…is a wonderful low carbon bike that everyone should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on reason #88 that Trump should be re-elected.
It’s bike week.

…is a wonderful low carbon bike that everyone should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on reason #88 that Trump should be re-elected.
It’s bike week.
Calls for de Blasio to resign trend on Twitter after defense of NYPD
TWITTER DEFENDS ANARCHY but calls out trump for defending FAIR ELECTIONS.
Dec 07, 2011 · For many people, the England riots began with a flurry of curious Twitter messages shortly before 9pm on Saturday 6 August.
5 hours ago · Follow RT on With rioting in full swing across America, social media giant Twitter has made its offering to the gods of corporate wokeness, blacking out its distinctive logo and replacing its bio with the hashtag “#BlackLivesMatter.â€
I wonder how many times twitter has changed their logo when a white woman was raped, murdered or killed?
Cardi B Defends Minneapolis Riots After George Floyd’s Death …
Cardi B sparked an intense Twitter debate after sharing footage of a looted Target in Minneapolis. She empathized with people’s frustrations after another unarmed black man’s death, but…
Those defending riots get a pass on twitter. If the president says he will shoot looters.. He gets censored for glorifying violence. The commander in chief. Lets hope he never has to conduct a war on TWITTER.
In fact lets hope people of the world stop using this piece of shit social platform and shove it up DOSEY’s ASS.
First, nobody gives a damn what Cardi B twats in Twit.
Second, if Trump does order looters shot (notice he never mentioned color because most of these Visigoths are white), the wide majority of the country will support him.
And everybody knows it.
I think you missed the point Form
Twitter defends Rioters and leftist racists while throwing out anyone who would dare speak up in favor of the RULE OF LAW.
Notice no Jeffery.
He’s supposed to be defending the white cutthroats burning black businesses. He’s supposed to be telling us how the white nationalist cop murdered the black guy.
He’s supposed to be telling us how this is Trump’s fault and not that of a lot of celebrity Lefty Democrats who went into politics right after law school because they wanted to radicalize their black brethren.
He’s supposed to be telling us the ever popular Zippy’s 8 years of racism and Uncle Saul’s Rules actually made things better.
We may hear from him sometime Friday.
If the fires are out by then.
Obsession! by Sibley.
We understand that nuCons never read anything contrary to their world view, but here’s a thoughtful essay by hall-of-famer Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
On the vandalism from the rioters on setting back their cause:
“You’re not wrong — but you’re not right, either. The black community is used to the institutional racism inherent in education, the justice system and jobs. And even though we do all the conventional things to raise public and political awareness — write articulate and insightful pieces in the Atlantic, explain the continued devastation on CNN, support candidates who promise change — the needle hardly budges.
“But COVID-19 has been slamming the consequences of all that home as we die at a significantly higher rate than whites, are the first to lose our jobs, and watch helplessly as Republicans try to keep us from voting. Just as the slimy underbelly of institutional racism is being exposed, it feels like hunting season is open on blacks. If there was any doubt, President Trump’s recent tweets confirm the national zeitgeist as he calls protesters ‘thugs’ and looters fair game to be shot.
“Yes, protests often are used as an excuse for some to take advantage, just as when fans celebrating a hometown sports team championship burn cars and destroy storefronts. I don’t want to see stores looted or even buildings burn. But African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as the flames burn closer and closer. Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible — even if you’re choking on it — until you let the sun in.”
A guy whose big profession was running around in his underwear?
Who cares what he thinks?
But this is your big chance! This is the Left waging war on the Fascist, white nationalist power structure and you have nothing to say?
No gloating as all those multimillionaires’ small businesses go up in flames.
No joy at how inner city housing is being destroyed?
No I-told-you-so as the cops in all those democrat paradises run rather than face the red Guard?
No schaudenfreude as people are pummeled by Lefty mobs?
Or was it all just talk?
You kept asking where we were as the protests, peaceful protests, against the lockdown rolled on. Now there’s violence, courtesy of Dr Evil and all those rich white Liberals. Lefty violence, as always.
Whitey being overthrown. His day done. His dreams shattered. The rise of the POCs.
