Bruce Covert, a contributor at the uber-far left The Nation and the NY Times, yammers about defunding the police, and has apparently never heard the phrase “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it all”
How to Make Defunding the Police a Reality
On a Sunday in early June, Grand Army Plaza, a large square at the entrance to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, swarmed with people of all different races and ages. A family march of parents and their children flowed into groups of young people on bikes. Many held signs declaring “Black lives matter,†but there were perhaps an equal number of other signs: “Defund the police.â€
It’s a radical demand that just a few weeks ago was rarely heard on the streets of New York City or in many other cities, for that matter. But since George Floyd, a black resident of Minneapolis, was killed by a white police officer and Breonna Taylor, a black emergency room technician, was killed by police in Louisville, Ky., in her sleep and outrage over these and countless other instances of police brutality pushed tens of thousands of people to protest in cities and towns across the country, it has become a rallying cry of the movement.
It’s not just a slogan. Out of the protest movement has come a surge of organizing to push city councils to shift money out of bloated police budgets and into starved social services—and activists are already seeing some concrete successes. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti walked back a proposed increase for the LAPD and has promised a $150 million cut instead. Lawmakers in 15 other cities have made similar pledges. The Minneapolis City Council has even voted to disband the city’s police department.
This is a very long article, which never really explains what cities without police look like, or just ones with a massive reduction in police.
It’s an unprecedented moment. Spending on the police by state and local governments jumped from about $2 billion in 1960 to $137 billion in 2018, unadjusted for inflation; the average share of city budgets spent on policing grew from 6.6 percent in 1977 to 7.8 percent in 2017. “We have had a persistent trend for the last half-century of spending ever more money on police and incarceration,†said Kelly Lytle Hernandez, a history professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. “This is a truly historic shift.†Organizers agree. “Something like ‘defund the police’ just two weeks ago…was a nonstarter,†said Nicolas O’Rourke, the Pennsylvania organizing director for the Working Families Party. Now it’s a chant heard nearly as often at protests as “No justice, no peace.â€
Well, consider that costs of running the police have gone up. The cost of police cars, weapons, technology, etc, have gone up. They didn’t have computers and such in cars back in 1960, right? Dash cams? Body cams? Most wear body armor for simple duty? But, hey, what does it look like with fewer cops? In the post on D&D earlier today, we saw the increase in crime and shooting in NYC.
(Fox News) Seattle residents said Sunday that despite rumors that the city was going to reclaim the “occupied†area known as CHOP, little has changed on the ground and the “security†at the protest zone has actually gotten more “contentiousâ€Â with residents who live nearby.
“They won’t let people in the neighborhood sometimes at night,†Matthew Ploszaj, who lives there, told KOMO News. He told the station that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement, but said it is a “terrible precedent†that “any political message can come in and occupy a neighborhood.†(snip)
Michael Solan, Seattle Police Officers Guild president, told Fox News on Saturday that business owners and residents there are effectively being held hostage.
“There were some city entities, as far as heads, that went into the area yesterday to try to remove some of the boundary areas – as far as blockades — and they were met with resistance. Armed people flocked into the area and prevented those city entities, those agencies to get the job done,” he told “Cavuto LIVE.†“So no, this has not been solved. It’s deeply troubling still.”
This little area is looking like a warlord area in a 3rd world nation. Crime ridden, people running around with guns and threatening people, really, just what you’d expect. And, let’s not forget that the Minneapolis city council has voted to fully defund their police force, yet, hired their own private security.
Here’s an idea: let’s defund it in Minneapolis and give it 5 years to see what happens. First, though, there needs to be a vote by all citizens. Those who vote for defunding will not be allowed to leave the city for those 5 years. They have to live in accordance with their votes. They have to deal with the consequences and fallout. Sure, no one will be killed by an LEO. And crime will reign supreme. Let Minneapolis be the experimental group, and see what happens.

