Target, which had nothing to do with the killing of George Floyd, saw one of its Minneapolis stores pillaged and heavily damaged. Other stores nationwide saw looting. So, what do they do?
Target Commits $10 Million and Ongoing Resources for Rebuilding Efforts and Advancing Social Justice
Today, our next steps include announcing a $10 million commitment and ongoing resources to advance social justice and support rebuilding and recovery efforts in local communities.
“Target stands with Black families, communities and team members. As we face an inflection point in Minneapolis and across the country, we’re listening to our team, guests and communities, committed to using our size, scale and resources to help heal and create lasting change,†says Brian Cornell, chairman and CEO, Target.
Having fed the Cancel Culture Gator already, it is still hungry
People Are Calling On Stores Like Target And Whole Foods To Take The 15 Percent Pledge
The internet is full of ways to support black-owned businesses, but when visiting your favorite major retailer, it can get a lot tougher to find their products. A new campaign is calling on stores to make space for more of these businesses in something called the 15 Percent Pledge.
The campaign was created by Aurora James, a fashion designer and founder of the label Brother Vellies, and she is calling on major retailers like Target, Whole Foods, and Sephora to take the pledge. The campaign gets its name, as The Takeout pointed out, because 15 percent of Americans are black, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Retailers who take the pledge would be promising 15 percent of their shelf space to black-owned businesses, which would make their stores’ space at least proportional to the U.S. population. This would not only help to create more equity in the products consumers purchase, but it would also help put $14.5 billion back into black communities, according to the site.
Technically, they would need to reserve just under 13% of space, since that is the population. But, what products would they be? And should we do the same with Latino products? We don’t have to worry about Asian, since they’re already a glut of products from China, Vietnam, and other Asian nations.
In an Instagram post, Aurora explained her mission and why this is a chance for companies to make a real and positive change toward diversifying the brands they have in stores and combatting systemic racism that keeps them from landing these placements.
Or, perhaps there aren’t products that will sell that much in that area. Personally, I don’t look at who makes them, and usually not where from. I do like that a ton of produce at my WalMart comes from NC farmers, and particularly those within the area. It’s easy to say regarding 15% products from black own businesses, but, what are they? Aurora mentions farmers. What if there aren’t any in the local area? There’s a lot of produce that comes from large, large agro companies, while smaller farmers sell a lot of their product at farmer’s markets, to smaller stores, and to big companies for use in their food products.
What about the local customers? Do they want products that may not be needed in the area? What if the products do not sell? Personally, I would consider it demeaning if the only way to get my products on the shelf was to show my skin color. Retail puts products on shelves that sell. Make products that sell and they’ll stock them. Once you make them as inexpensive as China, of course.
Anyhow, this is what feeding the alligator looks like. They will keep demanding even more once you have surrendered. And when dealing with SJWs, if you offer to help you have surrendered.
Meanwhile, black activists are questioning the roles of all these white folks who came out to support them with the George Floyd protests
While the diverse crowds have made for good television, some activists are skeptical that the show of support will produce long-term commitment among many white people, and they question whether surface-level activism and how it plays out on social media does more harm than good.
Ernest Owens, a 28-year-old black journalist, questions the concept of whites as “allies.â€
While many have good intentions, he said true allyship — supporting black businesses, deeply exploring personal bias and ferreting out ways that white privilege contributes to persistent racism — must happen in order to genuinely stand in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed.
You cannot satisfy SJWs of any race. They will always want more.
True commitment means calling out your boss when he routinely mixes up your two Indian colleagues, or taking on a racist relative, Phillips said. It also means acting with your wallet, asking friends about their experiences of racism and sincerely listening.
“You can’t just say stuff,” she said, “and tick your activist box.â€
The gator will not excuse you just because you are an SJW activist, either.

IF the NFL doesnt want to tank their game they need to NOT PLAY the national anthem before a game.
Let them, Kneel, grovel, preach, bring out black preachers to tell all those WHITE PEOPLE paying 500-1000 buks a ticket they are WHITE TRASH PUKES and they are not welcome in America. White football players should be banned. How dare those white pukes want to take a black mans job!!!!
Let them shout and scream and put on grass skirts and dance around the football field for hours before the game. Let them do what they want to honor black people and call white people trash and human waste.
You must have a SJW score of 90 to get into an NFL game and have a tatoo on your forhead showing that you agree that WHITES are scumbags and COPS are worse than HITLER.
