…is carbon pollution hanging in the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on voting Trump if you want government accountability.

…is carbon pollution hanging in the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on voting Trump if you want government accountability.
Jeffery will be so sad.
George Floyd body cam footage.
Note it was a British paper that got it and made it public.
It’s not surprising that idiot Sibley thinks the video exonerates the officers.
We keep hearing Jeffery rail against HCQ. Calling it a “cure”, which nobody but him says it is.
Now here are charts showing HCQ results in treating Dien Bien Flu.
First, showing how it affects the death count.
The second shows its importance in being administered in a timely manner.
Now you might ask, if the data for HCQ is so compelling, why does our little medical Mussolini run it down?
Turns out Fauxci will make millions on the vaccine and owns half the patent.
Truth in advertising, Bobby Kennedy has not been the most reliable voice when it comes to science, but, Gateway’s been ahead of the curve from the start, particularly trumpeting HCQ as a lifesaver in treating patients.
You’ve got the facts, what do you think?
Not true. Fauci does not own any part of this virus or vaccine. In exchange for the huge taxpayer investment in Operation Warp Speed, the US government will own the intellectual property that results. It’s in the contracts. Fauci never had $500 million of personal wealth.
Sibley is a bigger idiot than jimhoft, Jerome Corsi and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. combined.
By all means, take your medical advice from that quartet.
Fauxci said 2 million dead. Fauxci said AIDS would be as bad for heteros as it had been for homos. Fauxci has had tio backtrack on everything he’s said.
But don’t try to duck the issue. Are any of the items not factual?
And if not, why not?
Also, Gateway was way out in front on HCQ. They have nothing to make off it. Likewise, they’ve been out front on what a scam the death count has been. Now they’re out front on something that could blow the election wide open. Showing how the Deep Staters try to make a killing (pun intended) would be the final nail in the coffin of the Democrats and the Left.
Fauxci stands to make a killing off a vaccine. As does Bill Gates, somebody who would love to tell us what to do, much like his infamous paper clip.
The whole idea is to keep as much of the country locked down as possible until the election in hopes the public will blame Trump (hint, hasn’t happened yet and shows no sign of happening).
jimhoft, Jerome Corsi and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. combined.
By all means, take your medical advice from that quartet.
And it’s a trio, moron.
The idiot Sibley makes four, moron.
Tell us why well-run, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded clinical trials show no advantage from using hydroxychloroquine? Conspiracy between Fauci, FDA, Biden, the media, anti-trumpers, doctors and commies? Idiot.
We have no idea if the graphs you presented are “factual”. Your sources, as always, are suspect.
No, Dr. Fauci does not stand to make millions off vaccines. Idiots like you, Corsi, Kennedy and jimhoft don’t understand that patents where Dr. Fauci is listed as inventor are owned by the US Govt, and none related to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Just another conspiracy from the lyin’ king, Corsi.
“Doctor” jimhoft out front on hydroxychloroquine? It is to laugh.
Poor Rimjob tries so hard to be relevant with his irrelevant questions and idiot psycho babble.
It is to laugh.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
No, you said I got my medical knowledge from 4. You’re still a moron.
Tell us why well-run, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded clinical trials show no advantage from using hydroxychloroquine? Conspiracy between Fauci, FDA, Biden, the media, anti-trumpers, doctors and commies? Idiot.
Same kind of peer review that gave us global wahoo. Too bad there are results that show us HCQ works. And we’ve seen how you conspired to frame Trump twice. This is no difference and we have the facts.
No, Dr. Fauci does not stand to make millions off vaccines. Idiots like you, Corsi, Kennedy and jimhoft don’t understand that patents where Dr. Fauci is listed as inventor are owned by the US Govt, and none related to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Just another conspiracy from the lyin’ king, Corsi.
When, exactly, did Fauxci “invent” this? Some details, please.
News is full of Gilead and others trying to come up with a vaccine, so where is this one Fauxci “invented”?
“Doctor†jimhoft out front on hydroxychloroquine? It is to laugh.
You know he was as much as I do, because I linked the article here. All you can do is some juvenile attempt at discredit.
Gateway’s been out front on this from the start and, as I said, a scandal over profiteering from this by the Deep State would really fu(k the Demos.
The Idiot typed: When exactly, did Fauxci (sic) “invent” this?
That’s the point, idiot. Dr. Fauci didn’t invent anything related to SARS-CoV-2. Ask Jerome Corsi – it’s his lie and another conspiracy of which you swallowed hook, line and sinker. Serves you right for being a Gateway Pudendum.
Here ya go, idiot: https://patents.justia.com/search?q=anthony+fauci
This will list most of the patents where Dr. Fauci is listed as an inventor. If you think the patents should be revoked or disallowed contact the USPTO and contest it.
You rarely understand what you’re arguing do you?
Tell us why well-run, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded clinical trials show no advantage from using hydroxychloroquine?
Because said trials are being run when the patients are admitted to the hospital and at that stage it is too late for HDC to be effective.
It needs to be repeated again and again that HDC, Zinc and Zithromax is only effective in the early stages of the virus in preventing the cytokine storm that is ravaging the bodies of some people to the point they die.
The problem with trying double blind trials on the spur of the moment is they are not accurate.
