They must be trying to turn the nation into an area similar to fellow Squad member Ilhan Omar’s nation of origin, Somalia
‘Squad’ Dems Tlaib, Pressley introduce bill bill to defund police, give reparations
Two congressional “squad” members unveiled a wide-ranging proposal Tuesday to defund police departments and establish a reparations program for African Americans and people harmed by the police and the criminal justice system.
Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, both Democrats, announced the BREATHE Act via a virtual conference call. Both lawmakers are part of the four-member “squad,” a group of female progressive House members that includes Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and ‎Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
“We can start to envision through this bill a new version for public safety — a new vision for public safety, one that protects and affirms black lives,†Tlaib said, according to the New York Post.
The legislation has not been introduced. Ocasio-Cortez and Omar were not announced as backers of the proposal.
Now that is an interesting point: not introduced. Will they? Or is this just an attempt to patronize their unhinged base?
Under the bill, federal funds to local police and federal agencies would be slashed and diverted to pay for health care, education, environmental housing programs. It would eliminate federal programs and agencies used to finance Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the controversial Department of Defense 1033 program, which transfers excess military equipment to civilian law enforcement agencies.
This is one reason why it is nuts that citizens are required to give so much of their hard earned money to the federal government, rather than their state and local governments: should Los Federales really be funding local police? Which gives them a measure of control over the police? It’s not in the Constitution as really one of their roles. ICE, though, would be part of the federal government’s duties.
Other provisions include abolishing surveillance tactics disproportionately used to target minority communities, electronic monitoring — including ankle monitors, smartphone apps and other tools – ending civil asset forfeiture, ending the “three strikes” law and repealing laws that criminalize illegal immigration.
In addition, it would offer a 50 percent match of savings for states to close down detention facilities and prisons, the elimination of gang databases and the forgiving of all fees and surcharges within the justice system.
Wow, they’re going full on moonbat, are they not? Full Category 5 Moonbat. One of the major reasons for the increase in violence in Democratic Party run Chicago is the growth of gangs, mostly black ones.
The reparations provisions include the passing the Commission to Study Reparation Proposal for African-Americans Act and establishing commissions to “design reparations” for mass incarceration to include those caught up in the War on Drugs, border and police violence and the “systemic violation of the U.S. Government’s treaty obligations to Tribal nations.â€
Sure, why not. Let’s give reparations to people who’ve done time for breaking the law.
The will most likely not submit the bill, as it probably won’t even pass the Dem controlled House (almost none of the legislation introduced by Squad members has passed), and it won’t pass the Senate. However, if introduced, the Senate should take it up and have a debate and vote on it, putting Democrats on the record.

P typed: They must be trying to turn the nation into an area similar to fellow Squad member Ilhan Omar’s nation of origin, Somalia
Representative Omar did not introduce the bill, and not even described as a backer. So why did P mention her? Because she’s a Somali refugee and a Muslim. And of course to support Hair Furor who recently in Tulsa said to a disappointing crowd: “She (Rep Omar) would like to make the government of our country just like the country from where she came – Somalia. No government, no safety, no police, no nothing, just anarchy. And now, she’s telling us how to run our country. No, thank-you.” Evidently even bottom feeder conservabloggers get their marching orders.
It’s like suggesting tRump is a pedophile because he “partied” with Epstein. Except that being a Somali refugee is not a vile criminal act, while raping a 13 yr old girl is.
Don’t know if Rimjob should be suggesting others are pedophiles.

Just sayin’.
Why not, Smegma?
Ilhan Omar is an ungrateful Somalian Marxist, a liar and an enemy of the US. The Democommie party allowed her to run on their ticket because they too have gone full-on Marxist and want to dissolve the nation and the constitution.
With that understood, it’s also safe to assume that we have a very serious threat to the United States if we have an elected member of Congress actively promoting the dismantling of our national government and traditions. The same traditions that welcomed her family after they fled a horrific country for greener pastures in the very literal sense.
If she is openly advocating for the dismantling of our country, then she should be removed from office.
Here Ilhan Omar talks about toppling the United States.
Trump 2020 It’s time to take out the trash like Omar.
The Democrat Party is a willing partner to the overthrow of the US. What should good Americans do to a party that attacks America on every level?
Elwood, it’s way past time for an adult (I assume you’re an adult) to stop accusing the President of crimes there is no evidence he committed. If he did don’t you think you and all your gangsters would already have him in prison? Hell, you commies own the justice system and if you had ANYTHING on Trump you would have used it over the last years of attacks. You have been spouting vulgar slander and liable for almost four years. It’s time for you to shut up and act like a man. This constant need of yours to defile yourself by trying to defile others is no longer funny. Every time you dirty yourself by accusing Trump of a particularly vile act just to sully his name it makes you look stupid. Are you stupid, Elwood?
