We interrupt your normally scheduled ‘climate change’ article for publicly funded calls to “burn” books
NPR Advises Readers to ’Decolonize†Their Bookshelves by Removing White Authors
National Public Radio (NPR) posted a tweet Saturday urging every reader to begin “decolonizing your bookshelf.â€
According to NPR, “white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons.†The public broadcaster advises fans to begin “decolonizing your bookshelf†by removing the works of white authors.
In essence, "decolonizing your bookshelf" is about actively resisting and casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long, says @itsjuanlove. https://t.co/pbSBx8Z4So
— NPR (@NPR) June 6, 2020
NPR suggests that “decolonizing your bookshelf†is about “about actively resisting and casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.â€
They posit:
If you are white, take a moment to examine your bookshelf. What do you see? What books and authors have you allowed to influence your worldview, and how you process the issues of racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised? Have you considered that, if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat? While the details and depth of experience may differ, white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons.
U, no thanks. I like the books I like. Quite frankly, I don’t even consider the color of the science fiction, horror (especially zombie), and thriller authors I read. If they happen to be white, well, they’re writing stuff I’m interested in.
But, here’s the big thing: this is the kind of crazy that is going to drive people away. Virtually everyone agreed that the killing of George Floyd was a tragedy and a horrible thing and we do need to look at reform for law enforcement (interestingly, Liberals don’t see the need to reform the heavily politicized FBI). Conservatives and Liberals are in agreement that some law enforcement is out of control and we don’t like the militarization of law enforcement. Then we get the riots and looting and vandalism and property destruction and assault. Calls to defund the police. Assaulting and blaming police who had nothing to do with the murder. Mixing in ‘climate change’. Demeaning white people (even though a goodly chunk of police shootings are done by non-white officers). Threats. Mixing in gender confused stuff. And crazy crap like “burning” your books by white authors.
The Atlantic once wrote that Occupy Wall Street wouldn’t work
Any protest that hopes to accomplish some goal needs, well, a goal. If a demonstration like this lacks concrete objectives, then its purpose will be limited at best and nonexistent at worst. At this time, all the protest really appears to stand for is a general dislike of Wall Street. But what does that mean?
BLM has some goals, but, they are being shifted all over the place, and they are black supremacist and even racist to some degree. They are going to isolate themselves just like last time. OWS had their chance, I think most of us agreed that the super rich and big companies had power and the average citizen was ignored by government, then they went loony with all their SJW stuff. People will soon start tuning out from the current issue due to the same over-reach.

I must disagree with you as a matter of degree, Teach. When you opine: “BLM has some goals, but, they are being shifted all over the place, and they are black supremacist and even racist to some degree” you are understating the problem mightily. BLM is not racist nor black supremacist “to some degree”. They are those to the Nth degree. They are anti-white (and Asian) racists, they are black supremacists and they are as anti American for a black terrorist group than the KKK is for a white terrorist group. And when they throw in the paramilitary arm of The Democrat Party, Antfa, they have a perfect storm resembling the Nazi/Stalinist model. Which, I believe is what they’re aiming for.
If the Democommies win in November we will be in deep trouble. Gagging free speech, banning religion, burning books, scapegoating whites, firebombing businesses and churches are all Nazi/Communist tactics. If you all don’t see that and realize what the Democrat Party has become then there is no hope for you.
Trump 2020 We need to execute or exile those who would destroy our country.
George Floyd’s Rap Sheet. This is the animal the blacks are rioting over.
Another Freddie Gray, another St Skittles, another Gentle Giant, but I think it’s at least as much white radicals and probably more.
That assumes they are not just cynically cashing their checks and promoting their own careers in political activism. No doubt the higher ranks are in it for the money.
Floyd was no choir boy for his entire life. The last case was in 2007.
No matter what he did 13 years ago, or even was involved in this year, the guy did not deserve to die at the hands of the police. He did not deserve to be treated like human excrement.
