…is a rising ocean encroaching on housing because Other People took fossil fueled trips, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Pasaran, with a post on propaganda sob stories in the media.

…is a rising ocean encroaching on housing because Other People took fossil fueled trips, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Pasaran, with a post on propaganda sob stories in the media.
That’s Crystal Dzigas.
Here are Crystal and Jennie recovering their UFO that was found in all those official Navy UFO videos:
Here she is after coming out after months in her COVID19 isolation hut:
NASCAR star Ray Ciccarelli quit NASCAR over the confederate flag ban, meaning a slot has opened up for a new consistent last place finisher.
Why did the US military EVER name military installations after the enemy? Even worse, these enemies were US traitors!!
Why not Fort Erwin Rommel, Fort Trần Văn Trà , Fort bin Laden or Fort Yamashita? Maybe name the Navy’s next ship the USS Benedict Arnold?
The love of the confederacy by the American right is hard to understand.
You of all demagogues should understand them. After all the bases are named after the last round of Democrat traitors. I guess you’d be more comfortable with Ft. Li or Camp Hussein.
You do realize honorable human beings can respect their enemies unlike you commie swine who insist on erasing all those you hate since hate is all you got. And those statues were meant to heal North and South and they are part of our American history. Remember they were graduates of West Point and they too were Americans even if you disagree with them. Perhaps their progeny should be punished also? Sorry honor, like truth triggers you, Elwood.
Ciccarelli? Why do you hate Italians so much?
Trump 2020 All Italian Lives Matter!
“Our statues say a lot.
For example: When they placed Defiant Girl by the Wall Street Bull, it symbolized two things, submission to the gynocracy, and a signal that we are no longer a serious country.
On a positive note, what the left picks to replace the lost monuments will inspire no one, but will just be narcissistic masturbation for the art community.
It will make Obama’s (hideous) presidential portrait look acceptable by comparison.”
Chet Rollins 6/11 Zblog
Notice how the older Zippy gets, the whiter he looks?
NASCAR star Ray Ciccarelli quit NASCAR over the confederate flag ban, meaning a slot has opened up for a new consistent last place finisher.
If he’s a star, then he wasn’t a consistent last place finisher.
Why do you shoot off your mouth without thinking (sorry, forget it; answered my own question)?
And the word is Confederate.
Why did the US military EVER name military installations after the enemy? Even worse, these enemies were US traitors!!
Respect? The fact those men gave loyal service to the US before the Civil War? A desire to let the dead past stay dead?
Robert E Lee was Superintendant of West Point and all but won the Mexican War at Cerro Gordo.
And how many of them were tried and convicted of treason?
Why not Fort Erwin Rommel, Fort Trần Văn Trà , Fort bin Laden or Fort Yamashita? Maybe name the Navy’s next ship the USS Benedict Arnold?
How many Army helicopters are named for Indian tribes the US Army fought?
The love of the confederacy by the American right is hard to understand.
Let us remember that all American citizens are brothers of a common country, and should dwell together in the bonds of fraternal feeling.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan.
And the word is Confederacy.
hey dumbshit commie.
The right did not name these bases. LEFTIES DID.
they have had these names for a long, long time.
Ft. Benning, Ga….The post was established at Camp Benning in October 1918 to provide basic training for units serving during the First World War. At the request of local community leaders, the base was named after Columbus native Brigadier General Henry L. Benning, who served the Confederacy in the Civil War
1918….lets see who was president during that time and the balance of power. President WILSON(D)
Senate….54 Dems, 46 repubs. House. 216 Repubs. 219 Dems….easy to see who named FT. HOOD.
Ft. Hood Texas. Named after Confederate General John Bell Hood, it is located halfway between Austin and Waco,The War Department announced the location in January 1942
Balance of Power in 1942……..President Roosevelt. (D) Senate 66 (D) House 267 (D)
I guess them democrats like them some confederates.
