The best part of this is that it’s double friendly fire: the woman is a friend of Washington Post employee Tom Toles and an uber-leftist
A 3,000-word, two-byline investigation informing you that a woman you have never heard of, who is not a public figure (until now!), wore an offensive Halloween costume two years ago at a WaPo cartoonist's party.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) June 18, 2020
Every year, Tom Toles’s Halloween party draws an eclectic mix — journalists and political types from Washington’s power elite, but also artists and musicians, everyone from retirees to college kids, jammed into small rooms and sprawled across the backyard, dancing and gossiping, checking out the crowd to see who has the most inventive and outrageous costumes.
At the 2018 party at the home of The Washington Post’s editorial cartoonist, in addition to several Ruth Bader Ginsburgs, someone dressed as the “Mueller Witch Hunt†and Post columnist Dana Milbank came as just-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, complete with a beer-dispensing device on his head. A guest named Lexie Gruber wore a scary “Beetlejuice†get-up and called herself “dead.â€
A middle-aged white woman named Sue Schafer wore a conservative business suit and a name tag that said, “Hello, My Name is Megyn Kelly.†Her face was almost entirely blackened with makeup. Kelly, then an NBC morning show host, had just that week caused a stir by defending the use of blackface by white people: “When I was a kid, that was okay, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.â€
So just before heading over to the party, Schafer, a graphic designer and friend of Toles, decided to dress as Kelly in blackface to mock her, she said.
Got that? She was mocking her. Sorry, not allowed
Nearly two years later, the incident, which has bothered some people ever since but which many guests remember only barely or not at all, has resurfaced in the nationwide reckoning over race after George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, was killed when a white police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Many protesters have called on white Americans to reassess their own actions or inactions when confronting violent and everyday racism alike.
Gruber felt compelled to revive the 2018 incident. Last week, she emailed Toles, whom she has never met. (snip)
Gruber, a 27-year-old management consultant, told Toles that the incident had “weighed heavily on my heart — it was abhorrent and egregious.†She asked him to help her identify the woman.
If you’re letting a minor incident from two years ago bother you to this extent, you should seek professional mental health help. And so the Washington Post wrote this article, and it is long. Really long
On her Facebook page, Schafer posts often about her opposition to President Trump and her support of immigrants, gun control, gay rights and anti-racism causes, including photos she took at marches and demonstrations she attended.
So, she’s a Leftist
On Wednesday, after Schafer informed her employer, a government contractor, about the blackface incident and The Post’s forthcoming article, she was fired, she said.
And now fired. Welcome to Cancel Culture, Schafer. These are your Comrades, people who are beyond intolerant, will not accept apologies, and will ruin your life.

I’ve said it before: if the mob win, their liberal allies will be shocked, shocked! to find themselves among the first to be lined up against then wall.
She should have gone as Slutty Pirate.
More intolerance from the “tolerant “ party..
An yet, the whole Democratic caucus can wear an African symbol of slavery, kneel in submission and be praised for it.