Children are paying the price for this. Can you guess what is missing from this USA Today article by Grace Hauck?
Shootings are on the rise in several cities, and children are paying the price
Amaria Jones, 13, was in the living room of her West Side Chicago home showing her mom a new TikTok dance when a stray bullet came through the front window, pierced her neck and lodged in the TV.
The spray of bullets outside also wounded two boys, 15 and 16, sitting on the front porch.
Amaria was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. (snip)
Amaria was one of at least 12 minors fatally shot in Chicago in the past month – many while playing outside, riding in a car or sitting on a couch – and many more have been wounded.
Overall crime rates – including violent crime rates – are still low across the U.S. But homicides and shootings are on the rise this year in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C., Philadelphia, Houston, Charlotte, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Kansas City.
They are all cities run by Democrats, some completely and utterly run by Democrats. The same ones calling to defund the police, who don’t have the back’s of police, and are backing BLM, yet still work to keep blacks down in the slums, er, low income housing and reliant on government.
The word Democrat appears nowhere in the article. But, they do have Excuses
“Due to the pandemic as well as a confluence of factors, we’ve just seen a truly perfect storm develop in communities that are already grappling with systemic inequity and a lack of access to opportunity,” said Michael-Sean Spence, director of policy and implementation for Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit advocating for gun control. “Cites are grappling with dual pandemics.” (snip)
The pandemic has exacerbated the root causes of gun violence, such as income inequality, Hatch, the West Side pastor, said. The violence is the “despair and depravity that goes along from people being valued less, disinvested in.”
Why do Democrat run cities have so many issues like this? Why are they valuing black people less? Why is casual gunfire, and murderous gunfire, so common in these areas?
“Right now, there are stresses everywhere. People are staying home. People are out of jobs. There’s social unrest. All of these things can push an epidemic problem to become worse, and that’s what happening with violence,” said Charlie Ransford, director of science and policy at Cure Violence, a Chicago-based nonprofit combating gun violence. “It’s a contagious problem.”
Why isn’t this happening in Republican run cities and areas?
Demeatreas Whatley, a South Side Chicago community violence interrupter with CureViolence for more than a decade, said the violence has hit home for him. Whatley said his 14-year-old niece was shot in the hand, arm and side Tuesday night while waiting at a bus stop with friends. Earlier this week, Whatley’s 22-year-old nephew was shot in both arms, breaking his bones.
Whatley said he believes the closure of parks, beaches, bars and clubs because of the pandemic is also leading people to spend more time outside, on the block, where it’s easier to find and identify the targets of retaliatory shootings.
So, instead of chilling, the black people in these Democrat areas are looking to find targets for gunfire? Huh.
Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said that high poverty levels in neighborhoods on the city’s South and West sides were contributing to the violence.
“This is about the lack of opportunity. That’s not a policing issue. This is about social inequality,” he said.
Strange. I thought Democrats took care of people. No? Of course, they want to blame the guns
Researchers say the uptick could also have something to do with an increase in gun purchases. A recent study from the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, found a significant increase in firearm violence in the U.S. associated with the coronavirus pandemic-related surge in firearm purchasing.
There were more than 2 million excess firearm purchases from March through May – a 64.3% increase over expected volume, according to the study. In May, interpersonal firearm violence increased substantially: 17% more injuries than expected. Researchers estimated an increase of 776 injuries over what would have been expected had no increase in purchasing occurred: a 7.8% increase over the 3-month period.
Um, most shootings are not by people who legally purchased, but criminals who have illegally guns. People who pass a backgrounds check aren’t out doing drive bys in Chicago and Atlanta.

Wonder why? 200 out of 850.
Utter bullshit. It’s about enforcing law and order in which the CPD, for one, woefully fails.
Then why after 70 years of Democrat rule in Chicago is there such a stark “lack of opportunity” only in the black areas? Are the Democrats such blatant racists that they allow opportunity only for whites? There are white millionaires living all over Chicago just like any metropolis and like most they are Democommies and live to keep “blacks in their place”. That’s what Democrats have done since Jefferson started the Party.
It has been shown over and over (sometimes by black scholars like Sowell and Williams) that poverty does not “cause” violence rather violence contributes to poverty.
It’s like Biden said: “poor people are just as good as white people.” And he MEANT it. The racist ass.
