I’ve ignored this story, because we all knew the way it was going to end. Just like most all the others, as a hoax, as people being over-wrought over something that wasn’t real, that they just saw things the wrong way. The very minute it was noted that the “noose” was attached to the garage door most rational thinking people said “door rope”. Instead of saying something like “I’m so glad that the FBI found that it was not a noose” Bubba has double down
Bubba Wallace defiant, calls rope ‘straight-up noose’ after FBI says no crime occurred
In all his years in auto racing, NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace said Tuesday night, he has never seen anything like what he described as a “straight-up noose†that was being used as a door pull in the garage he was assigned last week at Talladega Speedway in Alabama.
“I’ve been racing all of my life,†Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that. So people that want to call it a garage pull and put out all the videos and photos of knots being as their evidence, go ahead, but from the evidence that we have – and I have – it’s a straight-up noose.â€
The FBI determined Tuesday that the rope had been hanging in the garage since last year and it wasn’t intended as a hate crime against Wallace.
He said he hadn’t seen the noose himself but had seen photos of it.
“It wasn’t directed at me,†Wallace added, “but it was a noose.â€
So he didn’t actually see it? He literally says he has proof
CNNLOL: Have you seen ropes like that hanging from garages. It’s that fairly typical?
BUBBA WALLACE: Don, the damage I have of what I’ve seen of what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull. I’ve been racing all my life, we’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that have never had garage pulls like that. So people who want to call it a garage pull and put out videos and photos of knots as their evidence, go ahead. But from the evidence that we have, that I have, it’s a straight-up noose. The FBI has stated it was a noose over and over again. NASCAR leadership has stated that it was a noose. I can confirm that. I actually got evidence of what was hanging in my garage, over my car, around my pit crew guys, to confirm that it was a noose. Never seen anything like it. I talked to my crew chief about it. I said, Is this something like — I wanted to make sure we weren’t jumping the gun. And I said this isn’t a knot, this isn’t — and he’s like, Bubba; this isn’t something that can be done within a second of just tying a knot and being on the way. This is something that took time.
Don Lemon forgot to ask for that proof. Let’s see it, Bubba. Because the FBI, which wasted the time of 15 agents on this, said it wasn’t, and NASCAR is saying they are glad it wasn’t. And it wasn’t hanging over the car, it hangs on the side of the door.
You might not the best thing to come out our beloved Detroit. pic.twitter.com/5nxwAMohRy
— Sandy ?? (@RightGlockMom) June 24, 2020
These pulls are tied so they do not slide, so you have a handle. A noose would slide, grabbing fingers. They all have it. Why was the rope cut so no one could see it? In today’s society there is no way a million pictures and videos weren’t taken of it. Essentially, every garage has a “noose.”
I was of the belief that Bubba Wallace was an innocent party in all of this & he was just stating what was reported to him before the FBI conducted an investigation. Now, by doubling down, he’s lost all credibility & is a willing participant in gaslighting all of us. For shame. https://t.co/kfvAzFBUk1
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) June 24, 2020
NASCAR has been backed into a really bad corner: they jumped on this early on in defense of Bubba, joining with BLM and SJWs before any sort of investigation. Now they have a driver saying the FBI is full of mule fritters and that all NASCAR fans are racists. NASCAR fans are beyond fanatic, and this will not go over well with them. They will refuse to purchase the products of Bubba’s sponsors. People will contact the companies who are sponsors (BTW, this is already happening with one sponsor, I have some information from my life in the Real World). Sponsors sponsor to make money. If they aren’t making money they pull their sponsorship. How does NASCAR get out of this bind? They’ve dug their hole, they can’t tell Bubba to shut up, they can’t come out and say he’s wrong, yet, they run the risk of alienating fans. Some may think fans are just poor old hicks, but, they spend a lot of money on products, and you have tons of RVs, expensive ones, at every race.

People of preferred Pigmentation are NEVER wrong, ALWAYS OPPRESSED and can never be satisfied. They have been made into idiots by Democrat conditioning for 70 years.
Actually Kye, the preferred pigmentation is scant pigmentation, and always has been.
The ignorant are the white, christian nationalists who refuse to acknowledge it.
“Actually Kye, the preferred pigmentation is scant pigmentation, and always has been.”
Not according to Affirmative Action law, Set Asides etc, etc. You’re so ignorant you think there’s more than two sexes, unborn black babies aren’t humans, there are how many races? and the garage pull down at NASCAR is a noose. You need to rethink who you term as “ignorant”.
BTW, exactly who are the Christian nationalists? Show me a photo of Christians who want to make America a Christian only nation. To yo every white person who loves God and America is some kind of nationalist. People (not you) are quite capable of loving their country, their god and even their color (whatever it may be) without being “nationalists” or any of the other Hobgoblins you pull out your ass to insult white people.
BTW, how are your fellow Commies doing burning down the Democrat cites this week? Let’s see, Democrats in these cities have control of the police, the courts, the schools, all the labor unions, the news media, all the rules and regulations for the last 50-60-70 years but when your commie friends burn down the city it’s white nationalists fault. Or The Orange Man.
Stop the race baiting, Elwood. The US ended slavery with a bloody war, ended race based civil rights violations perpetrated by Democrats, elected a black president TWICE, and made our highest paid athletes, musicians, celebrities and cultural ambassadors black Americans. If we’re a “racist” nation we SUCK at it!!!
Trump 2020 Keep the leftist hate in the burning cities.
