Well, at least they mention a black woman, Heather McTeer Toney, in the article, because this stuff is usually only from uber-white enviroweenies and climate cultists. Of course, her group, Mom’s Air Force, only has two blacks out of 18 people on its national team
For some environmentalists, ‘I can’t breathe’ is about more than police brutality
“I can’t breathe.”
Those three words were uttered by Eric Garner in 2014 and again by George Floyd in 2020, when both men died while in police custody.
The words have become a rallying cry for protesters. But for some, “I can’t breathe” is about more than police violence.
“It’s not just about being choked out by police brutality — it’s about being choked out because of air pollution,” said Heather McTeer Toney, a former regional administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Barack Obama and is now a national field director at Moms Clean Air Force, an advocacy group.
Communities of color in the US are more likely to breathe air pollution, despite contributing less to fouling the air. They are more likely to be exposed to contaminated water, and to live near hazardous waste sites. And as the climate crisis worsens, many groups — including poor communities and communities of color — are the most vulnerable to the dangers of a warming planet.
In short, experts say Black people in the US are dying as a result of environmental racism.
Well, getting beyond the notion of hijacking, it’s rather weird that most of this stuff is happening in Democratic Party run cities, eh? Why are they keeping all these people of color in such poor environmental conditions? Why do they not give them clean water and air? Why do they make them live like hazardous waste sites?
For many, Flint, Michigan, has become synonymous with the problem of mass water contamination in the US.
After local and state officials decided to switch Flint’s water supply to cut costs, thousands of residents of the predominantly Black city — including children — were exposed to dangerous levels of lead.
Who primarily ran Flint? Democrats. Which president mostly ignored the issue? Obama.
The 2018 National Climate Assessment, the US government’s most comprehensive report on the impact of current and future climate change, says, “Across all climate risks, children, older adults, low-income communities, some communities of color, and those experiencing discrimination are disproportionately affected by extreme weather and climate events, partially because they are often excluded in planning processes.”
“Low-resource people are more likely to be in the impact zone,” Miranda said. “And they’re more likely to live in places that don’t have the resources to bring good mitigation technologies to bear.”
Why do Democrats keep people of color poor and make them live in areas that might possibly maybe “It Could Happen!!!!!” be affected by ‘climate change’? Do they hate people of color?
It’s great the way these nutters hijack everything and destroy its meaning.

Conservaweenie (is there any other kind) Teach typed: Who primarily ran Flint? Democrats. Which president mostly ignored the issue? Obama.
So many lies, Teach, in such a short paragraph.
Based on a financial crisis in Flint, conservative Republican Governor Rick Snyder seized control of Flint in 2011, appointing an emergency city manager. In 2012 they decided to save money for the city by switching the water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River. The switch was made in 2014. Later that year the GM plant, because of vehicle pars corrosion issues, switched back to Lake Huron water. The kids of Flint kept drinking the lead contaminated water. There was also a Legionnaires Disease outbreak related to the water that killed 12, with Michigan’s chief medical executive in Snyder’s administration charged with involuntary manslaughter! Michigan state authorities have promised continued investigations of Snyder and others for the actions and the cover-up.
The Flint water crisis is solely the responsibility of conservative Republicans.
Teach cherry picks at will, ignoring Republican governors who may contribute to the problems in their states. Teach prefers to blame the local politicians when convenient. To Teach, nuCon Republicans can do no wrong. For gawdsakes, he still supports tRump.
I think we are willing to lay the “Flint Water Crisis” at the feet of Republicans (but not conservative Republicans since they would not have been involved if they were actually conservative) if you can lay the blame for the riots and burning of American cities at the feet of their Democrat mayors for 50+ years and their corrupt Democrat city services. In the spirit of fair play I’m not even blaming the liberal Democrats, just the Democrats. I afford the same ideological separation for them as I expect for the conservatives. Even though these days it seems very few Republicans are actually conservative and very few Democrats are actually not left-wing radical, flag burning, white and Christian hating, anti-American, BLM feet licking, history erasing Marxists.
Trump 2020 The leftist news media is lying about Biden being ahead. It’s 2016 again.
Oh, Jeffery’s trying out a new epithet.
Isn’t that special?
So many lies, Teach, in such a short paragraph.
No, not really. Jeffery wants to change the rules so Democrats are exempt (or verklempt).
Doesn’t work that way.
