The resident should have asked to paint something like “Back The Blue”, but, this shows government being used for hardcore leftist purposes
A California city removed its Black Lives Matter mural in the middle of the night last week after a local lawyer asked whether she could install one nearby in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection bid.
CBS San Francisco reported on Sunday that a Redwood City resident, Dan Pease, asked city officials earlier in July if he could paint “Black Live Matter” on a street downtown as part of an Independence Day public-art celebration. Officials agreed and provided him with yellow poster-board paint he used to paint the 17-foot mural.
“Because we were using the poster-board paint that would eventually deteriorate over time, my understanding from them was that the mural would last as long as the paint lasted,” Pease told the outlet.
But on Thursday, city officials scrubbed the mural from the street in the middle of the night, saying it could be a traffic hazard, CBS San Francisco reported.
“Traffic hazard”. Would love for them to explain how so.
They removed it not long after Maria Rutenburg, a real-estate lawyer, requested that she be allowed to paint “MAGA 2020,” Trump’s reelection campaign slogan, on the same street.
“I saw ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign appearing on Broadway Street, on the asphalt. I figured that’s going to be a new public space open for discussion, and I wanted to get my message out too,” Rutenburg told the local CBS station.
Surprise! People should make these requests in every city, see how the city responds, whether they will be allowed to pain their own “murals”.

First, you don’t make “requests” to put your slogan down you make DEMANDS followed up with a plethora of law suits. If our public streets are now open to political messages they must be open to ALL political messages.
Frankly, I’d paint MAGA in front of Gracie Mansion in 20′ letters. Let’s see how that commie Il Duh-Blazzio likes it.
Trump 2020 It’s time to take back the nation before we have to do it by force.
What are your plans for when the pandemic is over on Nov.4th?
They were gonna paint ALL LIVES MATTER but kept misspelling it, so they settled on MAGA.
Kye threatens decent Americans with violence unless they accede to the disastrous trump.
The right is making another prediction for when the pandemic will wane. November 4.
Remember 15 cases soon to be 0? Remember over by April 10? Warm weather. Easter. Hoax. Scam. Chinese-commie-Dem plot to get trump. Trump now says he’ll be right eventually – someday the pandemic will end!
There is nothing”decent” bout communist BLM agitators. Decent people don’t march with communists or other radical groups. I don’t know what your definition of decent is but if BLM and Antifa fit it then you’re ass backward.
And “the right” didn’t make any prediction, I said sarcastically Nov. 4th. I do remember 2 million dead, do you? So far the Sino-Communist Flue is little more than a bad flu season and that’s with all the phony numbers being tossed about by liars like Elwood.
To add to the comment how about the empty hospitas? Our friend is a NA at Abington Hospital and she along with hundreds of others was furloughed in May, then she received a new contract with a 10% pay reduction in June then on Thursday 7/16 she was laid off.
A former colleague of my sister came to dinner Sunday he informed me the hospital had received $40 million in bailout money in June. Yet they ave hundreds of empty beds.
This type of stuff is happening everywhere. The left has set about using the same “fuzzy” math about Red Chink Flu they have used for AGW, illegals, voter fraud, and their “polls” and actually think we’re crazy enough to believe them.
Just because you lie top yourself Elwood and believe it does not mean others will. Lying to yourself is an obvious paradox. This is true of self-delusion or self-deception. The real paradox here is that we have these expressions because the phenomenon seems to exist. Especially on the left where delusions fit right at home.
For example, the odds of knowing someone who has died from the corona virus is very low, unless you work in a nursing home. I personally know none. I know OF some but not personally. For the typical person, you are more likely to know someone who was murdered. In fact, in most of the country, you are four times more likely to know a murder victim than a corona victim. Especially in Democrat run cities! Yet, many people on the Left will tell you they know many people who have died from corona. They really believe this is true and display the appropriate emotions to prove it.
Adding to the intrigue is the fact that these people have had the math explained to them many times by the more skeptical. The same is true about the stories of overwhelmed hospitals everyone hears about, but no one has seen. The nurses and doctors posting TikTok videos of themselves dancing in empty hospitals had NO effect on the believers in these claims. Even now, they are sure the “first responders†are nearing exhaustion as they heroically fight the virus while they are being laid off.
