…is a world killing dog causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post on a new badge for the Boy Scouts.
It’s animals week!

…is a world killing dog causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post on a new badge for the Boy Scouts.
It’s animals week!
Don’t see any of Jeffery’s pals.
Don’t see any of Sibley’s pals.
You’re the one cheering on the animals.
I’ve been watching with amusement what is being done to the Boy Scouts. Basically, it’s the same thing that was done to the Catholic church. Both were organizations that ran for years with no perverted sex problems. Then back in the 70’s for the Church and I think the 90’s for the Scouts an unrelenting murmur grew into an unstoppable force DEMANDING that homosexuals be admitted in positions of authority because BIGOTRY. Yep that pseudo-human science of homophobia was all bad and stuff and we as people MUST accept queers like everyone else their psycho-sexual predilections and tendency toward the rape of minors notwithstanding.
So all the lawyers jumped into high gear, lassoed the ACLU, American Atheists, Freedom From Religion and other Constitutional and Christian hating organizations and filed multi-million dollar law suits across the country first against the Church forcing them by law to break their own faith and hire gays as priests then, inflated with their monetary successes with the Church they did The same to the Scouts. And voila! Queer Scoutmasters.
They all knew as did all the judges and all the normal people that this would lead to child rape and the use of kids for gay fornication and sodomy. The lawyers grinned and rubbed their hands together waiting for the first cases of sodomy to bring in the second wave of cash from these groups and ultimately destroy them as an effective force for good in America (and possibly the world).
The left loved the idea of forcing fags to be with children since it would hurt those damn Holy-Rollers or as Elwood calls them Evangelicals on the one hand and those damn patriotic flag waving deplorables on the other. Cause see, they have no fukin right to teach their religion, nationalism or patriotism if the left disagrees with it and choosing not to believe isn’t as good as persecuting believers. If they could pull it off (which may soon be a reality) they woud sent them to reeducation camps, work camps or extermination camps just like their teachers Stalin and Mao did.
Trump 2020 The left has eroded everything good about Western Civilization and America
Kye claims liberals caused the conservative Roman Catholic Church to rape children and then cover it up. Yeah, right.
Exactly, that’s what happened.
Same as the Boy Scouts, the Church was assured these were good homosexuals and wouldn’t molest boys. The Church forgot about Sodom and Gomorrah and wanted to be forgiving.
Wrong. God usually gets it right.
He certainly did on this.
PS What Jeffery is doing is called professional courtesy.
Once again Elwood, you’re a fukin’ liar. I “claimed” no such thing because unlike you I realize the Roman Catholic Church cannot rape children. That’s impossible. Or are you suggesting they ORDERED their priests to commit sodomy? That too would be real stupid. I merely pointed out that leftists (not liberals) FORCED the church, which hitherto had not permitted homosexuality among it’s adherents and did not knowingly try to recruit queers to be ordained for the priesthood, to make a new policy which brought young innocent children under the control of perverted homo priests as authority figures. What on earth did the leftists expect to happen? Ya got that, Elwood? Can you comprehend the difference or are you going to continue accusing me, once again, of something I did not say?
Trump 2020 Or we will be in lockdown forever.
6200 showed up in the 19,000 seat arena. Prior to the Klanbake, the campaign dismantled the scheduled outdoor “overflow” activities. The odious jimhoft lies to his hapless readers.
Also, Scouts BSA has allowed gay scoutmasters since only 2015, yet… The Boy Scouts of America believed more than 7,800 of its former leaders were involved in sexually abusing children over the course of 72 years
Perhaps the Roman Catholic Church and BSA should have screened for pedophiles and not tried to cover up their crimes.
More like 12,000. And photographs don’t usually lie. Jeffery’s big lie fails again. so does Fake News’.
Also, Scouts BSA has allowed gay scoutmasters since only 2015, yet… The Boy Scouts of America believed more than 7,800 of its former leaders were involved in sexually abusing children over the course of 72 years
Source or just more lies? Since the Boy Scouts have been taken over by the Lefties, it’s reasonable to believe it’s a lie or that the queers have been extremely active.
Again, Jeffery is just extending professional courtesy (who knew El Dorado was such a guide to life?)
Perhaps the Roman Catholic Church and BSA should have screened for pedophiles and not tried to cover up their crimes.
Perhaps they should have relied on the Bible and known what would have happened
Pictures may not lie, but Sibley does. As do tRump and hoft.
Do you have any pictures of the upper deck? Empty.
Any pictures of the “overflow crowd” DURING the speech? Empty.
Why? Trump’s popularity is low, the date of the Klanbake was changed and people are still reluctant to gather indoors because of the pandemic. The ticket price (free) was still too high. Trump’s invocation to “be willing to die for me” fell on deaf ears. (Deaths over 120,000 and rising. Now he’s arguing for FEWER Covid-19 tests!)
He is destroying this nation and Americans realize it.
Lolgfy little Missy
They say it was sparse at the Tulsa rally.
Look sparse to you?
Or that?
In case the twat doesn’t come through.
6.7 million watched online.
Yeah, they came.
Our Lives Matter!
On Tick Tox the left bragged about using a concerted effort to buy up all the Trump tickets to the rally. I find it amazing that no ones talking about this.
TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company founded in 2012 by Zhang Yiming. It is used to create short lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. The app was launched in 2017 for iOS and Android for markets outside of China.
That is why they had 1 million requests for tickets. People who actually wanted to go were prevented and I do think that people have a real lack of enthusiasm for Trump now(Because of the riots, protests and COVID-19) as he has shown he is paralyzed by a social movement.
