Unsurprisingly, the Leftist media is finding fault
Trump’s answer to nationwide protests: Police-friendly reforms
President Donald Trump hopes to acknowledge a nationwide uproar over police brutality while preventing rifts with police and other law enforcement groups integral to his political future.
With an executive order set to be unveiled at a White House event on Tuesday, the president is expected to lay out the case for the creation of a national database of police misconduct, so officers with a history of overly aggressive behavior cannot simply move to another department or state to escape scrutiny, according to a senior administration official. The order will also urge social workers and mental health professionals to work more closely alongside frontline officers. Finally, it will offer guidelines for new training and credentialing for police officers on de-escalating tense situations, and the best times to use force, according to the senior administration official, who said the goal of the order was not to demonize police officers.
The White House’s latest move, following weeks of protests in communities across the nation, has been crafted in close consultation with police officers, mayors, conservative African Americans, faith-based leaders and the families of victims, according to people familiar with the planning. Maintaining the political support of police — and appearing like a law-and-order president — has been a leading imperative for Trump’s top aides and political advisers as some liberal activists push to defund police departments and divert money to community programs.
And then there’s the Washington Post
Power Up: Trump’s ‘thread the needle’ policing executive order unlikely to satisfy protesters
It’s Tuesday. And five centuries, I mean years, since Trump launched his 2016 presidential bid
That was the subhead. No political bias at the WP, eh?
‘THREAD THE NEEDLE’: President Trump plans to take executive action today to address a national clamor for massive changes to police departments after George Floyd’s death. But the new measures are likely to fall well short of calls by Black Lives Matter protesters around the country, many of whom want to “defund the police†to radically overhaul how law enforcement works and prevent more police killings of black people.
Well, yeah, nothing will satisfy the “protesters” who are throwing rocks and bottles at police. Who try to set them on fire. Who shoot at them and attack them. Except defunding the police. Which they should be allowed to do in their leftist cities. And we should have a national database of those who vote for this, so when they attempt to escape from the 3rd world shithole they’ve created they cannot call the police for help in their new city.
This is a start. There are certainly more things we can do regarding police reform, however, most of that realistically needs to come from the states and cities. Why? Because that’s what the Constitution says. This is not a power designated to the federal government, hence, 10th Amendment. Of course, Los Federales are providing vast amounts of federal money to states and cities for police support. Which means the feds are taking too much money from citizens, as the money should have gone directly to state government. That’s a different story.
We all know, though, that the activists and looters, along with the elected Democrat and news media comrades, will be roasting the plan when Trump signs it late this morning. But, they aren’t actually offering their own plans, other than either defunding the police or replacing lots of officers with community organizers and social workers.
At the end of the day, most Americans do support what the “protesters” and BLM folks are pushing. They might not always like the police, but, they support them. Which plays right into Trump’s hands.

The executive order seems relatively innocuous, but even that should not have been done. The police are local and state agencies; it is not, and should not be, the federal government’s business to try to regulate them.
Yeah, well Dana ant semblance to a constitution has long ago vanished. Or should I say been erased the the perpetual whine of leftists screaming this or that ain’t fair and thereby ignoring laws and altering them for their own purposes. Hell, the SCOTUS just determined a mental illness to be a protected minority. It does not matted who in in charge of what the left always wins. They have done irreparable damage to America in the last four years just because they lost an election. Watch when they lose the next. It will be a national spasm. Dem cities burn and their blacks are massacred daily and after 60 years of control they blame…..Trump. Go figure.
The fake news lies and clowns like 50 cent spread the lies for power and profit. Like this tid-bit from CNN:
Trump 2020 Let them burn their cities to the ground!
The executive order should have said “hey stupid people, don’t resist arrest. That is allâ€