They say that gun laws are racist. Not sure if I agree with that sentiment, but, it is interesting that the areas with the most restrictive gun laws are also areas where blacks have a tough time getting permits to own a gun to protect themselves and their families. Good for them
A group called ‘Black Guns Matter’ is teaching Black Americans how to use firearms
Grief and rage swept the country after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in late May. His death renewed debate about racialized police violence and the disproportionate killing of Black Americans, who are up to four times likelier than white Americans to be killed by police.
That debate has typically centered on policing itself. But Maj Toure, the founder of Black Guns Matter, has taken another tack: Advocating for Black Americans to take up arms for self-defense.
While many argue that the way to prevent violence is to have fewer guns, he says the opposite.
“I believe that more Black people would be alive if they were armed,” Toure told Business Insider Weekly.
“So when I hear ‘unarmed Black man,’ I’m sad,” he added, “because there should be no such thing.”
When protests erupted in late May, Toure bought a flight to Minneapolis, where he began teaching crowds about self-defense and Black Guns Matter just a few blocks from Floyd’s memorial.
“If you would like a free basic firearm safety class, you can get it right here,” he told a group of passers-by, setting up a table with replica handguns. “The police, as we see, will leave. They will not come to save you. They will not save our businesses. So if you want that, I’ll do that here. Anyone can come. It is completely free.”
At his class, he demonstrated for crowds proper firearm technique, ran through attacker scenarios, and occasionally challenged the views of spectators who disagreed with his approach.
Teaching proper use of firearms, how to carry, when you can pull it, when you can fire it, and so forth is rather important.
Historians say the links between gun control and racial discrimination go back to slavery and, later, Black Code laws that forbade African Americans from owning guns.
“Gun control in America was initially created to stop melanated beings from having arms,” Toure said.
That link doesn’t really make the case, but, you can certainly understand how Democrats didn’t want their former slaves being legally armed, eh? Regardless, all Americans are entitled to their 2nd Amendment Rights, and blacks should remember which political Party is trying to take them away while keeping blacks down on the liberal plantation.

We’ve long advocated that Black Americans arm themselves and avail themselves of local laws to defend themselves from threats. Stand your ground!
Two belligerent whities in a pickup stop in the road to block your jog, start shooting since you had a reasonable suspicion your life was in danger.
Walking down the street and a whitie couple aims their guns at you, open fire!
Cop stops you for no reason…
We’ve long advocated that Black Americans arm themselves and avail themselves of local laws to defend themselves from threats. Stand your ground!
So you want bklacks to defend themselves from Lefty rioters.
Two belligerent whities in a pickup stop in the road to block your jog, start shooting since you had a reasonable suspicion your life was in danger.
More like a Leftist mob comes at you because you’re black and wearing a Trump hat. Or they just want to burn down your home and loot your business for fun.
A whiff of grape has always been my fave to deal with such people.
Walking down the street and a whitie couple aims their guns at you, open fire!
Walking down the street and some darkies want to play the knockout game with you, open fire!
Cop stops you for no reason…
You ask, “What’s the Problem, Officer?”.
So you want bklacks (sic) to defend themselves from Lefty rioters.
Yes, and racist palefaces. Everyone has the right to defend themselves, not just the privileged.
No, you’ve said on innumerable occasions, you want everybody disarmed.
Only the cops should be armed, according to you.
George Floyd died from complications from a habitual drug use caused by an undiagnosed pelvic tumor and atherosclerotic narrowing of the heart and e.g. LEFT PELVIC MASS (1,2): Decalcified (1) and routinely fixed (2) sections show a proliferation of generally bland appearing cells with small to moderate amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm and generally uniform nuclei with neuroendocrine features. Occasional
George Floyd 20-3700 Page 13 nuclei show mild pleomorphism, but mitotic activity is not seen. Much of the tumor is composed of cells in sheets, cords, and nests in a carcinoid-like pattern; other areas vary from vascular to sclerosed and fibrotic. Taken together, the gross and microscopic (H&E-stains) features of the lesion are most suggestive of an extra adrenal paraganglioma. AFB and GMS stains are non-contributory.
