Hey, remember when Democrats made fun of Trump wanting products made in America? Wanting manufacturing in America?
Biden pushes populist ‘made in America’ plan to pump up economy
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden returned to his childhoold hometown in Pennsylvania on Thursday during a trip where he proposed spending $700 billion on American products and research – in the hopes of bringing back millions of jobs lost by an economy flattened by the coronavirus pandemic.
The former vice president unveiled his populist plan during a speech at a metal works factory in Dunmore, Pa., just minutes from his childhood home in Scranton.
His proposal – called the “Build Back Better†plan – also seeks to create 5 million new jobs and is the first of four economic proposals Biden is expected to roll out over the coming weeks.
“Let’s use this opportunity to take bold investments in American industry and innovation, so the future is made in America, all in America,” Biden emphasized.
“When the federal government spends taxpayers’ money, we should use it to buy American products and support American jobs,†he added.
Perhaps some in the lapdog media could ask how well Joe Biden did administering Obama’s Stimulus. Remember how Obama called him Sheriff Joe, and they Joe would make it happen?
“I do not buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past,†Biden said. He also touted his longstanding close ties to union workers, saying, “I had an uncle who said, ‘Joey, you’re labor from belt buckle to shoe sole.’ Well I’ve taken pride in that.â€
Huh. Democrats said American manufacturing was gone when Trump was talking about bringing it back.
The first part of the former vice president’s proposal is a $400 billion investment by the federal government to purchase American products such as cement, concrete, steel, and other materials to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.
Why does the federal government need more money for this? Shouldn’t they be buying American whenever they can?
The second part is a $300 billion investment in research for new technologies, such as electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, and 5G.
Again, why? The private sector is doing just fine on their own. The private sector comes up with most new technologies, they’re the ones doing the electric car thing (not that most buyers care, and these are mostly for rich people), the last thing we need is the federal government getting involved with AI, and 5G has already been created and is being deployed. Does Handsy Joe even know that? 5G is being deployed nationwide by the major carriers, and they already have, and have had, phones for this.
The president’s reelection campaign has slammed Biden for the slow economic recovery from the Great Recession during Biden’s tenure as President Obama’s vice president.
“Biden’s policies caused the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression, anemic job growth, and depressed wages for the workers left,” Trump campaign national press secretary Hogan Gidley argued.
That would be the Stimulus, son of stimulus, and all the other stuff from the Obama admin. Democrats like to say that Trump’s good economy is due to Obama’s policies: why’d they take over 8 years to kick in if true?

PG goes all-in for tRump. You not what would have sped up the recovery from the 2008 Republican Crash? 3 trillion in stimulus. The GOPhers wouldn’t allow it. Why? To make Mr. Obama a one term President. Moscow Mitch admitted as much. The GOP loves America but they hate Americans.
Following the 2008 Republican Crash, the US economy grew; there was sustained job growth until 2020, where now we’re in the middle of the 2020 Republican Crash, with an unemployment rate higher than at any time since the 1929 Great Depression.
50 million Americans have applied for unemployment payments, which the GOP now wants to end, because, ya know, workers are taking money that the elites deserve. The tRump Stimulus is counted in trillions of USD. The GOP ‘wisely’ limited the Obama Stimulus to 1/10th that, ya know, ’cause debt. After cutting taxes for the wealthy, tRump has added trillions to the debt during the greatest economy, evuh! So much for saving for a rainy day.
Two Americans died from Ebola; we’re careening toward 200,000 dying from Covid-19, because “15 cases, soon to be zero”. In fact, the US has done a horrible, horrible job of handling this pandemic (hoax).
660 billion to the PPP; billions of which went to companies which didn’t need it.
“Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” — Ronald Reagan
Rimjob slept late but still rattles off his special brand of nonsense.
Joey “Fingers” 2020 wants to give 22+ million illegals the right to vote.
Bernie concurs.
BWAHA! Lolgfy loser
PG goes all-in for tRump. You not what would have sped up the recovery from the 2008 Republican Crash? 3 trillion in stimulus. The GOPhers wouldn’t allow it. Why? To make Mr. Obama a one term President. Moscow Mitch admitted as much. The GOP loves America but they hate Americans.
Put down the bong. Get help.
Following the 2008 Republican Crash, the US economy grew; there was sustained job growth until 2020, where now we’re in the middle of the 2020 Republican Crash, with an unemployment rate higher than at any time since the 1929 Great Depression.
In your dreams. Zippy gave us nothing but stagnation.
Must be some very good news on the way for Jeffery to get this whacked.
50 million Americans have applied for unemployment payments, which the GOP now wants to end, because, ya know, workers are taking money that the elites deserve. The tRump Stimulus is counted in trillions of USD. The GOP ‘wisely’ limited the Obama Stimulus to 1/10th that, ya know, ’cause debt. After cutting taxes for the wealthy, tRump has added trillions to the debt during the greatest economy, evuh! So much for saving for a rainy day.
The mess, as always, in on your side.
And Zippy’s stimulus was political payoffs and roundabouts.
And when did Zippy ever do any saving?
Two Americans died from Ebola; we’re careening toward 200,000 dying from Covid-19, because “15 cases, soon to be zeroâ€. In fact, the US has done a horrible, horrible job of handling this pandemic (hoax).
More like 400. Even the “experts” say deaths are going down.
660 billion to the PPP; billions of which went to companies which didn’t need it.
Difference is, now they’re being made to give it back. And, wow, some of those companies aren’t run by Demos.
“Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?†— Ronald Reagan
Of course, we are. No Negroes in the White House.
Jeff hasn’t noticed that his candidate is a senile old white guy with a 50 year career in politics and corruption and no accomplishments. The geriatric Cis-gendered patriarchy appreciates his support. In Biden’s defense, he was nowhere near as corrupt as Hillary. He was greedy enough, just not smart enough.
There’s a great bumper sticker. “BIDEN 2020. Not as corrupt as Hillary.”