BTW, every time you accuse all those Americans with whom you disagree of being “low IQ” types not only is your leftist privilege showing but so is your inability to recognize the shallowness of yourself. Disagreeing with you does not make one stupid nor does it make them any less human than you are. Maybe you should think about that next time you want to act tolerant while calling others names. Or is slander the new tolerance among Newspeak leftists?
Trump 2020
Of course we didn’t accuse anyone of being low IQ. Rather we provided a paper where the scientists claimed low IQ in children predicted social conservatism in adults.
Calling someone names is not defamation.
It’s ironic (hypocritical?) that right-wingers stamp their feet and demand liberals tolerate right-wing insults. Sorry, charlie.
Yes, you did.
Yes, it is.
And, no, we don’t. we just call you on your hypocrisy.
And we’re not tuna, birdbrain.
We’re aware of your frustration, and we understand that right-wing authoritarians such as you want things your way. We further understand that you are “doing well”, but what you refuse to acknowledge is that half the households in the US survive on LESS THAN the median household income of $63,000 (2019) – this will no doubt drop for 2020.
According to the Daily Caller, Rep. Ilhan Omar called for “dismantling” the U.S. “economy and political systems,” which she called a “system of oppression.”
Our economic and political systems certainly DO oppress the US working class. Income and wealth inequality is accelerating to the point where Black Americans are pushing back and white working class Americans supported Donald Trump after he promised to help them (he lied).
You label any criticism of the current unfair system as “communism”. It’s not, of course. Regulating our robust system of capitalism so that more of the fruits of labor actually are available to labor is not “communism”. Men like you and I are “doing well”, so some are invested in maintaining the status quo, and Trump appeals to them.
commies own the justice system …. AG Bill Barr and the Republican Party are Trump’s protectors, and together they are dismantling the justice system that threatens Trump. You ignore that “they” had plenty on the impeached Trump, e.g., his campaign/administrations contacts with Russian operatives, his obstruction of justice, his extortion of Ukraine, his requests for electoral assistance from China, Russia and Ukraine. Trump is a liar and a cheat, and a lousy President, in charge of dumpster fire or shitshow of an administration. Reagan famously asked “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” You and I may be (but then I didn’t get over 1/2 million taxpayer dollars – you’re welcome), but most Americans are not.
Trump’s smarmy surrogate, FOX’s Tucker Carlson, called Senator Duckworth “unpatriotic” and a “coward” “who hates America.” The Senator humiliated Carlson by suggesting that the slimy host “walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?” She is a combat veteran who lost her legs after a Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting in Iraq was shot down.
Trump has been accused of raping women, one a teenage girl. Just the facts. Certainly you believe in free speech.
We get it. White men in America are terrified of losing their privileged position. Trump promises to keep rich men rich with the added bonus of attacking minority men and women on a daily basis. It’s a win-win for white men such as you.
Even the lowest rungs of white man (e.g., young Smegma) rely on feeling superior to minorities for the mass of their self-esteem.
So spare us your sanctimony about people being “mean” to The Don. We understand that you don’t like it. Tough. If it’s libel and slander to criticize the US President, Trump can sue me.
Another day, another hateful rant. You are stuck in your “white men are afraid” of blah, blah, blah crap you really can’t see we’re concerned that the United States is being converted (perverted) into a socialist/communist hellhole. We don’t blame you for your desire to be disassociated with the word “communist” since that word means nothing but poverty and death. At the same time we wonder why all these Democommie controlled cities (some for over 50 years) haven’t better addressed the “needs” of POC? Why are you lecturing us when you had total control of these cities and fuked the people up their asses for so long. Now they burn and suddenly it’s because we white men are afraid of your boogeymen. We’re not.
There are just complaints from black Americans none of which warrant or excuse them joining forces with known communist sympathizers and Nazi thugs of Antifa.
As I have asked you before, in your constant need to feel superior you are always trying to find new ways to degrade me and the other “white men” who post here. Again I ask: how many disadvantaged black kids did you foster care? We did two. How many disadvantaged kids did you pay for their schooling, training or help open their own businesses? We did a half dozen asking nothing in return. How many disadvantaged POC have you employed? We have hundreds. How many immigrants did you guide through he system-help gain employment and finally their citizenship? Including my own wife, hundreds. How many POC did you marry? I married one. How many Jews did you marry? I married a Jew too.
So for all your pomposity and bloviating and bragging you are just a big mouthed white boy who has PESONNALLY DONE NOTHING to help blacks, Hispanics or other minorities. Correct?