Compound Result Units Matrix Source Caffeine Positive 001 – Hospital Blood mcg/mL Cotinine Positive 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL 4-ANPP 0.65 003 – Hospital Blood ng/mL 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Delta-9 THC 2.9 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Methamphetamine 19 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Fentanyl 11 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Norfentanyl 5.6 001 – Hospital Blood ng/mL Cannabinoids Presump Pos 012 – Urine ng/mL Amphetamines Presump Pos 012 – Urine ng/mL Fentanyl / Metabolite Presump Pos 012 – Urine ng/mL Morphine – Free 86 012 – Urine
The drugs were being used as self pain medication against a pelvic tumor which in itself causes breathing difficulty, the drug mix also causes breathing difficulty and will kill users – in fact the autopsy showed no officer caused asphyxiation at all. George Floyd was primed to die with his O/D.
There’s certainly a case for Dr McCoy and his Tricorder, the absence of which just meant officers treated a inebriated criminal as such rather than someone with a medical condition.
It was a mere coincidence that Mr. Floyd died when a cop knelt on his neck for 9 minutes. Got it.
If the trachea was not obstructed its not the kneeling cop, its the refusal to treat the asphyxiation caused by his condition since they were made aware – once arrested the accused welfare is the responsibility of the police – who should have provided oxygen – and he was alive up until he reached hospital.
III. No life-threatening injuries identified
A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma IV. Viral testing (Minnesota Department of Health, postmortem nasal swab collected 5/26/2020): positive for 2019-nCoV RNA by PCR (see ‘Comments,’ below)
VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine) A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive
Floyd Died in hospital after considerable efforts to save his life
MEDICAL INTERVENTION: ï‚· Oral endotracheal tube, correctly positioned in the trachea and held in place on the face with a white and tan plastic and elastic band ï‚· Thoracostomy incision (3.6 cm maximum dimension, somewhat ragged and V-shaped), right lateral chest (approximately six superficial punctures and cuts, ranging from pinpoint to 1.5 cm long, are adjacent to the thoracostomy) ï‚· Thoracostomy incision (3.9 cm long, somewhat ragged and linear), left lateral chest (a pinpoint cut or puncture is just inferior to the thoracostomy) ï‚· Curvilinear orange abrasions centered over the sternum (10 cm maximum dimension aggregate), consistent with cardiopulmonary resuscitation ï‚· Intravascular catheter with attached segment of tubing, taped in place just proximal to the left antecubital fossa (the tape associated with this catheter has created a localized area of skin slippage in the left antecubital fossa) ï‚· Needle puncture, just distal to the left antecubital fossa ï‚· Intraosseous catheter with attached tubing, right tibia ï‚· Intraosseous catheter with attached tubing, left tibia ï‚· Intravascular catheter with attached tubing, taped in place on the right groin ï‚· Hospital tag, right great toe ï‚· Hospital bracelets (2), right wrist ï‚· Needle puncture, left groin ï‚· Minimally hemorrhagic horizontal fracture in the sternum, consistent with cardiopulmonary resuscitation ï‚· Non-hemorrhagic fracture of the anterior left 4th rib, consistent with cardiopulmonary resuscitation
In your professional opinion would Mr. George have died if an officer had NOT knelt on his neck of nearly 9 minutes?
Fentanyl and meth are pretty lethal.
The cop kneeled on his neck, kinda like Kaepernick, because he was going nut and there was a bit of a size differential.
I’ll expect an apology for this, too.
God, I love it when they’re this purposefully stupid.
It’s my professional opinion that Floyd wouldn’t have died if he hadn’t resisted arrest.
My new sign- “not resisting arrest mattersâ€
No, he didn’t die when the cop knelt on his neck.
He died from the drugs he ingested anally.
Here’s the body cam transcript of the cop which the Minneapolis DA tried to suppress.
Here’s the body cam transcript of the cop’s partner which the Minneapolis DA also tried to suppress.
And here’s a shot of the cop and Floyd.
Notice he’s not white.
I’ll expect an apology.
While we’re on the subject of Jeffery acting like the ass he is, a little something from The Eminent Mr Surber.
Watch the great Eddie Murphy vid from when SNL was actually funny, which apes (can I say that?) everything Jeffery claims about white Conservatives and then read the piece how being a success is a “white” thing.
Fun for the whole family, as the used to say.
Jeffery doesn’t know any conservatives. The crap he spouts he hears in the bath houses, rainbow night clubs and on Huffpost. He’s a leftist in a leftist bubble pulling his dick because of his own white privilege and the hate his parents planted in him for his race, his country, his sex and God. All he has is hate just read his comments.
Trump 2020 Keep the haters out.
