The hijacking of current events continues
It’s time to call out denialism — on racism and on climate change
Can you believe it’s 2020 and Rex Murphy still has a platform to spout denialism on climate change — and on racism?
On May 15 in the National Post, Murphy responded to the federal government’s increased carbon tax by characterizing CO2 as the “Santa Claus of gases†and accusing the government of having an “obsession†with “so-called†carbon emissions.
On June 1, in the wake of global anti-racism protests and Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna’s supportive tweet, the National Post published another column in which Murphy declared, “Canada is not a racist country†and characterized the racism issue as an invention of the Liberals, a non-issue.
Move along, nothing to see here.
The rhetoric is so absurd, it is almost laughable — fodder for The Beaverton. Almost. To brush it aside is tempting, but dangerous.
In case you were wondering, this is Canada, which isn’t really a bastion of free speech on certain subjects.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But newspapers — especially mass media outlets — must stick to facts and be held accountable when they do not.
So, censoring Wrongthink
I doubt a single person reading this questions the reality and seriousness of climate change. Even the oil companies — like the ones Murphy has accepted speaking fees from — have long known that fossil fuels are causing CO2 levels to rise and it is a serious concern.
I doubt it.
Should we point Murphy to federal government statistics showing that between 2005 and 2015, the number of Black Canadians in federal prisons increased by 77.5 per cent, Indigenous prisoners increased 52.4 per cent, and white prisoners decreased by 6.8 per cent? Or inform him that Black men in Toronto are 3.4 times more likely to be pulled over by police? Or point out that Canada is often not “tolerant and welcoming†to the extent that one in five Muslims across Canada reported they experienced discrimination due to their religion?
Muslims is not a race. But, hey, Greig Oldford is on a roll!
To present these issues fairly, both sides must be grounded in reality. Murphy’s columns present factually incorrect arguments on issues that disproportionately affect minorities and marginalized people. To publish these pieces is to promote denialism on two of the greatest issues of our time. Denial is a form of misinformation and misinformation can harm people.
Remember the days of “sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me”? Now they create trigger warnings. Regardless, this is just another attempt to hijack what’s going on in cities run by people with the same beliefs as Greig who made up the climate change scam and also work to keep black people down.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But newspapers — especially mass media outlets — must stick to facts and be held accountable when they do not.
It’s been a rough ten days for the deep state.
Still reeling from the public release of documents which prove that the case against Gen. Michael Flynn was a premeditated political persecution, the blows just kept on coming. Rep. Adam (the evidence is in plain sight) Schiff (D-CA) was forced to release 57 transcripts from the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged Russian collusion.
In contrast to their inflammatory rhetoric on CNN or MSNBC, not a single former Obama Administration official confirmed they knew of any evidence that President Trump, or any of his associates, had colluded with Russia.
Look, we learned that former President Obama had knowledge of everything that was going on.
Finally, Washington is abuzz with rumors that a “bombshell†is expected next week, information that will definitively implicate President Obama.
So what is going on with the lock downs and the riots?
It is simple. Take the public’s attention off of the fact that democrats and the Obama Administration IS NIXON.
They make Nixon look like a choir boy and are willing to destroy the country to keep power or to regain power, in both cases.
Lie, after Lie after Lie.
TRUMP has backed the left into a deep hole. They are fighting back. He has labeled them Communists and they embraced it or had to throw the SQUAD under the bus and now he is backing them deeper into the rabbit hole as they defend murder, cop killing, riots and boots to the neck of people just wanting to go back to work.
ITS FOR OUR SAFETY THEY SCREAM to back to workers. YET ITS FOR GEORGE FLOYD THEY SCREAM when 10’s of thousands hug each other on the streets of towns filled with COVID-19.
Trump has the left reeling.
Trump has the left reeling.
Again he’s been proven right.
Are you saying tRump had Mr. Floyd killed??? Interesting.
Sounds like you are.
Not so much interesting as insipid.
After all, all the right has are lies. Even in Canada.
But the answer to right-wing lies will always be truth.
Teach yelps, clumsily: Muslims is not a race.
One can always tell when connies are losing, as they resort to correcting spelling or arguing semantics.
Of course the author didn’t call Islam a race, writing: one in five Muslims across Canada reported they experienced discrimination due to their religion. An astute reader might consider how a person determines the religion of an individual. Is it from discussions with the stranger or by the way they look?
Teach yelps, clumsily: Muslims is not a race.
