Can you guess what the answer is from Eric Holthaus, a high poobah in the Cult of Climastrology?
The Climate Crisis Is Racist. The Answer Is Anti-Racism.
I’m writing this from St Paul, Minnesota. Our neighbouring city, Minneapolis, is descending into riots this evening. I can hear the fireworks and tear gas grenades being fired at protestors five miles away. They are outraged at the police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd. Floyd was killed by a white police officer who knelt on his neck for at least seven minutes while he was handcuffed and face down on the ground. Floyd repeatedly said, “I cannot breathe. I cannot breathe.†The same rainstorm that is falling on the burning buildings across the river is falling on the garden I planted with my preschoolers earlier today.
The CoC loves taking advantage of every event that happens, as we’ve seen time and again. They then try to subsume those events and make them more about ‘climate change’ then about the actual event, making the actual even less important.
The outrage in Minneapolis right now is primarily about inequality. Since the early days of this city, it has been divided along racial lines, beginning with the expulsion and extermination of the Anishinaabe people, whose land we still occupy. A hundred years ago, in the aftermath of the Great Depression, banks and city officials maintained a racist system of redlining, and created entire neighbourhoods where housing and businesses could not apply for loans and where poverty persists today. Schools in Minnesota, where Minneapolis is the largest city, have among the worst achievement gaps for kids of colour in the entire country.
Eric does understand that Minneapolis is a city run by his buddies in the Democratic Party, the party of ‘climate change’, right? Right?
Climate change is racist because the system that caused it is racist. No, rainstorms don’t care about skin colour, but worsening weather worldwide aggravates the divisions in society that already exist because it hits people of colour living in poverty the hardest. Simply put: the reason the world hasn’t been fighting climate change as hard as it should is because powerful people don’t want to stop exploiting people of colour. The urgency of climate change is also an urgency for racial justice.
Now that is a scorching hot take. Eric spends lots of time trying to prove this, forgetting it happens in areas that tend to be run by ‘climate change’ believing Democrats
Climate change is a symptom of the same unequal system. It is the denial of the right to exist on an enormous, planetary scale. It is a consequence of the same system run by people who think of Africa as a resource for imperialist expansion, not a continent filled with millions of families who deserve health and safety and happiness just like everyone does. It’s what happens when the lives of marginalised people and non-human species are viewed as expendable. That expendability, and the continuation of this system, is a choice. Nothing about it is inevitable or necessary, yet those in power choose to continue it every single day.
Eric’s plan?
The answer to all of this obviously isn’t easy, but the approach must include anti-racism at its core. Anti-racism, actively working to replace the current system with something that repairs past harms and redistributes power meaningfully in favour of people of colour is what is required of everyone in the climate emergency, especially those of us who benefit the most from how things are right now. We cannot fight climate change without being anti-racist.
Huh. Not much of a plan.

“Worsening weather hits people of color living in poverty the hardest….â€. First of all, the weather isn’t “worseningâ€, but why let facts get in th way? Second, I didn’t know that poverty stricken people of color live in multi-million dollar homes along the ocean. You know, because the “sea level rise accelerating†mantra the cultists hyperventilate about daily…
Major changes in the environment or in human civilization usually affects those with limited resources the most.
It does?
Have yet to see a rioter carrying off a furnace.
Does 50 center ever grow tired of Bashing America?
Those with limited resources affect the poor disproportional in everything. Always has. Always will.
Why are the poor. Poor?
Why are the rich. Rich?
Why are the Chinese Communists forcing most of china to live in Abject poverty? China claims to have lifted 1.3 billion people out of poverty THEY INFLICTED ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE FOR 60 years by just readjusting what it means to be poor.
No one was lifted from poverty and even in the Pseudo Capitalist nation of China their is a VAST discrepancy between Poor and those deemed GOOD COMMIES.
50 center would have you believe Climate change is responsible. I propose that 50 center is responsible for all the evils of this world. His social justice campaign makes it impossible to help anyone because anything done is never enough and that results in NOT DOING ANYTHING.
IF YOU FUKKERS IN THE AGW MOVEMENT DIDN’T MAKE THIS POLITICAL WE WOULD BE A 1000 times farther along, but you don’t want solutions. You want a political movement designed to give your side power.
Fuk all your Chinese paid professors writing bogus reports, the IPCC owned by CHINA writing false studies, The WHO owned by CHINA telling us XY OR Z. And last but probably the most important is all our universities and liberal schools taking money from CHINA to fund Communist propaganda and fake studies that meet china’s approval.
AGW has been exposed as a scam and the lid blown off its boiling cauldron as the witches stir the brew claiming the WUHAN VIRUS is a reason to DOUBLE DOWN ON SPENDING TRILLIONS ON AGW AS OUR CITIES BURN from leftists and Chinese agents stirring Americans against each other.
Your obsession with China clouds your thinking on all else. No one wants the US to emulate China, one of only 5 communist nations left on Earth.
American needs to focus on what’s good for Americans.
The far-right claims that global warming is a hoax but they’re wrong.
We’ve just spent TRILLIONS to mitigate the personal and economic damage resulting from the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
There’s little evidence that Russia, China, NK, Iran etc are influencing the current demonstrations but it’s likely they are. The objective of many nations unfriendly to the US is to destabilize our nation.
And when the price of anything goes up it affects those with limited resources the most-bread, milk, whatever. Same as it’s always been. So?
Kudos Teach for using Jared Kushner as your Climate Ghoul picture.