What should actually be done is to de-unionize the police along with fire and all other public employees. Unions are a left over relic from the times Democrat racists needed a way to keep blacks out of “white” jobs. They can’t do that any more thanks to the Republican Civil Rights Act. Besides, people who work for the taxpayer should not be allowed to collective bargain since there is no taxpayer to bargain with only corrupt politicians.
Trump 2020 Let’s get back to a Republic.
When The Narrative Changes According To The Situation, You Know It’s Fake News. Or the Democrats are losing an election.
Not all Minneapolis residents be hating cops or the President.
The number of crimes rose from 1,887 per 100,000 Americans in 1960 to 5,950 in 1980. Then rates started to decline, falling to 2,580 per 100,000 by 2018. And yet spending has steadily increased throughout that span.
Crime rates depend less on police spending than on social stability. It’s conservatives who claim the police do not protect, that it’s up to individuals. How much do we want to keep spending on the war on drugs?
We suspect if whites were harassed by police to the extent Black Americans are, white attitudes would be a bit different.
Ever been stopped by police for driving through the “wrong” neighborhood?
For acting suspiciously?
For a cracked windshield?
Not wearing your seatbelt?
Republican Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) says in the course of one year as an elected official, he was pulled over seven times by law enforcement.
I haven’t been pulled over 7 times in my entire 50 years as a driver.
Crime rates depend less on police spending than on social stability. It’s conservatives who claim the police do not protect, that it’s up to individuals. How much do we want to keep spending on the war on drugs?
Maybe we should start with all the Lefty media glamorizing the gangsta life. Then start repealing all the SCUS decisions giving rights to criminals instead of citizens.
We can also take up Bill Cosby’s work and start demanding blacks take responsibility for the lives and their actions.
And Conservatives do not claim the police do not protect. It’s just that, without a cop on the beat who has the support of City Hall, you have to be the first line of your own defense.
We suspect if whites were harassed by police to the extent Black Americans are, white attitudes would be a bit different.
Ever been stopped by police for driving through the “wrong†neighborhood?
For acting suspiciously?
For a cracked windshield?
Not wearing your seatbelt?
Happens to white people all the time.
In some states, inspections are mandatory and something like a cracked windshield will get you pulled over fast.
I got nailed for no seatbelt.
My brother-in-law was asked a few questions for the first two. And that was where he lived.
Republican Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) says in the course of one year as an elected official, he was pulled over seven times by law enforcement.
I haven’t been pulled over 7 times in my entire 50 years as a driver.
More like 37, right?
Man/ child,
Yes, we have been stopped for checks on all those things and more. You do realize that you are more of a racist than anyone we could imagine.
“We suspect if whites were harassed by police to the extent Black Americans are, white attitudes would be a bit different.”
Actually, “We” suspect nothing of the sort. Good policing like all good crime fighting is stopping the problem before it occurs. Black people get stopped more than white people because there is reason to stop them. And yes, “looking suspicious” is a reason to stop someone. Thousands of crimes are stopped and criminals rearrested every year because they are stopped for what you apparently consider stupid reasons. Ever watch “COPS”? They catch 75% of their felons in car checks. Are you aware of that? Or should blacks who commit a vastly disproportionate percent of all crimes be given a pass because they resent being pulled over? Do people get pulled over sometimes wrongly? Yep. Sorry, but that’s the price you pay for allowing your community to get out of control.
“Ever been stopped by police for driving through the “wrong†neighborhood?”
Yes. Why? Shouldn’t people be investigated when they are not where they should be? Again watch COPS. Do you realize how many felons they catch “cruising” neighborhoods? Should they just be allowed to drive until they find a victim? Don’t you want proactive policing? Or just clen-up people to come and collect the bodies?
“For acting suspiciously?”
several times Same as above. Why would you not want a suspicious character checked out?
“For a cracked windshield?”
no I wouldn’t drive with a cracked windshield, would you? And cops should stop people who are not obeying the law and driving with a cracked windshield, a headlight or taillight out etc. is illegal and a safety hazard.