They are coming for you America. Not blacks. WHITE SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS with a hardon for WHITE PRIVILEGE. 50 center will be leading the way praying to every god to cover his bases that they don’t turn on him and he doesnt accidently say one little thing and get:
Frankly, I think 50 cent may just create the Elwood P Dowd Autonomous Zone or EP-DAZ as it shall be known in his basement bunker. Being money-driven he will declare independence from the US and immediately apply for $700 billion in foreign aide. The only flaw in the plan is it’s gonna be a long time before a Democrat sits in the WH to grant the money. Maybe a Go-Fund-Me initiative? Keep them Cheetos comin’.
Trump 2020 Keep Elwood in his bunker listening to CNN an watching gay negro porn.
Trump is done, unless he can rig the election, which is not out of the question.
It’s ironic that the armed and terrified housebound millionaire who just received over $500,000 welfare from US taxpayers imagines that someone else is hiding in their basement.
Do you sit at the peephole waiting to shoot a Black “commie”? You should. Rich white men can get away with murder.
The Democrats are pretty much “rigging” it for him.
Keep looting, burning, and murdering cops.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Joey “Fingers” 2020!
“Trump is done, unless he can rig the election, which is not out of the question.”
Really? Is that why the Dems are pushing for 16 year olds to vote along with felons and illegal aliens? Is that why you’re pushing for “mail in” ballots and harvest absentee ballots? How about the last election where nationwide over 2M dead people voted? The only party in this nation with a fully funded and functional election rigging department are and always have been the Democrats and the further left that party has allowed itself to be dragged the worse the voter fraud will get. After all it was a leftist that noted those who count the votes are really the deciders.
“It’s ironic that the armed and terrified housebound millionaire who just received over $500,000 welfare from US taxpayers imagines that someone else is hiding in their basement.”
What’s ironic is that a scumbag coward like yourself would accuse a war veteran of being “armed and terrified” and lie to our faces that I am housebound and receiving welfare when you know that’s not true. Is the only way to insult me lying? I didn’t realize how triggered you were about my receiving JUST COMPENSATION for the ILLEGAL TAKING of our business. But I am glad that as an added benefit I triggered you and you came back lying, as usual. You must think we are all stupid. Sorry, we’re not. Now go back into your TRUTH FREE bunker and turn on that black man on man porno you love so much.
BTW, which “rich white men” are you referring to who have gotten away with murder. Bill, Hillary, Hussein?
I noted this and I don’t remember where:
“The Democrats control almost every troubled city in America. They have dominated city governments for fifty to a hundred years. Democratic Party mayors and city councils maintain near total control over the directions of their municipal police forces and the ways their substantial tax revenues are used. Almost every allegation of racist policing and every underfunded social welfare project occurs within their exclusive jurisdiction. Yet somehow Trump, Republicans and rural Americans are to blame anyway.”
Trump 2020 Let’s keep triggering Elwood in his EP-DAZ compound.
There is little if any evidence voter fraud exists. It’s just another right-wing excuse. The GOP tries to suppress the vote and gerrymander – Reducing voting times, reducing polling stations, reducing absentee ballots – all to reduce number of potential Dem voters.
You previously claimed to volunteer to kill communists, not to defend the US. The Vietnam “War” has become the gold standard for US-foreign misadventures. Several uncles, my father-in-law, and many of their friends fought in WWII, but I don’t recall even one of them boasting of their bravery.
Since the cities are the Democrats’ problem then connies should STFU about their plans to fix the police. Maybe citizens of Seattle, NYC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago, Raleigh, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas etc should send less of their tax money to the Feds (who redistribute to backward Red states).
Trump is done, unless he can rig the election, which is not out of the question.
You should live so long, but you will have to lay the groundwork for Impeachment 2.0.
If you can hold the House.
Which ain’t lookin’ good.
It’s ironic that the armed and terrified housebound millionaire who just received over $500,000 welfare from US taxpayers imagines that someone else is hiding in their basement.
So why aren’t you out on the streets rioting with the rest of Dr Evil’s paid faux revolutionaries?
Do you sit at the peephole waiting to shoot a Black “commie� You should. Rich white men can get away with murder.
Only if they’re Democrats.
Yup. Take the pledge… get woke, go hungry.
“There is little if any evidence voter fraud exists. It’s just another right-wing excuse. The GOP tries to suppress the vote and gerrymander – Reducing voting times, reducing polling stations, reducing absentee ballots – all to reduce number of potential Dem voters.”
There is tons of evidence that fraud and abuse exist if you look for it and open your eyes. I know it’s hard to admit but your party has been the party of fraud for decades. I remember as a kid watching my father and some ward leaders “fixing” the ballot spool in machines to get the results they wanted. They won and turned Philly Democrat through fraud and it never elected a Republican since…through fraud.