No, that’s Pelosi Ghoulore
Gee, Elwood I’d figure a big leftist and Trump subversive like Kushner would be right up your ally. Him and his gun hating wife. Heres what Tucker had to say about the bum Kushner:
On Monday night, during a blistering 32-minute monologue, Carlson fired up his flamethrower [Tucker Carlson: “No One Has More Contempt For Donald Trump’s Voters Than Jared Kushner,†by Ian Schwartz, Real Clear Politics, June 1, 2020].
Two Carlson highlights:
“Some key advisors around Trump don’t seem to understand the gravity of this. “No matter what happens, they’ll tell you, “our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.†Jared Kushner, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Trump’s voters than Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.
As crime in this country rises, Kushner has led a highly aggressive effort to let more felons out of prison. This is reckless, but it’s happening. At times, the president seems aware he’s being led in the wrong direction. He often derides Kushner as a liberal. Kushner is. But Kushner has convinced the president that throwing open the prisons is the key to winning African American votes in the fall—and that those votes are essential to his reelection. Several times over the past few days, Trump has signaled that he’d like to crack down on rioters. Every time, he’s been talked about out of it by Jared Kushner, and by aides Kushner has hired and controls.”
So why the nasty-nasty for Kushner? If I don’t like him and Tucker doesn’t like him and even Trump is iffy about him I would figure he’d be your buddy. What, don’t like Jews either, Elwood?
Trump 2020 Keep the left on the ropes.
tRump brought in Kushner as a senior advisor and placed him in charge of multiple major projects, so blame tRump, not me. Kushner is a grifter like his dad and dad-in-law.
Of course, tRump has more contempt for tRump voters than does anyone else.
tRump is a former limousine pseudo-liberal (now a limousine pseudo-Con) with little in common with most of his voters. He pretends to oppose abortion; pretends to be a Christian; pretends to back the working class; spray tans; manicured; bouffant hairdo; chauffeured… his bigotry may be real though… it’s been consistent for decades. Many nuCons admit that what they most admire about tRump is his cruelty and bitterness to the weak and disadvantaged, and especially the press, academics, minorities, women, libs and Dems. Hope it’s worth it as he destroys the nation.
tRump brought in Kushner as a senior advisor and placed him in charge of multiple major projects, so blame tRump, not me. Kushner is a grifter like his dad and dad-in-law.
All the hate for Kushner. Could it be his work in the Middle East has upset some big Lefty apple carts?
Of course, tRump has more contempt for tRump voters than does anyone else.
you’re confusing him with Jim Clyburn and Democrat voters.
tRump is a former limousine pseudo-liberal (now a limousine pseudo-Con) with little in common with most of his voters. He pretends to oppose abortion; pretends to be a Christian; pretends to back the working class;
Sounds more like the Democrats, except for the abortion.
spray tans; manicured; bouffant hairdo; chauffeured… his bigotry may be real though… it’s been consistent for decades.
Now that’s Zippy. The original Oreo; more like the Swiss Creme Sandwich.
Many nuCons admit that what they most admire about tRump is his cruelty and bitterness to the weak and disadvantaged, and especially the press, academics, minorities, women, libs and Dems. Hope it’s worth it as he destroys the nation.
They do? Haven’t heard anything like that from Conservatives. It’s the Lefties with all the hate.
And don’t flatter yourself. You’re not destroying the nation. you’re just handing it back to us for the next 40 years or so.
So Trump can Make America Greater Than Ever.
Jeffery tells his sock puppet he doesn’t want the US emulating the Reds.
His Mocha Messiah feels differently.
Something about it would be so much easier to be the president of China, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square’.
Sibley shits himself once again.
No, just the truth.
But Jeffery’s getting profane again. He knows this is all a losing battle for his side.
Insty had a little piece a few days ago about how it looked as if the overnights were going badly against the Lefties.
I guess it’s worse than that.
I guess it was when I said you’re just handing it back to us for the next 40 years or so.
So Trump can Make America Greater Than Ever.
Obsession! from Sibley. It is to laugh. BTW… Black Lives Matter.
Did trump make America great yet? Nearly 110,000 dead… increasing at 5000/week… and now about to increase again. Depression level 40 million Americans out of work, mostly blue collar workers. $10 TRILLION added to the debt. And the tyrant trump is pouring gasoline on the protests with his stupid, incendiary twitterings.
33% of Americans surveyed think Trump is doing a good job dealing with the protests! No doubt some of those who think he’s doing a bad job would prefer sending the military in to machine gun down the protestors.
Obsession? Over what? Jeffery seems to be in the mood to pick a fight. That is to laugh.
he hasn’t won one yet.
BTW… Black Lives Matter.
No, they don’t. Unless all lives matter, none matter. Then, it’s just survival.
Did trump make America great yet? Nearly 110,000 dead… increasing at 5000/week… and now about to increase again. Depression level 40 million Americans out of work, mostly blue collar workers. $10 TRILLION added to the debt. And the tyrant trump is pouring gasoline on the protests with his stupid, incendiary twitterings.
No, last figures are actual deaths from Pooh Flu are 1/5 of 1%. That comes to 550.
As for unemployment, that’s your doing. Demos are persisting with a lockdown that has no meaning, especially since they condone the riots.
No social distancing. No quarantine. No masks. Your little exercise in power is only making enemies.
And, as I noted earlier, looks like the overnights favor Trump.
33% of Americans surveyed think Trump is doing a good job dealing with the protests! No doubt some of those who think he’s doing a bad job would prefer sending the military in to machine gun down the protestors.
Which 33? According to whom? As always no link. Which means he’s making it up.
I could say 80% agrees with Trump and wants him to kepp on keepin’ on. And I’m probably closer to the truth.
Obsession! by Sibley.
I don’t think you know what that words means.
Or you’re hinting for a birthday gift.
Since we’re quoting polls, here’s a Newsweek (!)(they’re still around?) poll saying 58% support calling in the military.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.