…is horrible concrete which creates lots of carbon emissions, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on WuFlu killing off Maryland’s foam ban.

…is horrible concrete which creates lots of carbon emissions, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on WuFlu killing off Maryland’s foam ban.
From NBC News;
U.S.—A team of political experts released its latest prediction on the Black Lives Matter movement today, saying the group’s current surge will likely only last until early November. The experts say after votes are cast in the 2020 election, politicians will no longer have a need for the black community, and everything will go back to normal.
The team of experts out of UCLA has been following Black Lives Matter since it emerged back in 2014 when an unarmed black man was killed by police in St. Louis. The popular civil rights group also made headlines in 2016 and 2018.
“We have to pander to them to see if they will matter,” said Nancy Pelosi. “We stand committed to elevating black voices when we need their votes and not a moment after.”
“It’s a strange phenomenon,†said UCLA professor Azad Khanna. “Every few years Black Lives Matter comes onto the scene for a couple of months and then just sort of disappears in November. I’ve never seen anything like it.†Khanna paused for a moment, noticing a young white woman who had kneeled before him. The woman asked his forgiveness for her white privilege and her years of racism toward African Americans and then started kissing his feet. Khanna kindly informed her that he is from India.
Experts believe the Black Lives Matter movement will re-emerge sometime in 2022.
Just kidding. It’s from the Babylon Bee but I wanted fidy cent to read it.
NYC woman, 92, shoved to the ground, video shows; suspect arrested
DONT MATTER….she was white….he was a person of color. WHITE LIVES DONT MATTER.
WHITE PRIVILEGE you know. She does not deserve to shuffle the sidewalk with her walker.
Only Black Lives Matter. EVERY TWO YEARS.
Looks like the recession that wasn’t a recession is over.
What will Jeffery complain about now?
It’s not a recession if the government deliberately causes it. That’s called malfeasance, not recession. And when you have dozens of Democrat mayors and governors colluding to crash the economy before an election that’s called a conspiracy. Let’s use the correct words. But none of this matters since truth and facts mean nothing to the left. All they care about is power.
Trump 2020 Let’s give the leftists aneurysms.
It’s not a recession if the government deliberately causes it.
That’s just not true. The 1981-1982 recession was caused by the the Fed raising rates to squelch inflation. The current recession was caused, at least in part, by tRump’s malfeasance regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Your hypothesis would predict that all states with GOP Governors should have booming economies. Is that the case?
The recession was in ’79, caused by Bucketmouth. You lie again.
And the panic we’ve experienced was caused by Leftists crashing the market.
Your hypothesis would predict that all states with GOP Governors should have booming economies. Is that the case?
It is now.
The only “malfeasance” regarding the Wuhan Virus was the extent to which leftist political operatives and their comrades in the media caused first unfounded hysteria, then panic then closed down small business across America thereby causing 40 million Americans their jobs. You know that, we know that and America knows that. The President had the same advisors and any other person in his office would have had and has the same sad blood sucking Monday morning quarterbacks any Republican would have.
You called him a racist and xenophobe when he stopped flights from China early on and now you twist every action to make it his fault. He was listening to those “experts” you are always touting as the be-all end-all to any question. Well, they’re not are they? To enemies of the Republic like you only BLM and Antifa have good judgement, never any Republican. Even when he listens to your own “experts”. Gaslighting is all you got.
Trump 2020 Make Elwood cry again.
These are YOUR people:
Sibley fluffs right-wing apologist Surber, who always lies.
We’ll wait and see the Q2 GDP numbers.
Are you blind and deaf? At least 44 million unemployed. Unemployment rate over 15%. Government pumping trillions of dollars into the nation.
Sibley fluffs right-wing apologist Surber, who always lies.
Like me, the Eminent Mr surber cites his stuff.
Unlike Jeffery. who lies.
Are you blind and deaf? At least 44 million unemployed. Unemployment rate over 15%. Government pumping trillions of dollars into the nation.
People are going back to work. At least in the red states. The Demos are cutting their own throats by keeping the lockdown going and letting the savages run wild.
And speaking of lies, unemployment is down – 13.3%, 21 mil out of work.
Thank the Demos for most of that.
And, of course, Jeffery didn’t mind when trillions were going into welfare and IdiotCare, and millions of people went uncounted, thanks to Zippy.
People are going back to work. At least in the red states.
Any evidence, Sibley?
unemployment is down – 13.3%, 21 mil out of work
Any evidence, Sibley?
trillions were going into welfare and (the ACA), and millions of people went uncounted
Any evidence, Sibley?
Where’s any evidence from you?
You just post little Lefty screeds with nothing to back them up.
The rest can try the WSJ.
â€Surber, who always liesâ€. Another substantive rebuttal from J…..
It is true that the manufacture of Portland cement is a very high emissions process. So, when the Democrats regain power — hopefully not for a century or so — and start adding on huge regulatory expenses and high carbon taxes, concrete companies will respond by buying more imported cement. Foreign cement manufacturers can charge more, as American cement becomes ridiculously expensive, as long as they don’t increase their prices to the point that American cement becomes competitive.
In the meantime, specifications are calling for more cement in concrete, not less. In Pennsylvania, the state started specifying that concrete exposed to freeze-thaw cycles and de-icing salts must have a water/cement ratio of .45 or less. The problem with that is that is a 4500 PSI mix when sidewalks are strong enough at 3000 PSI.
I would use 520 lb of total cementitious material to make a 3000 PSI commercial grade mix, but to insure 4500, you’re looking at 650 lb or total cementitious; for 4500 PSI bridge decks in Virginia, I used 472 lb.
Not sure what you all are commenting on. But I can’t quite see what the perfect pic has to do with your arguments…

Enjoy the beauty of life. You will feel better..
Sock puppet.
Suck puppet.
IOW How does he know it’s me?
My continuing effort to have Google, Youtube and Twitter held accountable.
Google blocks The Federalist, ZeroHedge from advertising on platform over comment sections
Google disputed reports saying the tech giant banned ads from the publications after publishing racist content
A Jacobin mob of left-wing thought police has risen up across our country. No statue, no movie, no cartoon is immune. Nor any op-ed. The New York Times, after publishing my op-ed about the Insurrection Act, capitulated to a woke mob of its employees.
NYT CAVES to SJW and So does what does TWITTER CEO JACK DORSEY DO? He unfollows the NYT’s editorial page.
Oh the humanity. but it doesnt end there. Twitter then tries to ban a sitting US Senator for an ARTICLE he wrote in the NYT.
Long story short, his account was threatened with suspension by a LOW LEVEL PEON working at TWITTER.
Literally a flunkie off the street has the power to BAN A US SENATOR AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
the internet is the 666 of our times. It is what the bible predicted. We always thought it would be a person. No it is a thing.
the internet will destroy us all. Remember I said that in a couple more years.
More proof the recession that wasn’t a recession is over.
Great tag:
My question is, what Acme Product will Wile E. Democrats roll out next?
Jeffery is screaming inside his bunker, “No! No! No!”.
Sibley is afraid.
And how do we come up with that one?
Another in your series of Trump Will Lose fantasies? The Demos are finding new ways to self-destruct, as the Eminent Mr Surber notes.