Trump 2020 We don’t need a racist ass like Slow-Joe Biden as Pres.
Why have things gone to hell in Trump’s America? Wasn’t he supposed to Make America Great Again? He’s turned America into a third world shithole, hasn’t he?
Are you better off than you were four years ago? Bueller? Bueller?
Tweety Don has done enough damage.
The answer is people like you. You try violent revolution and all those Democrat paradises look like Berlin may, 1945.
And, no, you have.
Trump’s America is still fine for most people and I’m betting most black (as opposed to Black) people would love to go back to it.
Are you better off than you were four years ago? Bueller? Bueller?
Of course, we are. Anything’s better than 8 more years of the Choom Gang.
Tweety Don has done enough damage.
Tweety Don? Noel Coward must be spinning. And, no, the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne has not yet begun to fight.
History only starts yesterday for Rimjob and other liberals.
Elwood, you need to explain to us how after 3 years in office with a strong economy, stable growth, a super DOW, almost full employment, the highest employment for blacks and Hispanics in recorded history, pulling us out of bad trade deals and treaties and bringing home American troops all while you commies on the left bitched and moaned and tried three times to form a coup d’etat, then your Red Chinese friends unleash the Red Chink Plague on the world, the commie governors and mayors of Blue states forcibly close down all the businesses and unemployed all the workers they deem ‘non-essential” (like they have the right to determine which Americans are non-essential, thereby absolutely destroying our economy, is somehow Trump’s fault?
Then the commie fool that you are, you say after the same Blue State mayors and governors that ruined the economy and MURDERED our elderly by deliberately placing them in death camps, allow communist organizers BLM and Antifa to riot in the streets, burn down businesses, steal everything others worked for, beat, raped and murdered American citizens and police you like the fool you are claim Trump did it? My God man, are you THAT far gone into insanity?
A recent study explains your pathology, Elwood.
“Here’s some fun new research looking at “the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue,” published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The paper—from University of British Columbia researchers Ekin Ok, Yi Qian, Brendan Strejcek, and Karl Aquino—details multiple studies the authors conducted on the subject.
Their conclusion? Psychopathic, manipulative, and narcissistic people are more frequent signalers of “virtuous victimhood.” [That would be YOU Elwood]
The so-called “dark triad” personality traits—Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy—lead to characteristics like “self-promotion, emotional callousness, duplicity, and tendency to take advantage of others,” the paper explains.” Fits you and your ilk to a tee. You want to steal everything everyone else earned and created in the name of “social justice”. It’s all a big fukin lie and you believe it.
Trump 2020 Let’s make Elwood and his commie friends cry.
Kye Low Rim,
As you’ve heard many times, tRump had it made as long as he didn’t wreck the economic recovery started a decade ago following the Great Recession. Alas, Tweety couldn’t do it, denying the science behind the Covid pandemic and ignoring what other nations discovered as many successfully managed the crisis. Trump didn’t cause the pandemic but he tragically mishandled it. Testing is a nightmare and trump now wants to stop testing. Trump’s America has become the pandemic epicenter.
What workers are essential during a pandemic? Really? Nurses, doctors, grocery stores, pharmacies, utilities, pandemic research… You do understand that “essential” in this case is not a judgement on a person’s value as a human, just that on balance, serving whiskey, cutting hair, facials, massages, plastic surgery, sushi restaurants etc we can do without for a period of time. Are you willing to die for the right of others to get a facial?
The so-called “dark triad†personality traits—Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy—lead to characteristics like “self-promotion, emotional callousness, duplicity, and tendency to take advantage of others,†the paper explains.â€
You don’t see that this describes Trump to a T?
We’re sorry that you’ve descended into madness. These are stressful times and Trump is no help whatsoever.
If Mr Brown was right, then there’d have been no increase in crime and violence as the police were pulled back.
Tweety Don’s approval rating is 16 points underwater. He can either make himself more approvable (he’s incapable), or smear VP Biden. We know what he’ll choose.
It was Mr. Biden who labeled Donnie as President Tweety.
According to whom?
And patterning your comments after a mental defective is not a smart move.
Who would know better than you.
I’m not the one who gets his repartee from Gropin’ Joe.
