When you give in to SJWs they won’t stop. They’ll keep demanding more
Native Americans say Washington’s name change ‘signals the beginning’ of further reckoning
It was more than a sports logo, it was a symbol.
On Monday, Washington’s NFL team announced that it would change its nickname and logo, which has been long been decried as racist and dehumanizing by Native American advocates. Owner Dan Snyder had previously vowed that he would “never” change the name — but that was before demonstrators across the United States and beyond took to the streets after the death of George Floyd to protest systemic racism. (snip)
Change has been the operative word in tribal communities of late: The Supreme Court ruled on July 9 that a large swath of eastern Oklahoma remains a Native American reservation based on a treaty signed with the Creek Nation in the 19th Century. This month, there have also been legal victories for Native environmental activists in their attempts to block two major oil pipelines. Statues of Christopher Columbus, whose arrival in the New World heralded the conquest and mass murder in the eyes of many Indigenous Americans, have been toppled in several states. (big snip to near the end)
Dunbar-Ortiz said she hoped that the unprecedented momentum would continue — including serious reflection over the cultural appropriation in other Native American-derived nicknames in pro and college sports, such as MLB’s Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians, the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and the NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks.
“None of those names are Native terms. They’re made up colonial terms,” she said. “They’re not honoring Native people.”
For the first time in memory, the drumbeat for change is not falling on deaf ears.
Being in the South, there are plenty of Braves fans around here, and they think they are safe. They shouldn’t. I know a small number of Blackhawks and Chiefs fans, they think the same. They shouldn’t. It never ends. Heck, they’ll probably come after the use of Washington.
And, hey, while we’re at it, let’s look at place names, too! (via Hot Air)
Don’t Stop at Statues. Demand a Reconsideration of Place Names Too
The name Bixby had become so common in my area that we didn’t think about where it came from. That’s why we tear down, rename and rethink. We do it to tell the whole story, not just the parts that make us feel good. Perhaps we need to do this not just for statues and monuments and schools and sports teams but for cities and counties too. Perhaps we should begin again with the full weight of history upon which we stand.
It’s not just Bixby, of course. In Oklahoma, Jackson County is named for Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, while Roger Mills County is named for Roger Q. Mills, a U.S. senator who served in the Confederate Army and had ties to the Ku Klux Klan. I’ve driven through both of them without even thinking about the origins of their names. Likewise, Stephens County, Texas, was named after Alexander Stephens, the Vice President of the Confederate States, and his boss, Jefferson Davis, has counties named in Texas, Georgia and Mississippi as well as a parish in Louisiana. People who marginalized and oppressed didn’t just affect those who lived at the time–Bixby’s actions, along with so many others’, caused the Creek Nation to lose the jurisdictional power they just, in part, won back–and the places that bear their names should no longer remain without scrutiny.
It never ends, does it. Funny how these SJWs never mention all the things named after Robert “KKK” Byrd. Or that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation, as well as having heavily anti-Chinese things in their party platforms back in the late 1800’s through early 1900’s.

I’ve said it before: the Washington football team should be named the Pussies. Anyone who caves in to these politically correct idiots is a pussy.
All a bunch of white guys with an Indian frontman.
Oh crap! I can’t believe you typed “Indian”.
Is it really that troublesome to connies that the Redskins change their name?
Really, paleface snowflakes, really?
Whities are so sensitive!
Only because a phony race group wants it.
Really, spade jigaboos.
Is it really that troublesome to leftists that the Redskins keep the name?
Really, so called “warriors” who are snowflakes?
Lefties and the woke are so sensitive and simply looking for more things to hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
What I object to is the surrender to the far left and the woke and political correctness. The notion that a testosterone-filled game is making a testosterone-free gesture is repugnant.
The Washington football team wasn’t forced to change their name. They could have just ignored the protests. Why would an organization that relies on the public buying tickets to games and viewing their games on TV respond to accusations that their nickname was racist?
And why would anyone object to an organization’s decision to change their racist nickname? Unless all whities have is hate.
The Washington football team wasn’t forced to change their name.
Of course they were. Thinking otherwise is against the facts.
Why would an organization that relies on the public buying tickets to games and viewing their games on TV respond to accusations that their nickname was racist?
For one, NFL owners were putting pressure on them. Suddenly woke and obviously snowflake Amazon had pulled all merchandise from their site – not even allowing affiliate sites.
FEDEx had also asked for the name change.
In other words, you are woefully uninformed about what happened.
And why would anyone object to an organization’s decision to change their racist nickname?
It is not the name change, it is the reason behind the change of the name. You should know that, but as that doesn’t fit your racist view of life, it is not surprising the you go with a false narrative.