Based on a financial crisis in Flint, conservative Republican Governor Rick Snyder seized control of Flint in 2011, appointing an emergency city manager. In 2012 they decided to save money for the city by switching the water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River. The switch was made in 2014. Later that year the GM plant, because of vehicle pars corrosion issues, switched back to Lake Huron water. The kids of Flint kept drinking the lead contaminated water. There was also a Legionnaires Disease outbreak related to the water that killed 12, with Michigan’s chief medical executive in Snyder’s administration charged with involuntary manslaughter! Michigan state authorities have promised continued investigations of Snyder and others for the actions and the cover-up.
seized control?
You mean like Mao Tse-tung or Fidel? I’ll bet there was a legislative process involved. Who was running Flint at the time?
What happened to those charges? No conviction?
And it looks like Ubersturmbannfuhrer Whitler’s minions have a bag full of air.
The Flint water crisis is solely the responsibility of conservative Republicans.
It was? The Big Fat Pig’s home town was run by Rs? With all those union slugs and Moslems there?
Teach cherry picks at will, ignoring Republican governors who may contribute to the problems in their states. Teach prefers to blame the local politicians when convenient. To Teach, nuCon Republicans can do no wrong. For gawdsakes, he still supports tRump.
Maybe because it’s the locals who are on the scene. Sounds like Snyder intervened in an already bad situation.
So, back to the question, who was running Flint at the time?
Porter’s Pfluffer, aka Formwiz E. Sibley, aka HR Blockhead, an American conservaweenie, continues his campaign of lies. It’s what nuCons do.
who was running Flint at the time
Asked and answered. Conservative Republican Governor Rick Snyder. Teach lied to you, and you swallowed every drop of his offering.
You should educate yourself and not rely on Teach, tRump, the odiousjimhoft, FOX or OANN. Google “Flint Water Crisis” and read on.
No, the state governor was not the mayor.
Who was the mayor and what was his political party?
Sounds like Jeffery is afraid to answer.
Porter’s Pfluffer is misleading you again.
When Flint declared a financial emergency in 2011, Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snyder seized control of Flint’s local gov’t installing a hand-picked Emergency Manager, Michael Brown.
In 2014: Although (Flint Mayor Dayne) Walling had not made the decision to draw water from the Flint River — that was decided by an Emergency Manager appointed by the state to usurp his mayoral powers — he executed the physical act that initiated the Flint water crisis.
BTW – Mayor Walling and Emergency Manager Brown are both white men.
So there you have it. Governor Rick Snyder made the decision to switch the water supply, not the Mayor.
Sounds like neither Porter nor his latest fluffer will admit they’re wrong. But what’s new?
Mr wiz wrote:
Conservaweenies, huh? It ain’t the conservatives who are kneeling down to their black wannabe masters; those would be liberals, and even only some of them.
Mr Dana thinks kneeling in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters is unmanly? How insecure of him.
Perhaps it’s because his parents thought he was a girl when he was born and gave him a girl’s name.
You don’t like being labeled a conservaweenie? Tough.
You get very upset when labeled a child molester and a wife beater.
Maybe you need a dose of your own medicine.
Glass houses.
As to names, Dana is a surname and certainly not a girl’s name (been watching too many Ahnold movies?).
Dana Andrews, Dana Carvey, Dana Elcar and the list goes on and on.
And Americans don’t kneel. Especially to denigrate the greatest country in the world.
And, yes, Dana nailed it.
We’ve noticed that Teach obsesses over Black Americans.
Who primarily ran America? Republicans. Which President ignored the pandemic? tRump.
tRump predicted it would miraculously disappear in April, but 4000 Americans continue to die each week from Covid-19. No nation has a worse record although authoritarian nations such as Brazil and Russia are gaining ground on us.
Anyway, the GOP effort to dismantle government is working as predicted. And we should thank the GOP for halting funding of the World Health Organization, saving each American a penny a year! Of course, the trillions to keep Americans afloat during the pandemic will eventually cost taxpayers. No doubt the next pandemic will finish the job that the GOP, tRump and Covid started.
We’ve noticed that Teach obsesses over Black Americans.
Who primarily ran America? Republicans. Which President ignored the pandemic? tRump.
No, he was on it, cutting off travel to Red China and Eurostan. It was the Demos too busy with their phony impeachment.
And the people in charge in the most populous states are mostly Democrats.
You really need to brush up on how the country is governed.
tRump predicted it would miraculously disappear in April, but 4000 Americans continue to die each week from Covid-19. No nation has a worse record although authoritarian nations such as Brazil and Russia are gaining ground on us.
They do? Facts say iotherwise.
Ditto for hospitalizations.
Anyway, the GOP effort to dismantle government is working as predicted. And we should thank the GOP for halting funding of the World Health Organization, saving each American a penny a year! Of course, the trillions to keep Americans afloat during the pandemic will eventually cost taxpayers. No doubt the next pandemic will finish the job that the GOP, tRump and Covid started.
