…are wonderful low carbon bikes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on our patriotic duty.
Doubleshot below the fold, so check out Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on great patriotic movies.

…are wonderful low carbon bikes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on our patriotic duty.
Doubleshot below the fold, so check out Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on great patriotic movies.
First one’s better.
For those interested, Trump’s Rushmore speech
And, just for liljeffy, off Gateway, the scientific community unable to identify a natural source for the Bat Soup Complaint.
Yesterday, Trump claimed 99% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are fine, which is just untrue.
Stephen Hahn, M.D., FDA Commissioner who was raked over the coals this AM, recited the stats on morbidity from infection without directing disputing Trump’s lie.
Trump also repeated his false claim that the pandemic will just disappear.
The stats, like those for global wahoo, are phony.
It will, hot weather kills viri.
That’s science, you know.
No citations?
Hot weather such as seen in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Mexico, SoCal etc will kill the virus? How hot is hot enough?
You want it, you got it
As for the weather, here’s this and this also.
BTW did you see where the big scare now (since all those rioters caught and spread this loathsome disease) is that the Oriental Lung Rash travels in the air.
We can never leave our homes again.
No, most are asymptomatic so there’s no real effect. Trump told the truth and you lie.
Trump also repeated his false claim that the pandemic will just disappear.
Not his claim, nitwit, the epidemiologists’.
It’s why cases were so low in the South and Latin America.
Kanye West announced his plans to run for President in 2020, making tRump still the least qualified candidate in the race.
You forgot Gropin’ Joe.
Kanye West announced his plans to run for President in 2020,…
Don’t tell Rimjob but this probably does not help the Dems.
Jeffery’s still pouting because he didn’t get invited to his incredibly diverse and harmonious neighborhood’s block party, so he wants to give everybody who loves America a hard time.
The fact all he can do is spout nonsense tells you the level of his impotence.
Probably called that neighbor a fluffer or a klansman and got his ass royally kicked.
They’re all nice folks. We can only imagine what your neighbors think of you.
Unlike you, I get invited out.
A little something on all that black inequality.
That sir, is a pretty thorough list of what constitutes privilege in modern America. Also being able to shout “black lives matter” with no consideration for any other person of color is a super-privilege.
That sir, is a pretty thorough list of what constitutes privilege in modern America. Also being able to shout “black lives matter” with no consideration for any other person of color is a super-privilege.
And you boys say you’re not very good racists. Don’t beat yourselves up, you’re excellent racists!
It sounds like white men should be out marching for equal rights!
End white oppression now!
So you think a person who values all lives is a racist while hateful, bigoted and racist people who believe only black lives matter are not? You don’t put much stock in logic, do you?
Just so you know THIS man was out marching for civil rights and had I known it would be used to bestow special rights and privileges on special people while denying equal opportunity to all I would not have done so.
End ALL oppression now! All lives matter. All Americans should be treated equally under the law and special exceptions are immoral, vile and racist. Choosing a person for a job because of their color is juat as vile and immoral if they’re black as when they’re white. If you don’t understand that Elwood you need a course on ethics.
Trump 2020 I think the commies are gonna be surprised again!
It’s “Black Lives Matter” not “Only Black Lives Matter”. Think of it this way, “Black Lives Also Matter” or “Black Lives Matter, Too” or “Not Only White Lives Matter”.
For over a century white America chose a person for a job based on color. Was that fair? Or was that vile and racist? For over a century white America segregated Black Americans into ghettos. Was that vile and racist? For over a century white America segregated Black American children into sub-standard schools. Was that vile and racist?
Brown vs Board of Education, 1954. Civil Rights Acts, 1964 and 1968. Voting Rights Act, 1965.
And even these important rulings and laws didn’t end discrimination.
Is it possible that the injustices committed against Black Americans by white America for centuries have lasting impacts on Black Americans today?
Trump has only one campaign message: Be afraid! The Blacks are coming for you!
No, it’s Only Black Lives Matter because the Left is desperate to drum up hate among blacks.
Too bad it’s a crock. Unless all lives matter, no lives matter.