I take it you find something wrong with that statement. What, pray tell?
Members of any race can be followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race.
One can always tell when connies are losing, as they resort to correcting spelling or arguing semantics.
Hardly semantics and I only correct spelling when I’ve shown what a fool you are.
Of course the author didn’t call Islam a race, writing: one in five Muslims across Canada reported they experienced discrimination due to their religion. An astute reader might consider how a person determines the religion of an individual. Is it from discussions with the stranger or by the way they look?
Ah, but he placed comparing Moslems with whites and blacks, not Hindus and Buddhists.
Apples and oranges.
Turns out Fat Duvalier (Papa Doc) was pranked by whomever gave him the prop Bible for his photo op.
If he was trying to shore up his inexplicable support by evangelical “Christians” he should have used the King James Bible or NIV. The Revised Standard Version Bible that he held upside down and backwards is from the liberal National Council of Churches, and doesn’t refer to Mary as ‘virgin’, calling her a “young woman” instead.
The best picture from the fiasco was him examining the Bible like an orangutan with a Rubik’s Cube.
Turns out Fat Duvalier (Papa Doc) was pranked by whomever gave him the prop Bible for his photo op.
If he was trying to shore up his inexplicable support by evangelical “Christians†he should have used the King James Bible or NIV. The Revised Standard Version Bible that he held upside down and backwards is from the liberal National Council of Churches, and doesn’t refer to Mary as ‘virgin’, calling her a “young woman†instead.</i
Too bad nobody cares. Trump walked to the church to show this sort of thing had to stop, especially since all the Father Feel Goods are siding with the rioters.
The best picture from the fiasco was him examining the Bible like an orangutan with a Rubik’s Cube.
And how does a picture do that?
In addition, the church he was preening before was the St. John’s Episcopal Church which supports abortion rights and same-sex marriage.
Maybe his next campaign stop will be him in front of a Planned Parenthood giving a thumbs up!
In addition, the church he was preening before was the St. John’s Episcopal Church which supports abortion rights and same-sex marriage.
It is also a church that was the point of worship for many Presidents. Even Democrats.
Something of a national landmark.
And it was firebombed.
That’s the point, genius. And, before you say it, no one in any Fundamentalist sect has criticized Trump for going there.
I’ve seen jokes on Twitter saying that Episcopalians were stunned, unable to recognize the book President Trump was holding.
Of course, the Episcopal Church is dying; their elevation of Vicky Gene Robinson to become their Bishop of New Hampshire set off a wave of parishioner, and even congregation, losses.
The Episcopal Church has adopted everything trendy: divorce, homosexual priests (and priestesses) and abortion. It looks like the only thing they gave up was Christianity.
Blacks are such a small percentage of Canada’s population (3.5% in 2016, up from 2.9% in 2011) that it doesn’t take that many new prisoners to make a large percentage jump.
I saw an interest stat. Seems that in liberal San Fran., ,black women constitute 5% of the population, but 90% of the crime.
More good news.
China related.
Trump appeals to Africa with coronavirus aid as China increases efforts President Trump sees Africa as a battle ground with China and is working actively to help The continent of BLACK PEOPLE while the press labels him racist.
Oh and as 50 center defends CHINA……..China-Africa relations rocked by alleged racism over Covid-19 Africans in Guangzhou evicted from hotels and had passports confiscated, officials say People wearing masks in Guangzhou, Guangdon
Port Darwin in Australia, the Port of Haifa in Israel, and the Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka — three strategically important ports China has sought to control — could all be lost as a result of the changing global landscape, according to the Indian publication TFIPOST.
May 15, 2020 · Half of California voters hold China largely responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and shortages of medical supplies and tests
CHINA BUILDS 30 new national buildings in Africa and they are all bugged and the leaders spied upon.
Trump postpones G-7. Invites Korea, Australia and INDIA to join them and wants Russia back in but that is opposed by most of the original G-7 members for their annexation of Crimea.
Trump is working to form new partnerships around the world while everyone blames him for doing nothing. He is the first President to make coridal and amiable relations with India, the most powerful nation on earth behind the USA, CHINA and (Russia only because of their 2000 nukes and lots of OIL.)
Why do you think the AGW wants to be rid of fossil fuels as China sweeps in to AFRICA and is waiting to pounce on the Middle East and put them at lager heads with Russia. It is after all about OIL and always has been. Until Elon Musk develops batteries that can be charged to fly f22 raptors and crusie missles then it will always be about fossil fuels.