Defund and redirect is pretty much the same thing
Fact Check: ‘Redirecting’ Police Funding is the Same as ‘Defund the Police’
CLAIM: Joe Biden doesn’t want to abolish or defund the police; he just wants to redirect police funding to other uses.
VERDICT: Mostly false. Even many activists say defunding the police and redirecting police funding mean the same thing.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace generated buzz on Friday afternoon with the release of a clip from his White House interview with President Donald Trump, which will air in full on Sunday.
Wallace “fact-checked†Trump’s claim that Biden wants to abolish or defund the police: (tweet of the discussion between Trump and Wallace)
Trump was incorrect about the “Biden-Sanders Unityâ€Â platform, which did not discuss defunding the police.
Moreover, the Biden campaign has said since June 8 that he opposes “defund the police.â€
However, Trump correctly stated that many Democrats do wish to defund — or abolish — the police, and have taken steps to do so in many Democrat-run cities.
Many Democrats have attempted to protect the unhinged BLM and their “non-black allies” who are calling to 100% defund police departments by saying that they mean only that some of their budget should be moved to other priorities. Some, such as Los Angeles, Seattle, and NYC have actually gone this direction.
While Biden has said he does not want to “defund the police,†he has also said, as The Hill notes, that he wants to “re-direct†funding from policing to other priorities, like mental health, which some on the left have argued will be more effective in preventing crime.
This is also what some activists have tried to explain “defund the police†actually means.
The Brookings Institution, a left-leaning think tank, explained last month: “‘Defund the police’ means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality. That’s it. It’s that simple.â€
So when Biden claims he wants to re-direct police funding, that is what “defund the police†means to many Democrats.
Exactly. Handsy Joe has avoided the phrase “defund the police”, while holding the same policy with “re-direct funding.” That’s part of the reason why the National Association of Police Officers has now endorsed Trump/Pence, after endorsing no one in 2016 and endorsing Obama/Biden in 2008 and 2012
NAPO has endorsed President Trump in his reelection campaign. Here is our endorsement letter which was issued following today's meeting.
— NAPO (@NAPOpolice) July 15, 2020

The unhinged left assume that ‘defund the police’ will get them more votes from black Americans than it loses among white Americans . . . and the only way that assumption holds is if it is based on a previous assumption, that black Americans more naturally have a criminal nature.
But it should be easy to educate the ‘woke.’ If you see someone who’s woke, assault him and steal his stuff. That will leave him with two options:
1 – Not report it to the police, in honor of his defund the police mantra, in which case you have not just the satisfaction of kicking his ass, but you also now have his stuff; or
2 – He learns the hard way that conservatives are frequently liberals who have been mugged, but, due to his previous defund the police efforts, the police are less likely to find you, and even if they do, punishment will be light to non-existent. Thus, you still had the satisfaction of kicking his candy ass, and you still have his stuff.
How ironic that candy-ass Donnie Trump is the manly avatar for tough-talking connies who live their lives in abject fear of Black men, relying on the power of the state for protection, often pre-emptively.
If a connie wishes to educate us with assault and theft of our possessions, we will invoke Federal Law Remington.870 Subsection 00.
And isn’t it ironic that the “rugged individualism movement” (RIM) keeps pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into the State to protect them?
How ironic that candy-ass Donnie Trump is the manly avatar for tough-talking connies who live their lives in abject fear of Black men, relying on the power of the state for protection, often pre-emptively.
Every time I see some Lefty use the phrase, “how ironic”, I always have a flashback to that pompous, antiquated, feminist gasbag, Mollie Yard. You really need better writers.
And these days, it’s real black people living in abject fear of Black men, relying on the power of the state for protection, often pre-emptively. White people have armed themselves.
We don’t trust the power of the state.
If a connie wishes to educate us with assault and theft of our possessions, we will invoke Federal Law Remington.870 Subsection 00.
Sure, you just cower in Mommy’s basement hoping all your big talk about your arsenal will scare us.
In the immortal words of Eddie Murphy, “What a silly Negro”.
And isn’t it ironic that the “rugged individualism movement†(RIM) keeps pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into the State to protect them?
More like the Internal Revenue Act.
Breitbart concludes that Mr. Biden wants to “defund” the police. We’ll be sure to note both the source and the conclusion.
Trump was incorrect about the “Biden-Sanders Unity†platform, which did not discuss defunding the police. Moreover, the Biden campaign has said since June 8 that he opposes “defund the police.†However, Trump correctly stated that many Democrats do wish to defund — or abolish — the police, and have taken steps to do so in many Democrat-run cities.
Breitbart and Teach support trump and are campaigning for him. Their thesis is that “redirecting” some police funding or “reforming” police is equivalent to abolishing police.
