…is a sea rising up to meet the forests, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on comparing the rate of COVID19 in Europe and the U.S.

…is a sea rising up to meet the forests, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on comparing the rate of COVID19 in Europe and the U.S.
I don’t care who you are but this shit is funny.
Bwaha! Lolgf
But trump is Castigated for posting about FAIR ELECTIONS that TWITTER doesnt agree with and uses lies to try to prove Trump lied.
FACEBOOK continues to allow rioting to be posted on FACEBOOK…..GLORIFYING VIOLENCE.
They said the video he shot at the protest was more than two hours long and was posted to his Facebook account.
“In the video, Rupert passes out explosive he indicates he possessed, encourages others to throw his explosives at law enforcement officers, actively damages property, appears to light a fire a building on fire and loots businesses in Minneapolis,†the complaint says.
“At time stamp 5:11 Rupert stated, ‘we came to riot,’†it also says.
The complaint also quotes Rupert as saying “light that bitch and throw it at them†to another person. That person, the complaint says, lit a device and threw it in the direction of police.
According to the complaint, on Sunday, Rupert posted more videos to his Facebook account showing him in and around the Chicago area.
He can be heard saying “let’s start a riot†and “I’m going to start doing some damage,†the complaint says.
Twitter temporarily suspended an NYPD union’s account because of a post about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter’s arrest while protesting this weekend that included her personal information.
“How can the NYPD protect the city of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors object throwing daughter is one of them,” the now-deleted tweet from the Sergeants Benevolent Association said, according to The Daily Mail. “Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted Units to be mobilized and keeping the NYPD from doing their jobs.”
Well, it’s hard for me to get worked up over Boy George when last weekend 42 people were shot, 19 killed in Chicago and not one “celebrity”, spawn of a leftist politician, “religious” leader, black advocate or highly educated and unquestionably intelligent academic said so much as BOO. They don’t care how many blacks die they only care about the ones they can make political hay out of. They got white people in this country so brainwashed with this white supremacy, white privilege crap it’s killing this nation.
Trump 2020 Get rid of the white haters!!
Every race riot since the 60s this happens and the Lefties start belching about 400 years of injustice, but all they want blacks to do is go on welfare and vote Democrat.
This time around, we’re hearing more black voices objecting to that.
Blexit may just be a thing, after all.
The extrajudicial killing of a citizen by the State (the police) is different from ‘common’ homicides. Not to the deceased but to the nation and the nation’s people. And the overrepresentation of Blacks being killed by police is a symptom of the systemic racism endured by Black Americans.
Many conservatives described stay-at-home policies as tyranny, but isn’t the killing of an American citizen by the police at least as great an injustice?
When it became too uncomfortable (damn that political correctness!) for conservatives to blame Black Americans directly (they’re dumb, lazy, dishonest, violent, unequal, undeserving, unAmerican, unPatriotic, unambitious, etc) for their state in America, conservatives started blaming America, specifically liberals/Democrats. America IS to blame, but it’s all of us.
We hold the truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…
How do make that a reality?
The extrajudicial killing of a citizen by the State (the police) is different from ‘common’ homicides. Not to the deceased but to the nation and the nation’s people. And the overrepresentation of Blacks being killed by police is a symptom of the systemic racism endured by Black Americans.
No, it isn’t. Every “murder” if this is one, has to be treated the same. That’s what Equal Justice Under Law means, pinhead. The cop isn’t automatically presumed guilty, the way you want. The black isn’t automatically presumed a victim.
The evidence must be weighed and proven. no, consensus of the Left is not enough (do we detect a theme here? yes, we do).
And the over-representation of Blacks being killed by police is a symptom of the conditions in which the Left has allowed blacks to live. Poverty rarely fosters good behavior. More crimes are committed by black, therefore more encounters with police.
Many conservatives described stay-at-home policies as tyranny, but isn’t the killing of an American citizen by the police at least as great an injustice?
Only if the cop broke the law and that has yet to be determined.
