They’re confusing ‘climate change’ with the environment
Mass. House Approves Major Climate Action Bill
The Mass. State House on Friday night approved a climate change bill that addresses a 2050 emissions reduction roadmap, solar energy net metering, grid modernization and workforce development, setting up likely talks with the Senate on a compromise bill.
The 142-17 vote to pass the bill came just before 9:30 p.m. and following deliberations on amendments over two days.
The House agreed to East Boston Rep. Adrian Madaro’s proposal that would mandate environmental impact reports for any project that is likely to cause damage to the environment and is located within one mile of an environmental justice population.
A neighborhood must meet at least one of five requirements to be considered an environmental justice population, such as having an annual median household income less than 65% of the state average, 25% or more households lack English language proficiency, or minorities comprise 25% or more of the population.
Perhaps they should spend less time worrying about Hotcoldwetdry and more on helping them with real environmental issues.
Anyhow, not many news outlets are even discussing this. You can see the bill itself in the link in the excerpt, which discusses “Market-based compliance mechanismâ€, which means a tax scheme. It limits GHG limits (but exempts the Mass. government operations). It allows the bureaucracy to simply make up whatever rules the want however they want whenever the want without input from the People or the elected lawmakers.
A commission will be created, which can call forth hearings and inquiries whenever they want for whatever they want.
Property owners and tenants will have to make huge, costly upgrades to properties. Smart meters will be required for all residential and non-residential buildings, giving Government more control of people’s power usage.
Those are just a few tidbits.
Also in Mass
Group to look at reducing greenhouse gas emissions on Cape Cod
Cape Cod climate change advocates are cautiously optimistic that the Cape Cod Commission will find ways to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions over the next six months.
In a unanimous vote by the full commission last week, the regional land use, planning and environmental agency responded to a citizen petition by forming a subcommittee that included various stakeholders and staff to develop a climate action plan and amendments to accomplish those goals.
Here’s an idea: ban visitors from coming to Cape Cod in fossil fueled vehicles. That would work, right? It’s not like Cape Cod depends on tourism from fossil fueled travel, right?

Banning visitors wont be enough. They need to put all the current residents into boxcars and move them elsewhere. Consent is not an element of community organizing.
Sheeeshh… They really need to kill those marxist demons in Mass…But they are all Sissies up there they will vote for them again!!!!
When the left start throwing around phrases like an “environmental justice population,” they reveal just how silly they have become.
Global warmingClimate change is, according to the left, a threat to everyone, so why must it be fought more stringently in areas where people arenot as productivewell-to-do as others? Does the climate somehow concentrate itself in poor areas? Do winds not spread outside of poorer neighborhoods? Have the laws of thermodynamics now become subject to the sensibilities of the left?