Goal posts keep moving. We did what we were asked (and told): social distance, wash hands, get locked down. Now
US Surgeon General Jerome Adams says the US could turn around its novel coronavirus infections in two to three weeks if “everyone does their part” by following official recommendations like social distancing and use of face coverings.
Adams appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, two days after the US recorded more than 65,000 COVID-19 infections, its most in a single day. Adams said that despite sharp rises in states across the country, if Americans follow guidelines en masse, the US could see near-immediate decreases in infections.
“So just as we’ve seen cases skyrocket, we can turn this thing around in two to three weeks if we can get a critical mass of people wearing face coverings, practicing at least 6 feet of social distancing, doing the things that we know are effective,” Adams said.
Just 2-3 weeks, right?
During a press conference on Monday afternoon the Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, continued with the theme of pleading with Americans to put on a mask to stymie the spread of COVID-19. He said that, if everyone complied with said pleading, then “over the next six weeks we could drive [the virus] into the ground.”
The reward for such a proposition certainly seems tantalizing (and relatively easy) for the average citizen (even if it ultimately doesn’t work), though it’s likely to fall on millions of deaf ears rendering that timeline into an unattainable pipe dream. Maybe it’s best ,you know, for your sanity, if you just prep yourself for indefinite lockdown.
The first article is from Sunday. The second was published on Monday. So, which is it? What comes next? I think we all understand that COVID19 seems to constantly be changing, regardless of whether came from eating bats or something or released from the center in Wuhan. Everytime we have a guidance it seems to change. California was one of the most locked down states, and now they are re-locking everything down.
What will they think of next? Will this suddenly disappear the day after election day?

They really think all the new cases are people not wearing masks?
No. But they need an excuse to keep scaring the gullible.
The new cases were immune compromised people who did not take a prophylaxis AND did not wear masks AND were in contact with an infected person for some time.
Ita a measure which works and if everyone in fact wore an N95 the crisis would be over in 2 weeks not 6.
prophylaxis includes Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc, Vitamin c 500 – 100 mg per day and Vitamin D at around 75 mg per day, anything well above RDA will do.
But the primary way to not get Sars COV2 is to not share space with STUPID. You get all your diseases from stupid.
Teach typed: We did what we were asked (and told): social distance, wash hands, get locked down.
Obviously we didn’t, or not well enough. Ask AZ, TX, FL, CA, PA etc
Most of those “cases” don’t even qualify as probables, not even theoreticals, since they’re based on the concept that anyone who had “contact” with someone who tested positive is also positive.
this is no different than the hoax that anyone who had Red Chinese Lung Rot when they died, died of it even though it was a gunshot wound that killed them. Hence, the greater “susceptibility” of blacks for the disease.
Even more Fauci farce here.
Jeffery must be feeling the pinch these days to change the subject since Zogby noted Gropin’ Joe’s black support was “dismal”.
Eddie gets his lies from the Gateway Pudendum, the stupidest man on the internet.
And follows up with the racist slur that gunshot wounds are why Black Americans appear more susceptible to the Trump Plague Virus.
Biden had 77% and Rapin’ Don had 14% in the Zogby poll. Note that Eddie didn’t link the poll or describe it, nor report the dismal numbers. Crosstabs, indeed!
Zogby was described as “the worst pollster in the world” in 2019.
Zogby is also a Demo.
And Gateway cites its stuff, more than Jeffery can say. Jeffery thinks if he just says it;’s a lie and walks away, that’s the end of it.
Sorry, you have to prove it.
Biden had 77% and Rapin’ Don had 14% in the Zogby poll. Note that Eddie didn’t link the poll or describe it, nor report the dismal numbers. Crosstabs, indeed!
And even that 14, which is lowballing considerably, would be enough to sink the Demos. Even former Choom Ganger, Van Jones, has said if the Rs have 10% of the black vote, the Demos are screwed.
Note, however, Jeffery actually felt obliged to attempt a pitiful refutation.
Note Jeffery doesn’t refute my point.
He can’t.
Note that Eduardo doesn’t support his claims with evidence. Now without evidence he claims that 14% is a low ball, somehow imagining even greater support for tRump!
The odious hoftwins didn’t cite the Zogby poll either, did they?
tRump had 8% of the Black vote in 2016 in a poor turnout election and still lost the popular vote.
Eduardo is the one always whining that a poll is worthless without the “crosstabs”, so this Zogby poll must also be worthless. Can he supply the information for the Zogby poll?
tRump trails in every category except white men under 65 without a college education.
Eduardo had a point? Keep whistling past the graveyard.
How are the Deep State, media and Dr. Fauci faking the filled ICUs?
It’s like global warming. The scientists are faking the data, but somehow the great ice sheets are melting from faked data.
Connies feel that since they’re dishonest everyone is dishonest.
How are the Deep State, media and Dr. Fauci faking the filled ICUs?
Hospitalizations of Peking Pox Panic are down, but all those real ailments that had to wait can’t wait any more.
It’s like global warming. The scientists are faking the data, but somehow the great ice sheets are melting from faked data.
Exactly and the ice sheets are growing.
Connies feel that since they’re dishonest everyone is dishonest.
Sounds more like the Lefties.
“But somehow the ice sheets are melting…â€. First time ice sheets have been melting? Uh, no. Like early last century with CO2 much lower? https://realclimatescience.com/2016/01/disappearing-glaciers/
Teach doubles down on conspiracies:
or released from the center in Wuhan
Will this suddenly disappear the day after election day?
To ask the question is to answer it.
To type that is trite and ignorant.
No, just the truth.
Ask AZ, TX, FL, CA, PA etc
We’ve noted how the Deep State public health crowd has consistently lied about cases and deaths from the Chinese Floozy.
Now here’s more proof stats are phony.
Note that Eduardo doesn’t support his claims with evidence. Now without evidence he claims that 14% is a low ball, somehow imagining even greater support for tRump!
Most polls have given Trumo 30 – 40% of the black vote, as I’ve cited numerous times.
The odious hoftwins didn’t cite the Zogby poll either, did they?
Insty did and so did the Examiner.
tRump had 8% of the Black vote in 2016 in a poor turnout election and still lost the popular vote.
7 million fraudulent votes don’t count. He won the pops, too.
Eduardo is the one always whining that a poll is worthless without the “crosstabsâ€, so this Zogby poll must also be worthless. Can he supply the information for the Zogby poll?
Happy? Sample’s way too small although he does go with likely voters.
And, yeah, Zogby’s always been pretty bad. Moslem, you know.
tRump trails in every category except white men under 65 without a college education.
Just like 4 years ago, right?
Eduardo had a point? Keep whistling past the graveyard.
I hear Notorious is back in the hospital. You’re the one who’s whistling.