Now, this is an interesting take from the Cult of Climastrology
Climate change: Planting new forests ‘can do more harm than good’
Rather than benefiting the environment, large-scale tree planting may do the opposite, two new studies have found.
One paper says that financial incentives to plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity with little impact on carbon emissions.
A separate project found that the amount of carbon that new forests can absorb may be overestimated.
The key message from both papers is that planting trees is not a simple climate solution.
Over the past few years, the idea of planting trees as a low cost, high impact solution to climate change has really taken hold.
Previous studies have indicated that trees have enormous potential to soak up and store carbon, and many countries have established tree planting campaigns as a key element of their plans to tackle climate change.
Now, you can read the explanations later in the article, which seem to be more about money and politics than actual effectiveness, but, you know why we are seeing these kinds of “nevermind the trees” things after decades of being told to plant trees, after all this time of carbon offsets being based on planting trees?
In the US, even President Donald Trump has rowed in behind the Trillion Trees Campaign.
Ever since Trump announced his support during the World Economic Forum and the 2020 SOTU Warmists have been having fits about this. CNN’s John Sutter went full on Barking Moonbat. Warmists are now saying that planting trees is just a minor thing
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has summed this up diplomatically.
“Planting trees is good, of course, but it’s nowhere near enough of what needs to be done, and it cannot replace real mitigation or rewilding nature,” she said during the World Economic Forum, the meeting where Trump announced he would join the trees initiative.
If a President Hillary (shudder) announced this, Warmists would be ecstatic. But, because it was Trump, they are now against it. It’s a lunatic, doomsday political cult, nothing more.

Interesting that ‘reforestation doesn’t help much’ follows “There’s A Worrisome Link Between Deforestation (Climate Change) And Viruses Or Something” by just two articles. Deforestation hurts Mother Gaia, but planting more trees, well, it’s not a big deal.
The Warmunists care far less about the environment than they do in exerting socialist control.
So it’s all an anti-Trump conspiracy!!
The point of the article was that replacing primary forests with tree plantations may be counterproductive. This is hardly a new concern.
It’s not an anti-Trump conspiracy Nimrod, it’s an anti-Trump reaction to an innocent statement. Other than you who used the term “anti-Trump conspiracy”? You all don’t need to conspire when you all think the same like Borg.
Teach typed: Ever since Trump announced his support during the World Economic Forum and the 2020 SOTU Warmists have been having fits about this.
Sure sounds like Teach believes the current questioning of tree planting as a solution is an anti-trump conspiracy, Rimjob.
Never forget. To you guys, it’s always about Lame Duck Donald.
Not anti-Trump, anti-science.
You like that, huh?
And I know you think your new epithet is so cool, but Trump is still outdrawing Gropin’ Joe and the riots, like the phony impeachment and the phony pandemic, are just as big a failure.
Is that what you taught your grandson?
Does this look like a conspiracy idiot? That duck don’t look lame to mee, but you commies always see what you want.
Yeah, can’t let that damned photosynthesis make liars of you.