There are no “right-wing” excuses because as a right-winger I want an HONEST election. I can’t even get an HONEST response from you. Everybody gerrymanders so quit your bitchin’. If you don’t want it let’s pass a law against it. I assure you we are all in ont that.
You previously claimed to volunteer to kill communists, not to defend the US. The Vietnam “War†has become the gold standard for US-foreign misadventures. Several uncles, my father-in-law, and many of their friends fought in WWII, but I don’t recall even one of them boasting of their bravery.
Since the cities are the Democrats’ problem then connies should STFU about their plans to fix the police. Maybe citizens of Seattle, NYC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago, Raleigh, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas etc should send less of their tax money to the Feds (who redistribute to backward Red states).
And all that nonsense about reducing this and that is an excuse for allowing loose voting. An honest vote should be well regulated and consistent. All we ask for is a standardized voting system to help reduce fraud like 2500 votes showing up three days after the polls close. I think that’s reasonable, don’t you Elwood?
You do realize it was the Democrats who instituted poll taxes and literacy tests, right? Republicans traditionally want people to vote but orderly and not haphazardly.
“You previously claimed to volunteer to kill communists, not to defend the US. The Vietnam “War†has become the gold standard for US-foreign misadventures. Several uncles, my father-in-law, and many of their friends fought in WWII, but I don’t recall even one of them boasting of their bravery.”
I did volunteer to kill communists is that why you denigrate my service because I killed your comrades? The US was not under attack but we had an obligation to defend an ally and I did. Where were you? In your bunker? And regardless how you think of VietNam I still did my duty for my country. You uncles and the rest of your family should be applauding for serving but many people do not talk about their experiences. I do. I was a warrior and still am. I have no fear and am not ashamed to talk about it. If you don’t like my war stories it encourages me to tell more. BTW, I’m not “boasting” I’m informing you of historical events. I figure since you were safely ensconced in the EP-DAZ you may learn something about war. Guess not.
“Since the cities are the Democrats’ problem then connies should STFU about their plans to fix the police. Maybe citizens of Seattle, NYC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago, Raleigh, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas etc should send less of their tax money to the Feds (who redistribute to backward Red states).”
Now you know that’s just silly (like most of what you say). Conservatives still get an imput until you commies take over and completely eliminate our Freedom of Speech. So don’t tell me or any of us to STFU, asshole. We figure since after 60 years of DEmocrat mismanagement you may need some input from the adults. YOU fuked up the cities, not us and it’s you who own the fukin mess. We can help but you won’t listen anyway. BTW, since all the rich Democrats live in tor cities they will always pay more taxes than the Red States. But you decry them redistributing it backwards to RedStates. I thought the rich were supposed to help the poor or is that only when the rich are Republicans? The Blue States SHOULD redistribute their wealth since we are all citizens together and they have most of the industry. Just like Red States SHOULD feed the Blue States since they have all the fukin food. Idiot.
Trump 2020 The Democrats divided Americans before into Blue and Grey, Now it’s Red and Blue. These filthy immoral dividers need to go.
There is little if any evidence voter fraud exists. It’s just another right-wing excuse. The GOP tries to suppress the vote and gerrymander – Reducing voting times, reducing polling stations, reducing absentee ballots – all to reduce number of potential Dem voters.
there’s plenty of evidence. just look on True the Vote or any number of other sites. The Demos can’t admit it because it’s the only way they can win
You previously claimed to volunteer to kill communists, not to defend the US. The Vietnam “War†has become the gold standard for US-foreign misadventures. Several uncles, my father-in-law, and many of their friends fought in WWII, but I don’t recall even one of them boasting of their bravery.
I don’t recall Kye bragging about anything. I do recall you lying about your service.
Since you claim to have served, you should be the last one to put scare quotes around it. Started by the Democrats and expanded by the Democrats, need I add. Ended by the Republicans.
And I think all of your relatives are like you. Pure Stolen Valor
Since the cities are the Democrats’ problem then connies should STFU about their plans to fix the police. Maybe citizens of Seattle, NYC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago, Raleigh, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas etc should send less of their tax money to the Feds (who redistribute to backward Red states).
Since the Demos are just letting things burn, the Rs, as always, will have to put out. And “fixing the police” is how the cities got in this mess.
But, since you resent somebody wanting to rehabilitate America’s once-great cities, it’s obvious you’re afraid it will make the Demos look worse than they already do.
If such a thing is possible.
It’s ’68 all over again. Can’t wait for your convention.
