It just doesn’t stop. They won’t stop. Even if their own stuff gets whacked, they won’t stop
San Jose State joins #CancelCulture. Will the students and alumni Comply?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) June 22, 2020
Seriously, the folks at 4Chan who came up with the joke on the OK sign have performed one of the best, if not the best ever, bit of trolling in the history of the Internet
(Yahoo Sports) San Jose State said Thursday that it would be ending its official use of the “Spartan Up†hand gesture because of the way the “OK†hand gesture has been adopted by white supremacists.
The gesture, created in 1990 by the school’s former band director, encourages SJSU fans to create a Spartan head with their hand by forming “a helmet with your thumb and index finger. Curl remaining three fingers over the top of the helmet, mimicking a feathered plume.â€
“We all agree that the gesture has become part of the fabric and footprint of our university, however when the gesture is used improperly, it can be offensive to some members of our university family,â€Â SJSU athletic director Marie Tuite said in a statement. “When our ‘Spartan Up’ hand gesture was misinterpreted as an ‘okay’ sign and not the proper gesture, the improper sign created a division in our campus community. It was timely and appropriate to make the decision to no longer use the hand gesture associated with Spartan Up.’â€
OK, so, what happens when students still do it? Will they be punished? And then sue the school for violation of their federal and state free speech right? How about alumni? Whatcha gonna do?
Teddy Roosevelt Statue to be Removed from Museum of Natural History
New York City’s American Museum of Natural History announced Sunday that it will remove a statue of former president Theodore Roosevelt from outside its entrance.
The bronze statue, which has stood outside of the museum entrance since 1940, depicts Roosevelt riding horseback accompanied by a Native American and an African American male. According to the announcement, the move stems from nationwide attacks on confederate statues and protests over the death of George Floyd.
“Over the last few weeks, our museum community has been profoundly moved by the ever-widening movement for racial justice that has emerged after the killing of George Floyd,†the museum’s president, Ellen V. Futter, told the New York Times. “We have watched as the attention of the world and the country has increasingly turned to statues as powerful and hurtful symbols of systemic racism.â€
“Simply put,†Futter added, “the time has come to move it.â€
Gotta wonder how many other things are Wrongthink in the museum. It’s a museum of history, they apparently can’t deal with history. Say, let’s go check the Metropolitan Museum of Art, bet there’s something we can cancel.
#CancelYale trending on Twitter nationwide
Yale University has come under fire Saturday through tweets pointing out the university was named after Elihu Yale, a slave trader.
The hashtag “#CancelYale†started trending nationwide on Twitter.
In one tweet, from Jesse Kelly, around 12:30 p.m. Saturday, he said he called on Yale to “change its name immediately and strip the name of Yale from every building, piece of paper, and merchandise. Otherwise, they hate Black people. #CancelYaleâ€
The university has previously been brought in the spotlight in August 2016 for a push to rename the Ivy League campus, starting at the top with Elihu Yale, “slave trader extraordinaire,†as he was described in a story then by the Wall Street Journal.
In today’s #CancelCulture Yale would need to be ended, not have their name changed. Jesse Kelly also noted that the founder of Georgetown University, John Carroll, owned 100 slaves, and should be Canceled. And that everyone with a degree from Yale and Georgetown should give up their degrees. Obviously, Jesse was trolling, and pointing out the hypocrisy of the SJWs. But, like I tell people when they says “what about X?”, don’t give them ideas, because they are in a cancelling mood.

Clearly, everyone who has a degree from Yale, and Brown and Columbia, other Ivy League colleges with ties to the slave trade, needs to be immediately discharged from any and all government offices they hold.
Upon being awarded an honorary degree from Yale, President Kennedy quipped, “It might be said that I have the best of both worlds, a Hahvahd education and a Yale degree.”
For that, it’s clear that all statures of President Kennedy must be toppled, and the eternal flame at his grave site in Arlington extinguished.