Ft. Campbell, Ky. The site for Fort Campbell was selected on July 16, 1941 SEE ABOVE>
Guess them Democrats like them some confederates.
Ft. Bliss, Tx…..On New Year’s Day,1878,[16]:36 Fort Bliss was established as a permanent post; the Company L Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth Cavalry and Company C of the 15th Infantry, were sent to Fort Bliss to prevent further trouble over the salt beds and the usage of Rio Grande water for irrigation purposes By the way named after a Mathematics professor and relative to President Taft.
Balance of power…..Rutherford Birchard Hayes (October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was the 19th president of the United States from 1877 to 1881, after serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and as governor of Ohio. A lawyer and staunch abolitionist, he had defended refugee slaves in court proceedings during the antebellum years.
Gee imagine this 50 center………..HAYES was a staunch abolitonists who hated slavery.
I could go on and on and on. It was Democrats who named most of our bases and many of them were named after Confederates because that is who the democratic party was. ANTI BLACKS.
Don’t be spreading communist lies 50 center. Really go back to China and fix your own problems.
I can understand Elwood’s hatred toward his fellow Democrats. He is morally opposed to slavery as are we. It only took a civil war to change his mind. Maybe another civil war will change it again then he’ll hate American commies as much as we do. After all, they are mostly Democrats and hate America just like him.
There should be no problem with renaming the bases to respect America instead of the confederacy.
No problem keeping the names they have.
Notice how those great Democrats, Woody Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, the ones so beloved by blacks, were President, C-in-C, when they were named?
Remember the ol’ Solid South? Sounds like you’re being a hypocrite again.
Isn’t it amazing how Jeffery forgets all the veneration paid the Stars and Bars by Whitewater Willie and the Hildabeast?
Sibley: Wrong then, wrong now.
You inadvertently cited the odious jimhoft whom no one believes, and rightly so.
Follow the links, moron.
You inadvertently forgot to refute what Jim Hoft said
To cite the odious jimhoft is to refute the odious jimhoft.
You need better evidence.
IOW Nailed you again.
He always cites his stuff.
Unlike you.
So in other words, you can’t refute Jim Hoft. And you’ll need a better excuse…
We were contemplating bankrupting June’s business but a friend talked us into filing for a CARES Act SBA loan. We did and after several weeks this past Monday she electronically signed the note for SBA. She will pay 1% for 3 months, 6% for 6 months then by June 2021 she can put in her “forgiveness” paper and the loan will be wiped out.
So the Democrat/Communist Tom Wolf illegally and immorally shut her business down but Trump’s SBA just placed in our account this morning $564,700. It’s not what she wanted or even enough to replace the losses and pay for a relaunch ad campaign but it did stop her from pulling the plug. I just wrote 3 months of rent checks and thanked the landlord for her patience. Now, if that commie Wolf would just open the fukin’ state we can get back to work. That is unless the Democommies make their way up here from Philly. Then I get to shoot commies again. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Trump 2020 He’s on a roll. (of course so’s a cheesesteak)
It’s awesome that the US socialists gave you $564,700 of taxpayer money!
Would your liability insurance even have allowed you to open your beauty parlor? Imagine if a customer contracted Covid-19 and sued. It’s likely that customers wouldn’t have risked it anyway, so Congress/feds/socialism saved you guys.
We’re surprised that all this free money from taxpayers didn’t lessen your bloodlust though. Still wanting to murder your political enemies?
It’s awesome that the US socialists gave you $564,700 of taxpayer money!
Not a gift, a loan. This concept seems to elude you.
I guess you expect “gifts” to all the hooligans who caused the riots.
Now it’s looking like even BLM front men are wondering where the money goes. Wotta surprise when it turns up in Dr Evil’s slush fund.
It’s gonna be fun when all this is RICOed.
Would your liability insurance even have allowed you to open your beauty parlor? Imagine if a customer contracted Covid-19 and sued. It’s likely that customers wouldn’t have risked it anyway, so Congress/feds/socialism saved you guys.