It is not a coincidence that these people are sure Donald Trump is Adolph Hitler slowly imposing the Third Reich. People who otherwise seem calm and rational, despite their politics, become hysterical when talking about Trump. “He’s a dangerous dictator who is destroying the country†they bellow. It’s not just hyperbole. They really seem to believe that Trump is not only a man who wants to be a dictator, but that he is actually assuming dictatorial power. The lie is very real to them. Yet it’s their own comrades imposing lockdowns and creating undermench “non-essential” citizens worthy of elimination.
It’s not so much that they believe complete nonsense regarding Trump. It’s that their own reaction to the nonsense underscores the irrationality of it. After all, if Trump is anything like they believe, voting him out of office is unlikely. After all, he would use his magic dictator power to rig the vote or just ignore the result. Rather than reevaluate their beliefs, they are now creating another fantasy around with Trump secretly plotting to ignore the results of the election.
We have seen this with Elwood. Personally I think it’s a psychosis but I’m no psychiatrist.
Trump 2020 So we can see how Elwood and the commies react.
Decent is the opposite of Donald J. Trump and his followers + the feckless nuGOP, all intent in turning the US into a 3rd World Oligarchic/Plutocratic authoritarian shithole.
But aren’t you holed up in your house terrified of venturing out? All that for a hoax? Look around you. Why is every nation treating this pandemic as a serious threat? Is it global anti-tRump hysteria? Think, please. Your allegiance to tRump’s hatred, cruelty and lack of human concern drives your support of him. Why?
There are some 20,000 murder victims per year US. We have over 140,000 Covid-19 deaths in 5.5 months and morbidity folds higher. Doctors still don’t understand all the morbid sequelae associated with the disease. Only a fool calls it the flu. You’re not a fool are you?
Denial-19 is the pandemic of the US right-wing. tRump was patient zero and the virus has spread throughout his acolytes who now only believe reporting that’s tRump friendly. Any inconvenient truths are labeled lies by the commies. The commies who now dominate the media, schools, churches, the streets, stores, movies, corporations, governments, foundations, laboratories, universities. Do you think the reefer trucks serving as makeshift morgues are part of the plot?
tRump is not Hitler. Hitler had a plan. tRump is no evil genius, he’s an accidental destroyer of nations. He cares little about America except as it fulfills his needs.
Decent is the opposite of Donald J. Trump and his followers + the feckless nuGOP, all intent in turning the US into a 3rd World Oligarchic/Plutocratic authoritarian shithole.
No, that’s all those Democrat-ruled cities where they let the hooligans to run wild.
But aren’t you holed up in your house terrified of venturing out? All that for a hoax? Look around you. Why is every nation treating this pandemic as a serious threat?
Maybe because they’re all socialists and socialists have a pack mentality.
Is it global anti-tRump hysteria?
If Trump wins, America wins, so, yes.
Think, please. Your allegiance to tRump’s hatred, cruelty and lack of human concern drives your support of him. Why?
Because he has the guts to fight you people and win. That’s why you hate him.
There are some 20,000 murder victims per year US. We have over 140,000 Covid-19 deaths in 5.5 months and morbidity folds higher. Doctors still don’t understand all the morbid sequelae associated with the disease. Only a fool calls it the flu. You’re not a fool are you?
First, if BLM, why aren’t you concerned about those murders?
Second, we only have about 280 death from Chinese Floozy. And it is a flu. You’re the fool for thinking we’re as stupid and duplicitous as you.
Denial-19 is the pandemic of the US right-wing. tRump was patient zero and the virus has spread throughout his acolytes who now only believe reporting that’s tRump friendly. Any inconvenient truths are labeled lies by the commies. The commies who now dominate the media, schools, churches, the streets, stores, movies, corporations, governments, foundations, laboratories, universities. Do you think the reefer trucks serving as makeshift morgues are part of the plot?
Well, art least you admit the Commies are behind this.
tRump is not Hitler. Hitler had a plan. tRump is no evil genius, he’s an accidental destroyer of nations. He cares little about America except as it fulfills his needs.
Which are?
Hell, you don’t know the difference between founder and flounder.