The statue of President Roosevelt has been condemned as celebrating colonialism. The United States doesn’t have quite the colonialist history of some European nations, but we did have a bit, and for that, I must be grateful. Had the United States not annexed Hawai’i in 1898, my father would not have been an American soldier in Japan in 1951, and it is virtually certain that he would not have met my mother, a WAC working in General MacArthur’s headquarters. I exist due to what little American colonialism there was.
The #woke are really thoughtless creatures. They condemn the European-American conquest of the inferior ‘indigenous’ tribes here, but if they had IQs higher than room temperature, they’d have to realize that it’s not just that they’d have to live in an overpopulated Europe, but, in all probability, they wouldn’t exist! Even if their parents had met in Europe, the existence of each of us is due to the accident of which sperm cell met which ovum, at the precise moment it did. European time being a span of several hours ahead of ours, the times at which their parents would have chosen to copulate would almost certainly be different.
Europeans and Asians and Hispanics have emigrated to the United States in search of better lives, because greater opportunity and better lives are possible here. Even blacks, many of whom had no choice in their ancestors being here, have far, far better lives than they would have had if they lived in Africa.
One can condemn the genocide of indigenous peoples while also being grateful for one’s own existence.
Undoubtedly, assignations during the Holocaust resulted in individuals alive today in Europe and the US, but that fact doesn’t justify the Holocaust.
Using the current state of Black Americans to excuse slavery is an abomination. “Look at all the good that came from slavery!”
It’s encouraging when a conservative recognizes the role dumb luck and accidents play in life. We were lucky to be born in the US. You’re here because of luck or happenstance. We should be grateful but not arrogant.
One can condemn the genocide of indigenous peoples while also being grateful for one’s own existence.
Undoubtedly, assignations during the Holocaust resulted in individuals alive today in Europe and the US, but that fact doesn’t justify the Holocaust.
As always, Commie rhetoric has no semblance of truth. First, the American Indians were hardly “indigenous”, they came from Europe and Asia just like everybody else.
Second, whatever point Jeffery tries to make about WWII is one big fat non sequitur.
Finally, the Indian Wars were hardly “genocide”. Our guys took prisoners. Theirs didn’t.
Except for a few (dare I say it?) slaves.
Using the current state of Black Americans to excuse slavery is an abomination. “Look at all the good that came from slavery!â€
Straw man.
It’s encouraging when a conservative recognizes the role dumb luck and accidents play in life. We were lucky to be born in the US. You’re here because of luck or happenstance. We should be grateful but not arrogant.
Yeah, the Conservative is smart enough to see how good things are here. The Commie wants to destroy it.
And why not be arrogant? We’re the best.
Noting that
does not equal:
That you would equate them does not surprise me.
All of human history is a story of the conquest and displacement or absorption or them subjugation of the weaker by the stronger. The Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons, who had conquered the Roman Britons and the Celts. Today’s left are just massively upset that the primarily English Europeans conquered the Indians, but somehow, some way, perhaps ’cause no one can criticize ‘brown’ people, they never note that the Spanish conquered the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
Dana thinks the Spanish are brown?
Excusing slavery is exactly what Danas do.
If a band of thieves overrun Casa Dana taking his land would he just buck up and attribute it to the principle of the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger? Or would he want help from the sheriff?
If you were trying to make some point, you missed. In fact the entire comment is silly.

ICYMI Hispanics are pretty brown. The spanish aren’t, but he wasn’t talking about them.
‘Nother straw man.
As is your lame comment on slavery.
If a band of thieves overrun Casa Dana taking his land would he just buck up and attribute it to the principle of the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger? Or would he want help from the sheriff?
Now which thieves do we mean?
The Aztecs, who were so hated by other Indians, they made up most of Cortez’ army?
The Sioux, who had tribes standing in line to scout for the US Army?
What our resident ignoramus never noticed was that Indian wars usually came down to the smaller tribes allied with the white man to defeat the big tribe thieves.
And I have all kinds of examples.
Dana typed: no one can criticize ‘brown’ people, they never note that the Spanish conquered the Caribbean, and Central and South America
formwiz typed: The Spanish aren’t, but he wasn’t talking about them.
