You know, the people who tend to live in gated communities which often have their own private police force and also often have their own armed security
John Legend, Common, the Weeknd, Lizzo Sign Open Letter to Defund the Police
John Legend, Common, the Weeknd, Lizzo, Jane Fonda, and others have signed a new open letter urging local governments to decrease police budgets in favor of spending more on health care, education, and other community programs. Others to sign the letter include Megan Rapinoe, Yada Shahidi, and Anthony Romero, the executive director of the ACLU.
The letter was released by activist Patrisse Cullors, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter and a founding member of the Movement 4 Black Lives, a coalition of more than 100 black-rights organizations. The letter arrives in conjunction with #BlackOutTuesday and #TheShowMustBePaused, a grassroots campaign within the music industry to pause work today, June 2nd, and “reconnect with our community.†Talib Kweli, Natalie Portman, America Ferrera, Brie Larson, and Taraji P. Henson also signed on to support the letter.
OK, let’s start by defunding the government run city police in the areas these people live. They can be the experiment group, everyone else can be the control group. The state police and county sheriff’s departments would not be allowed to respond. Let’s see what happens.
The open letter ties the deaths of unarmed black people like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and others to the disproportionately devastating effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on black communities. “The COVID-19 deaths and the deaths caused by police terror are connected and consequential to each other,†it states. “The United States does not have a national healthcare system. Instead, we have the largest military budget in the world, and some of the most well-funded and militarized police departments in the world, too. Policing and militarization overwhelmingly dominate the bulk of national and local budgets. In fact, police and military funding has increased every single year since 1973, and at the same time, funding for public health decreased every year, crystallized most recently when the Trump administration eliminated the U.S. Pandemic Response Team in 2018, citing ‘costs.’â€
Interesting. What about the number of blacks killed by blacks? Year over year, somewhere between 7,000-8,000 blacks are killed each year by other blacks. Despite being around 13% of the population, blacks account for around 50% of the murders/murdered. In 2019, about 1,000 citizens were killed by police overall, and just 24% of those were black. Maybe they should be concerned with the violence within the black communities, which tend to be in areas run by the Democratic Party, because the Dems love to keep blacks in their plantations, er, low income areas.
Noting, for instance, that state and local government spending on police and corrections jumped from $60 billion to $194 billion between 1977 and 2017, the letter lays out an array of different ways that money could be used. “It could go towards building healthy communities, to the health of our elders and children, to neighborhood infrastructure, to education, to childcare, to support a vibrant Black future. The possibilities are endless.â€
In fact, the U.S. and states have spent lots and lots of money on these things, yet, nothing seems to change. Because Democrats are still the same racists they were during Jim Crow and segregation, now they just keep blacks in certain areas. They have housing built, and the areas turn into dangerous areas with gangs and all sorts of violence, crime, drugs, poverty, etc. That’s what Democrats want.

Rep. Steve King, the controversial nine-term Republican congressman from Iowa, lost a heavily contested primary race on Tuesday night to a well-funded state Sen. Randy Feenstra.
King’s loss in Iowa’s Republican primary contest marks the beginning of the end for the provocative lawmaker who for years had been a conservative lightning rod in Washington for his hardline views on issues ranging from immigration to abortion.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted early Wednesday that King’s “white supremacist rhetoric is totally inconsistent with the Republican Party, and I’m glad Iowa Republicans rejected him at the ballot.”
The Iowa Republican has more recently become a pariah in his own party as more mainstream GOP lawmakers distanced themselves from his more extreme views and statements.
The GOP is a changing. Racist policies have no place in america period. That does in no way reflect the basic idea of a strong military and a strong police force and the rule of law and the preservation of the constitution of this fine country.
The GOP is a changing and so is the DNC. One is becoming more tolerant and the other is becoming communists. I fear King May run a write in campaign, split up the votes and come out the winner anyway. LIke Lisa Murkowski did in Alaska several years back after losing in the primary.
Power is intoxicating and there are bills to pay and promises to keep.
I was not aware that “white supremacist rhetoric” was at any time consistent with the Party of Lincoln, the party that freed the slaves, broke the KKK, busted Jim Crow, eliminated “separate but equal” and was the driving force behind our Civil Rights laws fighting the rabidly racist Democrats (literally in 1861-65) tooth and nail every step of the way. And for: “Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel” to assert that is playing into the hands of the communists in an election year and she should be thrown the fuk out of the party. If she wants to equate Republicans with white supremacists she is in the wrong party. She should be in Elwood’s party where if you don’t bow down and prostrate yourself to the Great Systemic Racial Bullshit the left tosses about like so much candy you are considered the leftists favorite insult: a raaaaacist.
If a nine term outspoken Iowa Republican Senator can be defeated after the Democommies destroyed the national economy with their deliberate lockdown then we stand zero chance in November so start buying ammo. When hard line views from immigration to abortion are considered a problem but putting fags in schools to teach “transsexual hour” and Democommie governors closing churches and businesses and throwing people out of work to win an election is the “new normal” as their propagandists in the media keep telling us we should just forget it.