“Not wearing your seatbelt?”
yes, several times. I don’t wear them they obstruct my breathing apparatus but a cop won’t know that until he stops me. But you should be stopped for not wearing your belt. In case you don’t know IT’S THE LAW! Dumb as it may be it still is.
So he’s been pulled over seven times, so what? Now you want cops to NOT do their jobs because they may bother a Republican? I doubt it.
I’ve been pulled over a lot more than 7 times in my 60 years as a driver mostly as a kid but if you spend enough time on the road you will get stopped. Try driving through the South with PA tag. They think every Yankee is a drug dealer on I95.
Stop your whining. Cops are there for our protection and that of black folks too. Are there bad cops? Do a few need firing? Do even the good cos occasionally make a bad decision? Don’t you occasionally make a bad decision? Putting aside you absolute perfection, I mean.
You always expect 100% better behavior of others than you actually display yourself. You treat whites, Christians, straight men, patriots, conservatives and Republicans like shit but you expect us to polish your boots as you apply them to our necks at greater and greater pressure. Just more examples of your hypocrisy.
Trump 2020 Keep the cops on the beat or you’ll get Sharia law.
Yes. Why? Shouldn’t people be investigated when they are not where they should be?
Who decides where a person “should not be?” Do you really want to have cases where people have to show papers or passports of some sort to drive through and area because of the color of their skin?
“Driving while :insert race here:” should not be suspicious in and of itself In fact, Terry v. Ohio says it is not. There has to be more than that.
several times Same as above. Why would you not want a suspicious character checked out?
Same as above. Why should people who aren’t doing anything illegal be stopped?
You are correct that people of all races get stopped, but that is “whataboutism.” In many ways, it doesn’t matter the race of the person that was stopped, but the fact that they are stopped for not doing anything is wrong – both legally and morally.
In a perfect world gitarcarver, no one would be suspicious and no one would need to make a judgement call as to whether or not a person belongs in a specific area. Sadly, criminals are among us and diligence saves lives.
No, I don’t want cases where people have to show papers or passports to drive through an area because of the color of their skin or when they aren’t doing anything illegal. The day you can guarantee every single criminal is behind bars or executed is the day we no longer need to check those among us. Instead right now they are RELEASING criminals from prisons and REDUCING the police presence in areas.
You wanna bet if we see a MAJOR rise in crime this summer? Do ya?
We shouldn’t have to check people wherever they are or whatever they’re driving. But we do because many people are criminals and like it or not criminals, like movie stars and athletes have a profile. Police use that profile to protect you and your family. If you don’t want that protection, move to the ghetto. But don’t put my life or that of my family in danger because you don’t want somebody’s feelings hurt. Hurt feelings heal, dead bodies don’t.
In a perfect world gitarcarver, no one would be suspicious and no one would need to make a judgement call as to whether or not a person belongs in a specific area.
You keep saying “suspicious.” “Suspicion” is not a crime. Therefore there is no reason or legal authority to stop someone based on “suspicion” alone.
Sadly, criminals are among us and diligence saves lives.
I am not sure of your point. Yes there are criminals amongst us. “Suspicion” is not a crime.
We shouldn’t have to check people wherever they are or whatever they’re driving.
That’s the point, isn’t it? We should not be checking on people wherever they are or wherever they are driving. As I said, if you want to implement that based on “suspicion” alone, let’s make everyone show their papers as they move from neighborhood to neighborhood.
Police use that profile to protect you and your family.
So you are okay with the police breaking the laws and violating the Constitution? Laws and the Constitution don’t apply to every one or every group? How very liberal of you.
If you don’t want that protection, move to the ghetto.
Right. Because someone driving through a neighborhood with the wrong colored skin is the first step in an area becoming a ghetto.
But don’t put my life or that of my family in danger because you don’t want somebody’s feelings hurt.