We can argue all you want about the choke hold, but the fact of the matter is that for 3 minutes AFTER Floyd stopped moving and 2 minutes AFTER the police noted he had no pulse and was not breathing, they did nothing.
Maybe you think that calling him an animal is the only way you can justify him being treated worse than a dog in an ASPCA commercial.
Shame on you.
Kye typed: We need to execute or exile those who would destroy our country.
What’s your process for executing or exiling those American citizens who you feel would destroy our country?
That assumes they are not just cynically cashing their checks and promoting their own careers in political activism. No doubt the higher ranks are in it for the money.
The inner tyrant always comes out-liberals want you to decolonize your bookshelf. It’s about one step removed from book burning…
If white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons, maybe it’s because they were the only ones capable.
We know Chinese civilization stagnated, we know there really wasn’t much in the way of Moslem civilization (certainly isn’t today), so may white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons for a reason.
Like maybe their voices had the best arguments to be heard.
Then, of course, there’s the issue of who had the technology to be heard.
Let everyone out of jail while you’re at it.
Committees of Vigilance.
Strangely enough, when I bought books, I never considered the race of the author. I honestly don’t know which authors are “black enough” to count. So who is really the racist?
Stupid widget belched.
OTOH They caught the guy who murdered the former St Lou police captain.
Remembered how Jeffery bragged about him still on the loose?
I wonder…
Sibley and Porter’s Puppy are Obsessed!
In addition the Puppy has descended into madness. Sibley was already there.
You were the braggart. So, how does it feel to be wrong again?
You’re merely a lying sack of shit, with an Obsession!
What more is there to say?
Just one more thing. You’re a lying sack of shit.
After all, lying is all the right has.
I think Elwood believes we are like him in that we look at everything through the prism of race or sex. That may be why “Mr. Science” believes there are 57 sexes and only one race. Science indeed.
I never considered the race of an author or an artist or a performer or an athlete or any other person from whom I was gleaning knowledge, entertainment or beauty. While that is true I’m also not stupid or naive enough to believe Western Civ has done more and created more for the betterment of man than any other group, race, nationality or whatever or however one wishes to categorize progress.
As far as I’ve seen there are no Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Patton, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Shakespeare, Byron, Rembrandt, Beethoven, Mozart, Salk, Fleming, Oppenheimer, or many of the thousands of Nobel prize winners (some actually deserving) of many other races or heritage than ours.
BTW, aside from being the most intelligent and progressive Group in history the Western people are also the best warriors and fighters that ever lived. That’s how we managed to conquer just about any people we decided to. The reason for that is historically (not recently) when we war against someone we keep killing the enemy until there are none left or until they beg for mercy. Then we go in and help them. That trait comes from the Christian foundation of the West for the last two millennia. In the particular case of America no Nation in history has freed more people, fed more people, helped more people medically, even former enemies, than the United States of America. And if you think we are so bad and so mean I suggest you move to whatever country you believe to be better. I don’t see that happening, do you? The evil, soulless leftist want to change us but we don’t need changing. They want to punish us but we have done nothing which requires punishment. They want to enslave us like they did the blacks years ago and we don’t enslave that easily. That’s why when I see white people, cops and soldiers kneeling to blacks I know we are headed for the shitheap of history because of the Elite leftists.
Trump 2020 We don’t need fundamental change we need to be Great again.
The barbarians are at the gate and civil war is upon us. They are marching around the world, stirred up by foreign agents, Russia, China, Iran and lots of money. World wide Anarchy is afoot and those they are coming for are the white people in America.
We have become Hitlers Jews of the 21st century. Remember in the world pekking order. White people are the smallest ethnic bloc on the planet.
Good luck everyone.
How about we burn NPR instead? With every employee still inside!!!