He certainly was talking about the Spanish. Just another lie by you. It’s all you do.
No, he wasn’t. He was talking about the people who came there, he was talking about the people who arose from that conquest.
they never note that the Spanish conquered the Caribbean, and Central and South America.pole who resulted from it.
You can’t read, can you?
Jeffery, when faced with one of his lies, claims it’s all illusion.
Here’s an illusion from Pubic Broadcasting
Porter’s Fluffer (aka Sibley aka formwiz) claims to show 12,000 trumpistas in this picture. The fire department said 6200, trump’s SS claimed 12,000. Prior to the dud, Brad Parscale expected a minimum 60,000 rabid white nationalists.
The venue seated over 19,000.
tRump was reported to be irate over this humiliating fiasco of a campaign kick-off.
I used to attend a local university’s basketball games in 10,000 seat arena. They would draw maybe 1000, and the pages would usher everyone to just behind the benches for a better look on TV. tRump’s handlers did the same. An entire lower section was open, as was the upper deck. How many people did you count in the picture?
All of which means Trump still outdrew Gropin’ Joe at his latest event.
And even Pubic Broadcasting showed a pretty full house. Looked more like 2/3 than 1/3.
Then there’s that 11.2 million who watched online, not counting those who watched on TV.
Seems like Jeffery is feeling a little nervous about how well Trump really did.
Looks like Porter’s Pfluffer feels he must exaggerate. Remember when tRump lied about the number of people at his inauguration? Sorta like that. Insecurity.
Lame Duck Donald is through. He knows it, you know it, we all know it. VP Biden isn’t even campaigning and is 10-12 ahead of Lame Duck Donald. 200,000 dead Americans will hang around Don’s neck. Record unemployment. Record debt. Russia and China kicking our butt. Racism and white christian nationalism on the rise. Infrastructure deteriorating. What has tRump accomplished? He’s made white christian men feel more privileged. Even the Supreme Court is humiliating him.
The GOPher revolution started in 1980 is finally coming to an end and real Americans will take America back from the blood-sucking corporatists. And you white supremacists cock-a-roaches will have to crawl back under the woodwork and wait for a new messiah. No wonder you all crave a civil war.
Looks like Porter’s Pfluffer feels he must exaggerate. Remember when tRump lied about the number of people at his inauguration? Sorta like that. Insecurity.
Unlike you, I don’t make ’em up. And those numbers are pretty easily verified, but, given Gropin’ Joe’s “rally” in PA, I can appreciate Jeffery’s need to try to denigrate Trump’s return to the campaign trail.
Lame Duck Donald is through. He knows it, you know it, we all know it. VP Biden isn’t even campaigning and is 10-12 ahead of Lame Duck Donald. 200,000 dead Americans will hang around Don’s neck. Record unemployment. Record debt. Russia and China kicking our butt. Racism and white christian nationalism on the rise. Infrastructure deteriorating.
Lame Duck Donald? Your latest sally at wit, Sally? And you’ve been saying Trump has been though for 4 years. Wait 4 years and you may be right.
As for the polls, these are the same ones that said the Hildabeast was ahead, too. Show us the crosstabs, how oversampled the Demos were.
Yeah, you can see all the people in the streets complaining about 200,000 deaths from the WHO Flu. More like 400. And how, exactly are Russia (who you keep saying is on Trump’s side) and Red China beating us? Shirley, you’re not going to keep up that nonsense how the Red Chinese have beaten the bug. They just ordered a new round of lockdowns.
I agree racism is on the rise, but it seems to be black racism; a lot of white people getting jumped for no reason except being white.
And, if the infrastructure is deteriorating, it’s on Zippy. That’s what his stimulus was supposed to fix, but all we got were those @#$%^&**( roundabouts.
What has tRump accomplished? He’s made white christian men feel more privileged. Even the Supreme Court is humiliating him.
It has? When? All he has to do is rewrite the EO.
The GOPher revolution started in 1980 is finally coming to an end and real Americans will take America back from the blood-sucking corporatists. And you white supremacists cock-a-roaches will have to crawl back under the woodwork and wait for a new messiah. No wonder you all crave a civil war.