Kye threatens decent Americans with violence unless they accede to the disastrous trump.
Decent Americans don’t burn down cities and gang up on people exercising their right of free speech. In the Good Old Days, your little white friends would have all been strung up or shot by now. The black ones would have had sense enough not to try it.
The right is making another prediction for when the pandemic will wane. November 4.
And you think it won’t? for all intents and purposes, it’s been over for about a month, but the Demo governors and Deep State keep telling themselves imprisoning people and abusing their rights will win them the election.
Remember 15 cases soon to be 0? Remember over by April 10? Warm weather. Easter. Hoax. Scam. Chinese-commie-Dem plot to get trump. Trump now says he’ll be right eventually – someday the pandemic will end!
It is over. That’s why you guys tried rioting.
Hell, the Wizman doesn’t know founder from flounder.
The Dem governors of Florida, Texas, Arizona, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Maryland, Tennessee, Alabama, SC, IN, MO, AR, OK, ID, WY, ND, SD etc? How’s the record?
If it’s over is Kye out and about without a mask? Are you?
Pretty good.
When you include facts like the tests have a lot of false positives (like 5/8 although the CDC wants you to believe it’s only 3%, but real doctors are blowing the whistle), anybody who tests positive for the antibody is counted as positive, anybody who’s had contact with someone who’s positive (here’s a double whammy) is counted as positive, and people who just signed up for the test but never took it are counted as positive.
IOW Same old shell game.
If it’s over is Kye out and about without a mask? Are you?
Of course, I am. The masks are a CYA for politicians. So is the social distancing.
First of all Elwood, I’m not “holed up” anywhere and haven’t been since this hoax began. I shop, I visit friends, I go to my club, I go to see my doctors and to U of P hospital (which is a ghost town). And I only wear a mask if I’m forced to by snowflakes like you.
We have a REALISTIC number of Chicom Flu victims of around 80,000 according to the doctors I talk to and most of them are from “lockdown” blue states. Almost half of the Sino-Syphilis Flu victims did not die from the flu, they died WITH the flu. You just want to believe the worst so you can say it’s Trump’s fault. Like a president or anybody else to control a pandemic. The left as usual is literally killing Americans with their policies (see Vito Cuomo killing the elderly in retirement homes) to try and win an election.
There are no “reefer trucks acting as makeshift morgues” in the US. Show us pictures and documentation by authority.
It doesn’t matter what you think about Trump because if there was a (D) after his name you’d love him. You’re a phony, a hack and a liar and you are so full of hate it exudes from your pours like sweat. You have allied yourself with self-proclaimed communists who have vowed to end America which makes you a traitor.
Remember asshole, it’s not Trump and his supporters that are burning down the cities, rioting, killing people, killing cops, beating people, doxxing, and destroying people’s businesses and livelihoods, IT’S FUKIN DEMOCRATS LIKE YOU!!! There is not one Trump supporter tearing down statues of historical American figures, or defiling churches, or burning flags. THEY ARE ALL YOUR DEMOCOMMIE TRAITORS, like YOU!!! You have your armies out breaking things and hurting people and they will step it up the closer the election comes.
You’re trying to force the Republicans to not have a convention because you know it will show the empty hate on the left. Plus you’re trying to drag on this flu to try and force “mail-in Voting” which you already have fixed. You won’t even need vote harvesting if three days after Trump wins you can run in with 10 million “mail-ins” that were “misplaced. We’re wise to your tricks you traitor.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the traitors win.
Jeffery asks about all those R states and
Wrong button.
Jeffery asks about all those R states and the ChiCom Cough.
Well, here are 2 articles saying things are just dandy.
Sibley, Porter’s #1 Fluffer, dismisses the global concern over the tRump Plague Virus.
But then much of what connies believe to be true is not.
Global concerns aren’t our problem, especially if it’s a Red Chinese flu. If socialized medicine made such a mess of Winnie The Flu, that’s their problem, not ours.
And it has yet to be discovered if anything that Lefties believe is true.
PS You try so hard to be witty, but can’t so much as find a good comeback for your pathetic ripostes.
They still have the 80 year old sign out “Climate is Best by Government Test”! Talk about “stuck in the mid”!