So, we’ll be able to pay off the debt. Glad you agree.
There is no such place as Eurostan. tRump’s actions didn’t stop the outbreak, did they? In fact, America is the new epicenter of the pandemic. Other nations who are seeing dramatic downturns are banning travel from the US! NY had 0 new cases, while Red Florida, Red Arizona and Red Texas are seeing thousands of new cases, and are undergoing new “lockdowns”.
Wishful thinking, counting on miracles and ignoring advice is no way to run a nation, or even a state.
Your graph shows: 600 deaths/day x 7 days/wk = 4200 deaths/wk
Anyway, you claim only 250 deaths TOTAL. Do you finally admit that 600 Americans are dying daily?
At what number will you cease your elation over American deaths? how many Americans need to die before you realize NO PRESIDENT CAN STOP A DISEASE? He CAN stop Democrats from burning and looting their cities. He CAN stop Democrats from tearing down and erasing our American heritage. He CAN stop a lot of things but he’s listened to your “experts” and done the best any person can do. Your unwillingness to understand he is President NOT God and even a Perfect Democrat could have done no more with the info we had at the time. Hell, one of YOUR STAR leftist commie Democrats, Fredo Cuomo murdered upwards of 10,000 ederley by DELIBERATELY placing them in Wuhan Flu nursing homes knowing they were pits of death. The DEMOCRAT PA Health Secretary did the same , killing thousands even WHILE REMOVING HER OWN 95 YEAR OLD MOTHER from a PA nursing home.
You are a brainwashed liar, a coward, a communist and most likely as most leftists are, a child rapist. You love the murder of the elderly and black babies. You love the slaughter of black on black crime and blame Trump for every ill conceivable, even a disease which NO MAN can control and YOU KNOW IT, but you use it for politics. LIAR. LIAR. Filthy commie liar. And if this comment doesn’t trigger that little 50 center in you I have more. Commie propagandist, saboteur and traitor is all you got.
Trump 2020 Or people like Elwood will control OUR LIVES!!!!
While stating facts is not the same as elation, ignorance of facts is surely the path to ruin.
Every other leader on Earth has done a better job than tRump. We told you tRump was unfit for the job, and if his corruption didn’t convince you, the pandemic should have. We know you think tRump’s apparent lack of accomplishment is someone else’s fault, but buck up, he’s installed hundreds of right-wing judges; has gutted American institutions of competence, installing tRumpist loyalists in their places; has energized a far-right amalgam of neoNazis, neoKKK, white supremacists, anti-government extremists, “sovereign” citizens; transferred billions if not trillions to the wealthy; enriched himself and his spawn; spawned civil unrest… he’s accomplished lots that you and your ilk admire.
You’re triggered again. We understand it’s harsh insult, but here goes: you’re a tRump supporter, aka a 35 percenter.
Sleep Joe Biden has a new nickname: President-elect.
tRump2020: Resign to Make America Great Again!
There is no such place as Eurostan.
Of course, there is. Some of its major cities are Londonistan, Paristan, Berlinistand and Romistan (the Caesars must be spinning).
tRump’s actions didn’t stop the outbreak, did they? In fact, America is the new epicenter of the pandemic. Other nations who are seeing dramatic downturns are banning travel from the US! NY had 0 new cases, while Red Florida, Red Arizona and Red Texas are seeing thousands of new cases, and are undergoing new “lockdownsâ€.
Actually, he did. We were supposed to have 2.2 million dead.
Nowhere near that and the epicenter is still Red China. They’re going back into lockdown.
And if you buy Gotham has no new cases, you also believe in fairies.
As for new lockdowns (no scare quotes needed), Houston and Austin let the savages run wild, remember? And FL had one of several “funerals” for George Floyd.
Wishful thinking, counting on miracles and ignoring advice is no way to run a nation, or even a state.
Never stopped your crowd.
Your graph shows: 600 deaths/day x 7 days/wk = 4200 deaths/wk
Anyway, you claim only 250 deaths TOTAL. Do you finally admit that 600 Americans are dying daily?
I claim nothing. Numbers show deaths are on the downswing. You do understand what a slope is?
The graph shows all the “attributed” deaths, not the ones actually caused by the Pritzker Palsy.
Anyway, you claim only 250 deaths TOTAL. Do you finally admit that 600 Americans are dying daily?
Don’t be silly.
Real deaths are 1/5 of 1% of this idiotic 127,000 figure.
And that puts it at 294.