This is not about feelings.
This is about the law and the Constitution.
If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have the same racial bias and animus as Jeffery.
It has nothing at all to do with the police. It is all about leftist politicians looting the public treasury to fund their groups. In this case, the police department budget is what is on the menu.
The right answer is for police to be properly sized to accomplish their lawful purpose and to have their power properly restricted and if that results in a budget surplus, the excess is returned to the taxpayers. After all, in every case, previous politicians demanded that money specifically for police. If politicians now want money for therapists, black Panthers, and political activists, they should make that case themselves and not treat police budgets as “free money”.
And from the “I Sh!t You Not” department, a police presence was requested at a “Defund the police” rally for protection.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have the same racial bias and animus as Jeffery.”
Don’t do that, gitarcarver. I gave you my opinion and my reasons and you gave me yours. I respect that. Thee is no need for you to accuse me of “racial bias and animus” because we disagree. THAT is what actually sounds like Jeffery.
I do not think it’s unconstitutional to be suspicious of people cruising neighborhoods they do not live in. I was stopped in a black neighborhood about 20 years ago when I stopped to make sure I was in the right location. I was picking up a cook that had car problems and the cops pulled me over. Why? Cause the only white folks they see around there are trying to buy dope and that’s what made me suspicious. Was I mad, incensed,outraged by being profiled? Absolutely not. My skin is thicker than that and my brain understand the reasons behind it. But the bottom line is they stopped me because I’m white and I was there.
As I stated above, we both gave our opinions and unless you really want to begin the Elwood style personal insults we can go to our corners and agree to disagree. I see no point in furthering this discussion. Thanks for your opinion and your honesty.
You lads are obsessssssed with Jeffrey!!
It’s been our observation that commenter gitarcarver is an atypcial conservative regarding racism, acknowledging its existence, and not denigrating Americans based on their skin pigment. Perhaps it’s just Virtue Signaling, but we doubt it.
gitarcarver feels abortion to be the murder of children, a feeling that animates his animus against those that support a woman’s right to choose. Those who feel that way are willing to destroy this nation in support of their religious feelings.
Kye, of course, is willing to destroy America in support of his feelings of white male superiority.
On the subject of abortion:
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, struck down a Louisiana law seeking to require doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. For both sides in the abortion debate, it was viewed as a momentous test of the court’s stance following Trump’s appointments of two conservative justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
So I’m “willing to destroy America in support of my feelings of white male superiority” buy you crow like a rooster when the USSC decides black women should not have the protection of a doctor wit admitting privileges in case of an emergency. I’m the white supremacist but you are the one who backs murdering tiny black babies through abortion. Tell me why I shouldn’t consider a person who thinks like you do hopelessly insane.
BTW, it isn’t conservative Republicans like me who want to burn down cities, tear down historic statues, drive black small businessmen out of business, ruin the economy of the US, keep blacks poor, dumb and dependent and tax the shit out of working people to pay for trains to nowhere and Piss Christ but it’s I who wants to destroy America? I don’t think you know the definition of “destroy”. Every single thing you and your party of terrorists, crazies and slavers is for would effectively destroy American society, culture, history and greatness.
Independence Day is coming up, go bun a flag and leave us Patriots alone.
Trump 2020 Or this country will be like Venezuela in ten years.
Supporting a woman’s right to determine whether to reproduce is racist? What right do you have to make those choices for a woman? We understand that conservatives prefer to rule by force of fiat – you Virtue Signal that banning abortion would eliminate abortions, but you’re wrong. Abortions would continue. Why not support economic equality, educational equality, access to child care and easy access to contraception? Because you don’t care about children, you care about controlling women.
Anyone who supports trump supports the destruction of America. It’s that simple.
Supporting a woman’s right to determine whether to reproduce is racist? What right do you have to make those choices for a woman?
When women abort more babies than carry them to term to the point it reduces their race, is racist.
