…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post noting one of the statues defaced was of guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan.

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post noting one of the statues defaced was of guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Jeffery was lying about the deaths from Whitmer Wheeze yesterday. <a href=”https://reason.com/2020/06/22/daily-covid-19-deaths-have-fallen-dramatically-since-april/>Here’s the real story, down 3/4.
And he’ll be whining about this, because it cuts Zuck’s workforce by 15%
Censor that.
Forgot to close the tag
I see where Steve Bing the billionaire? millionaire friend and fellow pervert of Bill Clinton, Jeff Epstein and Ron Burkel all strangely accidental. Bing supposedly “fell” off his 27th floor balcony and landed face first on the sidewalk. He made a huge splat spraying blood, bone fragments and human waste in all directions. He was another big Democrat contributor to radical left causes and a frequent flyer on the “Lolita Express” which when trump and his 13 year old tart were on board was called “Air Fuk One”. Bing, having inherited $600 million from his grandfather built it into two billion by hard work an the sweat of his brow. It was almost exhausting as banging little girls with Clinton Epstein and Weinstein in their famous “round robins”. Bings money will be missed by the perverts at the DNC. Keep your eye on your wife Bill.
Occasionally Kye types something true. “…trump and his 13 year old tart…”
He was thinking of Willie.
“Trump?” Sorry, I was listening to TV and typing simultaneously. Even I can make a mistake so can you imagine what being around a dim bulb like Elwood must be like? I’m sure you all knew who I meant except Elwood of course who is way too self absorbed to realize I meant Wild Bill Clinton, the rapist extraordinaire.
But you noticed he instantly signed on to an error because it met his narrative standards. That should be all the proof we need to NEVER trust Elwood.
So Kye’s Freudian slip is someone else’s fault, LOL.
Kye is the one spreading rumors and conspiracies. Epstein was a close friend of trump, and a young woman claimed that trump raped her at Epstein’s NY apartment when she was 13 yrs old. Bing was friends with Clinton but no evidence Bing was associated with Epstein.
Clinton and trump have the same number of rape accusations against them. Clinton has not been accused by a 13 yr old girl, trump (Epstein’s buddy) has. There are multiple photos of trump and Epstein together and admiring quotes by trump regarding Epstein.
Air Fuk One wasn’t Epstein’s plane but rather Burkle’s.
Bing did receive an unearned inheritance of $600 million. trump’s unearned inheritance was only $419 million. Bing was a philanthropist, trump is a grifter.
No, Epstein and Trump were at a couple of the same parties. It was Willie who was Epstein’s BFF.
Clinton has not been accused by a 13 yr old girl, trump (Epstein’s buddy) has.
Lie. Willie’s the one that’s been accused.
Bing did receive an unearned inheritance of $600 million. trump’s unearned inheritance was only $419 million. Bing was a philanthropist, trump is a grifter.
Sure. Trump turned millions into billions because he’s smarter than all the Lefties put together.
No grifter. That’s Willie and Zippy.
I believe earlier you claimed that a noose was used to intimidate a NASCAR driver. That as you know is a lie. It was a hoax. As they all are.
You also falsely claimed I blamed someone else for my mistake. I did not. I explained how I came to miss my error. I don’t blame other people for my mistakes, Elwood. That’s a leftist trait.
You side with the child rapist Bing, good for you. I don’t side with any of those molesters and the sooner you realize how fuked up you sound trying to make the leftist slime seem okay but the Republican slime bad the better off you’ll be Elwood.
Do you realize you’re justifying what a child rapist did by comparing him to someone else who is short on morals? Do you know you’re excusing Bing because he was a “philanthropist”? Bull shit he was a child rapist paying get out of jail free money. He was a filthy piss ant just like Epstein and Clinton. “But he was a philanthropist”, big whoop! So is Trump and you know it. Event to this day he donates his salary.
Are you going out with your “brotha’s and sista’s and tearing down our history, burn flags and set fires? Yeah, you’re for BLM except if they’re babies then KILL’EM!.
Trump 2020 Keep the anti Americans OUT!
There was a noose, so it was no hoax. It’s just it wasn’t intended for Mr. Wallace.
“They all” are not hoaxes.
There is no evidence to support your claim that Mr. Bing was a child molester. Why did you make that accusation?
You back Donald tRump who HAS been accused of rape, and of a 13 yr old child.
Nice try Rimjob.
The FBI has determined that a noose found in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday had been there since at least last year, according to the bureau.
More good news Jeffery doesn’t want to hear.
New home sales up 8 times expected rate.
Some lame duck. Although nobody’s lamer than Jeffery.
122,000 dead from SARS-CoV-2 as of today.
Cases skyrocketing in many southern, southwestern, western and mountain states.
trump predicted Covid-19 would be gone by April. Granted, he didn’t predict which year.
