I actually fully agree with this
Wisconsin governor asking public for policy suggestions on climate change
As Gov. Tony Evers begins crafting his second budget, his administration is asking for suggestions on ways the state can fight and adapt to climate change.
The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, headed by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, will hold a series of listening sessions over the next month as the group crafts policy recommendations for the 2021-2023 budget.
Loosely modeled on the listening sessions Evers held around the state before introducing his first budget request — which he dubbed “the people’s budget†— the online climate meetings will include presentations as well as small group discussions. Participants will be able to offer commentary and recommendations.
Barnes is encouraging all Wisconsin residents to participate, but especially those from low income and predominantly minority communities.
“In Wisconsin and across the globe, communities of color and low-income communities often experience the worst consequences of climate change, and for far too long, they have been excluded from the policy-making process,†Barnes said in a statement provided to the State Journal. “These communities know best which policies will work for them, and that’s why we are centering their knowledge and experience as we craft our recommendations.â€
So, of course they have to make this about race and inequality, because it is not about science, but politics.
But, yes, I fully agree with this. First, because the Warmists should be making recommendations that will negatively affect their own lives and wallets. Their money. Let them deal with the fallout. And if stuff is implemented, they shouldn’t be allowed to escape to other states.
It will be interesting to see if the climate cultists do their normal and recommend policies that only affect Other People.
Second, Wisconsin could end up with lots and lots of people saying “no, we’re good. This is a bunch of mule fritters, a low hanging issue of non-importance, let’s deal with real issues.”

This state really blew it when that idiot got elected. Thanks, Madison and Milwaukee!
Along with NJ, NY, PA, IL, KY, MI, MN, CA, OR, WA, and VA.