Commies aren’t real Americans, just scum. And you’re the ones that will have to crawl into the woodwork come 11/4/20.
You can’t beat us. We’re all that keeps this country going. That’s why you hate us so.
” Brad Parscale expected a minimum 60,000 rabid white nationalists.” Wow, are you a racist.. The biggest racist I ever read on this blog. Why do you hate white people?
Trump 2020 He’s for ALL Americans not just black ones. #OUR LIVES MATTER!
Here’s something beyond the limited comprehension of Elwood and his White Hood Warriors:
“Moral cruelty contributes to actual cruelty by uncritically accepting lies that blacks are all and always treated disproportionately in the criminal justice system, by nodding in agreement with the nonsense that there is “systemic injustice†— that is to say the very rule of law is racist. This is moral cruelty. So is groveling under the nonsensical “white privilege†rubric in the face of thuggery and cant. There is no collective guilt or collective innocence. All Americans of every race are privileged by a system designed to procure and secure equal rights for all. It is a system based on a refutation of collective guilt or innocence. We are individuals united only when we acknowledge that each of us is responsible for our own conduct. Period. Whites and blacks. We all matter and are all entitled to the great privilege of liberty.”
No, Black Lives Don’t Matter, not in the least, unless they are taken by a while man, preferably a white police officer, and then they matter in that they can be used for political purposes.
But the over 300 black men killed in Philadelphia last yea? No big deal. The mostly black slaughter in Camden and Chicago and St Louis? You’re raaaaacist if you point out that.
And black women are five times as likely as white women to end a pregnancy via abortion. Black Americans are killing themselves off, but we aren’t s’posed to mention that.
Mention the murder of Black Americans all you want, but it doesn’t excuse the State murdering Black citizens, does it? Connies are apoplectic over State oppression, but welcomes the State keeping Black Americans oppressed. Are you troubled that nearly the only whites killing Black Americans today are police officers?
Dana excuses police killings of Black Americans because Black Americans live in a more violent America!
We start with repairing how we police. But as Americans recognize the inequality that America promotes by policy, we will start repairing wage inequality, segregation by locale, inequality in access to health care… there’s a lot to do. The only way the far-right can stop the changes is by violence and oppression.
It appears like we’ll have to cancel New York because of the Duke of York’s slave dealing so there is an upside to this.
black women are five times as likely as white women to end a pregnancy via abortion
Actually the rate is less than 3 times as many and dropping. The rate among Black women fell from 48 per 1000 to 27 per 1000 from 2000 to 2014. That’s nearly a 50% drop. Over the same period the rate for whites dropped about 20%.
In the US most abortions are obtained by poor women. Most women seeking abortions claim to be christians.
Each year in the US, there are more miscarriages than abortions.
What do miscarriages have to do with abortions?
But it is good news the Democrats are killing fewer black babies. Did they lower their goals or decide black lives matter? Maybe, just maybe Our Lives Matter.
Care to document that because, even if true, it still shows the pernicious effects of the Left on black America. And Jeffery is the race traitor that cheers it on.
In the US most abortions are obtained by poor women. Most women seeking abortions claim to be christians.
Claim, of course, is the operative word. Kind of like cafeteria Catholic.
And I’d like to see him document that one, too.
Jeffery just throws these little lies around because he thinks they will go unchallenged. It worked in the 60s, not so much today.
Each year in the US, there are more miscarriages than abortions.
Once again, show your work.
Porter’s Pfluffer (aka formwiz) sucks. But that’s redundant, isn’t it?
These “lies” are actually facts, but you think everyone lies like you do.
Show YOUR work, Pfluffer.
Mention the murder of Black Americans all you want, but it doesn’t excuse the State murdering Black citizens, does it? Connies are apoplectic over State oppression, but welcomes the State keeping Black Americans oppressed. Are you troubled that nearly the only whites killing Black Americans today are police officers?
Black Lives Matter unless they in inner city ghettos controlled by Democrats.
