Well, what did they expect? This is what happens when you have so many hardcore elements within the Democratic Party. You have the climate (scam) cultists hijacking the protests. You have the gender confused trans whatever folks hijacking it. You have uber-white Hollywood nutters hijacking it and being paternalistic, because, let’s face it, so many white leftist elites do not think blacks can succeed without their helpful hands, along with the helpful hand of Government. It’s actually a rather racist attitude. They’re now demanding amnesty of all illegals. So, yeah
Black Lives Matter protesters say Seattle’s autonomous zone has hijacked message
Protesters inside the self-declared autonomous zone in downtown Seattle booed and heckled members of the African American Community Advisory Council Thursday afternoon as the group told demonstrators they had “hijacked” the message of Black Lives Matter.
“The thing is, you have hijacked this! You have taken the meaning away!†a woman from the council said, addressing demonstrators inside the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,†(CHAZ)– a six-block region, which includes a police precinct— that has been taken over by protesters.
After weeks of protests, Seattle demonstrators successfully ousted police officers from the East Precinct, forcing them to shutter the building and leave, and attempts at negotiating a police presence have been unsuccessful.
“Black lives do matter but there are also black lives that are police lives,†a woman from the council said, according to reports by Komo News. “They feel the same way that you do.â€
The woman was booed and demonstraters grabbed other microphones and began talking over her, the news outlet reported.
On one hand, what did they think was going to happen? Just look at Occupy Wall Street, which began as an idea that Wall Street and big companies were being hooked up while Main Street was being ignored, then quickly morphed into pushing ever Democrat issue, devaluing the meaning of OWS and turning people off. Leftists do this with ever issue. They did this the last time, when BLM was created.
On the same hand, when your compatriots are Antifa (big in Seattle), anarchists (who want more and more Big Government, not understanding what anarchy means), Progressives (nice Fascists), Communists, self style Activists, climate cultists, etc, and all of them who vote Democrat think they know what is best for Everyone Else, what did you think was going to happen?
So, do not have much in the way of sympathy for BLM on this. When you align yourselves with nutters, this is what happens. When you align yourself with Cancel Culture, they will cancel you if you aren’t going as hardcore. I mean, a black police chief for Seattle isn’t enough for these folks to start with, now the mostly white elitist CHAZ folks are taking it further. And you know what happens next? Americans start tuning out. Just like the last time. Most Americans were disgusted by what happened in Minneapolis. Most agree we need reform in policing, though, on the details there isn’t exactly agreement. In Real Life, I have people giving me this idea and that idea, while I have my own.
Then you have the defund the police folks
(Fox News) A New York Times op-ed published Friday attempted to make clear what “Defund the police” actually means.
Anti-criminalization activist Mariame Kaba attempted to settle the debate with the op-ed, “Yes, we mean literally abolish the police.”
“Congressional Democrats want to make it easier to identify and prosecute police misconduct; Joe Biden wants to give police departments $300 million. But efforts to solve police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century,” Kaba began. “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police.”
Altogether, 64% of Americans are against defunding the police. 55% of Democrats support. So, good luck pushing this notion as we approach the 2020 general election. Regardless, these are your Comrades in the CHAZ, BLMers. Enjoy.

Only 3.6% of the state’s population is black, so it isn’t as though there are many black Washingtonians to lead Antifastan.
The “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” activists are almost all white, petulant children in barely adult bodies, but those are the primary images being shown, so yeah, the Black Lives Matter people are being out-televised by white kids!
Liberals are dumb, but you already knew that, example 3456….https://i2.wp.com/www.powerlineblog.com/ed-assets/2020/06/Screen-Shot-2020-06-10-at-9.49.41-PM.png?w=948&ssl=1
Altogether, 64% of Americans are against defunding the police. 55% of Democrats support…
75% of Americans didn’t want Obamacare either. Democrats dont care what the majority wants. They never have.
That’s the real problem with democracy. Basically it’s just mob rule.
To a tyrant like Elwood a 50% plus one majority wipes clean the rights of the minority and they can be imprisoned and even killed. That’s the way it works.
This is why white elites detest democracy. They prefer that white elites make ALL the decisions and have engineered the system to maintain that status quo.
The current police apparatus is primarily in place to contain the non-white population, and maintain white privilege, and most conservatives agree and accept that.
When far-right extremists start talking about liberals loading them into boxcars and shipping them to extermination camps and crematoria in Obama’s secret FEMA camps they are projecting their own desires. Kye is buying more guns so he can kill more “commies” if they get too close to his mansion.
The tyrants are the right-wingers who want to eliminate voting or at least cripple it. The tyrants are the right-wingers who urge the police to kill protesters and commies, to keep Black folk herded in big city ghettos where the military/police can contain them. The tyrants are the politicians who keep funneling the profits of American workers’ productivity ever up to the capitalists. The tyrants are the ones who want to keep the working class just healthy enough, with just enough to stay desperate enough to keep the elites rich.
