If science is now up for activism, how can we trust it when they start yapping about ‘climate change’ and the climate crisis? I’ve posted many an article from both Science and Nature, and read plenty others
Radical Protests Shut Down Science, Nature for a Day
Radical activists persuaded top science journals to stop work on June 10 and to validate their claims of “white supremacy†throughout the American science sector.
The willingness of top scientists to submit to the radicals’ half-disguised political goals is a dangerous failure, said Bret Weinstein, a biologist and a champion for free speech. In a June 10 broadcast on YouTube, he argued thas the radicals will use the one-day June 10 concession to demand more damaging concessions from science, he said, adding:
If you think you’re helping black people by “Shutting Down STEM!,†you have not understood what’s going on. Science is the key to avoiding bias. It is the key to escaping oppression. It is the key to discovering what it is about our system that is systematically biased, and to eliminate it. So you are doing black people no favor by challenging that mechanism.
Weinstein’s response came after a small group of black academics and scientists used the emotional wave caused by the police death of George Floyd to demand that science be reorganized to help black Americans in science. The group pushed the hashtag #ShutDownSTEM.
It’s typical insanity. Science, math, technology, end engineering are hard disciplines. 2+2+4. That’s not racist. Things like the Law of Thermodynamics and Theory of Gravity are not part of white supremacy. Much like with hardcore feminists claiming STEM is sexist and women should go to college and acquire STEM degrees (while taking worthless degrees themselves), these black groups are claiming STEM is racist, and that blacks are being excluded. In reality, like with women, they can take classes and get a degree if the want to. Perhaps we should force a portion to get their degrees in STEM?
One of the manifestos demanded that the goal of “justice†be prioritized above scientists’ discovery of objective reality:
We must confront the institutional barriers to justice for Black people in academia and beyond, challenge the notion of the meritocracy whereby “objective and neutral†criteria infused with systemic racism are used to exclude Black people from physics and other academic disciplines, and rebuild our institutions and collaborations in a way that is just and equitable …
Huh what? Sorry, I don’t speak Radical Modern Socialist.
In response to the manifestos, two of the leading science publications, Science Magazine and Nature, agreed to halt their advocacy for science on June 10 and instead use their Twitter accounts to post demands and claims by some of the radicals.
On June 10, Nature will be joining #ShutdownStem #shutdownacademia #strike4blacklives. We will be educating ourselves and defining actions we can take to help eradicate anti-Black racism in academia and STEM https://t.co/2TLIAMaEIB. Please join us. pic.twitter.com/TY2tHFi574
— Nature Portfolio (@NaturePortfolio) June 9, 2020
Science did similar stuff, bending the knee to the black radicals and becoming their Useful Idiots.
It’s a long, long article, worth the read, and, the two magazines should remember two things. First, if they’re are claiming that science is raaaaacist, then they cannot be trusted on what they publish. Two, now that they have bent the knee, they SJWs will keep coming after them, demanding this and that and the other. They’ve shown their willingness to surrender. They SJW alligator never gives up.

The left has driven this entire country insane. I believe all this black shit is a distraction to keep us from seeing how the left will STEAL the election in November. They already have their accomplices in the Propaganda Media posting phony “polls” showing a mentally incompetent Sniffer Biden is beating Trump. That’s a joke. He’s in his bunker safe from and questions other than “Would you like your soup now, dear”?
The left, enraged by Freedom and fear of losing AGAIN will do anything to steal this election. We must be ready to act with FORCE if this happens. I just ordered a new Black Aces Pro Series Tactical 24″ barrel semi auto 12 gauge with a 10 round barrel mag. Just in case Elwood’s “brothers and sisters” decide to attack Kye Largo. It can’t get here too soon. Seems no matter how well armed we are I still want more. I have my sister and niece coming over Saturday to select a few for themselves and load up on ammo. They live further from Philly than I but I told them they must be prepared to defend their neighborhood and home. Sadly all they currently have is an old 9 shot .22 my father gave me and I gave to my sister years ago. That ain’t gonna cut it when dozens of Elwood’s surround the house.
Trump 2020 Let’s give’m a reason to cry again.
There is NO systemic racism in this country and these idiots validating this false claim is doing more harm by just validating the victim hood mindset and bad choices.
Every person in this country has the same opportunities as any other person. They ONLY thing holding anyone back is their own personal life choices.
“Science and Nature shut down for a dayâ€. Can’t you feel how everything is better now?
I agree that there is no “systemic racism” (another leftist made-up term) in America today with the exception of blatant Affirmative Action, Set Asides, Minority Contracts and other invented governmental initiatives designed to give undue advantage to coloreds, women and gays at the expense of whites, straights and Asians.
Now that we cleared that up I do not believe every person has the same opportunities. Ugly people don’t, neither do fat people. Short people can’t get into the NBA and weaklings don’t NFL. Retards are weeded out of MIT and men are not Hooters Girls. People who inherit $10 million from their daddy start out wealthier than we do. Leftist movie stars, celebrities and pols pay big bucks to get their spawn into Harvard when we can’t. If we sat here we could write 100 pages of areas where everyone does not have the same opportunities.