Hoagie has no idea whom I know. Most of my business associates are conservative, although none are open white supremacists like Teach and the commenters here.
But Hoagie is right that I don’t know any nasty white supremacists such as him. Nothing he typed about others is true. Hoagie has looked forward and sees what the future is and is in an absolute panic. There is no evidence of gods. My race is the human race.
Hoagie is white supremacist pulling his dick as he thinks of his white supremacist hero, The Don. All he has is hate just read his comments.
DumpTrump2020: Get rid of the haters.
Most of my business associates are conservative, although none are open white supremacists like Teach and the commenters here.
Of course, they are. You monitor everyone with whom you have contact for inappropriate thoughts and attitudes.
Baghdad Bunny rides again.
But Hoagie is right that I don’t know any nasty white supremacists such as him. Nothing he typed about others is true. Hoagie has looked forward and sees what the future is and is in an absolute panic. There is no evidence of gods. My race is the human race.
Sure, the human race under your heel. Most people realize there are 5 races on this Earth, but you seem them all as fodder for conquest. Too bad your side is losing.
There’s plenty of evidence of God, life itself, f’rinstance, but your god is Karl Marx and all his ideological descendants.
And I’ll bet you know plenty of white supremacists. 5 minutes with you would turn anybody into one.
Hoagie is white supremacist pulling his dick as he thinks of his white supremacist hero, The Don. All he has is hate just read his comments.
Sounds more like Jeffery dreaming of being a commissar, ordering all the white people around. Don’t you know traitors like you are the first to go to the wall?
And all we ever hear from you is hate.
The Enema Mr Surber, Sibley means.
Surber is a white supremacist ass that appeals to other white supremacist asses, like Sibley.
Surber claimed the graphic in his racist piece was from the Smithsonian, yet his link doesn’t connect to it. Where did he get the graphic? Any idea?
The word is eminent, only you are the product of an enema, but it’s clear you know you’re losing since you’re putting on the bear suit.
And the Eminent Mr Surber did not claim the graphic was from the Smithsonian. He says right in the piece it’s from The National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Too bad you have to have Mommy read everything to you. Some claim the Smithsonian composed it, but I will leave it to others to hash out.
But I’m glad you can see it’s racist. Probably something commissioned by your Mocha Messiah.
Just his speed.
You talk of business associates, but how do you do biz without leaving Mommy’s basement? With such venomous attitudes? With so little people skill? With so little in common with the human race you never even get invited to your incredibly diverse neighborhood’s 4th of July block party?
The NMAAHC is part of the Smithsonian, genius. All you had to do was click on Slurbur’s link, genius. Where on the site linked is that graphic? Where on the site was Surber’s list of what the NMAAHC proposed? He made it up. It’s what white supremacists do.
My mother is dead many years, asswipe. I treat assholes such as you as you deserve. In real life, if someone spoke to me the way cowards such as you and lilpup did you can be assured we’d have a go. Normal people in the real world don’t act like you cowards do.
You ever go downtown and start talking about darkies and jigaboos, coward?
The NMAAHC is part of the Smithsonian, genius. All you had to do was click on Slurbur’s link, genius. Where on the site linked is that graphic? Where on the site was Surber’s list of what the NMAAHC proposed? He made it up. It’s what white supremacists do.
Then what are you whining about, moron?
And, no, he didn’t.
He just took the list and summarized it. God, you are an idiot.
My mother is dead many years, asswipe. I treat assholes such as you as you deserve. In real life, if someone spoke to me the way cowards such as you and lilpup did you can be assured we’d have a go. Normal people in the real world don’t act like you cowards do.
Bear suit is out. Even he knows he’s made an ass of himself.
“we’d have a go”? I say, old chap, speaking like you’re one of the fuzzy-wuzzies in the Sudan. Or was it Chiraq? Beastly people. Gave them a good thrashing, though.
Yeah, I’ll bet you’re a real tough guy in person. That’s why you have to come here to call white people names. Try it in South Philly sometime and see how long you last.
You ever go downtown and start talking about darkies and jigaboos, coward?
Ever been downtown in Pulaski TN?
Elwood, you call everybody who disagrees with you a white supremacist. Once more I remind you I do not qualify in any way. You are a racist at heart and project your racism on everyone else you disagree with.
I don’t believe that most of your business associates are conservative for a New York minute. To you a moderate is a conservative and those of us who are actually conservative, well we’re blatant racists, homophobes, and every other phobe you can think of.
