Remember when this lockdown would only last 15 days? And if we’d only social distance and not touch and wash our hands, things would be OK? Then it was STAY HOME!!!! And then a recommendation to wear masks after the CDC changed their guidance on May 30th? Then Government telling us to wear masks? Englewood, Colorado, with their progressive mayor, have kicked it up a few notches
Colorado city to mandate coronavirus face coverings, threatening up to a year in jail for violators
The city of Englewood, Colo. located just south of Denver, will require all citizens to wear face masks Friday as coronavirus cases are on the rise. Violators will have the right to a trial but could face up to a year in prison or a $2,600 fine.
The emergency order was issued by City Manager J. Shawn Lewis and approved by the city council Monday, detailing that everyone over the age of 6-years old will be required to wear a mask when outside of their homes.
The order directs all members of the public to wear face masks that cover both their nose and mouth while in any retail, commercial, or government offices along with all health care facilities, including veterinary offices.
All people taking public transportation are required to wear face masks. Drivers of public transportation services, like Uber and taxi services are required to wear a face mask unless members of their family are in the vehicle.
Face coverings are not required when in a personal office and individuals are more than six feet apart from one another.
Does anyone else think that all these types of restrictions would work better if Government used more of a light touch, more of a carrot vs the stick? People don’t respond well to threats of “you better do this or else” when it comes to these things, do the?
The city’s police department has been authorized to ticket first offenders with a $15 fine. The second offense will be an additional $25 fine.
The order also notes that “Any person charged with an offense under this Emergency Order may choose to enter a plea of not guilty and be entitled to a trial as authorized by the law.â€
The maximum penalty someone can receive for not abiding by the mask order is a fine that cannot exceed $2,650 and up to 360 days in prison.
But, hey, if you smoke pot, which is illegal under federal law, you’re perfectly fine.
I guess the police have nothing better to do. And when these little tinpot dictators got a little taste of control, they loved it, and wanted more. What’s next, full face shields? Requiring people wear long pants and long sleeves? Keeping your head and neck covered? Of course, they’ll say “at least we’re allowing you outside, right? We could lock you down again.”

These rules would work better if they were in any way based on actual reasons that were not easily dismissed by basic logic.