When it became too uncomfortable (damn that political correctness!) for conservatives to blame Black Americans directly (they’re dumb, lazy, dishonest, violent, unequal, undeserving, unAmerican, unPatriotic, unambitious, etc) for their state in America, conservatives started blaming America, specifically liberals/Democrats. America IS to blame, but it’s all of us.
No, it’s you.
Got it backwards, hot shot. It’s the Demos who do that. Yeah, they pay lip service when necessary to get the black vote, but they’ve run the cities for 50 years, so you can’t blame anybody but your crowd. If blacks are uneducated, unemployed, who created that but the people who run the places where blacks live.
That’s you, sweetheart.
We hold the truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…
How do make that a reality?
We already have. you’re the ones who want special treatment for all your constituents. At least until they’re no longer useful.
PS I think all this hand-wringing concern on your part is amusing because, if the black voices speaking up are any indication, you and your pals are going to get your asses whipped this Fall.
The reality is all men are created equal. They don’t remain that way though because some are better, smarter, stronger, more talented than others. People are not, have never been and never will be equal because they are different. A Rolls Royce is not equal to a Volkswagen yet they’re both cars.
The statement “all men are created equal” means created equal by God. But you don’t believe in God. It means they should be treated equal under the law but you believe in special laws for favored groups. It does not mean they will all be the same physically, mentally or emotionally and it certainly does not mean they will all be financially equal. That’s not even a consideration.
You have the quilt of a slave owner. You seem to think because blacks ancestors were slaves that somehow they are still slaves. Every group of people on earth were slaves at one time or another in history. Get over it. The only people keeping slaves today are mooslems. Why don’t you go after them? Because rather than take a knee like a bunch of whipped women they’ll cut your stupid head off. It’s much easier to ridicule and blame millions of white Americans who never owned a slave for people who never were slaves than to take a real chance and fight modern mooslem slavery. You’re as much a wuss as those pussies who took a knee.
Trump 2020 Real Americans respect each other because they aren’t victims.
What do nuCons think of all these police officers taking a knee in front of protestors?
What most real cops think.
They were hired to uphold the law and protect the citizenry. What they did was dereliction of duty because most of them were hired to fill a diversity slot or because the have political ambitions and/or obligations.
This is the result of Willie’s promise to put 100,000 cops on the streets. Diversity hires and political pals of mayors who use them as a private army. They know where their bread is buttered and acted accordingly, but it’s the kind of conduct that will be remembered this Fall.
DC residents vote 95% Democrat. DC police mostly live in DC. They are just showing solidarity with their party activists. Clue: guess where the DC national guard gets its “soldiers”.
Police union boss says ‘NYPD is losing the city of New York,’ begs Cuomo, Trump to send reinforcements
Perhaps this is why 50 center.
Unless and until we can move beyond this stupid talking point that all 3 sides throw out and no one can explain then everyone is demanding perfection.
There will never be perfect cops, there will never be a time when cops expected to deal with violent and dangerous criminals will ever fully be perfect and ALWAYS do the right thing.
77 percent of all people dying by the police ARE NOT BLACKS. Their is not systemic racism among the cops their is a systemic GOD COMPLEX that develops among the cops.
I actually heard this from an actor who was talking about playing a role of A General. In order to develop yourself into the GOD KING commander you were expected to portray, you had to have the swag. And cops develop that swag. I had a friend who became a cop clear back in like 1976 and I will never forget him saying to me once. I AM THE LAW. He did not see himself as the enforcer of the law but rather the Judge, Jury and Executioner on the job.
We have come a long, long, long way over the last several decades and the police violence and deaths have fallen on an order of magnitude. Still it is never enough. They cannot find a white MAGA HAT WEARING TRUMPIAN killing a black man on video so they do the next best thing. They shoot a cop doing the same thing. Hell half the black deaths every year come from one BLACK COP shooting or killing a BLACK person. Not justifying it, but that does not seem like systemic racism in the police force. It seems to me to be something else and it is. It is the GOD COMPLEX.
Until we move beyond debating the term systemic racism and address what that means there will never be a solution and America will continue to riot until nothing is left standing. Because if your demanding the cops be perfect then you are demanding of human beings that which we are incapable of giving.