…is a sea that will soon tip the Hawaiian islands, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a jihadist hurling a Molotov cocktail at a Greek Orthodox church.
It’s Hawaii week.

…is a sea that will soon tip the Hawaiian islands, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a jihadist hurling a Molotov cocktail at a Greek Orthodox church.
It’s Hawaii week.
<url=https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5Vph5ZGy9k0/XtaIicahEsI/AAAAAAAAmYg/Vk_UGHC5PeIWauXr1_E-VX6amhmNFFutACK4BGAsYHg/917.jpeg>Joey “Fingers” 2020!
Wish I had a preview… here goes again
<url=https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5Vph5ZGy9k0/XtaIicahEsI/AAAAAAAAmYg/Vk_UGHC5PeIWauXr1_E-VX6amhmNFFutACK4BGAsYHg/917.jpeg> Joey “Fingers” 2020!
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Now I screwed it up
Syntax is (left bracket)a href=â€urlâ€(right bracket)text(left bracket)/a(right bracket)
Joey “Fingers” 2020!
“If elected, I am committed to establishing a national police oversight commission within 100 days of taking office,” Biden wrote.
CAN TELL BIDEN IS A DEMOCRAT. They have been holding oversight commissions on racial inequality for 50 years. About the time Biden Joined the Senate.
Doesn’t the justice department already do this? Don’t several parts of the executive branch have civil rights divisions? It’s as if the guy running to be in charge of the executive branch, doesnt know what’s in it, even though he was the number 2 guy for 8 years.
We understand why the hoopla over the jobs report suddenly disappeared. This was rumored earlier but has been confirmed.
People who are on temporary layoff are supposed to be classified as unemployed. For reasons that we’re not really sure a lot of those people were, in fact, classified as employed.
Now, the Bureau of Labor Statistics is aware of that problem. They told us that if you adjust for that error, then the unemployment rate is actually higher.
How much higher? Well, the month of May, it would have been three percentage points higher but in the month of April it would’ve been five percentage points higher.
That means April was over 20% but May was only about 17%, still lower than expected. Still good news.
Also, average wages shot up because low wage workers were let go, laid off, furloughed.
No, everybody was furloughed in most cases. Thank the Democrat party.
And, no matter how you want to slice it, it showed surprising (to the Left anyway) strength in the recovery.
And I notice no citation for your quote, which makes it worthless.
And those all-important blue states are still in lockdown, even though the new social distancing rule is 6mm.
How do you think people like the idea of being kept out of work because a few tyrannical governors (all Democrat) are still trying to crash the economy at their expense?
Don’t you think there’ll be a big backlash at the polls this Fall?
And, if not, why not?
Mr. Trump is bigly in trouble politically.
Needless to say he will do ANYTHING to stay in power, so fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night. The nuGOP has hitched their wagon to Trump for good or evil, with only a few defections.
If the election were today, VP Biden would win in a landslide.
Although the nuGOP is evil, the party is neither stupid nor suicidal, and more than anything they want to stay in power. Now they are in real danger of losing the White House and the Senate, but so far only a few GOPhers are jumping ship, Romney, Murkowski, Sasse… some Senate GOPhers in real danger 2020 may make a last ditch effort to distance from Trump.
Even the Trump administration is putting together transitions teams (as mandated).
Mr. Trump is bigly in trouble politically.
Sure, he is. That’s why his support among Hispanics and blacks is 40%.
Needless to say he will do ANYTHING to stay in power, so fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night. The nuGOP has hitched their wagon to Trump for good or evil, with only a few defections.
If the election were today, VP Biden would win in a landslide.
No, Gropin’ Joe would be under a landslide.
You do realize these are the same polls that said the Hildabeast would win.
Although the nuGOP is evil, the party is neither stupid nor suicidal, and more than anything they want to stay in power. Now they are in real danger of losing the White House and the Senate, but so far only a few GOPhers are jumping ship, Romney, Murkowski, Sasse… some Senate GOPhers in real danger 2020 may make a last ditch effort to distance from Trump.
Considering the image of the Democrats from national to state to local, dictatorial, incompetent, communist, ignorant, anybody who breaks with Trump now is only begging to be primaried.
Even the Trump administration is putting together transitions teams (as mandated).
That as mandated means legally bound. It is not parenthetical.
Just in case: Trump to prep for transition in case he loses, even the headline tells you how little chance even AP thinks it will happen.
You’re getting silly.