Hey, remember when this was about Science?
Climate change is social justice issue of our time — Will Busse
The national conversation about race has caused many Americans to examine their roles in maintaining systemic inequality. From today’s perspective, it’s easy to judge our nation’s history of slavery and wonder in disbelief how such a dehumanizing system was tolerated by so many for so long.
But the human tendency to minimize the negative impact of our choices on others persists, and future generations may make similar judgments about us today.
Experts have warned us for decades about the threat of climate change, and the evidence is increasingly before our eyes — historic flooding, temperature records broken, unprecedented melting of arctic ice sheets, and the thawing of permafrost that accelerates warming.
We don’t have to live this way. A price on pollution will drastically reduce carbon emissions while spurring innovation for clean energy. Climate change has exacerbated inequality around the globe by disproportionately affecting disadvantaged populations who are more vulnerable to food shortages and damage to infrastructure caused by extreme weather.
Addressing this problem is the social justice issue of our time. Let’s wake up and do our part to build a future that offers more opportunities for all.
So, um, why do so few Warmists want to do anything in their own lives? Why do they seem to Virtue Signal so often, and think they know what’s best for “minorities”? Why do these uber-white leftists think that people who don’t look like them are minorities? They aren’t minorities in Africa, Asia, Latin and South America, right? Why do they think they can speak for them, and down to them in a patronizing manner?
Oh, right, because the membership of the Cult of Climastrology is uber-leftist Caucasian
We need to talk about racism in the climate movement
I was the only non-white activist at a protest against a coal plant in Germany. I was left out of pictures shared on social media by Greenpeace Germany.
This happened less than six months after a similar incident with Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate. The only difference: this time it was done by people inside the climate movement. People I’d normally call colleagues and friends.
When I became active in the climate movement, I didn’t think I would end up talking about the importance of addressing racism over and over again.
These incidents were embarrassing for me. As a climate activist I feel a deep ownership over the movement. And as a woman of color, I have a deep connection with the anti-racism movement. How can I defend my colleagues in the climate movement to fellow anti-racism activists, when they show such little empathy towards racial struggles?
“People of color” only exist to white Warmists to use as props when needed
Aktivist*innen von #FridaysForFuture, Greenpeace, @urgewald und aus NRW haben heute gemeinsam gegen #Datteln4 demonstriert. Wir lassen nicht zu, dass @UniperGermany unsere Zukunft verheizt! #StopDatteln4 pic.twitter.com/nfrM2zMJMU
— Greenpeace e.V. (@greenpeace_de) May 20, 2020
OK, let’s defend Greenpeace a bit: maybe they were just grabbing photos for the tweets and these ones stood out. Perhaps they weren’t thinking “how do we amplify the one woman of color present. Perhaps she just wasn’t in the photos. Or, maybe they cut her out. We don’t know.
Over time, I realized, it’s not that the climate movement doesn’t know its problems or is completely uneducated. It is rather, inside the movement there is a status quo, and I am expected to fit in. I am tolerated in climate spaces as long as I don’t claim the same ownership as the white activists. Black, indigenous and people of colour (BIPoC) are welcome when we fit the role of a ‘token’ or a ‘victim voice’.
Um, we’ve been telling y’all that Modern Socialists really do not care, and they are, if not racists, just plain prejudiced, and think they know what’s best for those who are uber-white Modern Socialists. They really do have low opinions of POC.
Also, it doesn’t seem like most POC care about the climate scam enough to get involved.

The great social issue of our time is to get leftists, liberals, Democrats, socialists, communists and their friends the fascists to stop dividing the American people into colors, races, sexes and wealth for political purposes and for once see us all as Americans and realize All Lives Matter.
Nikole Hannah-Jones:
The wealth gap is the difference between the average wealth of a typical white household and the average wealth of a typical Black household. And in this country, the wealth gap is Black households have about $0.10 of wealth for every $1.00 of wealth that white households have.