You may not have noticed Elwood, but the rallying call is not “Redirect police funding” or “Reform the police” it is “Defund the Police”. To defund is to not pay for or in plain English (which is racist) “eliminate”. How’s your reading comprehension doing these days?
You leftists are the boss when it comes to manipulating both language and your little motto’s. Like “Separate but together” or “The new normal” or Black lives matter” or “Skate away the hate”. All with a scintilla of truth and all ruthlessly deceptive and diabolical in their simplicity and their effect.
Trump 2020 Just to watch them scream.
Whoda thunk? Another one of Elwood’s BLM lovers:
DeVries, a resident of Jackson, New Hampshire, served on the Municipal Budget Committee for the town of Conway in the Granite State.
In addition to child abuse charges, he was also charged for falsifying physical evidence after he threw his cellphone from his porch when law enforcement arrived.
The child abuse images allegedly show underage girls either in “lewd exhibition†of private parts, or engaging in sexual activity. He was also charged for possession of psilocybin mushrooms, a Class B felony, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
Mr. Biden does not support defunding – or abolishing – the police, which was the point. Nice distraction, though.
Christopher DeVries, who is a white man, was arrested for possession of child sex abuse images. If convicted he belongs in prison, agreed? DeVries, a white man, was not killed during his arrest.
Would it be advisable to redirect funding for local police “SWAT” teams to, for example, multi-agency investigation units of child sexual abuse? Maybe they could have stopped trump’s buddy, Epstein, from abusing young girls. Or maybe redirect funding to white collar crime to catch tax evasion, fraud, collusion, price-fixing, insider trading, bribery, healthcare fraud, Ponzi schemes and money laundering, all of which cost citizens billions each year.
More rhetorical hyperbole from Rimjob.
Repetitive too.
All he has one would guess.
The truth often seems repetitive, Rodney. But thanks for your valuable input.
Mr. Biden does not support defunding – or abolishing – the police, which was the point. Nice distraction, though.
Yes, he does. Some of that material has been deleted by his handlers, apparently after they realized non-Lefty black people do not want the cops removed.
Christopher DeVries, who is a white man, was arrested for possession of child sex abuse images. If convicted he belongs in prison, agreed? DeVries, a white man, was not killed during his arrest.
Because creeps like that are too cowardly to go upside the cops. And I thought his thing was your thing.
Would it be advisable to redirect funding for local police “SWAT†teams to, for example, multi-agency investigation units of child sexual abuse? Maybe they could have stopped trump’s buddy, Epstein, from abusing young girls. Or maybe redirect funding to white collar crime to catch tax evasion, fraud, collusion, price-fixing, insider trading, bribery, healthcare fraud, Ponzi schemes and money laundering, all of which cost citizens billions each year.
We have vid of Trump denouncing Epstein 5 years ago, when will we find any of Willie?
But you really don’t want multi-agency investigation units of child sexual abuse, do you?
And white collar crime to catch tax evasion, fraud, collusion, price-fixing, insider trading, bribery, healthcare fraud, Ponzi schemes and money laundering, all of which cost citizens billions each year would put the Democrats out of biz, wouldn’t it?
I don’t know where you get your false information from (just kidding I know it’s the fake news media) but “trump’s buddy, Epstein” was not only NOT Trump’s “buddy” he was BANNED from Mar-a-Lago by Trump even though they were once casual friends. So that once again makes you a liar and a bearer of false witness and a rumor monger.
“Just ask Prince Andrew, he’ll tell you about it.â€
A newly unearthed video from 2015 shows Donald Trump describing Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous ‘pedo island’ as an “absolute cesspool.â€
Trump made the comments during an interview with Bloomberg in response to news at the time that Virginia Roberts Giuffre had accused Epstein of coercing her into sex with Prince Andrew when she was 17.
“That island was really a cesspool, no question about it, just ask Prince Andrew, he’ll tell you about it – the island was an absolute cesspool and he’s been there many times,†said Trump.
Trump went on to add that the Clintons’ relationship with Epstein could end up being a “political problem†for them.
While Donald Trump was once a personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he banned the billionaire pedophile from visiting Mar-a-Lago shortly after Epstein’s 2008 conviction.
Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre confirmed in unsealed court documents last year that she didn’t witness Trump involved with any of the girls and women groomed by Epstein.
“It’s true that he didn’t partake in any sex with us, but it’s not true that he flirted with me. Donald Trump never flirted with me,â€.
So Elwood let’s put your bull shit to sleep for the last time unless you want to keep inferring a falsehood which no doubt will call into question any other opinions you may foster.
Trump 2020 Because he isn’t a Democommie child molester.
Kye takes Tweety Don’s word for it.
YouTube is not a reliable source.