This is what the left has done to America to regain power in the words of Ace:
“Every attempt to sabotage first the candidacy and then the presidency of Trump has failed, and spectacularly so. From the cheap, sleazy release of the Access Hollywood “mish-grab” tape, to false accusations from various and sundry shysters, sluts and whores, to the truly frightening and unprecedented abuse and perversion of an all-too-willing national intel and law enforcement apparatus, aided and abetted by media co-conspirators, to use its power at the behest of a former US president and the Democrat party nominee to overthrow him with trumped up collusion/election tampering charges, nothing worked. Out of the blue came the Too Wong Flu and even the catastrophic torpedoing of the greatest economic boom in US and perhaps world history didn’t redound on him, but instead exposed the sick, totalitarian megalomania of dozens of Democrat governors and mayors which repulsed even Democrat voters, media portrayals notwithstanding.”
So now, once agan and perhaps for the last time the Stupid Party will once again shoot themselves in the foot by trying to “out leftist a leftist”? We are not going to run “provocative” lawmakers and “conservative lightening rods” but rather RINO’s, GOPe’s and NeverTrumpers? Because they are what’s left if you remove those damn “conservative lightening rods”.
The GOP is changing and I don’t believe becoming the old Democrat Party is the right change. Just because the old Democrats allowed their party to go so far left they support tyranny and Antifa and communists does not mean we need to move left to fill in their shoes. The Democrats have evolved into radical socialists and communists and they are now a clear and present threat to the culture, history and values of the United States. We don’t need to follow their lead.
Trump 2020 Because America needs an American leader, not a commie.
King became persona non grata with the GOP after an interview where he asked: “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”
King didn’t absorb the message that nuGOPhers can no longer admit or boast about their white supremacist roots. For the most part racist blog commenters can get away with it, but not a politician. The times they are a changin’.
Even tRump and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy dropped him. But in the end it was the Iowa voters who counted, wasn’t it? And they overwhelmingly preferred another.
Kye calls anyone to the left of Steve King a commie, a RINO, whig, GOPe or nevertRumper. In fact, the US electorate is becoming more Social Democratic all the time, and the pandemic is speeding this transition. Regulated capitalism, democratic principles and a robust and fair social safety net. Think of Finland, Sweden, Switzerland etc. Not Vietnam, China, Cuba or North Korea.
King became persona non grata with the GOP after an interview where he asked: “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?â€
He did? sounds more like he just ticked off a few Whigs more concerned with reaching across the aisle to their friends in the Democrat party than with the truth.
King didn’t absorb the message that nuGOPhers can no longer admit or boast about their white supremacist roots. For the most part racist blog commenters can get away with it, but not a politician. The times they are a changin’.
No, same old, same old Commie lies.
Kye calls anyone to the left of Steve King a commie, a RINO, whig, GOPe or nevertRumper. In fact, the US electorate is becoming more Social Democratic all the time, and the pandemic is speeding this transition. Regulated capitalism, democratic principles and a robust and fair social safety net. Think of Finland, Sweden, Switzerland etc. Not Vietnam, China, Cuba or North Korea.
It is? Doesn’t sound like it. People are resisting regulated capitalism (socialism), democratic principles (mob rule) and a robust and UNfair social safety net because they’ve seen it flop. They don’t want it.
And guess what? One primary doesn’t mean much. Too bad the Demos are afraid to hold any. Otherwise, a lot of people would write in None of the Above.
King is a throwback; blatantly racist at a time the nuGOP and nuCons can’t afford being seen as openly racist.
The racist angle is another lie of the Left.
Blacks don’t buy it anymore.
Teach inadvertently left out the “demands” of the letter.
At the end, the letter lays out its three demands and asks all signees to encourage their local officials to take the pledge as well: “Vote no on all increases to police budgets. Vote yes to decrease police spending and budgets. Vote yes to increase spending on Health care, Education, and Community programs that keep us safe.â€
Their demands were to “encourage local officials”.
The letter didn’t demand to get rid of all police.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any nation. We have more prisoners than even China (whose resident population is 4.5 fold higher than ours). Of all advanced nations, the US has the highest rate of police/security force killing of citizens, e.g., the UK had 3 last year, the US 933.
The US has problems with inequality, poverty, crime and policing.
No, he didn’t. He summarized them, idiotic as they are.
The letter didn’t demand to get rid of all police.
Teach never said it did.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any nation. We have more prisoners than even China (whose resident population is 4.5 fold higher than ours). Of all advanced nations, the US has the highest rate of police/security force killing of citizens, e.g., the UK had 3 last year, the US 933.
Americans have always been intolerant of crime, regardless of color. And some of those killings can be traced back to Willie’s promise to put 100,000 more cops on the streets. A lot of those are diversity hires and political pals. People who aren’t qualified to carry a badge.