Except it isn’t. Just the destruction of poor people’s lives the way it was in Watts and all the other riots of the 60s. The same as it was after Rodney King, and St Skittles, and the Gentle Giant, and Baltimore.
The same as it always is. And it’s your people doing it. White people. Antifa.
Oh, and congrats. If the lockdowns and the recovery don’t elect Trump, this surely will.
support candidates who promise change — the needle hardly budges.
Don’t look at the Republicans 50 center.
That is Jabar condemning the left for doing NOTHING TO HELP THEM.
This is all taking place in cities controlled by democrats for 100 years.
Trump deregulated the economy and blacks for the first time EVER!!!!!!!!!!! HAD JOBS. Could go to work. Started seeing some hope.
Then the Chinese unleashed the WUHAN FLU ON THE WORLD ON PURPOSE. The entire world should declare war on CHINA IMO. They did this on purpose for one over riding reason. They were losing grip on power as Taiwan was growing more powerful and PRO DEMOCRACY HONG KONG WAS STARTING TO STIR THE MASSES INSIDE CHINA.
Can’t have that can we. No. the CCP is like AGW there is no version but OUR VERSION.
I HAVE NO DOUBT there is systemic racism in America. But those these people ELECT to DEAL WITH IT. DO NOTHING because they know fixing it will cause these people to open their eyes and realize that its been the party of jackasses keeping them on the plantation and using RACISM as the only card in an agenda that offers nothing.
GROPE and CHANGE BIDEN is the answer. Another lefty who has pretended to care for 50 years while taking money from the Ukraine and CHINA under the table.
GROPE and CHANGE. Joe BIDENS theme for 2020.
Why was The Cowardly Lyin’ tRump hiding in the WH bunker twitting about setting vicious dogs on Black folks and having his MAGAts shooting looters, while VP Biden was meeting with demonstrators?
Oh well. Will tRump address the American people during this stressful time – 105,000 dead Americans (so far), the pandemic NOT winding down, 40,000 Americans out of work, highest unemployment rate in nearly 90 years, cities burning down – or should President Obama do it for him?
tRump abdicated the presidency. He is in hiding. We have no president.
Oh, like you really care.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
I would say that the black people were probably the only ones who intended to protest peacefully.
NFL SAFETY for the Denver Broncos went to his home town in FLORIDA and told his people. NO VIOLENCE. NO RIOTING. Lets raise our voices. Peacefully.
Why is trump hiding. Because assholes like you turn everything to racism when it is people with MASKS and HOODIES destroying neighborhoods and when you look at those pictures there are an awful lot of white people smashing windows and grabbing 1000.00 dollar handbags or running shoes, or streaking down the street with a big screen TV.
Yeah I’m sure those white people feel awfully repressed when a black man is killed by Police.
You know, I know, the world knows, George Soros, Antifa, Russia, Iran, China is funnelling fuel and money into America to destroy her from within.
And YOUR HELPING 50 center. Great job.
Why was The Cowardly Lyin’ tRump hiding in the WH bunker twitting about setting vicious dogs on Black folks and having his MAGAts shooting looters, while VP Biden was meeting with demonstrators?
Because none of those things happened – at least to the extreme that you claim.
Biden did not meet with demonstrators. He went to the site of a protest the day before with some supporters.
Trump is trying to protect two interests unlike you or Biden. He has to protect the property owners in the cities that are being attacked by looters (which is interesting that you claim are all black. Wouldn’t that mean that blacks are more intent on breaking the law and destroying their own neighborhoods?) Secondly, he has stated that he will work for justice in the case of Floyd.
You and Biden want neither property or justice. You want things destroyed because of the hate you have.
The styles are stunningly different. One is a person trying to protect the rights of all Americans, and the other a person who fought for segregation and fights for keeping blacks in chains.
Oh well. Will tRump address the American people during this stressful time – 105,000 dead Americans (so far), the pandemic NOT winding down, 40,000 Americans out of work, highest unemployment rate in nearly 90 years, cities burning down
Wow. First you try to excoriate Trump for doing something about the violence in the cities and then blame him for not doing anything. The pandemic is winding down, except in areas that were run by idiot democrat governors and mayors such as New York and whose actions caused people to be out of work.