For over a century white America chose a person for a job based on color. Was that fair? Or was that vile and racist? For over a century white America segregated Black Americans into ghettos. Was that vile and racist? For over a century white America segregated Black American children into sub-standard schools. Was that vile and racist?
And for 50 years, some blacks self-segregated.
Brown vs Board of Education, 1954. Civil Rights Acts, 1964 and 1968. Voting Rights Act, 1965.
And even these important rulings and laws didn’t end discrimination.
All the doing of Rs and they did end discrimination by law. What took their place was Leftist-initiated black discrimination and hate.
Is it possible that the injustices committed against Black Americans by white America for centuries have lasting impacts on Black Americans today?
No, because only 1/6 of the hooligans are black and half are white.
Trump has only one campaign message: Be afraid! The Blacks are coming for you!
Where and when did he say that? The only one I heard was The Lefties are coming for you!
PS Black is only capitalized when it’s a surname or proper name, not when it’s an adjective.
If it isn’t “Only Black Lives Matter,” if it’s really “Black Lives Also Matter†or “Black Lives Matter, Too†or “Not Only White Lives Matter,†why do the BLM people get so rabidly upset when someone says “All Lives Matter,” or the horrendous, “Blue Lives Matter,” in reference to the police? hahvahd graduate Claira Janover was so all-fired upset that she TicToced that if you said “All Lives Matter” to her, “I’ma stab you, and while you’re struggling and bleeding out, I’ma show you my paper cut and say, ‘My cut matters, too.'”
Miss Janover got herself fired for that stunt, which I say is karmic justice.
What the lovely Miss Janover was saying is that other people’s lives do not matter as much as Black Lives Matter, even though, from her picture, she has a lot of Asian ancestry. I s’pose that being graduated from harvard doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t boneheadedly stupid.
Your problem? As a liberal, you want to believe that “Black Lives Matter” really is “Black Lives Also Matter,” which is the white liberal’s bleeding heart justification for going along with it, but it really isn’t what the black BLM people are saying.
And let’s face it: Black Lives Matter only when a black person is killed by a white policeman. The carnage in Chicago and Philadelphia and even your own St Louis is black carnage, young black men shooting other young black men, and nobody except us evil white raaaaacists dares to mention that. Black women abort their unborn children at five times the rate that white women do.
For a white supremacist, what a win leftist policies have been! In supporting unrestricted abortion, the left are supporting the self-genocide of blacks in the United States, and the Democrats now even want to pay for black women killing off the next generation of American blacks. In ‘defunding the police,’ the left are supporting even more lax law enforcement, enabling young black men to go right on killing each other at even greater rates.
Of course, young black men killing other black men is a double win for white supremacists: the murder victim won’t be fathering any more black babies, and the killer, if he’s caught, will spend the rest of his life in prison and the only place his sperm will go is up the butts of other male prisoners, so he won’t be procreating anymore, either. Yeah, white supremacists might have to put up with the killers not getting caught as frequently, but that just leaves them out on the streets to kill more young black men before they’re finally caught. And yeah, it costs them some white babies, too, but some sacrifices have to be made, don’t they?
The white liberals? They can’t ever say things like that, can’t even consider them, ’cause that would be raaaaacist, but they are, and have been, supporting black self-genocide in this country.
The self-deluded Mr Dowd wrote:
When they scream “Reparations! they are certainly coming for my property!
But look at the plight of black Americans. They have heavily concentrated themselves in densely populated urban areas, and are primarily under the political rule of Democrats, of the not quite bat guano insane left. In very “progressive” Minneapolis, the good white liberals have implemented policies designed specifically to assist black residents, and those policies have led to a larger income gap between whites and blacks than exists nationwide, a lower black home ownership rate than the national average, and really worse everything.
Of course, those areas are very racially segregated, too, as blacks and whites don’t live in integrated harmony. The good, liberal white citizens of foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia don’t really care about blacks killing each other in Northeast Philly, as long as they stay out of Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill.
It helps to have a buffer zone of working-class whites — you know, the Trump voters! — between the wealthier, liberal whites and the Negroes.
“It’s “Black Lives Matter†not “Only Black Lives Matterâ€. Think of it this way, “Black Lives Also Matter†or “Black Lives Matter, Too†or “Not Only White Lives Matterâ€.