Any problems with “inequality” are Commie propaganda. poverty and crime are the Lefties’ doing; notice Tippytoes did nothing about the murder rate while he was mayor of
Hey Elwood, if you remove all black crime how does the US rate? BTW, everyone in China is a prisoner except the elite. Try just taking your shit and leaving. Same thing with N.Korea and Cuba.
The reason most countries have fewer people in prison Elwood is because they have fewer law breakers. Or are we just incarcerating people willy-nilly?
This bullshit excuse of systemic racism is turning more and more people off. Being white does not make one a fuking racist even though you and your commie friends keep repeating it. When a person rates another by his race like you do with white people he’s a racist. When one decides an entire race of people do not deserve equality under law like you do he’s a racist.
Oh, and because a cop kills a black person does not mean all cops are racists which also means all blacks are not victims. Even when (AS USUAL) it’s a Democrat cop shooting a Democrat black in a Democrat city with a Democrat police commissioner. The Democrats set up the entire scenario of corruption, greed, generational welfare, ridiculous building and business regulations, set-asides and racial agitation and hate among blacks to get their votes and then when the top blows and they start rioting they blame Trump? Go sell that bullshit somewhere else, we’re still all full up from your phony-baloney lockdown and overblown Red Chinese Flu being blamed on every one and everything except the Chinese that made it and the Dem governors that broke the economy. You’re all proven pathological liars so every time you open you mouth we know you’re lying.
Trump 2020 Or America becomes N.Korea run by Nazi Pelousy types.
And if you remove all white crime you’d see hardly any antitrust violations, bankruptcy fraud, bribery, computer and internet fraud, counterfeiting, credit card fraud, economic espionage and trade secret theft, embezzlement, environmental law violations, financial institution fraud, government fraud, healthcare fraud, insider trading, insurance fraud, intellectual property theft/piracy, kickbacks, mail fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, tax evasion, phone and telemarketing fraud, and public corruption.
Most police officers are NOT fuking racists. Most white people are NOT fuking racists.
It’s a threat to one’s self worth to accept that unearned white privilege is real and gives advantages to some but not others. It’s not inappropriate to take advantage of privilege since most don’t even realize they have it.
But there are reasons that Black household median income is less than 60% of white household income. White households in the middle-income quintile own nearly eight times as much wealth as middle-income black earners. There are reasons they are last hired, first fired. And don’t think blatant discrimination is the only reason, or even the primary reason. Systemic discrimination is discrimination built in the system. Laws, customs, local policies, Jim Crow laws have only been resolved in the past century. Early Social Security did not cover farm or domestic workers. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional. But neighborhoods remain segregated.
The Civil Rights Act ended Jim Crow in 1964. Voting Rights Act protected blacks’ right to vote in 1965 The Fair Housing Act ended legal discrimination in renting and selling homes, in 1968. Educational disparities are still apparent (on average, a college degree nearly doubles lifetime earnings).
This is not your fault or my fault or GOPs fault or Dems fault. But it’s a real problem that we must figure out how to address.
And if you remove all white crime you’d see hardly any antitrust violations, bankruptcy fraud, bribery, computer and internet fraud, counterfeiting, credit card fraud, economic espionage and trade secret theft, embezzlement, environmental law violations, financial institution fraud, government fraud, healthcare fraud, insider trading, insurance fraud, intellectual property theft/piracy, kickbacks, mail fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, tax evasion, phone and telemarketing fraud, and public corruption.
Non sequitur. It’s black crime that’s violent. Or do you approve of murder and rape if it’s in the family?
Most police officers are NOT fuking racists. Most white people are NOT fuking racists.</i.
Wouldn’t know that listening to you, but it’s awfully white of you to say so.
It’s a threat to one’s self worth to accept that unearned white privilege is real and gives advantages to some but not others. It’s not inappropriate to take advantage of privilege since most don’t even realize they have it.
Unearned? Africans didn’t cross the Atlantic to discover a new hemisphere. Africans didn’t create a new form of government that insured freedom for all. Africans didn’t fight a war to free slaves of another color.
Any “privilege” we’ve got was earned.
But there are reasons that Black household median income is less than 60% of white household income. White households in the middle-income quintile own nearly eight times as much wealth as middle-income black earners. There are reasons they are last hired, first fired. And don’t think blatant discrimination is the only reason, or even the primary reason. Systemic discrimination is discrimination built in the system. Laws, customs, local policies, Jim Crow laws have only been resolved in the past century. Early Social Security did not cover farm or domestic workers. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional. But neighborhoods remain segregated.
The Civil Rights Act ended Jim Crow in 1964. Voting Rights Act protected blacks’ right to vote in 1965 The Fair Housing Act ended legal discrimination in renting and selling homes, in 1968. Educational disparities are still apparent (on average, a college degree nearly doubles lifetime earnings).
Those “disparities” are the work of Leftists like your self.
This is not your fault or my fault or GOPs fault or Dems fault. But it’s a real problem that we must figure out how to address.
You don’t want it addressed because it is your fault and the Demos’.
Obsess that.