What, exactly, did she think was going to happen when she parlayed her blowing off education stunt into demanding that leaders do what she says?
Greta Thunberg hits out at leaders who use her fame to ‘look good’
Environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg has hit out at world leaders for wanting to be pictured with her to “look goodâ€.
The 17-year-old became a global star thanks to her activism, and gave a powerful speech at the United Nations climate change summit in September in which she told world leaders: “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words … how dare you!â€
As part of a series she has made about her campaigning for Swedish radio during the coronavirus lockdown, Thunberg revealed that the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, had queued up to have a “selfie†with the teenager at the international gathering in New York.
On the radio programme, she was critical of the way high-ranking figures had behaved after her UN appearance.
She said: “Presidents, prime ministers, kings and princesses came and wanted to talk to me.
“They saw me and suddenly saw the chance that they could take a photo with me for their Instagram account. Then the hashtag #savetheplanet.
“It seemed as if they had forgotten for a moment to be ashamed that their generation had let future generations down.â€
Perhaps if she went to school she’d have realized this is the way the world works.
In follow-up comments made to the BBC, Thunberg, who has more than 4m Twitter followers, said she had a “dislike†for politicians who wanted to capitalise on her fame by being photographed alongside her.
“To be fair, it was not only her, it was many,†she said, when asked about the situation with Merkel.
“And those kinds of things happen all the time. People just want to stand next to me and other climate activists.
“They can post it on social media and it makes them look good, it makes them seem like they care.â€
There’s a lot of whining going on. Perhaps if she was less concerned with using her fame to attempt to shame adults who actually graduated from schools and colleges and more with actually getting Warmists to practice what they preach, this wouldn’t be a concern. It’s like a movie or sports star whining about people wanting their autograph and a selfie.

Teach continues his assaults on a teenage girl, who by all appearances seems rational, intelligent, knowledgeable and composed.
He seems especially concerned about her education yet Bloomberg reported that Thunberg had graduated from secondary education with 14 As and three Bs. Thunberg reportedly took home Bs in Swedish, physical education, and home economics, according to Bloomberg.
She speaks English fluently (as do many Swedes).
Men on the far-white tend to denigrate the accomplishments of women and non-whites. Would you want to debate her, LOL?
We hope most of your white-wing commenters graduated high-school, yet many have education gaps.
Oh, look, little Jeffery has a new epithet. He substitutes white for right.
Isn’t that special.
At least he admits if you’re right, you’re right.
Teach continues his assaults on a teenage girl, who by all appearances seems rational, intelligent, knowledgeable and composed.
You never judge by appearances. Martin Luther King taught us that.
He seems especially concerned about her education yet Bloomberg reported that Thunberg had graduated from secondary education with 14 As and three Bs. Thunberg reportedly took home Bs in Swedish, physical education, and home economics, according to Bloomberg.
Do you really want to trust Bloomie? The average grade in the Ivy League is B.
Could be her teachers don’t want the world Fake News descending on them.
She speaks English fluently (as do many Swedes).
Too bad we can’t say the same for you.
Men on the far-white tend to denigrate the accomplishments of women and non-whites. Would you want to debate her, LOL?
More than you want Gropin’ Joe to debate Trump. Debating some little twit who’s been spoon-fed platitudes rather than facts would not be hard.
So stick you LOL back in your pudendum.
We hope most of your white-wing commenters graduated high-school, yet many have education gaps.
Most, I daresay, are college grads. The way david tells it you’re lucky you scammed your way through 3rd grade.
Really? I see men on the far-left denigrate the accomplishments of women and non-whites. This is a good one-“the black Senators’s emotional response..â€.. we at CNN couldn’t find out the guys name… https://althouse.blogspot.com/2020/06/here-is-newsflash-for-cnn-i-have-name.html
On cue, Sibley (aka Porter’s Pfluffer) lifts his head to defend his master!
No, I just correct all your lies and snide remarks. In fact, I didn’t say a word in defense of teach, only criticism of you.
So you lie yet again.
Shame on CNN. Do you see why Black Americans feel treated as 2nd class citizens?
We note you didn’t mention Senator Scott’s name either. Senator Scott was all over the news shows this AM. He’s very impressive and reasonable, especially for a Republican.
Senator Scott stated that Trump should immediately delete the White Power tweet from this AM. Do you still support the Senator?
Will Hurd (R-TX) is the only Black Republican in the House and Tim Scott (R-NC) is the only Black Republican Senator. R’s have 15 women in the House, 9 in the Senate. D’s have 88 women in the House and 17 in Senate.
Shame on CNN. Do you see why Black Americans feel treated as 2nd class citizens?
They do?
We note you didn’t mention Senator Scott’s name either. Senator Scott was all over the news shows this AM. He’s very impressive and reasonable, especially for a Republican.
As opposed to Andy hitman Cuomo, Kaiser Wilhelm, Ubersturmbannfuhrer Whitler, or any of the Democrat morons who have been burning cities in this country?