If that’s what they meant then that’s what they would have said. Instead they insist Black Lives Matter. There is no ambiguity in that statement,
no selective application and no hidden meaning no matter how much leftist Newspeak and spin you try and sugar coat it with.
Trump 2020 My Life Matters
Watch those “white supremacists”:
That’s not racist. That’s the truth.
End white oppression now!
You guys are so oppressed, you can burn down whole city blocks and nothing happens.
Jeffery’s still trying to scare us into relinquishing our freedoms.
For the record, a new low in deaths attributed to, but not necessarily caused by, the Peking Pulmonary Pox.
Lessee now. at 1/5 of 1%, that’s .5.
Sibley is still trying to impress us with his math skills.
Lessee now. at 1/5 of 1%, that’s .5.
1/5th of 1% is 0.2
Daily deaths ARE decreasing, but hospitalizations are going back up. Critical care treatments for Covid-19 have improved – dexamethasone, remdesivir and more effective supportive care. But doctors are also recognizing increased morbidity in patients – lung, liver, kidney, neurological damages that may be chronic.
Wrong on both counts. Hospitalizations are also down. And remdesivir hasn’t worked out. HCQ has.
Ha ha.
But doctors are also recognizing increased morbidity in patients – lung, liver, kidney, neurological damages that may be chronic.
But the Shy Knees Blight still isn’t killing them.
You’re math is also wrong.
1/5th of 1% is 0.002.
[…] Patriotic Duty The Pirate’s Cove […]
You forgot this one-I’m sure it was just an honest mistake…
You accidently quoted The gateway Pudendum.
They’re right more often than you are.
A stopped clock is right more often than you are.
Fact is, that’s all over the ‘Net.
DETROIT – Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 – and without heart-related side-effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System.
In a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals, the study found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities; however, patients were monitored for a heart condition routinely pointed to as a reason to avoid the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.
The study was published today in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID.org).
You accidentally made a fool of yourself, again. The Gateway Pundit didn’t make the claim, a peer-reviewed paper did. Reading comprehension is still your friend https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(20)30534-8/fulltext
The citation was for The Gateway Pundit. It was hours ago, so maybe you forgot.
Jl says:
July 6, 2020 at 8:33 am
You forgot this one-I’m sure it was just an honest mistake…
It’s likely that neither you nor jimhoft read the article. Did you see the article while reading the International Journal of Infectious Disease or did you read about at jimhoft’s site?
However, our results should be interpreted with some caution and should not be applied to patients treated outside of hospital settings. Our results also require further confirmation in prospective, randomized controlled trials that rigorously evaluate the safety, and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine therapy for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. Considered in the context of current studies on the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, our results suggest that hydroxychloroquine may have an important role to play in reducing COVID-19 mortality.
It’s another interesting paper, but published in a low impact journal (why not publish in a good journal?). If you read their conclusions you’ll note they correctly cite papers that show no significant treatment effects with hydroxychloroquine. Why didn’t jimhoft trumpet those papers when they were published?
The authors also correctly point that their results “require further confirmation in prospective, randomized controlled trials that rigorously evaluate the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine therapy for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients”, the gold standard for approval by the FDA.
As you well know, there are significant disadvantages with retrospective studies (it’s why they FDA won’t accept them for approval). In defense of this study, their outcome was dead vs. alive – hard to mistake.
Big news, I’m surprised Jeffery didn’t say anything about it.
According to the CDC (and we all know they tell the truth), Sino Sinus Syphilis is losing its epidemic status in the good ol’ US of A.
I guess Trump had it controlled, after all.
Sibley typed some stuff…
(SARS-CoV-2) is losing its epidemic status
Coronavirus deaths in the country have nearly reached a level where the virus will cease to qualify as an epidemic under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules, the federal agency reported on Friday.
With the explosion in new cases in FL, GA, TX, AZ and CA the deaths may increase again.
If 130,000 deaths and rising is “controlled”…
260 is. (1/5 of 1%).
And the “new cases” are all theoretical.
The world knows this stuff.
You’re just making an ass of yourself.
Which is fine with me.