In 2016 it has been shown through released emails that the DNC and HRC wanted to run against Trump and even told the MSM to HYPE Trump up and give him constant exposure so he could fail with his own gaffes. We saw how that worked. This time around Trump will be John the Baptist. A lone wolf wailing in the wilderness as the press takes his gaffees and turns them into Trump is evil.
If Trump makes his rallies free, the left will just pay Anarchists to show up and stand in line for days. If he charges for the tickets the left will pay to buy those tickets. George Soros is a wealthy man and he is not the only one with money using it against Trump.
No one has doubted that it is a coup against Trump but even the experts are talking about the USA is now entering into a state of perpetual coups as it misinformed Bush that Hussein had WMDs and it misinformed Obama of targets for drone strikes and it lied about Syria using Chemical weapons in Syria and on and on it goes.
Welcome to the perpetual coup and it doesnt matter which party is in charge. Only the targets change by the deep state MIC power brokers who used to be hosted by McCain and company. As Bolton just said in his book he was angry that Trump didnt nuke Syria after using Chemical weapons when it was obvious to a 10 year old that Syria would never use them when the USA had announced they were leaving Syria.
Let us pray. America is in the grips of perpetual warmongers and the democrats are going to bed with them because they are anti-trump.
That’s the sad part about it, Est1950. We are in a continuous state of coup/siege by the CCP and it seems the Democrat party has decided to side with them. I would figure that all Americans would be devoted to making the deep state transparent, the fake news media honest and the legal system just but apparently the Democrats would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. Fifty years ago both parties would be working together to bring an end to the censorship by the information platforms, the constant use of “news sources” to promote editorials and the rampant anti-Americanism of college courses but today we can’t even convince the left there are only two sexes and abortion kills a human being and they are scientific facts. They just ignore the science they don’t like and twist the facts to fit their narrative. And they do it as a matter of policy, not pragmatism.
Trump 2020 Don’t let Tik-Tok pick the next president.
Covid-19 cases are dropping in NY, NJ, Michigan, Mass etc but skyrocketing in Fla, AZ, Montana, Idaho, AL, Ark, MS, Texas etc.
Or is this more lies?
(as if I have to guess)
Besides, nobody cares anymore.
Jeffery belches about how $12T was given to the public to get them over the latest Democrat-generated recession (that wasn’t).
Now comes word banks have an extra $2T, thanks to the stimulus.
Expectation is banks will cut interest rates, leading to a spike in new business.
Looks like commerce and finance are 2 more things of which Jeffery is ignorant.
Porter’s Pfluffer continues his rants against reason.
“Banks find $2T in couch cushions!” No, the money is from the Fed.
Quote from your article: It’s the banking world’s version of the rich getting richer.
That’s what we need, richer banks. Imagine if that $2T made it’s way to actual Americans.
$2T comes out to $15,000 per household or $30,000 per household below the income median.
We sure throw around huge numbers to further tRump’s re-election but can’t afford universal healthcare, college subsidies or a livable wage?
Much of the economic stimulus will need to be paid off at some point, or at least that’s been the connie argument whenever a Dem proposes stimulus spending. Now, Lame Duck Donald is spending like a drunken sailor and connies applaud! You’re all Keynesians now!
Hey Pfluffer, what’s the current interest rate? Your buddy here borrowed a half a million tax dollars that he doesn’t have to pay back!
Porter’s Pfluffer continues his rants against reason.
“Banks find $2T in couch cushions!†No, the money is from the Fed.
More sour grapes. That money is drawing interest and will fund new growth.
Quote from your article: It’s the banking world’s version of the rich getting richer.
That’s what we need, richer banks. Imagine if that $2T made it’s way to actual Americans.
Deposited in individual bank accounts. If that isn’t making it’s way to actual Americans, then it doesn’t exist.
$2T comes out to $15,000 per household or $30,000 per household below the income median.
Still a lot more than the average slob ever saw from Zippy’s stimulus.
We sure throw around huge numbers to further tRump’s re-election but can’t afford universal healthcare, college subsidies or a livable wage?
Socialized medicine doesn’t work, as the Fauci’s Follies experience in Italy proved. And lots of people have worked their way through college.
The livable wage thing is why people like Trump so much. They never saw anything like it under Zippy.
Much of the economic stimulus will need to be paid off at some point, or at least that’s been the connie argument whenever a Dem proposes stimulus spending. Now, Lame Duck Donald is spending like a drunken sailor and connies applaud! You’re all Keynesians now!
$2T in the bank, funding new businesses and growth in existing ones, which put more people to work. No more welfare slave Demos. People working for a living.
That’s why revenue always goes up during a tax cut. People have more to spend because they have more income.
And Trump wants to fix the infrastructure Zippy’s stimulus was supposed to. More jobs, more revenue
We’re all capitalists now. Jeffery hates that. He wants us all slaves to the Democrats. That’s why his idiot buds are tearing down statues of US Grant and Teddy Roosevelt.
And the only lames around are Democrats. Their little schemes aren’t working. The best they’ve got is Gropin’ Joe.
Hey Pfluffer, what’s the current interest rate? Your buddy here borrowed a half a million tax dollars that he doesn’t have to pay back!
Your governors and mayors expect Trump to reimburse all they damage they allowed to happen the last 4 months with their lockdowns and riots.
He won’t. Where are they going to get the money? Dr Evil? Red China?
No, Trump is no lame duck, but a lot of Democrat mayors and governors are.
You seem to have a problem with my wife qualifying for a low interest SBA loan under the CARES Act, why?
Trump 2020 A man that actually cares.