…is a world flooded because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on life without police.

…is a world flooded because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on life without police.
She’ll fl;oat.
More than 20 states are seeing an increase in reported Covid-19 (Hoax Virus) cases. So far mostly in dark red states, but the West Coast is seeing increases again, too. Probably just from more testing. Nothing to see here.
The US death toll will likely top 120,000 next week (or 400 by connie math).
You mean 240. Apparently, arithmetic is one more thing of which you know nothing.
And, yeah, it is the result of more testing, but, with all the rioting, it seems to be blocking out all the news of the Dien Bien Flu.
Man/ child what is your point. Yes, we have a virus, big deal. With an increase in cases it shows the stupidity of reverse quarentine. Of course that was all an effort to destroy the economy before the election. What other explanation is there?
There is a worldwide pandemic which some countries handled well and others, such as the US, screwed up royally. Even today you call it a global conspiracy to wreck the US economy. Are you nuts? Why would the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia et al want to wreck the US economy?
Man/ child,
You can’t get a single thing straight. Notice that Den mayors and governors shut down their economies to an excessive degree with zero scientific justification. Then this virus has a mortality of less than 0.3%. Then the Den leaders called deaths from other cause civic associated and housed infected covids in nursing home and other facilities causing illness and death. Even a druggist can see a pattern.
The infections are decreasing in most Blue states and increasing in Red states.
Almost every US state had stay-at-home policies and the majority of states are headed by Repug governors.
Every year we have flu season and every year tens of thousands of Americans die. The only difference this time was Democrat stooges locked everybody down. They probably killed more people than would have died normally. But that’s okay because they’ll blame it on Trump. At least our resident angel of death is giddy over the dead Americans. He sees it as a verification that every American should have been locked down AND STILL SHOULD BE that’s why he”s still keeping score. Funny how he never mentions those old folks who were actually killed by the Democrat tyrants quarantine orders. Also odd how nobody dies of anything but Chink Flu any more.
… odd how nobody dies of anything but (slur) Flu any more
That’s untrue. Cops are still shooting Black men in the back. People are still having heart attacks, cancer, car crashes, strokes, kidney failure and committing suicide etc.
Man/ child,
What a statement, cops shooting blackmen. You love to grovel in white guilt. Cops rarely shoot black men. Their preferred target are whites. If blacks don’t like confronting cops they should consider eliminating crime. We have a cop problem with violence to all, we don’t have a race problem except in blacks hating on everyone.
An Atlanta officer shot Rayshard Brooks in the back last night as he was running away.
Man/ child,
I am well aware of that. But whites are shot at least twice as often, if not more. Did you read the part were I said we have a cop problem???
Then we agree we have a police problem.
Did you watch any of Trump’s speech at West Point? He was sedated and could hardly get a glass of water to his lips and walked down the ramp like a drunk.
The cadets were as unenthusiastic as Trump.
No, Trump looked fine. Cadets looked fine. Trump set to win big and carry both houses. And we get two more supreme seats and Obama and group go to jail.
No police problem, excrement.
A crime problem, created when the Lefty SCUS gave crooks protections they didn’t have coming.
Did you watch any of Trump’s speech at West Point? He was sedated and could hardly get a glass of water to his lips and walked down the ramp like a drunk.
You mean like Gropin’ Joe?
Rapin’ Don was clearly on drugs as he read from the teleprompter.
Resisting arrest, excrement.
You always turn everything into a lie.
Wise up Elwood. Is there nothing the commies feed yo that you don’t buy? You are a constant reminder of hoe foolish white people full of white guilt can be. You know about the guy shot by the cop yesterday and even know his name. Good for you , race-baiter. Now tell us the names of all the other black men killed by other blacks in Democrat controlled cities yesterday. The reason you can’t is because those dozens of dead blacks don’t matter to you because they don’t fit your narrative. You don’t care about black men dying unless it’s at the hands of a cop, preferably a white cop.
You should be asking why all these murders occur in cities run by Democrat leftists, many black themselves for 50 years are spawning black on black murder at such an astonishing rate. But that’s not in the CCP agenda.
The entire object of all this hoopla is ti disarm cops. Then in a year after 500 cops are murdered in the street you’ll come back demanding national gun confiscation because of “the rise in police killings”. Am I right? The leftist NEVER says what he means. He always gets there by deceit, lies distortion and obfuscation.
Now listen to a black cop instead of a guilty white communist for the truth:
In most nations, State violence against citizens is more disturbing than street crime. It’s the stuff of totalitarianism. In America today it’s used to keep the the poor and the disadvantaged controlled. White America is indifferent to crime in poor neighborhoods as long as it doesn’t affect us directly. But the way to disconnect street crime from concentrated poverty is to reduce poverty.
The entire objective of this hoopla is to reform policing in America. Guns will not be eliminated from America, they will not be confiscated.
I don’t view YouTube videos.
State violence?
You mean law enforcement?
White America is indifferent to crime in poor neighborhoods as long as it doesn’t affect us directly
What’s this “us, black man?”
But the way to disconnect street crime from concentrated poverty is to reduce poverty.
I don’t view YouTube videos that don’t spread my propaganda.
Been there, done that, no T-shirt.
The entire objective of this hoopla is to reform policing in America. Guns will not be eliminated from America, they will not be confiscated.
Hah! The entire objective of this hoopla is to make Trump look bad (unfortunately, it’s making the Demos look stupid).
And good luck on that 2nd amendment thing.
PRAGER U VIDEO – Ep. 138 — Pay Attention: Your Freedom Is Fragile
The United States is leading the way with openess and transparancy.
We have 2 million reported cases.
Brazil has 850,000.
Russia has 500k
everyone is starting to report their cases instead of hiding them as they look to the USA who is sending repirators and PPE to other countries hit hard by this pandemic.
Unlike some people here I believe this is a pandemic but I also believe it will never stop until we get herd immunity not fuking hide in the closet.
Me and my wife were at a softball game yesterday and a birthday party. We went to Olive Garden and ate Friday. They were social distancing, using throw away paper menus and everyone was wearing masks except the customers.
We go out all the time. I have had the virus. My wife has the antibodies because he is rather important in our community. She caught the covid-19 from me but because she has anti-bodies in place from a 1000 colds over the years she had a fever for 2 days and that was it.
HERD IMMUNITY is gonna be what gets us through this. NOT hiding. The only time Democrats dont want to hide is when they can hide behind their plantation cotton pickers to riot and loot. Once they are forced back on the plantation by the democrats, the left will return to the cellar and blame Trump for insert whatever lie you want right here.
Herd immunity. It’s whats for dinner.