And less than 5% of blacks are killed by cops, so the State isn’t murdering black (I see you’re capitalizing black juss like yo’ massas tol’ yu to) citizens.
Your statement about Conservatives welcoming the State (you make the US sound like the enemy; I thought you guys were supposed to be the real Americans, sounds more like traitors) keeping Black Americans oppressed is, of course, risible and I’d like to see your source that the only white killing blacks are cops.
You do realize you make an ass of yourself with such ridiculous claims.
Dana excuses police killings of Black Americans because Black Americans live in a more violent America!
That more violent America is governed almost exclusively by Democrats and, of the 104 shootings and 14 deaths in Chiraq, not one was by cops.
We start with repairing how we police. But as Americans recognize the inequality that America promotes by policy, we will start repairing wage inequality, segregation by locale, inequality in access to health care… there’s a lot to do. The only way the far-right can stop the changes is by violence and oppression.
Ninny forgets that “how we police” was created in no small portion by the current front-runner for the Democrat nomination.
And Americans recognize there is no inequality that America promotes by policy, including healthcare, of which blacks would suffer as much as anyone else in socialized medicine and that “segregation by locale” is something pushed by black radicals.
So the “violence and oppression” seems to be mostly on his side.
BTW Seems like some of the Democrat oppression is headed for the autonomous zone
Raz and his bros are on the chopping block.
When comrade Elwood states “segregation by locale” does he mean he wants the government by force to choose our neighborhoods? Or is he pissed off that people seem to want to live among their own and he thinks that’s bad?
People have ALWAYS self-segregated, it’s our nature to want to be among our own, who have our culture, our beliefs, our morality and with whom we share our dreams and aspirations.
It would be foolish to take the recent surge of “mostly peaceful” rioting and the accompanying cultural Marxist propaganda barrage from the liberal establishment at face value.
Jason Siler shares a definition from Psychology Today:
“Psychological manipulation can be defined as the exercise of undue influence through mental distortion and emotional exploitation, with the intention to seize power, control, benefits and/or privileges at the victim’s expense.”
That’s what they are doing to the public, all right. They want us to be afraid. They do not want us to take constructive action to solve the problems they exploit.
All the left has is destruction of America and hate.
When blood & soiler Kye praises self-segregation he ignores centuries-old segregation enforced by fiat.
Does he really believe that Black children chose to attend sub-standard schools? Certainly he’s old enough to remember when schools were segregated, not by choice, but by law. Certainly, he’s old enough to remember President Eisenhower sending American troops to Little Rock. He may have heard of the Supreme Court case Plessy vs Ferguson in 1895 and Brown vs Board of Ed in 1954. Perhaps he’s heard of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Jim Crow laws? Separate but equal? Redlining? Buchanan vs Warley? Neighborhood covenants?
Black Americans don’t choose to be poorer, don’t choose to live in dangerous neighborhoods, don’t choose substandard schools…
We’ve made great progress over the past several decades, but the problems associated with Black communities results from generations of active oppression.
YOU are more comfortable among YOUR OWN kind. We get it. But you’re wrong if you think we’re letting tRump reverse progress.
You Democrat slavers create segregation then you have the choppers to throw that on me? Fuk you! You Democrat separatists keep black kids from good schools by continuously vetoing School Choice Vouchers and you throw that on me? Fuk you again. I’ve heard of all those laws supported by Republicans and fought against tooth and nail by slaver Democrats for decades. I even marched in 1965 with my church group for civil rights. What did you do? But you hateful Democrat throw that on me? Fuk you one more time.
Exactly who do you think created Jim crow, Separate but Equal, Redlining? Democrat slavers like you, that’s who. Now go lick some BLM commies boots, boot licker. If you want to carry the burden of the Slavery you r party supported in America that’s fine but leave us out. We did NOT participate.
Most people are more comfortable among THEIR OWN kind. Or are you so blind you never noticed ethnic neighborhoods, or something as simple as people at parties and who they hang with? Or don’t all your commie billionaires and millionaires live,work and play together? When was the last time Bette Midler came to your house, or you met Ben Aflick for a beer at TGI Fridays?