PS. I picked up my new shotgun, pistol and 1600 rounds of ammo today. I love a free country.
tRump feeds hate to his white christian supremacist base on a daily basis. It’s why you love his so.
What do you think his Muslim-hating, brown immigrant hating, gay-bashing, Black American bashing is intended to evoke from people like you?
He knows what he’s doing and knows his audience and is doubling down on hate. Teach does the same thing.
People such as you, form, Teach, puppies and Dookie are overt racists, but the most damage to Black Americans come from a system that punishes the poor.
Why do you think that Black American households have a median income only 60% of whites? Why do you think that Black American households have 10% the wealth of whites?
Were you ever stopped by the police because of your skin color? Were you ever denied a job because of your skin color? Were you ever denied a loan because of your skin color? Ever steered away from a new home because of your skin color? Ever lose a promotion based on your color?
When a group of people are thought of and treated as inferior for generations is it possible that this has long-term effects on internalized self image?
tRump feeds hate to his white christian supremacist base on a daily basis. It’s why you love his so.
What do you think his Muslim-hating, brown immigrant hating, gay-bashing, Black American bashing is intended to evoke from people like you?
Jeffery is dragging out the old tropes even though blacks, Jews, homosexuals, and Hispanics are all supporting him in record numbers.
And the more the savage hordes rampage, the more they will support him.
He knows what he’s doing and knows his audience and is doubling down on hate. Teach does the same thing.
No, that’s your side, with its iconoclasm, threatening Kristallnachts across the country.
Whose church will you burn?
People such as you, form, Teach, puppies and Dookie are overt racists, but the most damage to Black Americans come from a system that punishes the poor.
Why do you think that Black American households have a median income only 60% of whites? Why do you think that Black American households have 10% the wealth of whites?
Because the Democrats want it that way, Excrement.
They keep blacks poor, ignorant, violent, and hateful because they need a permanent underclass dependent on them.
Were you ever stopped by the police because of your skin color? Were you ever denied a job because of your skin color? Were you ever denied a loan because of your skin color? Ever steered away from a new home because of your skin color? Ever lose a promotion based on your color?
No, and neither have you.
When a group of people are thought of and treated as inferior for generations is it possible that this has long-term effects on internalized self image?
The only people who treat them that way are the Lefties.
The same Lefties who hold blacks cannot do anything by themselves but require paternalistic oversight by omnipotent white Leftists.
Have I left out anything?
Porter’s Pfluffer is back for more.
blacks, Jews, homosexuals, and Hispanics are all supporting him in record numbers
You keep using that word “supporting”. We don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Your tRump is through without white riots or martial law. Of course, we can’t put anything past Lame Duck Donald.
Not in Timbuktu.
Nobody gives a shit about Wallace and the fake controversy except Rimjob.
However, the real news is someone can now start naming names in the Obama misadministration.
Teach created a post criticizing Mr. Wallace, so it seems Rimjob Good gives a shit, as it gives him another shot at a racist taunt.
The bear suit is coming out.
The riots have failed, too.
No noose is good noose.
“It wasn’t directed at me,†Wallace added, “but it was a noose.â€
Wallace, like you, refuses to admit it is a hoax. We’ve all seen the photos. It’s NOT a noose.
Not according to the FIB, and they were Zippy’s butt boys.
If I were racing against this clown I would have real nooses hanging every where. What better way to eliminate a compettor.
Grand Dragon Dookie,
Indeed, the KKK has long used the threat of lynching to keep Black Americans “in their place”, so it’s hardly surprising you advocate it now.
Did you know the KKK “Bible” is known as the Kloran? LOL.
And I thought it was a good whippin’.
Are you into that, too?
He must be taking stupid lessons from that other race-hoaxer, Jesse Smollett…
Three police officers in Wilmington, North Carolina, have been fired after dash-cam footage recorded a profane and racist rant in which they fantasized about “slaughtering†Black people and used the N-word.
“Michael ‘Kevin’ Piner, James ‘Brian’ Gilmore, and Jessie E. Moore II were all terminated from the force.
*“We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them f**king n****rs,†said Piner in the footage. “I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.â€*
Since the police are a gov’t entity, were the officers’ 1st Amendment rights violated? What happened to freedom of speech? Maybe tRump can get them reinstated to appease his base.
Is it possible that these officers may have mistreated Black Americans in their “official” duties?
Is it possible these guys are a little strung-out after 2 1/2 weeks of trying to control the animals Democrat governors and mayors have allowed to destroy this country’s cities?
Of course white supremacists “support” cops who want to “start slaughtering fukking n*****s”.
Who exactly are the animals? The former cops? How about the 3 fat pigs who stalked and murdered Ahmaud Arbery? The local cops who covered it up? Those are rhetorical. We know you mean “fukking n*****s”.
Visions of nooses everywhere.
They’re killing all our black people.
Huh Rimjob?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
You keep using that word “supportingâ€. We don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Your tRump is through without white riots or martial law. Of course, we can’t put anything past Lame Duck Donald
Well, we don’t especially give a flying fu(k what you think because you’re always wrong.
How is he through? It’s the Democrat mayors and governors that are allowing this to happen, but, by trying to be cute, you let the cat out of the bag and a screamin’ scratchin’, howlin’ beast it is (apologies to Barry Fitzgerald).
What you’re praying for is that Trump somehow instigates white riots (your paranoia and your inferiority complex are showing) or declares martial law. Otherwise, the Demos get all the blame.
And he’s such a lame duck, you have to try to provoke him into something because your guy is such a drooling mess.