I thought you were some kind of entrepreneur, so you would know what his insurance might allow.
And how could a customer know where they contracted the Birx Barf?
More to the point, it’s a loan. If Mrs Kye wants to repay it, she can. What about all the damage done by your rioters to black homes and businesses in the name of a thug who died by his own hand? Is anyone going to repay that?
Bezos? Dorsey? Zuck? You?
We’re surprised that all this free money from taxpayers didn’t lessen your bloodlust though. Still wanting to murder your political enemies?
Hardly free, but it can be repaid. It’s an investment in recovery.
Why wouldn’t he? They tried to ruin his life.
My political enemies are murdering my country and threatening my family’s security. I’d kill every commie I could just like I did in Nam. What would you do, suck their diks? All you have is hate for your own people. Hate for whites. H ate for Europeans. Hate for Christians. Hate for patriots. Hate for America and Americans. Hate is all you have but rather than direct it toward our enemies you direct it toward your fellow Americans. That’s why the only way this shit ends is with blood. People like you won’t talk. You won’t compromise. You hate everything and everyone who disagrees with your dogma. If you get power it will be like every other leftist communist country in history. You are doing it already when you force people to kneel to others and wash their feet. You have your brownshirts breaking and destroying the civilization other people, like me, built. And if you manage to cheat Trump in November you will publicly destroy the lives, income and future of any who disagree. Just like EVERY commie dictatorship has done before you.
Trump 2020 Or we’ll be in reeducation camps.
You built a beauty parlor. Excuse me for not worshipping your efforts.
Did you keep paying your beauty parlor employees during the stay-home period?
You’re mentally ill, triggered by your hatred for everyone not like you. Now all you talk about is killing anyone who is anti-tRump. How long are going to suk tRump’s mushroom dik?
So universal healthcare is communism but you, a millionaire, receiving half a million taxpayer dollars is “patriotism”?
A loan that doesn’t need to be paid back! Sweet.
But it can be repaid if she wishes.
How much of the destruction will ever be paid for by the Left?
How much of the damages from Covid will be paid for by tRump and the tRumpista?
Why shouldn’t the government help save a business it had ordered shut down?
It’d be impossible for any customer to prove that she had contracted any particular disease at any particular place.
You built a beauty parlor. Excuse me for not worshipping your efforts.
No, we won’t. They built a business and made it work. How much of the grants you scammed just went up in smoke?
Did you keep paying your beauty parlor employees during the stay-home period?
Since there was no money coming in, that would have been tough. You really don’t get capitalism, do you?
You’re mentally ill, triggered by your hatred for everyone not like you. Now all you talk about is killing anyone who is anti-tRump. How long are going to suk tRump’s mushroom dik?
You’re really obsessed with that, aren’t you?
So I guess liljeffy’s allegations are true, after all.
Kye is angry about all the dullards who burn down cities and expect the taxpayers to rebuild them.
It’s OK by you since you don’t pay any taxes anyway.
So universal healthcare is communism but you, a millionaire, receiving half a million taxpayer dollars is “patriotism�
How much of the damages from Covid will be paid for by tRump?
Better question is…when are you going to earn enough money from your troll posts to pay income taxes in this great nation?
All that white privileged you enjoy. Aren’t you ashamed of getting a college education because you were white?
I bet you got your Job because you were white. I bet there were better qualified black candidates than you for the job.
50 center basks in white privilege. I bet you live in a gate community or spent your money to buy outside of town to get away from black people because they devalued your property.
I bet you were raise a racist and only when you started to feel guilty for all your white privilege did you start making absurd posts about racism in America.
In fact I have no doubt that you children and grand children all hate you because they were born White and have had daddy give them things that most black people never got.
Don’t you just feel horrible 50 center. I think you should sell all you have and give it to a poor black family and leave the country. Your a disgrace for being white and pretending you care about blacks and racism when we know you don’t.
It’s sad. People like you are who BLM is marching against 50 center. People like you.