The Trump Plague Virus continues to infect Americans.
formwiz claimed 4000 Americans a week are not dying from Covid, using a graph that shows 4000 Americans a week dying from Covid.
No, I used a graph showing how many people who tested positive for the Cooper Crud died.
1/5 of 1% of that figure are those who were actually killed by the disease.
Considering Gropin’ Joe’s performance in PA (he couldn’t tell Zippy from Trump and claimed 120 million people died from the Wolf Whoop), I don’t doubt Jeffery is frantic to change the subject.
To anything.
Porter’s Puffer (aka formwiz) can’t stop lying.
600 x 7 = 4200
1 * 7 = 7.
1/5 of 1%.
Rez might be a little fuzzy, but here’s how the breakdown of riot-torn cities goes by party.
He can say what he want, but Jeffery isn’t talking anybody out of the idea the destruction of this country’s cities is on the Demos.
Porter’s Puffer misses the point again.
Hardly. If I had you’d be trying to point it out.
And still trying to find some wit, I see.
You know Rimjob has lost when he starts slinging the homophobic slurs again.
And yes still trying to find something witty to post.
And yes still having a problem with the maths.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Twink thinks “fluffer” is homophobic. Wonder why? That’s rhetorical.
Bwaha! Lolgf
And Rimjob is still trying.
Bless his little heart.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Is dying from COVID somehow worse than dying of exposure and starvation?
Yes, we have somewhere around 120,000 people who have died from causes attributed to COVID-19, but we also have 30,000,000 people thrown out of work due to government actions to fight COVID. How many of those people will never be able to recover from what they’ve lost, how many will be evicted from rental homes and apartments because they cannot pay their rent or catch up on back rent, how many will lose their homes to foreclosure when they cannot catch up on missed payments? How many Americans will wind up out on the streets, with no roofs over their heads, no heat in New England winters, and no food on their tables?
At some point, a calculation must be made: will the cost in American lives and American fortunes due to the virus outweigh the lives (purportedly) saved by these ridiculous restrictions?
Or at some point you could realize that this infection is not much worse than many others and stop all the hysteria.
Substitute HIV for Covid-19 and see what would happen then…
We have very effective treatments for HIV, the virus is not easily spread and we have broad testing in vulnerable populations.
Vaccines are not currently available for either HIV or Covid-19.
If we had effective treatments for SARS-CoV-2 infections it would not be much of a problem. If it weren’t spread by sitting next to an infected person, it would not be much of a problem.
Should we require Americans to wear effective masks when they gather? Using seatbelts is required. Childhood vaccinations are required. We enforce speed limits. We regulate dangerous chemicals, dangerous biologics, radioactive materials and explosives.
We have very effective treatments for HIV, the virus is not easily spread
OK, genius, why did your hero, Fauci, claim heteros would be as badly infected as homos?
Masks do not stop this thing, moron. Even Fauci has backpedaled on that one.
You’d need a plastic sheet similar to what welders wear.
This is all just kabuki.
Much like all you write.
Why the global hysteria about this particular virus? It’s not just the US. Germany, UK, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Italy, France etc are all affected.
Do you think it could be an international communist plot to “get” trump?
Has the global communist/socialist/warming/WHO cabal finally met their match in The Don and are now pulling out all stops to defeat him?
To ask the question is to answer it.
How glib!
So, the global communist/socialist/warming/WHO cabal finally met their match in The Don and are now pulling out all stops to defeat him?
(Cue Twilight Zone theme…)
You got it.
The old Lefty line, “You’re just being paranoid”, doesn’t work any more.
People have seen too many times how they weren’t paranoid. It really was true.
Twink thinks “fluffer†is homophobic. Wonder why? That’s rhetorical.
Not too many straight guys dig it.
The word may not mean what you think it means.
Then elucidate.
Rimjob swings and whiffs again.
-41,902,041 infected with HIV/AIDS (and counting)
-826,121 HIV/AIDS deaths this year (and counting)
Twink ignores that: In 2018, there were 15,820 deaths among people with diagnosed HIV in the United States and 6 dependent areas. These deaths may be due to any cause.
In the US, most HIV positive people die of old age or for other reasons!
In 2020, 10 times more Americans will die of the Trump Plague Virus than will die of AIDS.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the epicenter of AIDS. Do conservaweenies propose that wealthy nations help?
Only 826,121 HIV/AIDS deaths world wide (and counting) this year.
And Rimjob deflects and goes pfft. They’re mostly black people anyway.
Right, Rimjob?
Another worthless prediction Rimjob just made up.
But then again they’re mostly old sick people too.
