubersturmbannfuhrer Whitler.
They took it seriously in January instead of waiting until March
So did Trump.
Unfortunately, all the Lefties, Jeffery included, could think about was impeachment.
If only the US had such leadership.
Yeah, ain’t Commie dictatorships great? Any bad news gets suppressed.
They’re right next to your reirement home and no deaths?
Sure. And Gates’ OS is better than Linux, too.
Here’s what the CDC says about malaria in Vietnam:
Areas with malaria: Rural areas only. Rare cases in the Mekong and Red River Deltas. None in the cities of Da Nang, Haiphong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Nha Trang, and Qui Nhon.
Drug resistance4: Chloroquine and mefloquine.
Malaria species: P. falciparum 50%–90%, P. vivax. 10%–50%, P. knowlesi rare.
Recommended chemoprophylaxis: Southern part of the country in the provinces of Dac Lac, Gia Lai, Khanh Hoa, Kon Tum, Lam Dong, Ninh Thuan, Song Be, Tay Ninh: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, or tafenoquine.4 Other areas with malaria except Mekong and Red River Deltas: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, or tafenoquine.4 Mekong and Red River Deltas: None (practice mosquito avoidance).
Middle school mean girl missed it again or maybe it’s too tough a read.
Regardless of how many sources you cite for the same report, the hypothesis is still just that. We understand your motives are to make tRump seem less of an arrogant moron, and we applaud your loyalty, but that train has left the station.
The letter to Medical Hypotheses from the Turkish group didn’t mention Vietnam, did they? Of course, you wouldn’t know, since you didn’t read the letter. What far-right knuckle-dragger blog did you get this from – Gateway Pudendum?
Anyway, the letter writers offered no evidence, only that Africa has fewer reported Covid-19 cases than one might expect. Certainly, the hypothesis that the prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine for malaria prevents Covid-29 is worth considering, but it takes evidence for the hypothetical to become the theoretical. Another hypothesis worth considering is that Africa nations took this virus more seriously than did the US, where the ruling junta still considers it a hoax. Vietnam also took the pandemic seriously, where BTW, malaria has been nearly eliminated over the past decade and the mosquitos are resistant to chloroquine drugs.
Note the journal title: Medical Hypotheses. (BTW, hypotheses is the plural of hypothesis, just in case you were about to type something else stupid).
Right over your head.
Totally missed the point.
Bwaha. Lolgf
Exactly 50 center.
Regardless of how many sources you cite for AGW (written by CHICOM paid scientists), the hypothesis is still just that. We understand your motives are to make tRump seem more of an arrogant moron, and we applaud your loyalty, but that train has left the station. BIGGLY
50 center. 50 Center. 50 Center.
Yeah if only the USA had such leadership to not be faking evidence and impeaching a duly elected president for non crimes.
If only the democrats were not so absorbed in hate and loathing of a president to see that the cornona virus was a threat.
I REMEMBER a guy here screaming at the top of his lungs about the virus and how dangerous it was and 50 center asking people why they listen to this guy. Making a mockery of him. I remember well 50 center was obsessing over impeaching Trump.
When that failed.
Whats sad 50 center is people see through this. They were watching for a month before the dumbshit press said OMG we are letting Trump off the hook. To late. The people knew it was CHINA and that Trump did all he could do.
50 center. Your attacks are lame. You know they are. If only we had a government of elected representatives who actually worked for the people instead of trying to impeach someone they don’t like. In 2018. The right was caught with their pants down. In 2020. They have been at war since the day after the election and Nanny Pelousy has guaranteed about 25-30 seat loses in 2020.
Beside you really want to control the senate not the house. If Trump has 2 more years owning the senate it will be 6-3 in the Supreme court and he will put another 150 Conservative Federal judges on the bench for life and guess what all his nominees are YOUNGSTERS…..
lolololololololololol…..50 center….POOOFFFFF…there goes his head for the 10000th time.
It’s possible that the next pandemic will be more lethal than Covid-45. Will we be prepared?
Since the CDC may be gone by then, along with Dr Fauci, and we know Red China’s cooking up new germ warfare bugs for us, I’ll bet we are.
tRump again confirmed that “when people can vote, Republicans lose.” Fair voting will lead to THE END OF OUR GREAT REPUBLICAN PARTY he twitted.
In a democracy, the only way a minority can control a majority is by suppressing the vote or cheating.
The Republican Party is smarter and more devious (and have no interest in democracy) than the naïve, pollyannish and inept Dems.
The GOP recognized their national demographic problem decades ago and wisely pushed their agenda at the state level, gerrymandering districts so that states can have a majority of Dem voters but consistently send more GOPhers to the US House! And since voting is a state issue they can make voting more difficult for the opposition party. Couple those facts with the EC where an R Senator from Wyoming (representing < 600,000 Americans) is equal to a vote from a D from California (representing > 39,000,000 Americans), add a touch of white nationalism, and we end up where we are today.
nuCons claim the Dems cheat when they win, and claim Dems cheat even when they lose! Mostly by fraudulent votes cast by illegal immigrants and urban Blacks.
tRump again confirmed that “when people can vote, Republicans lose.†Fair voting will lead to THE END OF OUR GREAT REPUBLICAN PARTY he twitted.
In a democracy, the only way a minority can control a majority is by suppressing the vote or cheating.
This isn’t a democracy, and yiou do it all the time anyway.
The Republican Party is smarter and more devious (and have no interest in democracy) than the naïve, pollyannish and inept Dems.
The smarter is right.
The naïve, pollyannish and inept when Trump was elected. That’s why you hate him so.
He beats your miserable ass every time.
The GOP recognized their national demographic problem decades ago and wisely pushed their agenda at the state level, gerrymandering districts so that states can have a majority of Dem voters but consistently send more GOPhers to the US House! And since voting is a state issue they can make voting more difficult for the opposition party. Couple those facts with the EC where an R Senator from Wyoming (representing < 600,000 Americans) is equal to a vote from a D from California (representing > 39,000,000 Americans), add a touch of white nationalism, and we end up where we are today.
The Electoral College was in business 65 years before there was a Republican party.
The Rs just play by the rules.
nuCons claim the Dems cheat when they win, and claim Dems cheat even when they lose! Mostly by fraudulent votes cast by illegal immigrants and urban Blacks.
By George, I think she’s got it!!!
On Friday night, the Supreme Court handed down a decision in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, holding that California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s restrictions on church gatherings are not a violation of religious liberty. Chief Justice John Roberts crossed over to join with the liberals for a 5-4 split.
A couple more appointments and Roberts can side with the Lefties all he wants.
PS Plessy v Ferguson was also a SCUS production.
You like that one, too?
tRump and Moscow Mitch have only a few months to force through another justice. And they try at their own political peril.
And what “political peril” is that, pray tell?
You mean like the rioting when Cocaine Mitch refused to confirm Merrick Garland?