Leftists hate the truth.
After all, hate is all they have.
Yes man/ child, that nasty, racist Indian that named the team should be condemned.
I can imagine the club got some interesting threats.
And, of course, all those Negro players are so concerned with all the oppression of blacks in this country.
“And why would anyone object to an organization’s decision to change their racist nickname?”
I’m amused Elwood. You’re what, 69, 70 years old and in all those years the Redskins weren’t racist but one word from your commie masters and you’re spouting shit all over. Is there any way you will ever think for yourself?
“Unless all whities (it’s whites) have is hate.”
Well, you’re a “whitie” is all you have hate? Like what your BLM “brotha’s” did to this pretty girl: A 24-year-old mother was shot and killed by a Black Lives Matter protester in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All lives matter.†https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gjN3LZm2qaM/XwsEQBSsFBI/AAAAAAACWWI/uzCVBiijwbw0qdWF73jhnUDZFa9qWRn4wCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/mother-killed-678×381-905.jpg
All you and your “brotha’s” have is HATE!!
Trump 2020 Don’t let BLM kill the “whites”.
We Americans of European, mostly English, descent conquered a mostly empty, uncivilized continent, but the descendants of the conquerors have lost the drive and the courage which enabled their ancestors to do that.
Hell, if I wasn’t 69 and on breathing gear and a scooter I’d be out there trying to start a gunfight. I have yet to lose one.
“None of those names are Native terms. They’re made up colonial terms,†she said. “They’re not honoring Native people.â€
They are all “native” terms, English natives. They are not “made up colonial terms” they are applicable terms for Indians in English. The only people who “make up” words ar leftists that’s why they call it Newspeak. And calling Indians by their English names neither honors nor dishonors them.,
“For the first time in memory, the drumbeat for change is not falling on deaf ears.”
The term “drumbeat for change” is an offensive white privilege term and I resent it. I’m stunned he would use such an uncaring and oppressive term. Nazi!!!!!
It must gripe people like Jeffery that American Indians are proud someone praises them for their valor.
And that they side with the white man. Most American Indians are very patriotic. Must really gall the Lefties.
And I’d like to see a poll of how many black people (or white people, for that matter) really care if the Redskins change their name. Does the Redskins organization really think this will stop the slide of the National Felons League?
Most of the people who are “demanding” all this wouldn’t be caught dead watching football.
PS I thought the team would have changed its name by now. Think it’s a stall?
Eduardo thinks one would have to watch pro football to object to a racist nickname. BTW, Indians are from India.
Aren’t Amazon and FEDEX in business to make money? What reason would they have to pressure Washington into changing the team’s nickname?
It used to be OK for racist whities to call Black men, “boy”, jigaboo, nigger, darkie, coon, spade, jungle bunny, etc… Nowadays you guys can only do that in private or at sites like The Cove or other racist sites.
Why are connies so upset at removing racist names and symbols? Why defend confederate paraphernalia?
Eduardo thinks one would have to watch pro football to object to a racist nickname. BTW, Indians are from India.
Idiot Boy admits this is just to spoil it for other people. He sould learn to keep his mouth shut.
And American Indians don’t. At least not now.
Aren’t Amazon and FEDEX in business to make money? What reason would they have to pressure Washington into changing the team’s nickname?
Because Bezos is a Lefty fanatic with an emperor complex?
It used to be OK for racist whities to call Black men, “boyâ€, jigaboo, nigger, darkie, coon, spade, jungle bunny, etc… Nowadays you guys can only do that in private or at sites like The Cove or other racist sites.
No more than you call them redneck, paleface, whitey, or snowflake. And people can say what they want. You always back off when you get a taste of your own medicine.
I have a feeling a lot of “hate crime” legislation gets repealed after the election.
Why are connies so upset at removing racist names and symbols? Why defend confederate paraphernalia?
The Redskins logo was desinged by an Indian. And most people respect the Confederates because they were brave, honorable men.
The exact opposite of people like you.
So it’s understandable you hate them.
And black is not capitalized unless it’s a surname.
Jeffery doesn’t want to talk about anything else these days because the outlook is grim for November.
Too bad for him he actually thinks black people care about the Redskins name instead of their homes being burned and their businesses being looted.
4 months out and people are already talking about how many more states Trump will carry and how badly the Demo losses in Congress will be.
Of course, he doesn’t want to talk about what’s really going on.
Another thing, off Insty
I WAS TOLD THIS WAS ABOUT CONFEDERATE GENERALS: Vandals behead statue at Chattanooga Catholic church before Saturday Mass services.
Yeah, how’s ’bout that!
How come Catholics are being attacked if this is about race? Or oppression?
Only because it isn’t.