…is a lawn that needs to be mowed which causes carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Australia wondering if America is crazy enough to elect Joe Biden.

…is a lawn that needs to be mowed which causes carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Australia wondering if America is crazy enough to elect Joe Biden.
President Tweetie on Ghislaine Maxwell:
“I don’t know, I really haven’t been following it too much,” he said. “I just wish her well, frankly. I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach… But I wish her well.”
He wishes an accused pedophile “well”? Hmmmm. What does she have on Tweetie? Was he conveying his customary “keep quiet and I’ll take care of you” message?
We discussed this last night.
In view of what happened to Epstein and Judge Salas’ family and would-be murderer, it’s even money she’ll live to see Labor Day.
What does she have on Tweetie? Was he conveying his customary “keep quiet and I’ll take care of you†message?
More like what does she have on the Ozark Mafia (yeah, both of them) and Menendez, the Kennedys, Alec Baldwin, Larry Summers, Anderson Cooper…?
Hmmm, lotta Lefty names there.
On July 15, four days before the shooting, Judge Salas was assigned to the ongoing lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who claim the company made false and misleading statements about its anti-money laundering policies. The suit also alleged the bank failed to properly monitor “high-risk” customers, including convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
So President Tweetie’s favorite bank was under attack from investors. And Tweetie’s buddy Epstein was involved. What does Maxwell know? Tweetie wishes her well.
Gropin’ Joe called Trump the first racist President.
Apparently, his knowledge of history is still lousy.
He forgot Jack Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Woody Wilson, Zippy, and himself, if we ever sink so low.
Like Jeffery, he wants people to forget his history.
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t blackâ€
“poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.â€
“We’ve got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger”
“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland,†Biden said as he briefly imitated the late senator’s southern drawl. “He never called me boy. He always called me son.â€
But discussing the “civility†in the Senate during the 1970s, Biden said: “Well guess what? At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.â€
They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.”
[Zippy is] the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.
Biden apologized for the statement at the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting. “I want to say that I truly regret that the words I spoke offended people that I admire very much,” he said.
“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not jokingâ€
Real winner you got there. And his wit is about the same speed as yours, so it’s no wonder you quote him.
VP Biden was wrong. Tweetie is not the first racist President, although he’s the latest to run a campaign based on terrifying whites about urban “savages” overrunning Leave It to Beaver suburbia.
He promises to send in his private army to civilize Chicago, Albuquerque, Portland etc; to contain the “savages”. This is his strategy. Maintain his white, christianist nationalist base and hope to scare enough white independents into voting for him.
Some 5,000 Americans are dying weekly from Covid-19, which is a hoax.
terrifying whites about urban “savages†overrunning Leave It to Beaver suburbia.
Now that’s rrraaaaccccciiiiisssssttttt.
He promises to send in his private army to civilize Chicago, Albuquerque, Portland etc; to contain the “savagesâ€. This is his strategy. Maintain his white, christianist nationalist base and hope to scare enough white independents into voting for him.
Well, clearly, it’s a task beyond the abilities of the Democrat mayors and how does sending in the cavalry (since, last I looked, DHS was a Federal agency, how do they constitute a private army) “scare” indies into voting for him? Encourage is more apt.
And no such word as christianist, Christian is capitalized.
Some 5,000 Americans are dying weekly from Covid-19, which is a hoax.
Glad you admit it. And even CDC admits deaths are decreasing. 1000 last week, so you lie again.
Another week and even fake deaths from the Democrat-Wet-Dream-Flu will be below epidemic level.
The greatest indictment (for now) against President Tweetie is that vile men like Teach and his fans accept him.
Yes, because us Commie haters are the scum of the earth, right?
If you want vile just look around the current Democrat party and their communist allie. Or in your case, the mirror.
Now THIS is vile, Elwood:
200,000 dead Americans is vile.
Kye: We understand how upset you’d be for spreading disinformation, even in support of President Tweet. Mr. Wiz spreads lies, but you have at least made attempts to be honest.
Regarding the AOC “tweet” you posted:
*This tweet image was a fabrication, however, and not something posted by Ocasio-Cortez. It does not appear in her Twitter timeline, nor was it recorded by databases that capture and preserve deleted tweets.
Moreover, although the tweet was supposedly “shared over 20,000 times,†we could find no instances whatsoever of the original tweet’s having been shared or commented upon at all. It exists only as a screenshot of a faux tweet posted to a private Facebook group.”
200,000 dead Americans is vile.
Kye: We understand how upset you’d be for spreading disinformation, even in support of President Tweet. While Mr. Wiz proudly spreads lies, you have at least made attempts to be honest.
Regarding the AOC fake “tweet” you posted:
This tweet image was a fabrication, however, and not something posted by Ocasio-Cortez. It does not appear in her Twitter timeline, nor was it recorded by databases that capture and preserve deleted tweets.
Moreover, although the tweet was supposedly “shared over 20,000 times,†we could find no instances whatsoever of the original tweet’s having been shared or commented upon at all. It exists only as a screenshot of a faux tweet posted to a private Facebook group.
Says who? Prove it. Looks real to me. If the name was Trump, you’d believe it!
200,000 dead Americans is vile.
CDC says 145,000, which means 290 really.
We understand how upset you’d be for spreading disinformation, even in support of President Tweet. Mr. Wiz spreads lies, but you have at least made attempts to be honest.
Hey, you can check out anything I say. I take all those Gropin’ Joe quotes really got to you.
This tweet image was a fabrication, however, and not something posted by Ocasio-Cortez. It does not appear in her Twitter timeline, nor was it recorded by databases that capture and preserve deleted tweets.
Moreover, although the tweet was supposedly “shared over 20,000 times,†we could find no instances whatsoever of the original tweet’s having been shared or commented upon at all. It exists only as a screenshot of a faux tweet posted to a private Facebook group.
Well, we figure you’re lying anyway.