Yet somehow in the mind of the left, it is all Trump’s fault. You can only believe that if you have hatred that outweighs every bit of logic and truthfulness.
Which is why you are saying it.
After all, all the left has is hate.
looters (which is interesting that you claim are all black)
Didn’t say that, so that’s a lie, which is the currency of nuCons.
Trump for doing something about the violence
Threatening to set vicious dogs on protestors and threatening to shoot looters is ESCALATING the violence, which we guess is “doing something.” Just not helping.
It’s a shame, but not unexpected, that America is suffering under tRump’s reign. Of course, tRump’s only interest is tRump (and his loyalists as long as needed). It’s certain that tRump is considering martial law and a true lockdown on Americans.
After all, all the nuCons have is dishonesty.
Didn’t say that, so that’s a lie, which is the currency of nuCons.
Actually you did when you wrote:
“Why was The Cowardly Lyin’ tRump hiding in the WH bunker twitting about setting vicious dogs on Black folks.”
In that Trump has said he will use whatever means he can to protect property and stop the activities of the looters, you say that he is targeting Blacks. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that you believe all of the looters are black.
So you are wrong in your conclusions, or were deliberately lying.
Threatening to set vicious dogs on protestors and threatening to shoot looters is ESCALATING the violence, which we guess is “doing something.†Just not helping.
Trump did not threaten protestors so once again, you are caught in your own lies.
Defense of people and property is not an escalation of the violence. As shown by the Korean Militia in the 1968 LA riots, that type of force ends violence.
Tell us all Jeffery, as the police have stood by and allowed looters to destroy people’s lives and property, as well as kill those with whom they disagree, is it your contention that doing nothing is the better course of action? Just allow more destruction, more violence and more deaths?
If the looters rolled up your street, you would sit there and let them destroy your home and possessions?
Don’t even try passing off the lie that you would do nothing. You’d grab the weapons you think no one else should have and make a stand because it is different when the violence is coming your way. It is different in the abstract as long as it stays away from you.
It’s a shame, but not unexpected, that America is suffering under tRump’s reign.
“It’s a shame, but not unexpected, that America is suffering under liberal policies.”
There. Fixed that for you.
In the case of Minneapolis, the City Council is liberal. The Mayor is liberal. After the shooting death of Justine Damond, an Australian woman reporting a crime, by Mohammed Noor, a Somali Muslim officer, the City appointed an even more liberal chief of police. Even if you want to say that Derek Chauvin was a bad cop who should not have been on the force because of previous complaints, the fact of the matter is that it was the liberal police chiefs, and the liberal police union that kept the guy on the force.
Furthermore, it is the left that has supported Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the same groups that are leading the violence in Minneapolis as well as across the country.
This isn’t on Trump. This is on you and people of your ilk.
It’s certain that tRump is considering martial law and a true lockdown on Americans.
Lies, ignorance and hatred are dangerous combinations and they are all on display in your statement.
The Constitution prevents the President from declaring martial law on his own. It can’t be done and there are Supreme Court cases that back that.
The only reason you would make such a ridiculous statement is due to your ignorance, your hatred, and your willingness to lie.
I can only surmise that your hatred is so deep that you would say and do anything – even going against what few morals you may have once had.
That’s what hated does.
And hate is all the left has.
PS – once again, I see that you could not keep your promise of never responding to me again. Funny how that works. You can’t even live up to your own words and statements. Your hatred – which is all you have – makes you even more of a liar.
Obsession! from guttercleaner
Okay then.
Elwood, you’re so full of crap it’s ridiculous. Here’s some of YOU comrades in Portland attacking a man because he’s waiving an American flag. This is just another attempt to heat up the cold civil war that YOU commies have simmering just beneath the surface. It has NOTHING to do with George Floyd or Pink Floyd or anything other than hate for America. You are nothing but hate.
Trump 2020 Or Elwood and his commie friends will destroy America
As America burns, Mr. Trump is in hiding. Millions of anxious Americans, white and black, have taken to the streets, touched off by the killing of a black man by a police officer but it’s a broader response to much more wrong in the nation.