Don’t you think being a tall, white, average looking, average weight, average intelligence, male with no disabilities is an advantage in the job markets?
If you don’t, you’re deluding yourself. Would you trade places with a Black man in your same socio-economic station? It’s obviously much more difficult to be a Black person than a white person in America.
I likely pay more in US taxes than you “earn”, but I grew up dirt-poor in an Ozark town with a significant Black population and integrated public schools. Maybe I learned tolerance there. I saw first hand how my friends were treated. Would I have been so fortunate if born Black? Less likely.
No gated community here today – decidedly working class white neighborhood with a few non-white families.
“Don’t you think being a tall, white, average looking, average weight, average intelligence, male with no disabilities is an advantage in the job markets?”
No. In fact with affirmative action, racial set asides and desperate impact that demographic will lose out every time. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone in my or any situation regardless of his color. I wouldn’t trade places with Aliko Dangote and he’s worth $11 billion and is the richest black man on earth.
If you think the color of your skin bestows some sort of privilege on you then you’re a racist. And if you believe that what is “holding blacks back” is racism you’re also a racist. I’m not foolish enough to believe that all racism in America has been abolished but I’m also not foolish enough to think that the blacks who are here now because their ancestors were brought over as Democrat slaves are not 100% better off than the ones left back in Africa. A cursory look at the state of the African Continent will prove my point.
America’s not perfect and never will be but it’s better, especially for blacks than any other place on earth including their homeland. America is also a free country even for blacks and they are welcome to return to Africa any time the Kunta Kunte bug bites with my blessings.
It’s not in dispute that white skin confers societal advantages. I’m surprised you even deny it. It’s not an insult to white people, but just a recognition of a fact.
American Blacks can do nothing about the past, but we can all work to make a better America today and tomorrow.
Most American Blacks were born in America, so why would you suggest they go to Africa? You admit that America is not perfect. It’s even less perfect for Black Americans. That you think Black American citizens should go to Africa suggests a bit of hostility on your part, don’t you think?
Is that why you fantasize about shooting them?
It’s not in dispute that white skin confers societal advantages. I’m surprised you even deny it. It’s not an insult to white people, but just a recognition of a fact.
Actually, it’s not. White people are attacked by the Leftist power structure all the time, their lives destroyed, driven from whatever life they had.
George Zimmermann, the 4 Baltimore cops, the guy in Minneapolis, all destroyed with lies.
American Blacks can do nothing about the past, but we can all work to make a better America today and tomorrow.
Neither can american whites, but, if blacks want to do something about the future, they have to stop being the white Liberal’s bitch the way you are.
Most American Blacks were born in America, so why would you suggest they go to Africa? You admit that America is not perfect. It’s even less perfect for Black Americans. That you think Black American citizens should go to Africa suggests a bit of hostility on your part, don’t you think?
Most American blacks would be the first to say they have it good here.
The people who need to go to Africa (or Red China or Venezuela or one of the “civlized” nations of Europe) are the Lefties and given a taste of what it’s like to live under socialism.
And Kye was talking about Oreos.
Is that why you fantasize about shooting them?
No, that’s you. You’d just love to be in an Einsatzgruppe, cutting down white people in some quarry.
“It’s not in dispute that white skin confers societal advantages.” Ahh, yeah it is by me. When employers are FORCED to abide by racial hiring guidelines that directly require blacks rather than whites be hired that’s anti white racism. When white people are told they cannot speak their minds, that’s anti white racism too. I could give you a dozen real-world reasons and examples of why white skin color does not confer societal advantages but you would ignore them anyway. Besides, you’re already aware of them and don’t care because whites DESERVE to feel the sting of reverse racism.
“American Blacks can do nothing about the past, but we can all work to make a better America today and tomorrow.” American blacks egged on by their leftist allies can’t seem to do anything about the past but bitch and complain. They also can’t do anything about the present but vote over and over for the very Democrat party that fuked them in the past, are fuking them now and will fuk them in the future. Blacks are The Insane Race. They keep voting for the same Democrats that enslaved them over and over and keep expecting a different outcome.