Two witnesses, including the victim, described Tweety Don Shorthose raping the 13 year old victim at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. Rape is always a tough crime to solve without DNA evidence, and trump’s/Epstein’s money and power makes it tougher. Even you admit that Tweety was once friends with Epstein. Have you seen the pics of Tweety fondling his young daughter?
Where did Maxwell and Epstein pick up Ms. Giuffre? While she was working for tRump at Mar-a-Lago at 16.
Do you believe Ms. Giuffre’s claim that trump’s attorney Alan Dershowitz had sex with her?
Logs show Trump flew on the “Lolita Express” from Palm Beach International Airport to the Newark Liberty International Airport with Maxwell; Epstein; Epstein’s brother, Mark; billionaire couple Glenn and Eva Dubin; and someone identified as “Didler†or “Didier†on January 5, 1997.
If you consider Joe Biden a child molester or pedophile with no evidence, you have to consider Tweety Don a pedophile based on his past.
LockUpTrump2020: Because he is a christofascist child molester.
President Trump had his own 727 from 1997 which was one of his former airlines Trump Shuttle fleet which operated from 1989 and I am trying to come to terms with a mogul flying on someones elses private jet where he could be bugged/filmed, disappeared, framed or sent to some offshore island prison until his fortunes signed over v’s using his own.
Truth is the lawyer would have used Epstein(its a lawyer), Trump no, he would have known about the Maxwells and Epstein’s handlers – enough that we have stories from them, but that is all there is linking Trump to anything – just stories.
Bannon has turned Breit into something of a clown car.
Trump was right about Gropin’ Joe. That was before they realized there was a difference between black people and Black people.
Bannon has turned Breit into something of a clown car.
Trump was right about Gropin’ Joe. That was before his people realized there was a difference between black people and Black people.
The truth often seems repetitive, Rodney. But thanks for your valuable input.
His input is far better than your output.
Kye takes Tweety Don’s word for it.
YouTube is not a reliable source.
Run by your crowd, but keep talking.
Two witnesses, including the victim, described Tweety Don Shorthose raping the 13 year old victim at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. Rape is always a tough crime to solve without DNA evidence, and trump’s/Epstein’s money and power makes it tougher. Even you admit that Tweety was once friends with Epstein. Have you seen the pics of Tweety fondling his young daughter?
Have you? Show them, please. And let’s hear from these accusers, right along with all of Willie’s accusers
Where did Maxwell and Epstein pick up Ms. Giuffre? While she was working for tRump at Mar-a-Lago at 16.
Wow, a 16 yo working a summer job. Never heard of that begore.
And he also threw Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago when he found out he was making passes at the help.
Do you believe Ms. Giuffre’s claim that trump’s attorney Alan Dershowitz had sex with her?
Let’s take it to court and see. That’s what really scares you. Half the leadership of the Democrat party gets nailed for sex with minors and have to be replaced. Who else besides Menendez?
Logs show Trump flew on the “Lolita Express†from Palm Beach International Airport to the Newark Liberty International Airport with Maxwell; Epstein; Epstein’s brother, Mark; billionaire couple Glenn and Eva Dubin; and someone identified as “Didler†or “Didier†on January 5, 1997.
Produce them. Was it the Lolita Express or just a private plane? And a flight from FL to Jersey is not the same all those Willie took to Sex slave Island.
Produce them, by all means. You can bet Fake News would have by now if they thought it would work.
If you consider Joe Biden a child molester or pedophile with no evidence, you have to consider Tweety Don a pedophile based on his past.
What past? Your say-so? You have yet to produce one picture.
Lots of pix and vids of Gropin’ Joe. He’ll grab the pussy of any female, age regardless.
LockUpTrump2020: Because he is a christofascist child molester.
That’s Zippy. And Willie. And Menendez. And Gropin’ Joe.
Elwood, YouTube isn’t the source you fukin moron, it’s the platform. Bloomberg News was the source or did you miss the logo on the mic? Idiot.
You do realize YouTube is NOT a news network?
Kye, you do realize we don’t open your links, you fukin moron. Idiot.
Rimjob has a YouTube phobia.
You should but I guess you’re too scared and want to remain ignorant, misinformed and full of hate. By your hateful and arrogant reply I think you did.
Don’t open this one you’ll just get mad again. Tee-hee.
You may not, but then we don’t need someone to read to us like you do.
You do realize that tRump is NOT an honest man regardless of whom he’s speaking to?
He’s kept his promises in the face of a Deep State coup attempt and open insurrection.
That makes him a lot more honest than any Democrat currently alive.
PS Speaking of Democrats and honesty, today’s the 51st anniversary the Chap of Quiddick went swimming.
You mean like “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” or “if you like your health care you can keep it”? Or more like “Every American will receive a $2500 reduction in insurance premiums”? How about”We signed into law the biggest middle class tax cut in history”? Or “90% of our budget deficit is due to George W Bush’s policies”? 44% (according to the Washington Post were due to Hussein’s mismanagement and ineptitude.