You’re a race traitor for pushing this nonsense. Margaret Sanger (and her penpal, Heinrich Himmler) would be proud of her.
We understand that conservatives prefer to rule by force of fiat – you Virtue Signal that banning abortion would eliminate abortions, but you’re wrong. Abortions would continue.
In the immortal words of Uncle Saul, accuse them of what we do.
Why not support economic equality, educational equality, access to child care and easy access to contraception? Because you don’t care about children, you care about controlling women.
Why not encourage blacks to take responsibility for their lives and actions? Because the Lefties need a permanent underclass dependent on false promises.
Anyone who supports trump supports the destruction of America. It’s that simple.
No, anyone who supports the Left supports the destruction of America.
And you are that simple.
Kye typed: Trump 2020 Or this country will be like Venezuela in ten years.
Trump2020 AND this country will be like Venezuela in TWO years!
How has trump done so far? Economy crashed, adding debt by printing money, 10s of millions out of work, bread lines, hated by every country on Earth, a quarter million Americans will die from Covid-19, gutted the federal government of competence, gutted oversight, enriched himself like Papa Doc, engendered hatred and division unlike anything since the Civil War, skyrocketing inequality between wealthy and poor, cut taxes for the rich and corporations, North Korea and Iran still developing nukes, trump’s love affairs with dictators have led to attacks on American troops…
America needs to get rid of the indecent trump and start the healing process. We’re down but not out.
But the concept that more trump will restore America is ludicrous.
Rimjob keeps making up shit that no one is buying.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Trump2020 AND this country will be like Venezuela in TWO years!
I don’t think you really understand the mean of and, AND, or, or OR.
How has trump done so far? Economy crashed, adding debt by printing money, 10s of millions out of work, bread lines, hated by every country on Earth, a quarter million Americans will die from Covid-19, gutted the federal government of competence, gutted oversight, enriched himself like Papa Doc, engendered hatred and division unlike anything since the Civil War, skyrocketing inequality between wealthy and poor, cut taxes for the rich and corporations, North Korea and Iran still developing nukes, trump’s love affairs with dictators have led to attacks on American troops…
The last one goes back to ’10. Zippy’s watch.
Bread lines? Heavens to Eleanor, where? Gutting the Feds of competence was a Democrat production taking 80 years.
The rest is the immortal words of Uncle Saul, accuse them of what we do.
America needs to get rid of the indecent trump and start the healing process. We’re down but not out.
We’re hardly down, but the Lefties are out.
But the concept that more trump will restore America is ludicrous.
Still true. But, just to be sure, let’s deport all the Lefties to Point Barrow AK, maybe Ellesmere Island.
Elwood, when you start on these ridiculous rants pointing your bony finger of hate at everyone else for the very problems your party has spent decades creating it only proves how deep in denial and propaganda you really are.
We don’t listen to you because we don’t consider what you say to be based in mutual respect nor based on love of country and therefore not worth listening to. You have proven here over and over again that you will not debate in good faith but rather as a person who has internalized communist propaganda over his entire lifetime and is incapable of reasoning as a Free American would or should. We also have come to realize you will never speak straight or fairly about your opponents. Ever. If it were in your power you would have Trump shot along with his wife and children. That’s the way the Bolsheviks do it, right? Kill them all, they are only “statistics”.
You no longer care about what is just, right or moral but rather, like the black racist radicals you support seek only retribution, revenge and reparations against people who played no part in your angst. You may be willing to wash the feet of people whom you have never harmed but you have no right to insist we do also. You may believe you owe them reparations but that is your debt to pay, not ours. You may even think they have earned the right to abuse us and destroy our culture and society but that is not your call. If you are successful in starting a full on war we will kill every black in this country. That’s why whites win wars. We kill everybody. Ask the Indians. That’s why we control all the First World. We created it through hard work, ingenuity and conquest and don’t you forget it. That’s also why everybody may not like us but everybody wants to be us. That’s why they come here by the millions. You do understand nobody’s trying to break INTO Red China, Cuba or North Korea don’t you? Why do you think that is? They all have free healthcare, housing, jobs, food. Your “Utopia” if I may.