If you really want to make a better America today and tomorrow stop with the bigotry of low expectations for blacks and start thinking that we are ALL Americans regardless of our color and act that way. Oh, and stop calling every white guy with whom you disagree a raaaaacist. That would help.
“Most American Blacks were born in America, so why would you suggest they go to Africa?”. I did no such thing. Your reading skills again Elwood, you need to have that looked at. I suggested with great gusto that if blacks are so fukin unhappy here they should consider returning to the land of their origin. I would suggest the same to unhappy Italians, Irish, Koreans and Russians. My belief that people should be free to explore their own destines is not only for blacks. But the luckiest blacks on earth are the American blacks and they owe it all to slavery.
“You admit that America is not perfect. It’s even less perfect for Black Americans.” No country including America is or ever has been perfect. So if you’re talking perfection you’re off to a bad start. But America with all her faults on no less perfect nor more perfect for whites than blacks, or yellows or anybody else. America is the land that is WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT!!! If you make it a horrible place of racism it will be that for YOU and those who think like you only. The rest of us will continue to think of America as a Land of Opportunity.
“That you think Black American citizens should go to Africa suggests a bit of hostility on your part, don’t you think?” I already answered this but I’d like to add this: Who do you think is better off, the average African or the average African American? America has afforded blacks every opportunity to lift themselves up to the level of society with the rest of us. They have failed and continue to do so because the left in America keep them as voting chattel. You feed them cheese and despair rather than school vouchers and hope. You constantly reinforce racism in their minds and communities until as we see now they are virtually parallelized with hate and incapacitated with entitlement. Your Party took the slaves from the Plantations and moved them into city ghettos for your own power’s sake. And as we ALL CAN SEE, the cities of black despair you guys created are the scenes of hatred, rioting, burning, looting, killing, crime, drugs and a shit load of aborted black babies.
That is where the “hostility” resides Elwood, not within me.
“Is that why you fantasize about shooting them?”
Again you accuse me of wanting to shoot people I never voiced a desire to shoot. The only people I said I would shoot Elwood, is communists. And I’ve already had that pleasure thanks to Uncle Sam. That should make your blood run cold and the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
Trump 2020 Let’s teach Elwood reading comprehension in 2021.
You poor victim of anti-white racism! We had no idea of your hardships and how it must make you hurt. Do you feel like a 2nd class citizen because of this anti-white bigotry?
How do you decide whom to shoot? Can you tell by looking?
You’ve said you’re awaiting a lung transplant – would you be OK if your new lungs came from a Black person? A communist? A lesbian? A transsexual? Or would you rather die?
Don’t you think being a tall, white, average looking, average weight, average intelligence, male with no disabilities is an advantage in the job markets?
With all the diversity slots they have to fill?
Shirley, you jest.
If you don’t, you’re deluding yourself. Would you trade places with a Black man in your same socio-economic station? It’s obviously much more difficult to be a Black person than a white person in America.
It is?
You assume again. and when you assume, you make an ASS of U in front of ME.
I likely pay more in US taxes than you “earnâ€, but I grew up dirt-poor in an Ozark town with a significant Black population and integrated public schools. Maybe I learned tolerance there. I saw first hand how my friends were treated. Would I have been so fortunate if born Black? Less likely.
Oh, so now you’re white? Sure.
You learned tolerance? Not that anybody here can see. You’re as hateful as anyone can be to people who don’t see things your way and most white people who grew up under segregation didn’t socialize with blacks.
No gated community here today – decidedly working class white neighborhood with a few non-white families.
And here you said you lived in one of those rainbow neighborhoods with tons of diversity.
You have to learn to keep your lies straight.
Mr Dowd wrote:
It is, and it should be!
Employers take decisions based upon many perceptions, and being white means that you are a member of a group which is less likely to commit crimes. Black applicants suffer from the collective weight of their own lawbreaking!
