…is a low carbon sailing ship needed when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the violent protests helping Trump in November.

…is a low carbon sailing ship needed when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the violent protests helping Trump in November.
The high level of concern for Office Chauvin’s well-being on the right is touching. He has millions of amateur lawyers making excuses for him.
Right-wingers may have hearts after all!
And what about the 3 accused of murdering Ahmaud Abery as he jogged down a public street? No sympathy for those three?
Where, exactly, do you find a “high level of concern for Office Chauvin’s well-being on the right”? If it has been on this site, I’ve missed it.
People, including me, have noted Minnesota Attorney General Keith bin Ellison’s attempt to further politicize this by taking the case away from local law enforcement and upping the charges. I’m old enough to remember when Florida took the George Zimmerman case away from local authorities, after local police and prosecutors decided that there wasn’t enough evidence that a crime had been committed to charge Mr Zimmerman, and how the court’s acquittal of Mr Zimmerman basically confirmed the local authorities’ judgement.
I have noted that the maximum sentence for murder three in Minnesota is 25 years, and Mr Chauvin might get 20 of that . . . which would have him released when he is 64 years old, with no family, no pension, and a very low Social Security amount. Not sure how that translates to “concern for Office Chauvin’s well-being,” but I suppose that, in your liberal ‘logic,’ it is.
The high level of concern for Office Chauvin’s well-being on the right is touching.
What level of concern are you talking about? Oh wait, your hatred makes you lie.
Your false statement is understandable in the light of your hatred.
He has millions of amateur lawyers making excuses for him.
Really? Proof please.
And what about the 3 accused of murdering Ahmaud Abery as he jogged down a public street?
What about them? They should be tried and convicted if the facts match the charge. You, on the other hand, don’t care about the facts. You only want more blood in the streets.
We get it, Jeffery. You aren’t interested in solving problems. You are only interested in spreading lies and hate.
After all, hate is all the left has.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
This is where you are assuming that conservatives simply support the killing of Negroes, not because anyone here has said that, but because it is your prejudiced opinion of what “Connies” simply must think. The only thing I think about that case is that law enforcement officials are handling it, and I expect due process of law.
First, I haven’t seen anybody mentioning the cop’s safety until Baghdad Bunny here.
Second, you know how it is. Put a cop in the clink with all those violent Leftists and blacks, he may never get a chance to stand trial And he does deserve his day in court.
Especially since it’s looking more and more like he’s being railroaded.
Well, they’re not cops. And they also deserve their day in court since the black guy had a history of being places he didn’t belong.
But Jeffery has nothing to say about the half dozen people murdered by the rioters so far. I guess people murdered by Lefties don’t count, although we’re talking white Lefties murdering blacks, but, since they were cops or small businessmen, I guess they don’t count as blacks.
Actually Ellie, I have seen NO sympathy for Chauvin. To a person, we want to see justice and this scum go away for a very long time. However, through all of this I have see plenty of sympathy for, and calls to free, Mohamed Noor. You remember him right? The Somali-American Minneapolis police officer who murdered Justine Damond. A white woman who wasn’t even suspected of a crime. You may have missed this because it got very little press and it was a minority killing a white woman so it doesn’t matter to you and your ilk..
She’s not ugly.
On that, we agree.
How can you tell?
The real stats on crime, interracial and otherwise.