Your internalized guilt and inferiority cannot and will not speak for America. We are not a nation of safe spaces we are a nation of Pioneers, Adventurers and Risk Takers. We give quarter to those who deserve it not those who cry like babies. We show mercy to those who bestow mercy not those who will destroy all we’ve built. We give charity to those who would help themselves not to those who only beg the wealth of others. Which is why we are mature enough not to be offended and burst into tears at the sight of the Stars & Bars, the General Lee on TV, or a statue of the same in a park. They were Americans too and we vanquished them. Now is the time to grant amnesty and understand their part in America. Not try and erase their good with their bad, that’s just something stupid a Moslem would do.
You and your ilk all the way back to the Civil War never wanted to help the black man feed himself. You wanted to control him. First you tried with slavery, then the KKK, then Jim Crow, then gun laws and poll taxes, followed by Separate but Equal and then with fire hoses, police dogs and the National Guard. I was there for that part of your institutionalized hate, but we won anyway. And not to be beaten you came up with the greatest plan on earth to subjugate the black man. A three pronged attack wherein you forced poor education upon him, while giving him “free stuff” and filling his community with bars,abortionists and drug gangs. The perfect ruination of what could have been a proud branch of America’s Family Tree. Your crowning glory was to convince them to vote for they very people who hate and have despised them since they were freed: The Democrat. Great trick. LBJ was right, you will “have them niggers voting Democrat for 200 years”. Sad, very sad.
Now, if you manage to increase your voter fraud with “mail-in” voting combined with your usual vote harvesting, ballot stuffing, dead people, felons and non-citizens voting you may yet steal that all important election of 2020. Then we will turn on you and kill you all. Because the only triggers we have are on our guns and the only thing that would save you is that what you fear most: our Bibles. But you can bet your life we will not be subjugated by the likes of you, Antifa and BLM.
Putting you people in charge ever again or at least until you regain your senses would be a disaster. You are proving it daily on the streets of the Democrat run cities of America. If you all are that incapable of controlling a city which your party has run for decades you certainly are not presidential material.
Trump 2020 Or let’s prepare to burn.
Think about this Elwood:
There is no evidence that LBJ made that statement, but then again conservatives believe many things that are untrue.
There is no evidence of significant voter fraud.
No one is planning on murdering the trump family.
we will kill every black in this country. That’s why whites win wars. We kill everybody. Ask the Indians. That’s why we control all the First World. We created it through hard work, ingenuity and conquest and don’t you forget it.
You sound very proud of conquest and genocide.
You describe equality of Black Americans, women, gays, Muslims to be the subjugation of your ilk and your powerful Bibles. Oppressors always feel discriminated against when the oppressed demand equal rights. Always.
There is no evidence that LBJ made that statement, but then again conservatives believe many things that are untrue.
Not as many as Lefties do. and all you have is kearns’ say-so. Thin gruel.
There is no evidence of significant voter fraud.
4 guys in Jersey. 1100 convictions last year say you lie.
No one is planning on murdering the trump family.
we will kill every black in this country. That’s why whites win wars. We kill everybody. Ask the Indians. That’s why we control all the First World. We created it through hard work, ingenuity and conquest and don’t you forget it.
Kye is being a little sarcastic.
The only reason we have Indian reservations in this country is because we took prisoners.
They didn’t.
You sound very proud of conquest and genocide.
So is socialism.
You describe equality of Black Americans, women, gays, Muslims to be the subjugation of your ilk and your powerful Bibles. Oppressors always feel discriminated against when the oppressed demand equal rights. Always.
You don’t want equal rights. you want a class system with a big underclass and you being one of the rulers.
And all the groups you name have equality. You want a system of petty bickering camps always at war with each other and government promising “equality” if only…