So says the NY Times editorial board
In America, Protest Is Patriotic
When George Floyd died under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer, the scourge of police violence, festering for generations, became a rallying point for Americans yearning for the fulfillment of this country’s founding aspiration to promote life, liberty and happiness.
Yet as they turned out to exercise their most basic rights as citizens, these Americans have often encountered only more contempt for those rights from the people who are supposed to protect them.
Some protesters crossed the line into violence. Some people took advantage of the chaos to loot. But all too often, facing peaceful demonstrations against police violence, the police responded with more violence — against protesters, journalists and bystanders.
Remember, this was the same NY Times that mostly denigrated the reopen protesters, who didn’t throw bottles at police, didn’t loot and pillage, who didn’t spray paint graffiti, didn’t get violent at all, as bad people, and often right wing agitators and that it was all astroturfed, in articles and opinion pieces. They were not condemning use of police force and threats to use police force against people breaking lockdown. Nary a word on things like a paddle boarder out in the ocean having law enforcement come and take him away.
Obviously, those protests were not patriotic
Just a few weeks ago, the police demonstrated remarkable forbearance as heavily armed groups turned out in several state capitals to oppose coronavirus-related public heath measures. Now the police are demonstrating an equally remarkable intolerance to protests against their own behavior.
They weren’t violent at all, and, unlike with leftist protests, there’s little chance of violence unless leftists show up and start it. Let’s be clear, the George Floyd protests include conservatives, as we are all appalled by the murder of Floyd. I know many conservatives who have attended the Raleigh and Charlotte protests. But, since this is one where lots of leftists are running it and showing up, the violent leftists forces, ie, Antifa, anarchists, Black Bloc, and others, show up and cause problems. Law enforcement had intelligence. Auto businesses in north Raleigh had warnings about threats against them the past few nights.
Protesting peacefully is patriotic. More importantly, it’s Constitutional, both in the federal and state constitutions. The minute you start getting violent, it stops being constitutional. But, you also know what? Sometimes violence is required. Against the government. That’s how this country started. Rioting and looting against private businesses is not the same thing.
And, yes, sometimes the cops started it with no excuses. They didn’t have to worry about violence at reopen protests, you know.
‘Destruction is not the answer:’ After Raleigh riots, those arrested express regret
The Wake County Justice Center re-opened for Tuesday, and on the first day of regular business post-pandemic, eight of those arrested for their roles in weekend protests were on the docket.
After court, those charged described a protest that started peacefully before it grew, spurred by crowd anger, into something they regret.
“Destruction is not the answer,” Dijon Pulley said. He is charged with trespassing during an emergency for actions Sunday night.
Well, yeah, not that you’ve been arrested and charged, regret happens. I’m sure their lawyers are telling them to have regret for lighter sentences.

From the Eminent Mr Surber. Why the Demos don’t care about all the black businesses ruined by the rioters
Middle class black people are a threat to the Democrat Party because they become self-reliant, and self-reliant people do not need the government Democrats support.
the scourge of police violence, festering for generations, became a rallying point for Americans yearning for the fulfillment of this country’s founding aspiration to promote life, liberty and happiness.
I thought that was what happened when they had the Rodney King riots.
And the riots over St Skittles.
And the Gentle Giant.
And Freddie Gray.
Each one of those was a generation apart? And isn’t it funny how, once the truth came out, the victims turned out to be the cops?
Didn’t you know? George Floyd was also a “gentle giant”!
Standing 6’6″ tall, Mr Floyd was the “star tight end” on Yates High School’s football team, playing in the 1992 state championship game. Well, a 6’6 tight end isn’t going to be “gentle,” or he won’t be a “star” player. He’s going to punish linebackers and defensive backs with downfield blocking or going for passes. If he doesn’t play like that, he’ll get abused himself; football is a game of dominance and physicality, and if you can’t play that way, you don’t make the team.
[…] William Teach on the Pirate’s Cove: Good News, Protest Is Once Again Patriotic […]
“I’m sure their lawyers are telling them to have regret for lighter sentences.”
RIIIGHT! Because people would lie in court just to get a lighter sentence.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Good News, Protest Is Once Again Patriotic. […]