You know I’m not a big fan of deforestation and clear cutting. But, of course, the Cult of Climastrology is trying to link it to viruses, because Wuhan Virus Bat Soup Virus is flowing around
‘Like Poking a Beehive’: The Worrisome Link Between Deforestation And Disease
In 2013, an 18-month old boy got sick after playing near a hollow tree in his backyard, in a remote West African village. He developed a fever and started vomiting. His stool turned black. Two days later, he died.
Two years and more than 11,000 deaths later, the World Health Organization put out a report saying the Ebola outbreak that likely emanated from that hollow tree may have been caused in part by deforestation, led by “foreign mining and timber operations.”
The tree the boy played near was infested with fruit bats — bats that may have been pushed into the boy’s village because upwards of 80 percent of their natural habitat had been destroyed.
Except, Ebola has been around a lot longer than those trees have been cut down. Notice the use of the words “likely” and “may”. In other words, they do not have proof, they’re just brainstorming and fearmongering.
Scientists have long warned that the reshaping of Earth’s landscapes will have broad ramifications for the climate and biodiversity. A growing body of evidence shows that forest loss and fragmentation can also increase the risk of animal-borne infectious disease, similar to the type that’s currently upending the world.
Health experts say that the novel coronavirus, which has killed nearly half a million people worldwide, originated in an animal. Likely, a bat. And while it’s too soon to know whether deforestation or land-use change played any role in its path to becoming a global pandemic, there are concerns that the economic ruin it’s leaving behind could help set the stage for future pandemics.
Most likely, it originated in a “research” facility in Wuhan province, not from eating a bat (or Pangolin). The area has long been deforested, so, it’s not like they just clear cut it and things got bad. But, hey, the cult always has to link things. Skipping to the end of a long screed
But she (Amy Vittor, an assistant professor at the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute) says action is needed because the warming climate and land-use changes are not slowing down. Every time humans alter the landscape, Vittor says, it’s kind of like poking a beehive.
“If we continue to poke the beehive in nature, we will continue to see these kinds of events occur.”
What Ms. Vittor is describing is not anthropogenic climate change from greenhouse gases, but, localized climatic changes caused by land use.
Also, consider that there has been a big uptick in the use of wood for heating and cooking due to the forced use of solar and wind, which are not reliable.

Most likely, it (Trump Plague Virus or TPV) originated in a “research†facility in Wuhan province…
This is where Dr. Teach would supply evidence to support his claim.
Do you think the tRump administration is working toward preventing the next coronavirus pandemic? LOL.
Most likely humankind will die with a whimper, not a bang. An incredibly lethal virus that spreads readily from person to person. You can sit in your house and shoot anyone who approaches until you run out of food, electricity and clean water. Maybe the preppers had it right all along! We’ve had a good run.
The next pandemic may cripple us before global warming finishes the job.
I must give a tip of the hat to those you worship. They played the COVID bullshit nicely. They trotted out highly flawed computer models and had some people with fancy letters before their name state how ‘unprecedented’ and how ‘deadly’ this cold virus is creating a mass panic in the population. They succeeded in shutting down whole economies, destroying even more of the middle class and even was able to shoehorn race baiting in there.
The only saving grace was that the panic was starting to fizzle out. People were waking up to the idiocy of it all. That this cold virus, while bad, wasn’t as bad as some seasonal flues. They started to rebel. But, like the good totalitarians they are and never letting a crisis go to waste, they just jumped with both feet onto the George Floyd murder and fanned those flames until we have the anarchy we are now seeing. And now, they are trying to combine the two to cause even more anarchy.
The problem with ALL of this is that those hoping to gain through all of this are underestimating the intelligence of the American people. Every day, more and more people are abandoning the demonrat party, they are denouncing the violence in the streets, they are supporting, more than ever, our police officers. You can trot out all the little polls and surveys you want that say otherwise, just remember how accurate those were in 2016. They don’t poll or survey us ‘deplorable’ people in fly over country. They don’t bother with the people in rural areas and, as proven in 2016, we may be the ‘silent majority’ but we are the majority and we made our quiet voices heard loud and clear. And we will again.
First, it’s more like the Cuomo Curse.
Second, Fake News and all their butt boys like Jeffery are trying to cover for the Reds. The fact there’s a bio-warfare lab down the street from the market in a country vowing to start a war for the Pacific could have no connection /sarc.
Same gobbledegook they give for global wahoo.
And quoting a gaming site for medical news impresses nobody
Most likely humankind will die with a whimper, not a bang. An incredibly lethal virus that spreads readily from person to person. You can sit in your house and shoot anyone who approaches until you run out of food, electricity and clean water. Maybe the preppers had it right all along! We’ve had a good run.
What “we”? You hardly count as part of Mankind.
You do realize that most of the people who get it never even know they’ve had it right?
You also realize that infection among Dr Evil’s paid rioters has gone through the roof.
And, no, your fondest hopes have been dashed yet again. This will not kill off all the Americans.
The next pandemic may cripple us before global warming finishes the job.
That’s what your pals, the Red Chinese, are hoping, but it looks like their open door to the US has slammed shut.
Trees are a crop, just like corn. They just take longer to mature.
There’s a big difference between clear-cutting and deforestration.
Most all of the clear-cutting done in this country is on tree farms — also known as Private Property, something that used to be respected.
The clearing is then replanted, and 50 years later, clear-cut again.
I grew up in the PacNW, and when I was much younger I worked on a replant crew. The Doug Firs I planted that survived the deer and insects have probably been harvested by now.
Why is it when any other crop is harvested, one never hears about “clear-cutting”? Isn’t that how corn is harvested?