Still waiting for proof of the “GOP tries to suppress the vote and gerrymanderâ€
And since you claim the Democrats are the party of the “confederacy” and “slavery”, we’ve decided to tear down all the confederate statues, ban confederate flags and rename military installations after American patriots, not confederate traitors.
Any questions?
Which American patriots?
Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Polk?
And we claim nothing. You are the party of slavery (welfare plantation) and the Klan and Jim Crow (soft bigotry of low expectations). It took Republicans to end all that.
And we don’t care what you’ve decided. You can’t terar down tear down all the Confederate statues, ban Confederate flags, and rename military installations without going through the legal process.
You seem to think just because you want something, you have the right to break the law.
50 center lives in his echo chamber screaming “IM NOT LIKE THEM…..I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE….REALLY I DO. PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY STUFF~!!”
They are coming for you 50 center. It doesnt matter what you have done or why. YOU ARE WHITE.
YOU are leading the white privilege crusade against yourself. In the end you will be like those lil hillbillies across the border. Broke and in poverty as they TAKE YOUR STUFF.
remember obama? He said YOU DIDNT BUILD THAT.
Remember that when they take your stuff because you dont deserve anything you own. YOU got it cause of white privilege.
The tRump2020 campaign has two components: White supremacy and voter suppression.
He feels the first will get all his voters out and the second will keep non-supremacists from voting. It’s his only shot.
He planned one of his Klan rallies on Juneteenth in Tulsa. Why in OK, a state that he will win easily? What possible symbolism could lizard-brain Don have thought this would have with his rabid followers?
The tRump2020 campaign has two components: White supremacy and voter suppression.
He feels the first will get all his voters out and the second will keep non-supremacists from voting. It’s his only shot.
Then why does he have 40% support among black and Hispanics? And, if he’s the one doing voter suppression, why are all the people caught for vote fraud Democrat?
Wasn’t it Uncle Saul who said, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guiltyâ€?
Actually that’s your only shot. That’s why this year has been phony impeachment, phony epidemic, phony lockdown, and phony rage over cops doing their duty.
He planned one of his Klan rallies on Juneteenth in Tulsa. Why in OK, a state that he will win easily? What possible symbolism could lizard-brain Don have thought this would have with his rabid followers?
Why not? Whatever he does, he’s still smarter than you, lizard-brain. That’s why he keeps on winning.
And the rabid followers are you guys.
PS OK, genius, why do you think he’s throwing the first party in OK?
CHINA JOE BITEME’s campaign has two components. ILLEGAL HUMAN BEINGS VOTING and Calling every conservative a Racist.
The POOR WHITE GUY OF PRIVILEGE who is the HOPES OF BLACKS…..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I will start a commission to look into this racial problem within 90 days when I get to DC.
I was a segregationist before I was all for black people when I suddenly NEED THEIR VOTES. He didnt need too many black votes to keep racking up the terms from DELAWARE, but now hes all about BLM.
He was all for throwing out them illegals at RECORD PACE until he suddenly needed their vote…now hes all about tearing down that wall mr. trump, and lets let them all come home to roost in more plantations.
LOOK AT DC BLACK PEOPLE AND SJW. All the rich guys are WHITE and from YOUR PARTY. Throw out Nancy Pelosi. She don’t care bout you are homeless or Gays, she just hugs her 50000 dollars worth of ice cream filled refrigerators and demands you get back on the plantation and shut up and vote for her.
Democrats are filled with ANGRY WHITE PEOPLE OF WHITE PRIVILEGE. GO GET YOU SUM….start with them. 50 center believes you can be sensitive. But hes never studied the SJW White privilege movement. NO ONE WHO IS WHITE IS not racist and got what they got by not being WHITE. AOC and people who LOOK WHITE WILL BE NEXT.
Come get you sum SJW’s.
See far left SJW depends on using emotion and lies to rile you up to prove a point. They want you angry and pissed off because they themselves are angry and pissed off.
50 center is an angry old WHITE MAN OF PRIVILEGE who doesn’t realize they are coming for his stuff.
VOTE FOR TRUMP OR DON’T vote for Trump. But if you don’t vote for trump then by god you best vote for a Republican for the house and senate to keep in check CHINA JOE BITEME’s radical far left plunge once he gets in the WHITE HOUSE because HE WILL DO IT.
BIDEN WILL LIE< STEAL AND CHEAT and say whatever to get moderates to believe he is a moderate only to shift far, far, far left once in office and rule like SEATTLE MOBSTERS with ANTIFA BEING HIS advisors once elected.
That is your choice. Law and order and listening to continual LIES about racism on the right or RADICAL leftist communism forced down our throats from the Democrats. Jobs or joblessness.
The choice is yours in November.