Everything is bad and must be torn down, you know. These no-longer protesters because they are using violence are pledging to tear the memorial down today
As the debate over confederate statues and other monuments continues to heat up around the country and here at home, equal rights advocates are shifting their attention to another controversial statue on Capitol Hill and now a petition to bring it down.
The Emancipation statue, at the center of Lincoln Park, has stood high for more than a century. It depicts President Abraham Lincoln standing over a freed enslaved African American who appears to be kneeling at his feet with broken shackles around his wrists. The statue was erected in 1876 to pay homage to the president, but many have taken issue with its ‘degrading racial undertones,’ as described in a new petition.
Marcus Goodwin, a D.C. native and candidate for an at-large seat on the D.C. Council, started an online petition after scaling the statue for an up-close-and- personal view. From his vantage point, it stirred up a lot of thoughts and emotion about racial inequality in America and imagery that depicts African Americans as inferior to others.
Someone was Offended, hence, things must be censored
“I really got up close to see the Abraham Lincoln Statue in a way that I don’t think many people have ever seen it,†Goodwin said. “ Washington, D.C. is a country African-Americans have contributed to socially, culturally, economically and we need imagery that represents that, not statues and memorials that demean or degrade us.â€
So, pay for it. Build it.
The statue is the result of contributions from freed slaves, who wanted to honor President Lincoln on the 11th anniversary of his death. He was assassinated in 1865.
A former slave named Charlotte Scott used her first five dollars earned in freedom to launch a fundraising campaign for the statue that would honor him, according to the National Park Service (NPS). The funds were collected solely from freed slaves, though the organization controlling the effort and keeping the funds was a white-run, war-relief agency based in St. Louis, according to  NPS.
They dishonor their forebears by wanting to destroy the memorial.
DC Congresswoman to introduce legislation to remove Emancipation Memorial from Lincoln Park
D.C. Congresswoman Del. Eleanor Norton announced plans Tuesday to introduce legislation to remove the Emancipation Memorial from Lincoln Park.
“You will soon see my bill to remove this problematic statue from Lincoln Park,” Nortan said in a statement.
Norton said the statue fails to note how enslaved African Americans pushed for their own emancipation.
So submit a bill calling for building one about that ending. Instead, she will submit one that violates the 1st Amendment, that calls for censorship. True censorship, since this is Government doing it. These same people hold that burning an American flag is freedom of speech. Well, then, so are monuments.
This is why Republicans should mostly stay silent, including Trump. Let the Democrats do this, let them own it. Drop a few comments here and there for context, but, as the saying goes “never interrupt an enemy in the middle of making a mistake.”

“The statue is the result of contributions from freed slaves, who wanted to honor President Lincoln on the 11th anniversary of his death. He was assassinated in 1865.”
“Norton said the statue fails to note how enslaved African Americans pushed for their own emancipation.”
The failure here is not in the statue, Ms. Norton.
Ms Norton is reading The History of America written by 50 cent. In real life white people died to free the slaves held by the Democrats. Just a fact. HEAR THAT?
It was the sound of 50 cent triggering!
Teach imagines that the gov’t removing a statue from a National Park Service park violates the 1st Amendment.
White and Black Americans died to free the slaves. Southern white conservatives fought to maintain their ownership of other humans.
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Why has the current Republican Party and conservatives become the definition of racism and hate?
Teach takes legitimate issue with a desperate Democrat attempting to curry favor with the mob (last I looked, she is not “the government”).
White and Black Americans died to free the slaves. Southern white conservatives fought to maintain their ownership of other humans.
Guess again.
White Americans fought to preserve the Union (read about Ebenezer Creek). Only one corps (not corpse) in the Union Ar,y was made up of black soldiers. White men did the fighting.
And white Democrats (with the connivance of as few race traitors) are still fighting to maintain their ownership of other humans.
s/b a few