Durham, North Carolina is a very leftist city in a very leftist county, one which voted over 70% for Hillary, Obama, and John Kerry. Everything is run by Democrats. So, why is this all necessary?
Durham protesters take their demands to mayor’s house for ‘honest conversation’
For weeks, protesters in Durham have taken to the streets to sound their calls about police department funding, ending racial injustice and remembering those who have died at the hands of police.
They’ve blocked highways, painted murals on the street and camped outside the police department.
Tuesday, they took their concerns straight to the home of Durham Mayor Steve Schewel.
About 20 people gathered outside his home, not far from 9th Street, and waited for him to speak with them. Shortly after 8 p.m., Schewel came out of his house and walked down a set of steps to listen to Skip Gibbs, an artist who is the founder of the Other American Movement grassroots group.
Why does it always seem as if the activists and Professional Protesters never really have actual jobs?
Gibbs told Schewel they want a crisis response team to respond to mental health-related situations; a community garden to be used for after-school programs and food security for the homeless; and ensuring that $3 million designated for the city’s small-business relief program go to businesses owned by Blacks and people of color.
In the course of the discussion, which lasted about 20 minutes, Schewel addressed Gibbs’ points.
He said he would work to divert the funds to businesses owned by people of color.
Isn’t that kind of, you know, racist? First, imagine that they were going to divert funds to white owned businesses, would that be decried? Further, are they saying that blacks cannot survive without the Helpful Hand Of Government? That they’re incompetent in doing it themselves? Racist. Further, what about other small businesses: don’t they deserve that relief money? And might they not sue if the money is used in a biased manner?
Anyhow, a community garden? Um, OK. That’ll solve….I’m not sure. It has nothing to do with the notion of reforming the police. None of this seems to have anything to do with police reform (defund was painted in the street right in front of the main police precinct)
But Gibbs pushed back, saying people who look like him will lose their lives unless a crisis response team is implemented sooner. He pleaded with the mayor to start a pilot program, like the one in Eugene, and then evaluate how it works in Durham.
Right, #SendASocialWorker. Should work well in an already dangerous city. Which is run by Democrats. Weird how black people have it so bad in a city run by Democrats, which blacks keep voting for.
Some of the members who stood outside the mayor’s home drove to Durham from Fayetteville, where they have advocated for similar reforms. Myah Warren said she came to Durham to “support her brothers and sisters,†but also to learn some tactics she can use at home.
Huh. Professional agitators.

If they think Blacks are equal, why would they need something done for them?
Now ya did it. You’ll have Elwood calling you every name in the book now. You have made a statement negative toward his “black brotha’s ans sista’s”.