Or my personal favorite: “The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that it was an act of terrorism”. Actually over the course of 3 weeks he obfuscated and ducked the question.
“Republicans have filibustered 500 pieces if legislation” A lie by 10 fold.
“The Keystone pipeline is for oil that bypasses the United States” Now there’s a big lie for ya.
Sadly, like the infant he is Elwood seems to think that Trump’s proclivity towards exaggeration and shooting off at the mouth amounts to “LIES” when they are bull shit. There’s a big difference between a fib and a lie.
Obama’s lies had to do with America’s well being and he was a pig. When a Trump says “I hit a hole in one” it could be a fib but when Obama claims he saved 2 million jobs it is a big fukin lie.
Trump 2020 If he goes America is done!
This is a LIE! Learn the difference.
Got it! Trump’s lies are actually just fibs.
As Trump fibs America burns.
From the guy who lied about joining the Army back in 1971
talking about honesty.
Nice try Rimjob.
Rodney Asswipe lies about lying.
From the guy who lies about his warrants.
And what warrants would that be Pvt. Rimjob?
Would you like to share with the class?
Lolgfy pedo
This is a good one, too
Ya gotta give the mooslem Zippy credit, JL. When it came to doing everything in his power to hurt America he was unsurpassed.
Got it! Trump’s lies are actually just fibs.
As Trump fibs America burns.
Got it! Democrats’ lies are actually just fibs.
As Demos fib, America burns.
From the guy who lies about his warrants.
liljeffy scores a direct hit.
Thank you.
That’s what we love about you Elwood. I gave you half dozen examples of outright LIES perpetrated by Zippy the mooslem and you sarcastically ignore them. It’s more important to try and make Trump look bad than to admit even an asshole like you realizes bullshit fibs are not “lies”. You are a lost cause.
Trump 2020 The adult candidate.
Tweetie the fake christofascist is a man-baby. A spoiled child, born with a golden spoon up his ass, and given everything, always.
Anyone who still supports Tweetie doesn’t belong in our foundering country. You’re re-fighting The Lost Cause.
Why are you still campaigning against former Presidents rather than addressing the horrid circumstances of the current pretender squatting in our White House?
Tweetie the fake christofascist is a man-baby. A spoiled child, born with a golden spoon up his ass, and given everything, always.
You can say the same about Zippy. The difference is, about Zippy, it’s true.
Anyone who still supports Tweetie doesn’t belong in our foundering country. You’re re-fighting The Lost Cause.
Comparing yourselves to the Union Army? Sherman, Sheridan, Custer, and Jefferson Davis laugh. More like Bloody Bill Anderson.
But without the guts.
Why are you still campaigning against former Presidents rather than addressing the horrid circumstances of the current pretender squatting in our White House?
Because Trump was legally elected and Zippy most likely was not?
And the word I believe you seek is floundering, not foundering.
PS We’re diverging from Gropin Joe with Tweetie?. Even more stupid.
Just call him Trump and try to act normal.
Foundering means failing. Floundering means struggling. We chose the right word.
Tweetie is failing.
President Obama was not born rich. Tweetie Pie was.
“President Obama was not born rich. Tweetie Pie was.”
That’s true, Hussein had to steal all his money. He went into office worth about $400k and came out a multi millionaire. Meanwhile, Trump re donates his salary and you are so filled with jealousy and hate you can’t even admit that.
BTW, there is nothing wrong or immoral about being born rich. Unless you’re a fukin commie Elwood.
Actually, Zippy was born quite well to do. Grandma, that typical white person who raised him while his philandering mother was off getting her PhD in advanced basketweaving and screwing every POC she could to prove her Lefty street cred, was a bank manager, remember?
founder verb
foun·​der | \ ˈfau̇n-dər \
foundered; foundering\ ˈfau̇n-​d(ə-​)riŋ \
Definition of founder (Entry 2 of 4)
intransitive verb
1: to become disabled
especially : to go lame
2: to give way : COLLAPSE
3: to become submerged : SINK
4: to come to grief : FAIL
transitive verb
flounder verb
floundered; floundering\ ˈflau̇n-​d(ə-​)riŋ \
Definition of flounder (Entry 2 of 2)
intransitive verb
1: to struggle to move or obtain footing : thrash about wildly
2: to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually
to disable (an animal) especially by excessive feeding
Last I looked Trump had not come to grief. The Demos OTOH have. That’s why they pay you minimum wage to make excuses for Gropin’ Joe.
The economy is back, Red Chinese Lung Rot is fading, the rioters are making more people angry at them, and Gropin’ Joe probably won’t come out of his hole until Groundhog Day.
Wrong on both counts.
I think Hussein was considered quite well off in his homeland of Kenya. Top 1% I hear.