So white Americans, on average, have ten times the wealth of Black Americans. And this wealth gap is a legacy of slavery and then the 100 years of racial apartheid that followed slavery. When we think about slavery, we think about racism. But it’s useful to think that slavery was an economic institution and that the racism was created to justify the economic institution.
And the economic institution of slavery was to extract all of the wealth and capital from the labor of Black Americans and produce that for white Americans.
We want to play down race disparities. We don’t want to acknowledge that 250 years of slavery and a hundred years of legal discrimination has actually an impact on society today. We want to be liberated of that legacy.
Black people entered, quote/unquote, “freedom” without a cent to their name, no property, no land, no pots and pans to cook food, not a bed, nothing. No other races had that experience. And then, as Black people start miraculously to acquire land, to acquire property, to make something out of nothing, there is a systematic stripping of that.
The federal government, during the New Deal, created New Deal policies that left most Black people ineligible for Social Security. So the safety net doesn’t include Black people for 35 years. When the government starts insuring home loans, it means that no longer do you have to put down 50% or 60% on a house.
You can put down 20%. But Black people were systematically excluded. And 98% of federally insured loans from 1933 until 1962 went to white Americans. So the government built a white middle class while excluding Black people from having those same opportunities.
The ’64 and ’65 Civil Rights Acts were just guaranteeing Black people rights that they had already been guaranteed a hundred years earlier with the 14th and 15th amendment. No other race needed a law to say actually it is illegal for us to tell you you can’t use the public library.
You actually do have a right to vote, as constitutionally you had a right to vote under the 15th amendment. As Dr. King said, this was basically bargain basement civil rights, right? This is the baseline of civil rights.
And what he said is that that was going to be the real struggle, that this created poverty, that this created segregation, that these created slums are going to have to be addressed if Black people were to truly have full citizenship, and that that’s where he was going to start to lose white support, was when he started talking about economic justice.
This is the broad that came up with that ridiculous 1619 project for the Gray Lady.
It figures Jeffery would quote her.
Save your time to read some having to do with reality.
Like the latest Dennis the Menace.
Wiz the Fluffer is the leech who has sponged off the hard work of others his entire life.
What are your specific objections to the 1619 Project? Black American writers? Facts?
Lack of facts.
And, if anybody has sponged off the hard work of others his entire life, it’s you.
Just another Commie who’s made a career of being a whiner.
And a household is defined as the occupants that live in the same house. Blacks of course have a much higher rate of illegitimate births (about 75%), so many times their “household†consists of a single mother plus her children. These households would of course be expected to have less wealth than others. So the moral of the story is again that personal choices have much more to do with one’s position in life than the always mentioned, but never proved, systemic racism in this country.
And J., should we cancel everything Native American because they owned……..you guessed it…black slaves? Why is your cult among the biggest hypocrites on the planet?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_among_Native_Americans_in_the_United_States
White slaves, Hispanic slaves, probably Chinese slaves.
Let’s not forget other Indians as slaves.
What more afflictions does white America want to inflict on Native Americans?? Genocide wasn’t enough?
According to j’s citation the so-called Five Civilized Tribes adopted many norms of white southerners, including slavery. That is, until the Trail of Tears, when America exposed what they really thought of Native Americans.
Note too that early colonists also enslaved many Native Americans, at least until the American-African system was in place.
Do the actions of some Native Americans 200 years ago excuse America’s institution of slavery? Do conservatives today believe that blaming antebellum American conservatives absolves them of America’s past enslavement of Black people? The impacts of America’s institution of slavery, Reconstruction, lynchings, KKK, Jim Crow, redlining, neighborhood covenants and institutional racism are still evident today.
We get it. Today’s conservatives (like conservatives of yesteryear) blame Black bad choices, bad Black culture, Black violent nature, Black moral weakness… anything BUT a centuries long oppression of Black Americans. The difference today is that because of “political correctness” connies can’t just say that Black people are inferior to whites, and deserve their station in America.
Yes J, that’s right-Native Americans has slaves long before European colonization here, so they didn’t learn it from anyone. And yes, personal choices do explain most of what’s happened. 6% of the population (probably more like 3% if just counting young black males) committing over 50% of all homicides has absolutely nothing to do with slavery that ended 150 yes ago, especially since most of the killings are of other…… blacks. But never put it past a liberal to come with another stupid excuse to explain away what Blacks do. Like-because some white people that aren’t alive today had black slaves that are not alive today(all dead at least over 100 yrs ago) we black people are going to kill……black people… And because of slaves, well, I’m just going to get pregnant at 17 and not marry the father because…
What more afflictions does white America want to inflict on Native Americans?? Genocide wasn’t enough?
We let them live. They’re the ones who didn’t take prisoners. Not very many.
According to j’s citation the so-called Five Civilized Tribes adopted many norms of white southerners, including slavery. That is, until the Trail of Tears, when America exposed what they really thought of Native Americans.
Don’t know where you were taught history, but every culture on earth bought, sold, captured, and abused slaves. If you think the Cherokees (or the Iroquois or the Sioux or the Comanches) learned it from the white man, you’re even more ignorant (and more bigoted) than even I thought (if such a thing was possible).
Note too that early colonists also enslaved many Native Americans, at least until the American-African system was in place.
They did? Like to show us some documentation?
Hell, John Sutter enslaved Indians in CA and slavery started in this country, according to your heartthrob, Nikole wWhatsherface, in 1619, so slavery started right when the Euros got here.
Unless you’re talking about the (dare I say it?) Hispanics.
Do the actions of some Native Americans 200 years ago excuse America’s institution of slavery? Do conservatives today believe that blaming antebellum American conservatives absolves them of America’s past enslavement of Black people? The impacts of America’s institution of slavery, Reconstruction, lynchings, KKK, Jim Crow, redlining, neighborhood covenants and institutional racism are still evident today.
Well, actually, they do because it points out slavery was a universal institution until American whites decide it had to be abolished.
BTW Did you know the first slaveowner in this country was black?
Don’t know the Secessionists could be called Conservatives, since they sought to break away from the country and I wasn’t aware Reconstruction could be construed as racism (of course, in Jeffery’s mind, anything, no matter how idiotic, is grist for his mill).
Did you know Gropin’ Joe’s first Presidential bid was torpedoed by his living in a house with restrictive covenants?
We get it. Today’s conservatives (like conservatives of yesteryear) blame Black bad choices, bad Black culture, Black violent nature, Black moral weakness… anything BUT a centuries long oppression of Black Americans. The difference today is that because of “political correctness†connies can’t just say that Black people are inferior to whites, and deserve their station in America.
Jeffery’s contention ignores the idea of intellect and free will, the idea that people can learn and change if they so desire.
Why are black neighborhoods run by gangs that murder with such propensity? Why is education disparaged as “acting white” (sounds like something the Lefties came up with)?
Sooner or later, it comes back to choices made now, not 400 years ago.
And lots of people are in no way inhibited by PC, so, if they want to say it, they can.
Frankly, I think it’s the messages coming from Lefty media and Lefty politicians.
For his entire life he celebrated July 4th as the birth of America. Now that his racist America hating commie masters tell him it’s 1619 he’s an instant believer. Commies love to re-write history according to what they want. Nothing says fukin’ stupid faster than these brain washed cultists.
My guys from the Club came over yesterday and put up my flags interspaced with my new Trump/Pence 2020 flags for the Fourth. They also put up my 6 Trump/pence lawn signs. Not that it matters but Dwayne is black and Joe is a PR and they’re both Republicans. I tried to give them a C-note each but they would have none of it.
Happy Independence Weekend to you guys and God Bless America!
Trump 2020 so commies can’t rewrite history.
Democrat Traitors call Mt. Rushmore “Raaaaacist”
Elwood’s got a whole weekend of flag burning ahead of him. Must be hard to be fulled with that much racism and hate that you even hate your own people. Wow.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – ‘Climate Change†Is The Social Justice Issue Of Our Lives Or Something. […]