Fact is even in the most communist of communist countries everybody is not equal. But here, in America we strive to make sure we are all, rich or poor, black, white or whatever, hansom or ugly, treated Equally Under The Law. Sometimes we fail but that does NOT mean society and the aspirations of our Founders failed. It means we are not perfect nor are we capable of perfection and sometimes we fuk up.
The cops who killed Pink Floyd, the gentle giant and all around nice guy, were taken in for punishment almost immediately. And even though you may hate them they still are entitled to reasonable doubt, trial by jury and the presumption of innocent. We are NOT barbarians. The left and their Brown shirts Antifa along with their Black Shirts BLM are barbarians and should be shot down in the streets as the enemies of the state they are. That’s war. When only one side is fighting it’s surrender, not war.
It’s always the Democrat cities that generate the hate, have you noticed?
Trump 2020 Get the hate out.
“I wonder when or even if, there will be a point when normies will figure out that what they are afraid of losing has already been lost.”
You clearly misunderstand or misstate the issue. Scientific hypotheses and theories are not biased, but the hiring and promotion of scientists based on race, country of origin, sexual orientation and sex may well be.
Sexism is as prevalent in scientific (university and corporate) pursuits as in any other.
You clearly misunderstand or misstate the issue. Scientific hypotheses and theories are not biased
Of course, they are. Scientists have agendas a turf to defend just like everyone else.
Ask Copernicus.
the hiring and promotion of scientists based on race, country of origin, sexual orientation and sex may well be.
Especially when it comes to Conservatives.
Sexism is as prevalent in scientific (university and corporate) pursuits as in any other.
They’re called diversity hires.
Trump 2020 Get the hate out.
The left and their Brown shirts Antifa along with their Black Shirts BLM are barbarians and should be shot down in the streets as the enemies of the state they are.
Wow, the irony of a man advocating gunning down protestors in the street thinking that more Donald Trump will ‘Get the Hate Out!’ would be laughable if not so dangerous.
Trump is the cause of much of the division in the US. The people (and that includes Blacks, liberals, young, women, LGBGTs – not JUST old white men and rednecks) are sick and tired of corporate and political elites dictating how they live, work and die. The current outrage in the US is not just about race, it’s about economics – the rich getting ever richer and the poor ever poorer.
Donald Trump spells the end of the Reagan Revolution and the death of the GOP.
Wow, the irony of a man advocating gunning down protestors in the street thinking that more Donald Trump will ‘Get the Hate Out!’ would be laughable if not so dangerous.
12 cops shot by “protesters”, 3 of them dead. Your hypocrisy is what’s risible.
Trump is the cause of much of the division in the US. The people (and that includes Blacks, liberals, young, women, LGBGTs – not JUST old white men and rednecks) are sick and tired of corporate and political elites dictating how they live, work and die. The current outrage in the US is not just about race, it’s about economics – the rich getting ever richer and the poor ever poorer.
Thanks to the Democrats and their lockdowns, you mean.
Donald Trump spells the end of the Reagan Revolution and the death of the GOP.
Don’t you wish.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley apologized to the nation for taking part in tRump’s bible-holding campaign ad.
General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaking in a video for a National Defense University commencement ceremony said, “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics. As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it.”
Trump is incapable of learning. What will be the fallout from Milley repudiating the Commandant-in-Chief?
Milley repudiated himself, not the President, idiot. He said he made a mistake, not Trump. Can’t you fukin’ read?
BTW, I do not now nor have I ever advocated gunning down protester in the street. I do however, advocate the shooting of rioters, vandals, arsonists and communist saboteurs. The “irony” is that you can’t discern an enemy from a friend. Or maybe you can and your friends are the rioters, vandals, arsonists and communists.
“WOW! Trump Just Thumped All Georgia Democrat Primary Candidates COMBINED
by DCWhispers | Jun 10, 2020 | DC Whispers
The far-left media watched this happen and then swiftly stuffed it away into their ever-growing “ignore it†hole. The liars tend to do that.
Normally, an incumbent president has far less voter enthusiasm in a primary like this and yet, this year, President Trump’s support exceeded that of all of the other Democrat primary candidates combined.
For some historical perspective, consider this – in 2012 when Barack Obama was running for reelection he garnered less than 200,000 votes in the Georgia presidential primary while the opposing party candidates collectively garnered over 4x that amount.
Compare that to President Trump. Same state, same reelection goal, yet Trump managed to garner MORE votes than all the Democrat candidates and more than DOUBLE what Obama did in 2012. Such an accomplishment is an incredibly rare thing in presidential politics yet here we are. The ongoing enthusiasm for President Trump is, if anything, growing at a rate not seen since the days of Ronald Reagan.
The far-left media knows this, they fear it, and are doing all they can to lower the levels of enthusiasm among Trump supporters before the November election. Failing to do so will likely result in an impressive reelection victory for President Trump in 2020.”
I need say no more.
Milley is a politician, reviled among Rangers and others during the black beret controversy, as Shinseki’s bitch.
He’s trying to CYA in case the Demos hold the House (they should live so long).
He knows the rules about serving officers, so all he had to do is tell the President.
PS Kye is right. Milley is speaking about his own conduct, not Trump’s.
I thought you had been taught to read, but clearly you have not.