Our esteemed host asked:
A couple of reasons. First, Republican run areas tend to be smaller, and the dense population of urban areas is much of the cause of unrest, violence and stupidity. Out in the coiuntry, if people get pissed off at someone, they (usually) have to run home to get their guns, and that gives them time to think about what they are about to do. In the
ghettodensely populated areas, home is much closer, and it doesn’t take nearly as much time.Of course, most of the shootings are by black drug gangs, and they’re always packing.
Second, Republicans are more likely to be conservative, well-behaved and more mature than the woke. Oh, the esteemed Mr Dowd will doubtlessly disagree, but the facts are the facts: whether he thinks conservatives are more mature and smarter or not is irrelevant; conservatives and Republicans have behaved more maturely and intelligently than the left.
It’s happening in a Republican-run nation. And in Republican-run states. Conservative Americans are content to keep Black Americans in urban areas, away from white suburbs and rural areas.
And of course the dominant white culture which runs the show is well-behaved. What need do they have to rock the boat?
Lie on both points.
Most of the rioters are white and the idea is, like John Brown, to encourage blacks to join the Lefty juggernaut, but a funny thing happened on the way to the battleship Potemkin.
Time and again, the blacks have sided with law and order and want the cops back in full force.
So the revolution is a blowout. Chalk up another one for the God emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne.
Wah wah
If this nation were “Republican run” none of this would be happening. The Marxists in the Democommie party, like you Elwood, have every institution in America in their pockets from education to business to law to media and politics. You commie pigs are now even telling the whites in sportsball what to do.
And Republican run states have very little of this commie shit going on because they don’t put up with it while you pinko pigs encourage it.
Conservative Americans are trying like hell to get those urban blacks out from under the yoke of the oppressive slaver/KKK Democrats who run the Big Blue cities and keep the blacks down. You know that, you’re a city boy. Who has run St. :Louis for decades, conservative Americans? I think not, pinko.
The “dominant white culture” should run the show: It’s our fukin’ show! We created this country in case you haven’t noticed and all we get is shit from you commies. Just because you hate yourself doesn’t mean we’re gonna tolerate you debasing our country. Keep pushing and you’ll find yourself at the business end of a war. Idiot.
Trump 2020 The left has 600 lawyers ready to challenge the election. Told ya!
This is for you Elwood, you commie pig.
This is consistent with everything coming out of the liberal establishment, including the “mainstream†media, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.
Destroying statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson with the tacit consent of local Democrat officials is not revenge for a dead career criminal in Minneapolis. These are acts of war.
It is a war of total annihilation. If we let these creatures win, our country will no longer exist. They will systematically erase it. This has already begun.
As you’ve heard many times, tRump had it made as long as he didn’t wreck the economic recovery started a decade ago following the Great Recession. Alas, Tweety couldn’t do it, denying the science behind the Covid pandemic and ignoring what other nations discovered as many successfully managed the crisis. Trump didn’t cause the pandemic but he tragically mishandled it. Testing is a nightmare and trump now wants to stop testing. Trump’s America has become the pandemic epicenter.
Again, lies all the way down.
Zippy started nothing, it just stagnated under him. And Trump had the Wu Hu Flu corralled until Nipsy Cuomo and Kaiser Bill invited the world to come to NY.
BTW When did Trump order testing stopped? He ordered all data to go through one point and not the CDC, which nobody trusts. And nobody buys Red China has beaten it.
Jeffery tells the same old lies that everybody knows are lies.
What workers are essential during a pandemic? Really? Nurses, doctors, grocery stores, pharmacies, utilities, pandemic research… You do understand that “essential†in this case is not a judgement on a person’s value as a human, just that on balance, serving whiskey, cutting hair, facials, massages, plastic surgery, sushi restaurants etc we can do without for a period of time. Are you willing to die for the right of others to get a facial?
Is that supposed to make sense?
The so-called “dark triad†personality traits—Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy—lead to characteristics like “self-promotion, emotional callousness, duplicity, and tendency to take advantage of others,†the paper explains.â€
Sounds like Willie and Zippy.
You don’t see that this describes Trump to a T?
No, but you’re delusional.
We’re sorry that you’ve descended into madness. These are stressful times and Trump is no help whatsoever.
the madness is yours and Freud, Jung, and Adler couldn’t help you.
Since Jeffery wants to be rid of the cops, a little reminder
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Surprise: Shootings On The Rise In Democrat Run Cities Which Are Abandoning Their Police […]