You keep calling us “white men” like you aren’t? What is that?
And BTW, when my computer was on the fritz I commented here that we received another notice of CARE loans available and a couple hundred thousand more in loans PLUS the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania felt guilty Gov. Wolf screwed us so they gave us a GRANT of $100,000 which my accn’t applied for last week. The rest ar loans and now they’re over $750,000 but the PA money is a CASH GRANT. Gotta love you commies when you start handing out other people’s money you really go crazy. Thanks again.
Trump 2020 Let’s keep ALL Americans equal.
First, median means half are below, genius.
Our economic and political systems certainly DO oppress the US working class. Income and wealth inequality is accelerating to the point where Black Americans are pushing back and white working class Americans supported Donald Trump after he promised to help them (he lied).
No, they don’t. Anyone can get ahead to the best of his/her/its abilities, provided they don’t do stupid things like drink, drugs get in trouble with the law, or get pregnant out of wedlock and expect the government to pick up the tab.
And, if black Americans are pushing back, why are the only 1/6 of the hooligans on the streets. More to the point, why are the whites who are half the hooligans rich boys instead of your working class Americans?
Trump lied about nothing. You do.
There are just complaints from black Americans none of which warrant or excuse them joining forces with known communist sympathizers and Nazi thugs of Antifa.
Turns out more blacks are being harmed, especially if they’re little girls.
And Antifa is Nazi?
Sure, it is.AG Bill Barr and the Republican Party are Trump’s protectors, and together they are dismantling the justice system that threatens Trump. You ignore that “they†had plenty on the impeached Trump, e.g., his campaign/administrations contacts with Russian operatives, his obstruction of justice, his extortion of Ukraine, his requests for electoral assistance from China, Russia and Ukraine. Trump is a liar and a cheat, and a lousy President, in charge of dumpster fire or shitshow of an administration. Reagan famously asked “Are you better off than you were four years ago?†You and I may be (but then I didn’t get over 1/2 million taxpayer dollars – you’re welcome), but most Americans are not.
Well, with all the lockdowns in Democrat states and all the violence in Democrat cities, the answer seems to be get rid of all the Democrats.
And he knows he’s losing, The bear suit is on.
So for all your pomposity and bloviating and bragging you are just a big mouthed white boy who has PESONNALLY DONE NOTHING to help blacks, Hispanics or other minorities. Correct?
Sounds more like you. You support the lockdowns and the riots.
And the word is personally.
Trump’s smarmy surrogate, FOX’s Tucker Carlson, called Senator Duckworth “unpatriotic†and a “coward†“who hates America.†The Senator humiliated Carlson by suggesting that the slimy host “walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?†She is a combat veteran who lost her legs after a Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting in Iraq was shot down.
and until she became a Demo politician, you called her a baby killer.
Trump has been accused of raping women, one a teenage girl. Just the facts. Certainly you believe in free speech.
Let’s see some proof. Right now, the Hildabeast is ordering flowers for Ghislane Maxwell because it’s rumored she has tapes.
We get it. White men in America are terrified of losing their privileged position. Trump promises to keep rich men rich with the added bonus of attacking minority men and women on a daily basis. It’s a win-win for white men such as you.
When was the last time Trump attacked any minority men and/or women?
Even the lowest rungs of white man (e.g., young Smegma) rely on feeling superior to minorities for the mass of their self-esteem.
Now who’s calling names? You really need to see somebody about your feeling of insecurity.
So spare us your sanctimony about people being “mean†to The Don. We understand that you don’t like it. Tough. If it’s libel and slander to criticize the US President, Trump can sue me.
From the blowhard who’s always threatening to sue everybody. Neuropsychiatrist, heal thyself.
“Surveillance tactics that disproportionately target minority communities..†No, surveillance tactics that target where most of the crime is. I realize this is a tough concept for some to understand…
“Minority communities” are the communities in which most crimes occur, so it makes sense to monitor them more thoroughly.
This is why we have the idiot left — please, pardon the redundancy — talking about ‘defunding the police,’ because they don’t like being treated like they are all criminals. But suspicion does fall on “minority communities” because minority community members commit crimes at disproportionate rates. People are judged, in part, by the company they keep, and it is the presence of so many criminals in “minority communities” which brings the rest under increased suspicion.
Of course, any thinking White Supremacist should support defunding the police and ending the heavier policing of “minority communities.” That would result in increased policing of white communities, helping to decrease the already much lower crime rates there, and in more untimely deaths in “minority communities,” resulting in fewer Negroes to plague White Supremacist society. Win/win.