You are right that the response to injustice and inequality has been simmering. Billionaire Nick Hanauer: You see, the problem isn’t that we have some inequality. Some inequality is necessary for a high-functioning capitalist democracy. The problem is that inequality is at historic highs today and it’s getting worse every day. And if wealth, power, and income continue to concentrate at the very tippy top, our society will change from a capitalist democracy to a neo-feudalist rentier society like 18th-century France. That was France before the revolution and the mobs with the pitchforks.
Mr. Trump HAS been on twitter, inciting:
Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!
It’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!
If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons
When the looting starts, the shooting starts!
The Lamestream Media is doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy. As long as everybody understands what they are doing, that they are FAKE NEWS and truly bad people with a sick agenda, we can easily work through them to GREATNESS!
Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME! Liberal Governors and Mayors must get MUCH tougher or the Federal Government will step in and do what has to be done, and that includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests. Thank you!
Mr. Trump is not helping.
Trump isn’t “hiding” anywhere you idiot. You have got to stop believing everything you read on the commie sites you visit. He’s just declared Antifa a terrorist organization, has alerted the Army to be on call, and is formulating plans to deal with a thousand different scenarios that he DOES NOT feel the need to explain to you or broadcast to your communist allies.
You and your commie comrades have blamed Trump for every ill that befell mankind since Nov. 2016 and you are way beyond rational. Right now your comrades are heating up the cold civil war and you better hope they fail. Your lies and perpetual complaining about everything Trump does has all turned out to be bullshit.
We know who is behind all this. Your little Nazi cum commie financier, Soros. You guys all love the CCP and want America to be just like it. You better hope this shit stops soon because if the shit hits the fan you and your family may very well be victims.
You fail to see that an imperfect American Republic with all it’s flaws is far, far better than a perfect communist prison.
Trump 2020 Beat the Anti Americans back.
Can Mr. Trump use the Army to control American citizens?
Do you have evidence that George Soros is behind this? Did he pay the police officer to kill George Floyd?
We’re pleased that you claim to want the protests/riots to stop. So do I. Many on the far-right want a hot civil war and a right-wing authoritarian police state.
Don’t get me wrong. As unfit and inept as Mr. Trump is as a president, he did not cause the pandemic or the riots, but he’s handled all poorly.
The injustices against black Americans has been ongoing. Listen to the voices of Black Americans (the ones you call niggers and simians). The essay by Abdul-Jabbar that I linked is also explanatory.
Arrest the looters. Arrest the vandals. Arrest the attackers. But listen to the protestors.
Can Mr. Trump use the Army to control American citizens?
It’s called martial law. and, yes, he can.
Do you have evidence that George Soros is behind this? Did he pay the police officer to kill George Floyd?
Dr Evil’s Open Societies PAC funds these hooligans and the cop didn’t kill the guy. Read the ME’s findings.
Oh, that’s right. You ignore facts obtained by science. You only buy consensus.
We’re pleased that you claim to want the protests/riots to stop. So do I. Many on the far-right want a hot civil war and a right-wing authoritarian police state.
Actually, that’s what you want and you think you’ve got it. Guess what?
Just like Japan and Germany, you’ve got a lot more war than you can handle.
Don’t get me wrong. As unfit and inept as Mr. Trump is as a president, he did not cause the pandemic or the riots, but he’s handled all poorly.
In the immortal words of Maj Dutch Schaeffer, “Stick around”.
The injustices against black Americans has been ongoing. Listen to the voices of Black Americans (the ones you call niggers and simians). The essay by Abdul-Jabbar that I linked is also explanatory.
Arrest the looters. Arrest the vandals. Arrest the attackers. But listen to the protestors.
I have yet to see any protesters. They’re the peaceful Michiganders objecting to Ubersturmbannfuhere Whitler’s lockdown.
All I’ve seen is rioters looting stores and beating up people. Just like Charlottesville.
Anywho, here’s a profile of 3 of the “protesters”, complete withhow spontaneous they were.
It’s called martial law. and, yes, he can.
No, he cannot. The Constitution does not allow for the President to declare martial law absent a declaration of war from Congress.
States can declare martial law (10th Amendment) but the President, in the current climate, cannot.
Who will stop trump from declaring martial law? The DOJ? The Supreme Court? The military? Will Army generals disobey a direct order from their commander in chief to patrol city streets and keep people in their homes? He can force out Generals and Admirals for violating direct orders.
He’s already suggested using the US Military to stop the protests.
trump is a different breed of man, not constrained by American norms.
As America burns, Mr. Trump is in hiding. Millions of anxious Americans, white and black, have taken to the streets, touched off by the killing of a black man by a police officer but it’s a broader response to much more wrong in the nation.
First, America is not burning. Urban blue America may be burning, but the rest of the country is doing just fine.
Second, trump is hardly in hiding. He went to the space launch in FL and has told all the Democrat dictators unless they get their act together with the real lawbreakers, he will have the Feds step in.
Third, there is no the response to injustice and inequality that has been simmering. It’s clear this is a co-ordinated attack on all parts of the country. This has nothing to do with the death of a man in police custody, as many blacks and even some white Leftists have said.
You also lie. Kye was referring to the Commies waiting for another Freddie Gray or St Skittles to start something, so, yet again, you misrepresent (lie) about what a commenter said.
Fourth, who cares what a Lefty billionaire, living in the gatedconfines of Seattle, says.
Now, you said Trump is in hiding, but you then quote his statement about the current riots. That’s not hidin
He says it’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!. All true. Even inner city blacks have been saying so.
He said when the looting starts, the shooting starts! Also, true. How many people have been murdered by the “protesters”?
He noted the Lamestream Media is doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy. Same old, same old, since the riots of the 60s.
And then he gets down to business. Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME, he says. And it is.
And he gives his usual ultimatum, Liberal Governors and Mayors must get MUCH tougher or the Federal Government will step in and do what has to be done.
All those Democrat tyrants who had fun pushing peaceable citizens around have now caught the tail of the dragon and are too afraid to do anything or too incompetent or too sympathetic. The Feds have sent in the cavalry before. If the Demos don’t get their act together for fear of being cancelled by their Lefty buddies, Trump will do what Presidents like Lincoln and Grant have done before.
That’s not incitement. That’s laying down the law.
And it will re-elect him. Maybe with a bigger majority than any of us ever imagined.
It sure as hell will reelect him. Normies like us who don’t participate in the “Fundamental Changing” of America because with all her faults we are still the best country on earth. Even Elwood the complainer thinks so or he would have gone to where it’s better a long time ago. If Elwood had to live in an inner city run by blue state Democrats HE’D MOVE! That’s not good enough for Elwood, I’m sure. But his party has made it a multi-generational poverty trap for their black wards. They giv’em cheese once a month and in return the blacks vote Democrat every two years. It’s a sad, immoral racket left over from when the Dems owned slaves. It’s really heartbreaking to see these cities, ALWAYS Democrat controlled, burn every few years as the pain and frustration boils up from the blacks trapped there by the left.
Now they sprinkle commies in the form of Antifa agitators and that means placing whites in the ghetto to riot. They stick out like sore thumbs even with their masks on. They are there for one reason: to hurt America and Elwood loves it. They took a peaceful protest and turned it into a riot then spread it around around receptive demographics (Blue Dem cities) to cause destruction.
All the left has done since 11/16 has been directed at destroying the elected president and if need be America with him. The dead bodies left behind by leftist like Killer Cuomo, Newsome, Wolf etc. are bonus bodies to make the commie paradigm sweeter. Death and destruction is all the left has any more. No solutions, no answers, no hope, no future. Only destruction and Hate, Hate, Hate!
Trump 2020 Let;’s stamp out the anti American Hate!
For those who didn’t go through my response to Jeffery, here’s a profile of 3 of the “protesters”, complete with how spontaneous they were.
Obsession! by Sibley.
About 5 people have died in these riots.
How many more deaths are needed for Gropin’ Joe to be elected?
One, if it’s the right one.