I’m really sorry you hate America, Caucasians and God so much. You don’t know what it is to love your country, respect your race and feel the love and forgiveness that God grants us. That’s why your so called morality and virtue and empathy is mythic at best and spurious at worst. Without God morality becomes an opinion not as we can see in the way you think and interact with others.
BTW, none of us are afraid or panicked about the future. We would just not be forced into slaughtering tyrants in BLM and Antifa because you communists let them run loose.
America is a Great country. It’s not perfect but to hear you and your leftist comrades talk it’s full of racists, white supremacists and people who want to keep everybody down. It isn’t. We are the least racist people on earth notwithstanding racist organizations like the SPLC, BLM and the KKK just to name a few. I never in my life met an actual white racist other than when I marched down South in the 60’s. At least none I know of. Yet I see racists all day long on TV promoting black this or black that. I promote America, not whites and don’t give a rats ass what color they are. But when I see commies like you egging blacks on to burn cities, riot, kill cops and young white mothers while every week there are dozens of blacks murdered by other blacks in the cesspools of Blue cities run by the real racists, Democrats. And you are so full of your fake virtue you can’t even see what you are and what you preach for our nation.
Trump 2020 Keep the haters out.
Imagine our shock to discover that 30% or so of Americans ARE white supremacists! What else could be the allure of tRump?
We do not hate America, Caucasians or god (scam). We DO point out what is wrong with America (damaging inequality amongst the elites, working class and minorites), racism, greed, immorality etc. We point out the sins of white people as a counter to the racist memes of white supremacists. Not every white person is a white supremacist just as every Black person is not a criminal.
America is built on great ideals, but if it’s a great country, why does tRump want to Make it Great Again? Pointing out the problems in America are not anti-American or unpatriotic.
You’ve repeatedly said you’d like to eliminate Muslims, Black Americans, Dems, Brown immigrants… did we miss anyone? You seem to think you deserve more rights and respect than other Americans.
It’s easy for privileged whites to say the “don’t see color”, but Brown and Black Americans don’t have that luxury. They’re made aware of their skin color every day.
Democrats didn’t herd Black Americans into ghettos – America did.
If you don’t see the hate that Donald J. Trump has instilled in America, you may be beyond help.
Imagine our shock to discover that 30% or so of Americans ARE white supremacists! What else could be the allure of tRump?
Hell of a lot more than that, but just keep whistling.
We do not hate America, Caucasians or god (scam). We DO point out what is wrong with America (damaging inequality amongst the elites, working class and minorites), racism, greed, immorality etc. We point out the sins of white people as a counter to the racist memes of white supremacists. Not every white person is a white supremacist just as every Black person is not a criminal.
Oh, of course they are. You can’t succeed without stereotyping people. It’s how divide and rule works.
And you lie about what’s wrong because your idea of right is the lies the Commies promise. And the sins of white people are success, the Civil War, the Constitution, and the Civil Rights Acts.
They bring people together. you hate that.
You’ve repeatedly said you’d like to eliminate Muslims, Black Americans, Dems, Brown immigrants… did we miss anyone? You seem to think you deserve more rights and respect than other Americans.
No, that’s what your side is all about. Special privilege for all your lackeys. Kye’s never said he wants to eliminate blacks, but you’ve told us how you dream of eliminating whites.
Scratch a Lefty, you get a guard at Auschwitz.
It’s easy for privileged whites to say the “don’t see colorâ€, but Brown and Black Americans don’t have that luxury. They’re made aware of their skin color every day.
They are? Really? How?
When they show up to work, does someone say, “Hi, Nig”? When they get on the bus, a recording says, “Have a seat, spade”?
Democrats didn’t herd Black Americans into ghettos – America did.
Actually, the Democrats did. Who else has run the cities for generations? Who created Jim Crow?
Or are you telling us whites put barbed wire fencing and machine gun towers around the inner city like the Warsaw Ghetto?
If you don’t see the hate that Donald J. Trump has instilled in America, you may be beyond help.
No, most people aren’t 24/7 haters like you. And you are beyond help.
Notes from all over:
Expect the Redskins to take the field this Fall. The big expose turns out to be a big nothing.
Jeffery was belching about Gropin’ Joe’s imaginary lead.
Guess what? Now it’s in the MOE
Wah wah.
Sibley is obsessed with the team formerly called the Redskins. A big nothing? The teams staff is accused of widespread sexual harassment. We understand why losers like Sibley support sexual harassment, but most of America has moved on from accepting that boorish behavior.