…publicly funded calls to “burn†books
Unsurprisingly, both Teach and Breitbart are lying to you. Mr. Vidal (a white man) did not recommend you burn any books or even stop reading white authors. Both Teach and Breitbart are lying to you. Why? They strive to stoke racial discord in America.
The same way you shouldn’t only listen to the likes of Teach and Breitbart, Vidal suggests one read books that challenge one’s worldview.
BTW, NPR receives a trivial amount of federal funding. Less than 1&,
Have you considered that, if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat? While the details and depth of experience may differ, white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons.
Wright (black author Richard Wright), in regards to his own self-education, later writes: “It was not a matter of believing or disbelieving what I read, but of feeling something new, of being affected by something that made the look of the world different.” In that moment, he was referencing how he felt upon devouring H. L. Mencken’s A Book of Prefaces, a book that helped Wright find new ways of looking and seeing. (Note: H.L. Mencken was white, a racist, an FDR critic, brilliant).
Can you really argue against expanding your horizons?
Unsurprisingly, both Teach and Breitbart are lying to you. Mr. Vidal (a white man) did not recommend you burn any books or even stop reading white authors. Both Teach and Breitbart are lying to you. Why? They strive to stoke racial discord in America.
casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature
sure sounds like he wants it destroyed, now don’t it?
The same way you shouldn’t only listen to the likes of Teach and Breitbart, Vidal suggests one read books that challenge one’s worldview.
No, he wants the world to abandon the writers that made Western Civ great for inferior writers with inferior ideas.
BTW, NPR receives a trivial amount of federal funding. Less than 1&,
Still too much.
It’s called “hyperbole”. Look it up.
Besides, how long before this does turn into to book burning or censorship? Based on how quick you and your ilk try to one up each other on stupidity, I’m guessing about 2 months.
Unsurprisingly, both Teach and Breitbart are lying to you. Mr. Vidal (a white man)…
Unsurprisingly, Jeffery is lying to you.
Mr. Vidal (a white man)
Mr. Vidal is a Latino. While some Latinos identify as “white” or “black,” the majority do not:
“But when it comes to their racial identity, Latinos stand out from other Americans in their responses to race questions. For example, when asked about their race on Census Bureau decennial census and survey forms, many Latinos do not choose one of the standard racial classifications offered. Instead, more than any other group, Latinos say their race is “some other race,†mostly writing in responses such as “Mexican,†“Hispanic†or “Latin American.†Some 37% of Latinos did this in the 2010 census, as did 42% in the 2000 census.50 This is also the case on Pew Research Center surveys of Latinos. In the 2014 National Survey of Latinos, 25% of Latinos volunteered that their race is “Hispanic†or “Latino†and not one of the standard racial classification groups.”
As to the claim that Vidal never advocated “burning” books Vidal wrote:
“You may have seen the phrase “decolonize your bookshelf” floating around. In essence, it is about actively resisting and casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.”
Whether by book burning or throwing in a dumpster, Vidal is advocating for some voices in literature to be silenced.
Discarding books shows the depth of hatred the left has for the written word.
After all, hate is all the left has.
After all, lying is all Porter’s Puppy has.
According to the right-wing, scientifically-flawed race “model” which of the few races do Hispanic people belong? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid?
Listen PP, casting aside ideas is not the same as book-burning or dumpster-tossing, is it?
Liar, liar, panties on fire. Back to your bunker.
After all, lying is all Porter’s Puppy has.
So why do you do it all the time?
According to the right-wing, scientifically-flawed race “model†which of the few races do Hispanic people belong? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid?
American Indian. As always, you missed the one that counts.
Listen PP, casting aside ideas is not the same as book-burning or dumpster-tossing, is it?
Your side’s the experts.
Liar, liar, panties on fire. Back to your bunker.
That’s your “preference”.
According to the right-wing, scientifically-flawed race “model†which of the few races do Hispanic people belong? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid?
