…is a forest area being turned to desert due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on leftists who hate Andrew Jackson being just like him.

…is a forest area being turned to desert due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on leftists who hate Andrew Jackson being just like him.
Now, he’s the best little poodle I’ve ever seen
What I likes about him, you sure keeps him clean
I wanna play with your poodle
Can I play with your poodle
Now, let me play with your poodle
I mean your little poodle dog
President Donald Trump has known for months that his buddy Vladimir Putin put a bounty on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan.
But he was too busy twitting and doing nothing about the pandemic to worry about it.
Trump2020: Resign Now!
Jeffery2020: Always a day behind.
What do you think about Red State Republican Governors in Texas, AZ, Florida, re-“closing” because of Covid-19 outbreaks??
More testing shows more asymptomatic cases.
Big whoop.
The Eminent Mr Surber thinks a lot of it is due to the multiple funerals of George Floyd.
PS If BLM, then why does Jeffery have nothing to say about 90.1% of murders of blacks being black on black?
How’s ’bout all those new cases in all those blue states that have allowed rioters to run wild for a month?
If this is the second wave of the Newsom Nausea, why are hospitalizations and deaths decreasing?