Average weight? Well, yeah, not being obese means, in the aggregate, more productive and less prone to take sick days. No disabilities? Yeah, that means no need to provide special accommodations, and a more productive employee. Male? Again, less time off, for pregnancy and child care issues. Even average-looking can be an advantage; employees who are too attractive can cause productivity losses due to workplace flirting and more.
Most employers seek to hire the most productive and least likely to be troublesome people . . . and those would be tall, white, average looking, average weight, average intelligence, males with no disabilities.
EVERYTHING about this post screams WHITE Privilege.
First your white….so you deserve NOTHING that you worked for and earned. It is because you were white that you got all that stuff. Stuff you should give back.
STUFF…they will soon be taking from you the more you let them have their anarchist’s ways.
MONEY….you immediately start bragging about how much money you make. Don’t matter. YOUR WHITE. You embezzeled that money from the people of color. You should give it all back now.
Oh and now we have the infamous I gots me some black friends. Well I gots me some black grandkids but Im white. DONT MATTER. They are coming for both of us.
YOU ENCOURAGE the concept of white privilege and believe cause you was grown and raised with a couple black friends that your above the LAW.
The new law is your WHITE. YOU ARE EVIL. Don’t matter anything else. YOUR SKIN COLOR IS ALL THAT MATTERS.
WHITE is the NEW BLACK 50 center and you preach to us everyday when they come for your stuff. YOu will stand there wishing them coppers would show up but oh thats right, now alls we got is a bunch of fat ladies with a degree in social justice telling them Its okay………..
YOU DONT DESERVE TO EVEN SPEAK. YOUR WHITE so STFU white boy. I mean that is after all the world your fighting for right?
You’re = you are
You’re afraid that if Black Americans receive rights equal to yours, that you will lose your rights, and that Black Americans will enslave or even lynch you.
Why are you so afraid?
You are full of white privilege. You will no longer have rights. They will take everything you own. Its not blacks I am worried about stoopid.
I am worried about dickwads like you who push this narrative that being white is evil.
You are the one that tries so desperately to make everyone racist.
BLM has been hijacked by White privilge led by guilty white SJW’s. They will come for you, 50 center. That is unless you flee back to China where you belong.
AS for me. Are you happy that white people should be scared?
ARE YOU in favor of reverse discrimination and RACIAL HATRED? Why do you push hating White people so much? Why do you have so much racial guilt? Did you oppress black people growing up. STEP on them while you got a college education? Did you crush black people and asian people and hispanics under your feet as you scrambled to the top?
You sound awfully racist to me. You hate WHITE PEOPLE. Why are you so racist? Are you afraid black people will come and take what you have so you are the guy who prays to every GOD just to cover all his bases?
YOUR WHITE…dont matter who you are or what you’ve done. They are coming for you, 50 center.
Blacks already have equal rights, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Republican party.
You’re afraid blacks will wise up and realize you’ve been a traitor to your race.
See where younger blacks like Trump over Gropin’ Joe?
Why you are so afraid.
“You built a beauty parlor. Excuse me for not worshipping your efforts.”
No, my wife built a day spa and I never suggested you “worship” anything she or I have built. I do expect you to respect the fact that we took the risk, got the people working, invested the money and built something. A real American wold be respectful of what was needed by her to come here, learn English, become a citizen and build her own business unlike the teeming masses of South American illegals who you want to allow in to suck the life out of our country and give noting back. She (and I) pay a ton of taxes, local state and federal for the privilege of risking our own money and working our asses off to achieve our goals. And when a governor takes away our property when we’ve committed no crime without due process we are being victimized.
“Did you keep paying your beauty parlor employees during the stay-home period?” Some of our talent are contractors and therefore self employed also. The rest were laid off in the prescribed manner in order to be eligible for the PPP plan set of by Trump to help them. That’s why my wife pays all those unemployment taxes for 20 years and never needed to use them (until a Democrat decided he was Stalin).