It is not a right winged theory. Let me repeat it for you:
“But when it comes to their racial identity, Latinos stand out from other Americans in their responses to race questions. For example, when asked about their race on Census Bureau decennial census and survey forms, many Latinos do not choose one of the standard racial classifications offered. Instead, more than any other group, Latinos say their race is “some other race,†mostly writing in responses such as “Mexican,†“Hispanic†or “Latin American.†Some 37% of Latinos did this in the 2010 census, as did 42% in the 2000 census.50 This is also the case on Pew Research Center surveys of Latinos. In the 2014 National Survey of Latinos, 25% of Latinos volunteered that their race is “Hispanic†or “Latino†and not one of the standard racial classification groups.â€
When one looks into Vidal, he does not self identify as white. I don’t have to say what race Vidal belongs to. I only have to show that he does not count himself as white as you claimed. It is indisputable that you lied but that is what hate will do to people. It will make them lie and delude themselves into ignoring facts.
Listen PP, casting aside ideas is not the same as book-burning or dumpster-tossing, is it?
Problems reading again?
Quoting the article:
casting aside the colonialist … literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.
Sorry Jeffery, you got caught in several lies here (including once again going back on your word that you would never respond to me again.) Furthermore, you always claim that you never call people names unless they first call you a name. Please show me where I called you a name that would enable your name calling of “Porter’s Puppy?”
Clearly you have not only a reading problem, but a moral problem with lying to say nothing of not being able to keep your word.
See what hate does?
After all, hate is all the left has.
Porter’s Puppy is Obsessed!
After all, dishonesty is all Porter’s Puppy has.
You don’t like being called Porter’s Puppy? You know what to do.
Thanks for proving that you continue to lie.
That’s the result of hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
…discarding ideas…
Not burning books or throwing them in a dumpster.
…discarding ideas…
Once again, you demonstrate your inability to read and your ability to lie.
casting aside … literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.â€
Vidal makes the distinction between ideas and the actual books. You can’t see that because that would tear apart your belief which is based on nothing more than hate.
It is enough that you have been shown to be a liar. It is enough that you have been shown to be a person who is incapable of keeping your word. It is enough that you have demonstrated your hatred.
Which is all the left has.
First, as I have previously explained in great detail to you, Hispanics are an ETHNICITY, not a race. Do you understand the difference? Hispanics are a combination of Spanish (from the conquistadors) and native Indians and are the result of MISCEGENATION which you seem to believe is so desirous between black and white. In most racial and genetic study Hispanics are considered Caucasian.
You should also know that the “right-wing” race model as you ignorantly call it is neither. There is nothing inherently right-wing about the honest study of race and genetics. It only becomes “scientifically-flawed” when leftists step in to use it for political fodder like the National Socialists did or like the modern Democommies are doing with the now scientifically-flawed left-wing Global Warming model. You see, when people use a model to harm others then it is a weapon not a model. The use of scientific racial study for the better understanding of people in an effort to improve the state of humanity is NOT a threat to the races unless it is used the way leftists use the AGW models and theories by weaponizing it to harm, control and punish people by denying ALL people their God-given human rights. That’s where you really have a problem, Elwood. It’s not that theories or models can be right, wrong or partially both but that since you’re a empty soulless denier of the Grace of God you cannot think of anything you wouldn’t use to control people since you don’t believe their rights come from God but from the State. You know, like Hitler or Stalin or Mao. That’s what they believed and we can see the results. Mass murder.
And book-burning or dumpster-tossing or internet censoring are ALL manifestations of the same twisted idea: deny people their Freedom of thought by denying them their right to knowledge. If you can’t see that then you’re a fool as well as a Nazi.
You’ve had your illegal and immoral forced business closings and in many cases de facto “takings” without due process now your BLM and Antifa Brownshirt thugs are doing their best Kristallnacht impersonation.
So how’s that “tolerance” and “empathy” shit doin’?
Trump 2020 We need him once more to clean up the Democrat created mess!!!