First, median means half are below, genius
Here’s what you “corrected”: “half the households in the US survive on LESS THAN the median household income of $63,000”
Do you think “LESS THAN” is different from “below”, genius?
The Wiz spent part of his rant criticizing Kye’s words, not mine.
You boyz complain about my “hateful rants”. This is a right-wing hate site, duh. You boyz can dish it out by just can’t take it.
Kye – If what you say is true, good for you. Yet you still want to keep minorities as second class citizens. Great, you have received nearly a million in welfare from the taxpayers! Connie millionaires collecting from the government. We’re certain those making less than the median are happy to contribute. Reverse robin hoodism is party of the problem, but you refuse to see it.
dana ignores all the financial crimes committed by white folks.
First, no, it doesn’t.
Second, I didn’t.
No hate, just critiques and you can’t take it.
Connie millionaires collecting from the government.
i’ll bet there are more than a few Lefties doping the same thing. No such thing as a poor white Liberal, after all.
What about all the financial crimes committed by black folks? Welfare fraud, Medicare fraud, food stamp fraud, vote fraud…
Reverse robin hoodism
Genius he is. Meaningless phrases Rimjob makes up.
Bwaha! Lolgy
Connie millionaires collecting from the government.
–Rimjob (aka genius)
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Bwaha! Lolgfy Rimjob
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
And just how many are there, Mr Dowd? Most ‘white folks’ don’t have the knowledge or ability to commit ‘financial crimes.’
There are certainly criminals amongst us ‘white folks,’ but the fact remains that it has been ‘black folks’ who have been the greater danger, and, more to the point, they are primarily a danger to other ‘black folks.’
Normally I wouldn’t bring this type of thing up, but since Jeffery keeps harping on corruption with GOP members, and how only white people commit certain crimes, there is this:
TOLEDO (WTVG) – Four members of the Toledo City Council have been accused of accepting bribes while in office, according to court documents obtained by 13abc on Tuesday.
At least three of those council members have been placed into federal custody. 13abc crews were on the scene as council members Larry Sykes and Yvonne Harper were placed into custody. Federal documents also implicate council members Gary Johnson and Tyrone Riley.
According to a criminal complaint filed with the U.S. District Court, Councilman Sykes faces complaints of “Reciept of Bribe by Agent of Organization Receiving Federal Funds” and “Hobbs Act Extortion Under Color of Official Right.” In the affidavit filed along with the complaint, council members Harper, Riley, and Jonson are also named as subjects.
According to the affidavit, in early 2018, the FBI began an investigation into members of Toledo City Council, suspecting members of accepting or soliciting bribes in exchange for votes.
The documents reveal an unnamed source who owns several commercial properties, primarily gas stations and convenience stores in Toledo, pointed the finger at councilman Tyrone Riley.
The alleged pay for votes scheme then unraveled over the next two years and according to the feds involved Yvonne Harper, Larry Sykes, and Gary Johnson.
The court documents detail how each of the council members allegedly accepted payments in the range of five hundred to five thousand dollars for ‘yes’ votes on zoning requests to internet cafes.
Additionally, Councilwoman Harper is accused of using a local attorney, Keith Mitchell, to solicit and accept bribe payments on her behalf.
Porter’s Puppy misses the point. Again. Conservatives concentrate on street crime while ignoring white collar crime, except to find an example of Black Americans involved in bribery or fraud, just as Porter’s Puppy does here.
Did anyone say that only European-Americans commit certain type of crimes? That would be as stupid as a connie implying that only Black Americans commit murder or riot.
From the FBI:
In addition to causing significant financial losses to investors, corporate fraud has the potential to cause immeasurable damage to the U.S. economy and investor confidence. As the lead agency investigating corporate fraud, the Bureau focuses its efforts on cases that involve accounting schemes, self-dealing by corporate executives, and obstruction of justice.
The majority of corporate fraud cases pursued by the FBI involve accounting schemes designed to deceive investors, auditors, and analysts about the true financial condition of a corporation or business entity. Through the manipulation of financial data, the share price, or other valuation measurements of a corporation, financial performance may remain artificially inflated based on fictitious performance indicators provided to the investing public.
The FBI’s corporate fraud investigations primarily focus on the following activities:
False accounting entries and/or misrepresentations of financial condition;
Fraudulent trades designed to inflate profits or hide losses; and
Illicit transactions designed to evade regulatory oversight.
Self-dealing by corporate insiders
Insider trading (trading based on material, non-public information);
Misuse of corporate property for personal gain; and
Individual tax violations related to self-dealing.