“You’re mentally ill, triggered by your hatred for everyone not like you. Now all you talk about is killing anyone who is anti-tRump. How long are going to suk tRump’s mushroom dik?”
Dr. Elwood, do you believe I’m mentally ill or is that just one of the many lies that will be used to put people like me in concentration camps or be shot? That’s exactly how the Nazi’s and commies work. Or don’t you read history? And I defy you to point out where I ever said, suggested or voiced even a passing desire to kill anyone who is anti-Trump.
“So universal healthcare is communism but you, a millionaire, receiving half a million taxpayer dollars is “patriotismâ€?”
No, single-payer government healthcare is communist don’t try that slight of hand with words shit with me. And I’m not a “millionaire” like you I” worth several million dollars because of my assets, i sold businesses and retired, I sold property and still own some property and I’ve saved all my life in qualified programs like IRA’s and Keough’s but if you asked me to produce a million dollars it would take some time and I may need to sell some property. So I’m not Oprah or Bezos or Zuckerberg rich but I’m worth millions on paper.
“A loan that doesn’t need to be paid back! Sweet.”
As it stands now the loan is supposed to be paid back albeit with a very low rate of interest. We have the right to file in a year for loan forgiveness an a lot can happen in a year. The BLM/Antifa communists could take over and have me shot, or Biden could cheat his way into office by vote harvesting “mail-ins” and he could call our note and put June out of business again. Who knows? Since the government was responsible for causing this loss to us I believe it behooves them to pay for it. Don’t you? Or is it okay to shovel out trillions to people on the dole every year but when an actual taxpayer encounters a government induced loss it’s tuff shit for them?
In closing I would just like to say I finally met a government program that Elwood didn’t like.
Trump 2020 Trigger Elwood for another four years.
How much of the damages from Covid will be paid for by tRump and the tRumpista?
Trump was on it from the start.
How much will be paid by the Demos who made it so bad?
You poor victim of anti-white racism! We had no idea of your hardships and how it must make you hurt. Do you feel like a 2nd class citizen because of this anti-white bigotry?
Why don’t you ask somebody who’s been a victim of the knockout game or somebody who’s been doxxed.
How do you decide whom to shoot? Can you tell by looking?
Start with anybody running away from a Best Buy with a TV.
You’ve said you’re awaiting a lung transplant – would you be OK if your new lungs came from a Black person? A communist? A lesbian? A transsexual? Or would you rather die?
You show your ignorance again. Also your churlishness and your lack of empathy, but you’re a Lefty, so we expect it.
That’s okay formwiz, no one here expects empathy or caring by Elwood. He’s proven by his words all he has is hate for those who refuse to prostrate themselves before the alter of anti American racist communists. I don’t agree with Elwoods politics and to Elwood that’s all that matters. People like him are why we can never have a dialogue again. It’s Elwood’s way or the highway. He’s why we can’t compromise, negotiate, talk and try to see the other sides points. To him the other side is Satan, or a Trump voter there is no difference to the propagandized brain of leftism.
I don’t have a choice from whom I would receive my lungs but I would much prefer that it was a communist or a mooslem. That way one of them would be dead and I’d be a walking talking rebuke of their filthy political beliefs. They usually don’t use lungs from “at risk” groups since they cannot transplant diseased lungs therefore homosexuals and transsexuals (whatever they are) probably are not an issue because of their propensity toward STD’s and drug related diseases like HIV.
But thanks for caring.
Trump 2020 Or people with Elwood’s Empathy will be running the death camps. And before you say that can’t happen here, six months ago would you have believed that the Democrats would use a pandemic to kill as many as they could, strip Americans of their God given Constitutional rights, closed businesses on DECREE, sat back and let 20 Democrat cities riot and burn because a career criminal was killed and let a bunch of white hating Negroes and communist Antifa clowns create an “autonomous zone” or their own country in the middle of an American City just to beat Trump in 2020? Well, I DID!!!