NPR did not advocate book burning, regardless of what Breitbart, Teach and his apologists/defenders lie about.
The fact is, NPR is not a gov’t function, and cannot prevent you or Teach or his apologists/defenders from reading any book. It was suggested that one broaden one’s reading list regardless of what the Covian liars claim.
We fully understand why the white nationalist movement wants to smear NPR. We fully understand how criticisms of the dominant white social structure makes you want to defend rather than examine.
NPR did not advocate book burning, regardless of what Breitbart, Teach and his apologists/defenders lie about.
They did want us to purge our bookshelves of all those DWM (and DWW) who made Western Civilization the paradise it is in favor a some Lefty hacks pushing the same old unworkable ideas.
So it’s pretty much the same thing. Eventually, those DWM (and DWW) will be banned and it will be illegal to own them.
The fact is, NPR is not a gov’t function, and cannot prevent you or Teach or his apologists/defenders from reading any book. It was suggested that one broaden one’s reading list regardless of what the Covian liars claim.
It’s supported by the Feds and, just because they can’t do it now, doesn’t mean they can’t do it later.
Hey, Hitler just wanted the Jews moved to Madagascar, too.
We fully understand why the white nationalist movement wants to smear NPR. We fully understand how criticisms of the dominant white social structure makes you want to defend rather than examine.
ICYMI, they are the dominant white structure.
NPR did not advocate book burning, regardless of what Breitbart, Teach and his apologists/defenders lie about.
But they did advocate removing books written by white authors from bookshelves and disposing of those books.
Once again:
casting aside … literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.â€
The fact is, NPR is not a gov’t function, and cannot prevent you or Teach or his apologists/defenders from reading any book.
Does the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, under which PBS and NPR both reside, know this? It sure doesn’t seem that way:
How is CPB funded?
CPB is a private nonprofit corporation that is fully funded by the federal government. Ninety-five percent of CPB’s appropriation goes directly to local public media stations, content development, community services, and other local station and system needs. Less than five percent is allocated to administrative costs – an exceptionally low overhead rate compared with other nonprofits.
CPB’s appropriation originates with the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittees of the Appropriations Committees in Congress. CPB receives a two-year advance appropriation, which means that Congress makes the decision on the amount of federal support for public broadcasting two years ahead of the fiscal year in which the funding is allocated. In other words, Congress approved the FY 2018 funding level for CPB during the FY 2016 appropriations process. This is done in order to insulate content from political pressure, to allow for advance planning and to help stations leverage funds from other sources.
source: https://www.cpb.org/faq#2-1
Don’t worry. We won’t wait for your apology or you admitting that you were wrong on this.
Hate prevents people from taking responsibility for their own actions while lying.
And we all know, all the left has is hate.
You’re merely a lying sack of shit, with an Obsession!
How do we know Jeffery is losing? The bear suit comes on.
And my only obsession is putting truth to your lies.
What more is there to say?
you could say you’re a lying, racist, perverted agent of people who want to overthrow this country for a system you know doesn’t work in the hope they will give you a menial position in its hierarchy where you could live out your racist, sexist, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic hate fantasies.
Just one more thing. You’re a lying sack of shit.
You forgot the obsession. BTW What little bit of good news have I missed that inspires your latest hissy fit?
Something about Trump, I’ll wager.
After all, lying is all the right has.
Then why do you do it all the time.
Obsession! by Sibley.
Obfuscation and prevarication by Jeffery.
So tell us, how depressed are you at the prospect of a massive repudiation of the Democrats and the Left this Fall?
…discarding ideas…
Not burning books or throwing them in a dumpster.
Bad ideas, like universal healthcare, should be discarded.
Or would you like to go back to the White Man’s Burden?
…discarding ideas…
Not burning books or throwing them in a dumpster.
Bad ideas, like universal healthcare, should be discarded.
Or would you like to go back to the Negro’s Place In Nature?