Fraud in connection with an otherwise legitimately operated mutual hedge fund
Certain market timing schemes; and
Falsification of net asset values.
Other white-collar crimes such as wage theft, fraud, bribery, income sheltering/tax avoidance, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime, patent/copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, forgery are also damaging to the US economy and individuals.
Most of these crimes are ongoing and under the radar. Certainly the media rarely cover or investigate these types of complex crimes. We understand why conservative European-Americans prefer to focus on street crimes committed by Black Americans, and all we are asking is to recognize the existence of crime that on the surface is non-violent but results in significant damage to Americans and our institutions.
Porter’s Puppy misses the point. Again. Conservatives concentrate on street crime while ignoring white collar crime, except to find an example of Black Americans involved in bribery or fraud, just as Porter’s Puppy does here.
You want white Lefties who do white collar? Os, Ozarks, plenty of others.
Did anyone say that only European-Americans commit certain type of crimes? That would be as stupid as a connie implying that only Black Americans commit murder or riot.
Yeah, but your bros always seem to be the ones dumb enough to get caught.
Other white-collar crimes such as wage theft, fraud, bribery, income sheltering/tax avoidance, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime, patent/copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, forgery are also damaging to the US economy and individuals.
You think blacks don’t do stuff like that. What about the black Congresscreep caught with stolen money in his fridge?
Most of these crimes are ongoing and under the radar. Certainly the media rarely cover or investigate these types of complex crimes. We understand why conservative European-Americans prefer to focus on street crimes committed by Black Americans, and all we are asking is to recognize the existence of crime that on the surface is non-violent but results in significant damage to Americans and our institutions.
Because if you can’t walk the streets in safety, everything else is kind of irrelevant.
“Kye – If what you say is true, good for you. Yet you still want to keep minorities as second class citizens.” Do you ever read? I have done more for American minorities of all colors in my life than you have ever done for anyone except your greedy self. Starting with marching for civil rights in the South with my church in 1965 and continuing throughout my adult life with foster care, paying for doctors, education and food out of my own pocket and finally sending minority kids to college and even financing their business ventures.
So where do you get off accusing me of racism, white supremacy and wanting “to keep minorities as second class citizens”?
If any group of people in this country personify keeping blacks and minorities down it is the Democrat Party. You have been doing it since your party was born. And if anyone is keeping “minorities as second class citizens” it’s the Blue City Democrats who have created a racist system of keeping blacks in poverty, generational welfare, dependency, crime, drugs, 30 million murdered black babies, fatherless families and rampant black on black crime and 7,000 murders a year!
You and your party have created THAT system and have run it for DECADES!!!
And if there is “systemic racism” in America it comes in the form of leftist teachers telling kids from 5 to 25 that they can’t succeed because they’re being “held down” by whites when in reality it is the Democrats who have held them dow and filled their heads with HOPELESSNESS. I know, I’ve been fighting it for years. Trying like hell to get that crap out of the minds of kids and replacing it with “I can do it”. The revolting racism of low expectations bred into black children by union teachers for decades MUST END. These kids deserve to have school choice which is strictly reserved for elite Democrats and forbidden to those who really need it because the Dems owe the unions. You know it and we know it so stop lying about this shit.
Furthermore, I have NOT received “nearly a million dollars in welfare from taxpayers” but I have received SBA loans. Who made you the arbiter of who should get public loans, grants or any such funds? The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania forced us shut down our business for four months. Illegally I might add. Who do you think should bear that cost? Me? Then you are saying any American can have his livelihood and property taken at any time without due process nor just compensation. Is that your new world order of Marxist confiscation? Well screw you, I’m still a free American. And when the time comes next year to apply for SBA loan forgiveness I intend to apply for it and I most likely will get it. And if that is what the law is then I am entitled to the same EQUALITY under that law as any other American. Just because you don’t like me does not make me less of a citizen. YET!
The entire Democrat Party has sunk into a socialist/communist shit hole and they are being lead by people who hate this country and want to destroy it. Don’t believe me? Read this:
“…we are preparing the ground for a different kind of society.
…Because we are coming for you and your rotten system.
We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state.
We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy, and equality – a socialist world…
Those were the words of Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama “Idiot Savant” Sawant, who went on a rant directed at Jeff Bezos after the body passed the so-called “Amazon tax.” It wasn’t just aimed at him nor was it limited to taxation. She threatened to SEIZE control of the Fortune 500, BAN private property, free housing, abolish the police, release the rioters, etc. etc. etc. ”
THAT’S your Democrat Party of 2020. Evil haters and you’re one of them!
Trump 2020 Or these rotten pigs will tear apart our country!
For a real understanding read this by Ace: