Well, you know, Modern Socialists have to Modern Socialist. We’ve long know that Democrats hate America, so, they hate Independence Day with a passion and will find any way to ruin it
This July 4th calls for national soul-searching
For July 4th observances this year, President Donald Trump plans a reprise of last year’s “Salute to America†in Washington. And on Friday, he will attend a fireworks display and military flyby at Mount Rushmore, where pyrotechnics have been banned for years. Environmentalists, Native groups and public health experts are objecting, but the celebrations appear likely to proceed as planned.
It’s unfortunate, because this year the nation could use a more sensitive and inclusive observance of its identity. It’s a year to take stock and reflect on the spasms that have convulsed the country — namely, the virus that has killed more Americans than were lost in the Vietnam and Korean wars combined, and the horrendous events that began on Memorial Day with a Minneapolis police officer’s knee on George Floyd’s neck. This Independence Day is an opportunity for soul-searching. It’s a time to ponder how well the country has succeeded at the goal passed down in the preamble to the Constitution: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.†Whether we can do that depends on who we mean when we say “ourselves.â€
A good place to begin the soul-searching is Frederick Douglass’ speech of 168 years ago, titled “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?†As a man born into slavery himself, the abolitionist leader knew that when the Founders said “ourselves,†they were not talking about him. His entire speech is worth reading, but here is a bit of it:
Does the Star Tribune’s Editorial Board understand that slavery is abolished? And has been abolished for quite some time? And that it was the Republican Party which abolished it? The party which was created specifically to oppose slavery? While the Democrats were the party of slavery?
GOP senators propose replacing Columbus Day with Juneteenth as new federal holiday
Two Republican senators have filed an amendment to a piece of legislation that would replace Columbus Day with Juneteenth as a new federal holiday.
“Juneteenth is a day in our history that redefined the meaning of freedom and equality in America,” Sen. James Lankford, of Oklahoma, said in a news release. “Throughout our history, we have strived to become a more perfect union and Juneteenth was a huge step in attaining that goal.”
Lankford and Sen. Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin, filed the amendment to Sen. John Cornyn’s bipartisan bill that would make Juneteenth a federal holiday.
I’m actually good with this. Consider that Columbus never once set foot in the territory that would go on to become the United States Of America (and there’s lots of evidence that Vikings did). And it would be great to have a yearly federal holiday that represents the Republican Party freeing the slaves from the Democratic Party run Confederacy.

Semper Fi, if nothing else.
On Juneteenth, why do we need 2 black holidays? Especially since they’d unholidayize Columbus Day?
Every country in the hemisphere honors Chris.
On another front, we have news all those “second wave” cases Dr Fauci warned us about are phony.
According to the new guidance anyone who comes into contact with a person who tests positive is now also considered positive.
Teach typed: We’ve long know (sic) that Democrats hate America
Democrats are trying to save America from Reagan, the Bush’s, tRump and the nuGOP.
Kudos to the GOP Senators proposing Juneteenth as a national holiday, a move certain to be opposed by tRump and the tRumpists.
It’s interesting that Teach and nuCons have to reach back 160 years to find decent Republicans.
Today’s Republicans are tied to the virulent racist tRump, with only a few, Romney, Lankford, Cornyn, Johnson willing to openly disagree with tRump.
The simmering racism of America’s right is reaching the boiling point, largely because of tRump.
Democrats are trying to save America from Reagan, the Bush’s, tRump and the nuGOP.
Tell it to the people in the burning cities and lockdowned states.
Kudos to the GOP Senators proposing Juneteenth as a national holiday, a move certain to be opposed by tRump and the tRumpists.
Whigs afraid of not getting invited to all the cool parties. Again, why do we need 2 black holidays?
It’s interesting that Teach and nuCons have to reach back 160 years to find decent Republicans.
Reagan was a good man so was Weinberger. So is Grenell.
And Jeffery hates Trump because Trump is smarter than the Left.
Today’s Republicans are tied to the virulent racist tRump, with only a few, Romney, Lankford, Cornyn, Johnson willing to openly disagree with tRump.
In the days of slavery, they’d have been called dough-faces.
The simmering racism of America’s right is reaching the boiling point, largely because of tRump.
Who’s burning black neighborhoods? Good little white Lefties.
Dispatches from Mogadishu on the Mississippi.
Bwaha. Lolgf
“Virulent racist Trump…†Have proof of that assertion, J? Of course you don’t.. “Simmering racism of America’s right..†What racism? Good luck!
We only have tRump’s words and actions to conclude he’s a racist, as are many of his devotees.
Virulent because he’s infecting his followers.
Do you want a list?
Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.â€
In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as June 2019, more than 15 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.
In 1989, on NBC, Trump said: “I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.â€
“Fine people on both sides” regarding Charlottesville.
He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such.
Trump called Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review) “a terrible student, terrible.â€
Trump frequently claimed that Obama did not work hard as president.
Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.â€
He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.â€
He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13.
He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, parents of late Army Captain Humayun Khan.
In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,†including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time.
Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.
In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS†and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts†in Africa.
At the White House on Jan. 11, Trump vulgarly called for less immigration from Haiti and Africa and more from Norway.
Trump regularly demonized dark-skinned immigrants before the 2018 midterm elections, and his campaign produced an ad — about a caravan of migrants traveling through Mexico — that was so racist even Fox News declined to air it. He claimed that the same caravan included “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners.â€
During a White House meeting in 2018, he referred to some undocumented immigrants as “animals†and later said they would “pour into and infest our country.†He also claimed, without evidence, that migrants were bringing diseases into the country.
His recent White Power retweet.
KKK, alt-right, neoNazis, skinheads support tRump
Well, he was right about Zippy on all counts. Especially, the birth cert.
And most of the other “accusations” are hearsay.
What Jeffery wants to consider as racial slur is very often the cold, hard truth. Illegals have brought diseases into this country. Moslem terrorists have been caught trying to enter the country illegally. And how many of those Nigerians have gone back?
So who does Jeffery support?
Willie Whitewater and the Hildabeast. The Mocha Messiah, the real racist. Gropin’ Joe, a career of crooked and sexual assault. People like Al Sharpton and Kerosene Maxine, the real race baiters.
J, really? How lame. “According to…â€. Gee, very scientific analysis. “Fine ppl on both sides..†Yes, there were. But nice try. “Trump called for a shutdown of Muslims entering…†Muslims aren’t a race, genius. Do try and keep up. “He attacked Muslim gold star parents.â€. Muslims still aren’t a race, genius. ‘Obama’s protection of dreamers…â€. Mexicans aren’t a race, either, genius. ‘Less immigration from Haiti and Africa and more form Norway.†Yes, more educated ppl that commit less crime. Nothing racist about wanting more educated and a less crime prone populace. Sorry, but you’re not a mind-reader, J. “Federal judge biased because Mexican heritage…†Mexicans aren’t a race, genius. “Called Obama a terrible studentâ€. Wow-really lame. Again, it means he though Obama a terrible student. It doesn’t mean because of his race. You’re not a mind-reader. Still. “Disparage all immigrants.â€. No, illegal immigrants. And illegal immigrants aren’t of one race, sorry. “Disparaging Mexican immigrants..â€. No, illegal immigrants. And Mexicans aren’t a race, genius. “Well educated blacks have an advantage..†Yes, because of Affirmative Action. AA is racist, as it puts one race before another in hiring. So what he really said was that he’s against racism in hiring. “First Black President born in Kenyaâ€. Many ppl thought he was born in Kenya. How is that racist? It isn’t, sorry. “According to multiple sources..†Again, very scientific. “15,000 from Haiti have AIDS.†That would mean one is concerned about bringing in diseased ppl, not black people. “Called for death penalty for 5 blacked and one Latino. So? He thought they were guilty. And those are examples of 2 different races (Black and White), so where’s the racism? It’s not there. “He still thought they were guilty in 2019 after DNA exoneration.†And so when black politicians or black media ppl think Trump is still guilty of impeachment offenses after being acquitted that means they’re racist? Really didn’t think that one out too well, did you? “Called some illegal immigrants ‘animals’ “. Some are. So? They’re not animals because of their race, they’re just animals because of their crime tendencies. I may have missed one or two, but you get the drift. No where have you proved a thing. So I’ll ask you again-where’s the proof of his racism?
Jeffery was trying the old Lefty trick of throw as much at the wall as possible in hopes something sticks.
They are easily rebutted and most with a quick answer.
Kudos for going after some of the more egregious.
Sorry, Skippy, all you’ve done is convince me (and probably others) that your definition of “racist” is so broad as to be meaningless.
How shocking.
Sorry, Shitty, all you’ve done is to convince us that our definition of racist includes most commenters here.
How shocking.
No, your definition of racist only includes you.
All tRump has done his entire adult life is to make solid business decisions based on “facts”, e.g., that the first Black President lied about his birthplace, that Black Americans make bad renters, that Black employees are lazy and dishonest, that immigrants carry disease, that Blacks, brown immigrants and Muslims are violent etc etc etc.
We would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, that he simply uses overt racism as a political tool to attract voters like Teach and mental dwarfs, but it seems he’s been at it a long, long time.
Can one be a tRump supporter and NOT be a racist? Sure. Some supporters no doubt are benefiting financially from tRump policy, not to mention the anti-abortion crowd praying for Justice Ginsberg to die.
Neither tRump nor his band have blamed SARS-CoV-2 on white Europeans who brought the virus into the US East coast.
He’s worried about Haitians, Mexicans and Chinese bringing disease but not white Europeans bringing us the worst health crisis in a century. Now the Europeans don’t want Americans traveling to Europe.
It’s consistent with his history of considering Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people to be nasty, diseased, dirty, dishonest and just not as desirable as whites. He’s not alone.
Neither tRump nor his band have blamed SARS-CoV-2 on white Europeans who brought the virus into the US East coast.
Only because it was Nipsy Cuomo and Kaiser Wilhelm who opened the door for them.
He’s worried about Haitians, Mexicans and Chinese bringing disease but not white Europeans bringing us the worst health crisis in a century. Now the Europeans don’t want Americans traveling to Europe.
We’ve cordoned off Europe, finally. But the illegals carry every loathsome disease known to man. And the Red Chinese have tried to smuggle people in with it. It is, after all, their latest Satan bug.
It’s consistent with his history of considering Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people to be nasty, diseased, dirty, dishonest and just not as desirable as whites. He’s not alone.
It is? The guy who shared an award with Rosa Parks and Cassius Clay?
Zippy, though, does have those same feelings.
He didn’t blame it on white Europeans because he blamed it on the origin of the virus. Is this difficult concept over your head, J?
Zippy’s “official” birth cert has his race listed as African.
In ’61? Get real.
that Black Americans make bad renters, that Black employees are lazy and dishonest, that immigrants carry disease, that Blacks, brown immigrants and Muslims are violent etc etc etc.
Any insurance actuary will tell you the same thing.
We would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, that he simply uses overt racism as a political tool to attract voters like Teach and mental dwarfs, but it seems he’s been at it a long, long time.
Sounds more like Demos, especially the mental part (plural of dwarf is dwarves).
There’s ol’ Gropin’ Joe, “You can’t go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent”, “I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland.He never called me boy. He always called me sonâ€, “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kidsâ€.
How’s ’bout the Ozark Mafia, Willie called Jesse Jackson that “Goddamn n****r” behind his back, “A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee”.
Lots more where that came from and you support these people. Seems like you’re the mental dwarf.
Can one be a tRump supporter and NOT be a racist? Sure. Some supporters no doubt are benefiting financially from tRump policy, not to mention the anti-abortion crowd praying for Justice Ginsberg to die.
Nice racist platitude there. All it shows is your racism, but any ol’ port in a storm, right?
Actually, I’m still trying to find a Lefty who isn’t a hater. Of everybody.
So, J,-still waiting for your evidence of racism. Any day now would be fine…
While we’re talking about racism, I have suggestions for the sports teams:
Washington Redskins –> Rednecks (white doofus missing teeth, Bud in one hand, gun in other)
Cleveland Indians –> Aryans (face tatted Aryan Brotherhood guy)
Kansas City Chiefs –> Caucasians … Go Caucs!! (generic white guy, suit and tie)
Chicago Blackhawks –> Fightin’ Whities! (fierce Mike Pence)
Atlanta Braves –> Good Ol’ Boys… Go GOBs! (MAGA hat, tank top, cigarette)
Obviously the logos will be easy.
Now who’s the racist? Those names were used because of the bravery and indomitability of American Indians.
Jeffery sounds jealous.
More apropos names
Washington Wasingtons –> First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his fans
Cleveland Copernici –> Eyes on the stars
Kansas City Aristotelians –> We wrote the book, every book
Chicago Christophers –> We go where no man has gone before
Atlanta Americans –> We are the best
Too bad we can’t name any team after sub-Saharan Negroes, but they never did anything.
OK, kids, Jeffery didn’t get invited to his incredibly diverse like a WWII US Army infantry squad neighborhood block party again this year so he spent the day at Troll Central trying to find cool names to call us.
Clearly, he failed.
He tries to pee on us, but the fact is we’re winning. Trump is letting the Demos hang themselves, he gave a great speech at Rushmore, Jeffery’s got a loser for his Presidential nominee, the economy is already back, and more black and Hispanic people are taking his side.
Poor Jeffery, his tantrum has been to no avail.
Actually, the analogy would be Washington Redskins to…Washington Whiteskins. Cleveland Indians to Cleveland Caucasians. Kansas City Chiefs to Kansas City Sargents, or Majors, etc. Chicago Blackhawks to..that’s a hard one, as Blackhawk is simply the name of a tribe of Native Americans (but still so upsetting to snowflake libs, for some reason). Atlanta Braves to Atlanta Warriors. (Still oh so upsetting to my delicate ears to hear…)