No, deaths are way down, as I noted in another post (Jeffery was too afraid to say something there). Real count is about 244.
Cases skyrocketing in many southern, southwestern, western and mountain states.
Skyrocketing or finally being recorded? How many are asymptomatic.
trump predicted Covid-19 would be gone by April.
It was. And nobody cares. The Lefties gave up on the Newsom Nausea.
That’s why they tried riots.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
June 24, 2020 at 12:03 am
There was a noose, so it was no hoax. It’s just it wasn’t intended for Mr. Wallace.
“They all†are not hoaxes.
There is no evidence to support your claim that Mr. Bing was a child molester. Why did you make that accusation?
You back Donald tRump who HAS been accused of rape, and of a 13 yr old child.
You need to keep up on the news Elwood. The “noose” was the garage door pull down and every door there has one. IT”S A HOAX. THEY ALL ARE. Even Jussie Smollett had to hire illegals to do the “racism” Americans don’t want to do. You live in a perpetual child-like existence where you believe everything the Lords On High at the DNC and CCP feed you.
I make the accusation of Bing because that’s what you commies do all the time and I wanted to see how YOU liked it. I see it triggered you to make a like accusation against The Great Menace, President Trump. Any other lies you got while I have you triggered like a 10 year old girl?
What are you gonna do when Biden stands up and drools like a fool at the debates? What will your excuses be for BLM when they murder more people in the name of “Equality”. Like any blacks in this country are not treated equally to anyone else. Bull shit! It’s illegal not to. If anything they get more set-asides and AA benefits than any other group except maybe fags and dykes. What you want is all kinds of benefits without any responsibility. That’s always what communism has been about.
Every time you leftists riot and burn a Democrat city you create ten thousand more people to Trump. Thanks for winning the election for us!!!!
Trump 2020 If not the Democrats will BURN America like they burned their cities.
***This comment has been a deliberate attempt to be as provocative as I can toward Elwood and his comrades in the Party. I hope I triggered them again. They deserve it.
Just for you Elwood:
As predicted by everyone with an IQ above 70, the racist noose found in Bubba Wallace’s NASCAR garage was yet another hate hoax. Via Fox News:
“The FBI has completed its investigation at Talladega Superspeedway and determined that Bubba Wallace was not the target of a hate crime,†NASCAR said in a release after the findings. “The FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall.â€
Wallace was assigned this garage just last week. The garage next door has a “noose†too.
The moment Bubba made his claim I and every THINKING American figured it was another hoax. Guess what Elwood, you lose.
Also 15 Federal agents descended on Bubba’s garage to “investigate” this “troubling act”. Fifteen! How many were sent to save Seattle? Atlanta? any Democrat city burning and in ruins? ZERO. But one little door pull and the full power of the white hating, discrimination seeking, hate crime fostering Feral government was ready to shoot people and bring them to “justice” for making a black guy cry. Bull shit again.
Triggered yet?
More for Elwood:
They literally launched a federal investigation over a piece of string used to pull down a garage door, on the grounds that a Person of Politically Preferred Pigmentation whimpered that it oppressed him. That’s how privileged some people are.
Triggered yet?
Here’s some Breaking News over the Bubba affair:
Trigger that 50 cent rimjob!
More racist bull shit from the party of Compassion:
From American Thinker:
“The Constitution and basic concepts of justice are out the window, and we face a grim new normal in which “getting whitey†becomes acceptable behavior from governments.
How else to explain this “Face Covering Directive†from the “Health & Human Services†mandarins of Lincoln County, Oregon, signed by Rebecca Austen, Lincoln County Public Health Administrator and Dr. David Long, Lincoln County Health Officer.
The relevant portions read:
General directive: All individuals in Lincoln County are required to wear face coverings during any indoor public setting or outdoor public location where a person will be in within six feet of another individual, who does not share the same household.
And the exceptions allowed:
· Persons with health/medical conditions that preclude or are exacerbated by wearing a face covering.
· Children under the age of 12. Children over the age of 2 but under the age of 12 are encouraged to wear face coverings but not required to do so.
· Persons with disabilities that prevents them from using the face covering as described in this Directive. These persons must be reasonably accommodated to allow them access to goods and services.
· People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public. [emphasis added]”
My understanding of the expression “people of color†is that it includes everyone who is not Caucasian. (This expression is offensive to me because it implies that as a Caucasian, I have no color – am I transparent?) If this is the correct interpretation, the order is obviously in violation of the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
But it doesn’t count cause we have ‘white privilege”. That means our people get to die and be crippled by the hundreds of thousands in order to free the slaves from the Democrats so we can spend ETERNITY being called Raaaaacist Crackers. How great full these folks are?
More 50 cent triggers. You’re welcome, commie.