Universal healthcare, education support, child-care subsidies, fair wages threaten the elites who want, who need a docile and desperate workforce. If the workers get too comfortable they may not work as hard for the boss.
You want to know why the people are protesting? It’s not only about race, it’s also about economics. Do you really want to kill American kids who see a bleak future or would you listen to them and help change America for the better? Do you really want to gun down American children to defend the rights of Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung, Mobil, BOA, BP, Microsoft, WalMart, Berkshire Hathaway, Ford… to make more for their owners, shareholders and execs?
This is why white elites detest democracy. They prefer that white elites make ALL the decisions and have engineered the system to maintain that status quo
No, Kye’s right. It’s mob rule.
Jeffery hopes that he’ll be part of the upper crust when the revolution comes. What he’s too stupid to see is the same people funding all the rioters are the same white elites that will make ALL the decisions when they win.
The current police apparatus is primarily in place to contain the non-white population, and maintain white privilege, and most conservatives agree and accept that.
That’s why most whites don’t go into the cities very often it works so well.
When far-right extremists start talking about liberals loading them into boxcars and shipping them to extermination camps and crematoria in Obama’s secret FEMA camps they are projecting their own desires. Kye is buying more guns so he can kill more “commies†if they get too close to his mansion.
Nitwit thinks we never heard of Prairie Fire.
The tyrants are the right-wingers who want to eliminate voting or at least cripple it. The tyrants are the right-wingers who urge the police to kill protesters and commies, to keep Black folk herded in big city ghettos where the military/police can contain them. The tyrants are the politicians who keep funneling the profits of American workers’ productivity ever up to the capitalists. The tyrants are the ones who want to keep the working class just healthy enough, with just enough to stay desperate enough to keep the elites rich.
Folk? And how, exactly, are they herder? Do they get Mr Favor and Insp Callahan to run a darky drive every summer?
And the Democrats have controlled Congress for most of the last century, so aren’t you mad at all the wrong people?
Universal healthcare, education support, child-care subsidies, fair wages threaten the elites who want, who need a docile and desperate workforce. If the workers get too comfortable they may not work as hard for the boss.
Slaves had all that. They only worked as hard as they had to.
People under capitalism work hard because they can get ahead. Too bad you’re too lazy to see that.
You want to know why the people are protesting? It’s not only about race, it’s also about economics. Do you really want to kill American kids who see a bleak future or would you listen to them and help change America for the better? Do you really want to gun down American children to defend the rights of Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung, Mobil, BOA, BP, Microsoft, WalMart, Berkshire Hathaway, Ford… to make more for their owners, shareholders and execs?
You’re paying kids to riot now? didn’t see that one.
And “the people” are not “protesting”. A lot of pseudo-revolutionaries and hooligans are rioting. Trayvon Martin’s mother said she wants the cops. The Teamsters say they won’t deliver to cities with no cops. According to Puffington, blacks oppose defunding the cops.
That’s what the real people want.
And Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, WalMart, Berkshire Hathaway are all good Lefty-run companies who support the rioters.
You don’t even know who’s on your side.
He actually doesn’t know which end is up. He keeps saying we “want to shoot” everybody even “kids” for any reason. He’s deranged. Here’s what was written on a wall in CHAZ:
Remember that Elwood when the alligator turns on YOU.
Mr wiz wrote:
The esteemed Mr Dowd doesn’t understand: in a Lord of the Flies revolution, and old guy like him will be lucky even to be tolerated. More probable is that the older white liberals who supported the Black Lives Matter and Antifastan ‘revolutionaries’ will all be astonished when they are among the first ones lined up against the wall. People like Mr Dowd won’t resist, because that would be just wrong, when the left come for him, while us evil ‘Connies’ will meet the ‘red guards’ with 393 million privately owned firearms and over a trillion rounds of ammunition.
Not that I really expect that to happen. Antifastan is already pleading for shipments of basic needs, because the great revolutionaries are finding out that life is difficult when they are no longer living in their parents’ homes. Basic things like food and soap and toothpaste are in short supply. More, given that the young women there are most likely to depend on what Archie Bunker once referred to as birth patrol pills, and those pills have to be taken every day, pretty soon you’re going to see a bunch of the girls leaving — if the men will allow it — or knocked up.
It’s already getting ugly, as they’ve beaten up and silenced a street preacher, because freedom of speech and religion are not allowed in Antifastan. They are demanding a conformity of thought, but among a few thousand people, there is no 100% agreement. They’ll have their own internal wars soon enough; socialist revolutionaries always have, and the anarchists have been even worse.
We’ll take our chances.
You Boogaloo Bois are getting desperate.
The Times They Are a-Changin’.
If there is even a remotely fair election, Trump is gone. The GOP may even lose the Senate.
The American people are demanding change, and the fascist Trumpista can only stay by force. Trump is the cause of all of this.