They don’t associate with idiots like you they have their own crew of idiots. You really are a hateful simpleton but as a slaver Democrat we can see where you get it.
Yes, the problems associated with black communities are the results of generations of oppression. Generations addicted to welfare by Democrat politicians, decades of Dems not allowing them to choose their own schools, Decades of Dems packing them into crime-ridden ghettos full of drugs, prostitution and violence. Decades of Dems Planned Parenthood teaching them to “throw away” their children. And decades of Democrats employing the racism of low expectations telling blacks they can’t take care of themselves, have no future, are oppressed in a free society where anybody even recent immigrants can accomplish amazing things as long as they keep the fuk away from Democrats.
You belligerent sad little man. You really need to cast off that “elitist” mantle of slave owner and actually help these fellow Americans that you and Hillary in your best phony Southern accent call “brotha’s and sista’s”. Trump helped them in the job market and all you did was bitch, bring in foreigners to take their jobs an call Trump a racist for helping blacks..
Trump 2020 Don’t let leftist commies tell you where you have to live.
SadlyOrwellian • 8 hours ago
This “cultural revolution” is one that relies on intimidation, public shaming, and economic ruin to dictate what words and ideas are permissible in the public square. It is a Godless, evil, spiritual devolution. It is not one suited for the use of weapons, other than in defense of certain universal liberties. It is a war that can only be won in the heart. It is a war to restore forgotten or disregarded morals and to restore order to an increasingly chaotic Animal Farm; reminiscent of Lord of the Flies. And those leading this “revolution” are not educated enough to even know what that means. No fathers, no families, no work ethic, no education, no commitments, no standards, no morals, no concept of absolute truth, is leading to a meltdown of humanity. Groupthink is producing a mob of useful idiots. Useful to whom? The father of lies, the initial animator of all rebellion and pride; the enemy of all mankind. The one who tempts his way into all who wish to be free from the bonds of Godly restraint.
Too bad Kye never said that, and the only Nazi here is you.
I might add that de jure segregation lasted less than a century, so you again prove your ignorance in yet another field.
Does he really believe that Black children chose to attend sub-standard schools?
Since most kids go to public school, I doubt any of them choose, but, since most blacks live in Democrat-controlled cities, the choice of sub-standard schools is made by Democrat politicians and the teacher unions.
Certainly he’s old enough to remember when schools were segregated, not by choice, but by law. Certainly, he’s old enough to remember President Eisenhower sending American troops to Little Rock. He may have heard of the Supreme Court case Plessy vs Ferguson in 1895 and Brown vs Board of Ed in 1954. Perhaps he’s heard of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Jim Crow laws? Separate but equal? Redlining? Buchanan vs Warley? Neighborhood covenants?
And schools are segregated today because the Demos want those black kids where they can vbe indoctrinated and kept as ignorant as possible.
Black Americans don’t choose to be poorer, don’t choose to live in dangerous neighborhoods, don’t choose substandard schools…
No, white Democrats choose for them. There is, of course, the fact that any black, such as Bill Cosby, who speaks out against such conditions will be instantly destroyed by the Leftist establishment.
And that black gangs are allowed to run wil by Democrat machines.
We’ve made great progress over the past several decades, but the problems associated with Black communities results from generations of active oppression.
All of it from the Left.
YOU are more comfortable among YOUR OWN kind. We get it. But you’re wrong if you think we’re letting tRump reverse progress.
And all this time I’ve been hearing black activist demanding set-aside areas for blacks only.
And Trump will reverse all of your “progress”.
To wit
And this is what scares Jeffery the most.
Looks like somebody finally showed Dr Evil the real poll numbers.
The Demos will start cracking down on the savages.
And I don’t think anybody is going to be scared of the Whitmer Wheeze again
In DC, the cops finally stopped the Visigoths from tearing down Old Hickory’s statue and now there’s a riot.
So the press has been tossed out.
Maybe they’ll hang with their homies in the street.
for your appreciation.