Right, Rimjob?
So compassionate.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Rimjob
While stating facts is not the same as elation, ignorance of facts is surely the path to ruin.
Certainly has been with you.
And elation means surprise so you clearly do not know what it means.
Every other leader on Earth has done a better job than tRump.
You mean like Zippy, Andy Gravedigger Cuomo, Kaiser Wilhelm of Gotham, Obersturmbannfuhrer Whitler?
No, you are again mistaken.
We told you tRump was unfit for the job, and if his corruption didn’t convince you, the pandemic should have.
It didn’t. He got it righter than most politicians. And, as always you were wrong.
We know you think tRump’s apparent lack of accomplishment is someone else’s fault, but buck up, he’s installed hundreds of right-wing judges; has gutted American institutions of competence, installing tRumpist loyalists in their places; has energized a far-right amalgam of neoNazis, neoKKK, white supremacists, anti-government extremists, “sovereign†citizens; transferred billions if not trillions to the wealthy; enriched himself and his spawn; spawned civil unrest… he’s accomplished lots that you and your ilk admire.
Change it for Zippy and you just described his maladministration.
You’re triggered again. We understand it’s harsh insult, but here goes: you’re a tRump supporter, aka a 35 percenter.
No, a 60%er. He took 60% of the states. And he’ll take a lot more this year.
Kye’s Fluffer is whistling past the graveyard of a 400 vote electoral college loss, and a 60/40 popular vote loss for tRump. Historic.
Look at all the cities where the cops have been stood down to let the berserkers go insane.
Look at all the states still on lockdown.
Look at all the commie rhetoric in a capitalist country where blacks are seeing their life’s work go up in smoke because of Democrat maladministration.
Look at how badly Gropin’ Joe did in the last primaries (Bernie and Fauxcahontas did pretty well considering Hairy Legs was the only candidate).
You honestly think the Demos are going to win anything this year?
And I must point out yet again, fraudulent votes are invalid. So your 60/40 popular vote loss for tRump is just more hot air.
I love it when he makes it this easy.
When Flint declared a financial emergency in 2011, Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snyder seized control of Flint’s local gov’t installing a hand-picked Emergency Manager, Michael Brown.
Sure, he wanted somebody to fix the problem.
BTW – Mayor Walling and Emergency Manager Brown are both white men.
Bully for them. What’s their party?
So there you have it. Governor Rick Snyder made the decision to switch the water supply, not the Mayor.
Because the city administration had fouled up.
What’s their party?
Sounds like neither Porter nor his latest fluffer will admit they’re wrong. But what’s new?
Because we’re right.
What’s their party?
I love it when he makes it this easy.
Rick Snyder is a Republican. Rick Snyder made the decision to switch the water supply.
Rick Snyder.
Snyder was the central figure of the water crisis not only because state government departments that reported directly to him denied there were problems with Flint’s water while it used the Flint River as its drinking water source, but also because he appointed a series of emergency financial managers that made decisions allowing the river water to be used for 17 months while levels of bacteria and lead spiked.
Snyder and former state Treasurer Andy Dillion have fought against being deposed because they claim they are immune from all discovery until they have exhausted every opportunity to appeal a decision by the U.S. District Court, which initially denied their motions to dismiss the claim against them based on qualified immunity.
However none of the rulings protect the former governor from being deposed as non-party fact witnesses in separate claims brought against different defendants, including water consultants and former emergency managers in Flint.
What was the party of the Flint city administration?
Jeffery knows that the Demos are sinking by the bow. He’s desperate to talk anything but the mess the Demos are in.
Impeachment didn’t work.
Lockdown didn’t work.
Crashing the markets didn’t work.
The fix is in has blown up in their faces.
Riots didn’t work.
Iconoclasm isn’t working.
Second wave isn’t working (presumably, this gets pushed to Labor Day).
They’re afraid of their own rioters. And how, in their “virtual” (no virtue in it at all) convention, do they dump Gropin’ Joe and find somebody else? They can’t put him on the same stage as Trump for 3 debates unless they intend to market the videos as Comedy Gold 20.
So he’s worried about Flint, he’s worried about how many died from the Sisolak Sneeze, he’s worried about all the fraudulent votes the Hildabeast got (at least a mil from CA alone they say).
Anything to change the subject. Which makes him the weenie, not us.
Or is it just that he likes weenie?
Porter’s Fluffer. It’s all in the name.
By Jove, we’ve hit a nerve.
E. Sibley Felcher, keep on Fluffin’.
For somebody who suddenly complains he’s straight, he seems to know a lot of queer kinks.