Every poll has Rapin’ Don’s approval rating at 40%. The “demented” Biden leads tRump by 10%. White men support tRump. No one else does.
It was Rasmussen, and the article said “nearly” in the margin, so you’re caught lying once again.
Wah wah.
Sibley is obsessed with the team formerly called the Redskins.
I have yet to hear their new name.
But the story was to be a big expose about how Snyder, not any of his buds, was a close to Epstein as Willie.
Snyder was stalling until the heat died down and the Redskins would go back to playing. Now he doesn’t have to.
You lose again.
Wah wah.
most of America has moved on from accepting that boorish behavior.
Sure it has. Now only people who are on the outs with management are MeTooers. Even Rose McGowan says it was all a lie.
Then she was blacklisted.
If Fake News doesn’t care about the abuse of boys by queer Scout leaders, it’s officially over.
Every poll has Rapin’ Don’s approval rating at 40%. The “demented†Biden leads tRump by 10%. White men support tRump. No one else does.
Every poll? Clearly not, but let’s go with your idiotic statement. This is what they said last time, when Trump took 30 states and won the popular vote
Black men do, Hispanic men do, Conservative women do, cops do.
It was Rasmussen, and the article said “nearly†in the margin, so you’re caught lying once again.
3% is considered the acceptable MOE and nearly can be over or under. 2% means it’s a pretty reliable survey, so I’d be worried if I were you which, thank the Lord above, I am not.
That’s the important part which you are afraid to contemplate.
Wah wah.
I bet about 60% of the people polled are for Trump but half are afraid to admit it to some stranger taking a “poll”. I know in the hate atmosphere the left has created if I were a working manI would never state I was for Trump to a stranger and take the risk of being doxxed, ridiculed, attacked, having my home or business set afire, being beaten or shot like that young mother. They won’t even let Trump supporters eat dinner in peace so I would lie on the poll.
Plus, right now millions of would be Democrat voters think(?) it’s unnecessary for them to vote because the polls say Biden doesn’t need them. Whereas we are determined to flood the polls to reelect Trump.
Trump 2020 Because Biden is senile and his VP will be a commie.
DumpTrump2020: Because Trump is senile and unfit and his VP is a fascist and unfit.
America won’t survive 4 more years of Trump’s incompetence and hate.
Wanna bet Rimjob?
Name the amount, Rodney.
Doesn’t matter, tough guy. You have to mooch from Mommy
Elwood, every comment you make is hate. Blah, blah, blah, racist blah, blah, blah, fascist blah, blah, blah white supremacist blah, blah, blah.
The only one senile and unfit is Gropin’ Joe Biden. Biden was just endorsed by Angela Davis. ANGELA DAVIS FOR SHIT SAKES!!! Can’t get no lower than that commie crunt. That’s YOUR team Elwood. Commies, racists, fascists, Nazi’s, black supremacists, felons, Marxists a complete rogues gallery of the unfit, unwanted and unnecessary. All anti American hateful pigs and you’re supporting that.
Sure black lives matter. Some of Elwood’s “brotha’s and sista’s” having a black-out at a Japanese restaurant.
Trump 2020 Or you get a senile pervert and a Marxist VP.
Kye, every comment you make is hate. Every post Teach makes is hate. It’s a hate site, duh.
If you can listen to trump and come away thinking he is fit to be president, you have a problem. He’s ignorant, mentally ill, cruel, a pervert and dishonest.
You wouldn’t expect Professor Davis to support tRump, would you? David Duke supports tRump.
If every comment Kye makes is hate, every post our esteemed host makes is hate, and this is a hate site, why do you keep coming here?
He’s done a pretty good job so far: he has greatly reduced illegal immigration, and increased deportation of those here already. He has ended the cockamamie idea of enlisting ‘transgendered’ people into the military, he has ended President Obama’s stupid Title IX ‘reforms,’ he is getting us out — admittedly, too slowly — from Syria and Afghanistan, he has eviscerated Obysmalcare, he has appointed much better judges, and he has turned the Democrats into mouth-dripping fools.
Is her “cruel”? Is he an [insert slang term for the rectum here]? Yes, he is . . . and that’s just what we wanted and needed as President!
Angie’s a Commie, just like you.
He’s ignorant, mentally ill, cruel, a pervert and dishonest.
Sounds more like you.
Bell&Howell called.
Your projector is fixed.