Senator Scott stated that Trump should immediately delete the White Power tweet from this AM. Do you still support the Senator?
He has a right to his opinion. Why is that so hard for Lefties to understand? Conservatives don’t go all Hitler if someone disagrees with them.
That’s your thing.
Will Hurd (R-TX) is the only Black Republican in the House and Tim Scott (R-NC) is the only Black Republican Senator. R’s have 15 women in the House, 9 in the Senate. D’s have 88 women in the House and 17 in Senate.
And you have Pelosi Galore, the Squad, Jim Clyburn, Kerosene Maxine, and Hank Johnson.
We go for quality over quantity.
“Will Hurd (R-TX) is the only Black Republican in the House and Tim Scott (R-NC) is the only Black Republican Senator. R’s have 15 women in the House, 9 in the Senate. D’s have 88 women in the House and 17 in Senate.”
Elwood, are you suggesting the Congress should be selected not elected to maintain what YOU believe is a “proper” balance of races and sex? Now we can see why a One Party State is so important to you leftists. We see the race and sex make up of the one party Democommie blue cities and should learn what our masters have in store for us.
This past weekend how many blacks were shot and how many murdered by other blacks in Chicago? You don’t know nor do you care because black lives only matter when it hurts Trump, not when it helps blacks. It was never about helping blacks, was it mein Fuhrer?
Trump 2020 Or we will find how just how much white lives don’t matter!
Are you and your doppelganger wiz implying that white representation is somehow better than Black American representation (“quality over quantity”)?
These examples we gave are only to point out that the nuGOP is the party of white men. It seems fairer that representation reflect demographics, doesn’t it? The GOP has been working for decades to limit the options of Black American voters by gerrymandering districts.
Of course the Democratic Party didn’t select their representatives; instead the people elected them.
Why do you consider true democracy to be communism?
Are you and your doppelganger wiz implying that white representation is somehow better than Black American representation (“quality over quantityâ€)?
I gave you several reasons why. We can toss in the CBC.
These examples we gave are only to point out that the nuGOP is the party of white men. It seems fairer that representation reflect demographics, doesn’t it? The GOP has been working for decades to limit the options of Black American voters by gerrymandering districts.
No, the set-aside black districts are gerrymandering. Rs were the ones who gave us the Civil Rights Act. Demos voted against it.
Of course the Democratic Party didn’t select their representatives; instead the people elected them.
someone has to be put forward for the primaries before they can run. You really expect people to believe blacks would rather have Kerosene Maxine and Hank Johnson than someone with a brain?
Of course, the party bigwigs picked them.
Why do you consider true democracy to be communism?
Why do you always lie?
True democracy is mob rule, not communism.
“Are you and your doppelganger wiz implying that white representation is somehow better than Black American representation (“quality over quantityâ€)?”
I’m not implying anything. I’m stating that people are elected not selected by you and your Nazi hate machine.
The GOP is a party of anyone who wants to join that believes in our Constitution. “It seems fairer”? Did you actually say something that fukin stupid? Yes you are correct blacks were not treated fairly in the mid 20th century. And whose fault was that, Slaver? They don’t need to be treated fairly, they need to be treated justly. Fairness is a feminine thing, that requires every one be treated equally. Justice is a masculine thing, it requires people be given what they are due. We should not treat murderers equally to shoplifters “to be fair” but rather differently to be just.
After we fought you slavers tooth and nail we finally freed the blacks from your racist, hateful, bigoted grip for the second time with the Civil Rights Act. You really live in a dream world. When will you start demanding guys like me be de-platformed from earning a living? You’d like that wouldn’t you? Maybe a little re-education or even execution? That’s what you leftists always end up doing.
Trump 2020 Or get ready for the gulags. They’ll never let us alone.
Look how the left manipulates the meanings of words. Just like Elwood does with his stupid “white supremacist” shit. That’s how I know I really triggered his worthless ass.
Those numbers would tend to happen when you offer them free s**t all the time. And no, I don’t see why they should feel they’re second class citizens. But yet normal people see all the lawlessness between them and their liberal friends, and impressions are formed. A perfect example-in Minneapolis several years ago, a squad car pulled into an alley to talk to a woman who had called them because she thought she’d heard screaming in the middle of the night. As she came to the car in her nightgown, a black cop reached across his partner who was driving and shot the woman to death. She wasn’t on drugs, wasn’t resisting arrest and of course had no record. Just a cold-blooded execution for no reason. The result-zero rioting, zero looting, zero marches, and just about zero hype from the media. The “privileged†whites let the justice system take its course, and last year the cop was sentenced to 13 yrs in prison. Maybe, just maybe, the feel of second class citizenship comes not from some alleged discrimination, but rather by observing your lawless behavior…
Hahahahaha. Why did she think she was created?
Be nice you all, St. Greta is just on the rag.