It is the same reason that Gram positive antibiotics are of little use against gram negative infections. Or using Aspirin to stop a migraine, a bandaid for a severed artery.
The double blind trials being used are doomed to fail because once in the hospital HDC is like using a bandaid on a severed artery.
NO ONE is claiming HDC, Zinc and Zithromax is a cure. It is a course of treatment that helps prevent the covid-19 virus from progressing to the need for hospitialzation stage.
NO ONE is claiming HDC, Zinc and Zithromax is a cure.
There are accusations all over social media that platforms are “censoring” the HCG conspiracy.
In fact, a gov’t official retweeted a twitter video of Dr. Stella Immanuel:
“You don’t need masks. There is a cure. I know they don’t want to open schools. No, you don’t need people to be locked down. There is prevention and there is a cure. Nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure – it is called hydroxychloroquine, I have treated over 350 patients and not had one death,” said Dr Immanuel.
That gov’t official was, of course, DJTrump. So Trump seems to think HCQ is a cure.
No controlled trials evaluating HCQ as post-exposure prophylaxis have shown effectiveness.
Cytokine release syndrome or cytokine storm occurs late in the timeline of Covid-19, which is why dexamethasone and anti-IL6 monoclonal Abs may work in serious cases.
Now you’re just flailing.
The problem with trying double blind trials on the spur of the moment is they are not accurate.
It is the same reason that Gram positive antibiotics are of little use against gram negative infections. Or using Aspirin to stop a migraine, a bandaid for a severed artery.
The double blind trials being used are doomed to fail because once in the hospital HDC is like using a bandaid on a severed artery.
You said he was the inventor. You said patents where he was listed as inventor were owned by the Feds.
Now, what you’ve established is that Fauxci is just another government slug who’s never really done anything. And some website not associated with the patent office is what you accuse the Hofts and Corsi of being. A lot of phony claims to back up a phony agenda.
You’re an idiot.
Jeffery is mad because all the scams are coming out just as people are really starting to pay attention to the election and it’s all swinging Trump’s way. Now they’re stuck with a Alzheimer’s nominee they can’t let out of the basement, Notorious on the critical list.,and a lockdown and riot scam that’s blown up in their faces, not to mention the Whitmer Wheeze which is working to Trump’s advantage.
Must be Hell to be him.
Sibley the Idiot is crazy or scared to death. Or a bit of both.
Dementia J. Trump was in trouble before the Trump Plague hit. Now we have the Trump Pandemic and the Trump Depression.
Dementia J. is not the first GOP president to have dementia. Reagan had Alzheimer’s.
Actually, Reagan’s Alzheimer’s came after he left office.
And, no, Trump wasn’t in any trouble before the Demos and the Reds inflicted the Cuomo Curse on the country, And Jeffery is so frustrated the lockdown and the phony plague and the rioting have only strengthened him.
Poor baby.
Only an idiot like Sibley would think one would catch Alzheimer’s Disease like you catch SARS-CoV-19. AD is a progressive disease. Like tRump, President Reagan showed AD symptoms in office.
Dementia Trump WAS in trouble before he ignored the plague that now shares his name.
Never, ever forget, with NuCons it’s always projection.
Sibley is an idiot but he he’s not out of touch with reality completely. He knows that Dementia Trump is unlikely to win.
Cytokine release syndrome or cytokine storm occurs late in the timeline of Covid-19, which is why dexamethasone and anti-IL6 monoclonal Abs may work in serious cases.
Now you’re just flailing.
your course of treatment is a MAY WORK, just as a very safe medicine that has been prescribed since the 30’s is now suddenly dangerous and unsafe and a doctor should lose their license for prescribing it.
There are accusations all over social media that platforms are “censoring†the HCG conspiracy.
Yes this is absolutely true. Even Donald Trump is now being censored by Facebook and Twitter. Can you imagine if our politicians start giving speeches and they get censored by a private entity. Such as WaPo, NYT, Fox, MSNBC, CBS, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc? Yet these very entities are allowing people to say kill the mf racist @#$@%^% and it is okay.
Trump needs 4 more years to reduce China’s influence. China is spending billions right now trying to get Trump out of office. In this next 4 years I hope the RNC goes after the never Trumpers who are basically China whores taking overseas money to influence policy in America and are pissed off that a president did not buy the office nor allow it to be bought for him.
Yes, other treatments MAY work, whereas it’s been shown that hydroxychloroquine likely doesn’t. That’s the way science works. Rather than cheerleading an unproven approach for no other reason than to bolster Trump, why not support investigating treatments that MAY work, like remdesivir, dexamethasone, interferon-beta and antibody approaches?
We’ve noticed conservatives are discomfited by terms scientists use such as MAY, SUGGESTS, LIKELY, UNPROVEN etc., but that’s the careful language of science. If one knew for certain that something works one wouldn’t need carefully controlled clinical trials, would one? In theory, scientific theories are never proven. To the best of our current state of knowledge, hydroxychloroquine has no significant positive effect on the course of Covid-19 disease. This doesn’t PROVE that hydroxychloroquine will never be shown to have an effect, only that current evidence doesn’t support the hypothesis. Are you willing to treat 10s of millions of Americans with a drug not approved for the indication with no reliable evidence that it works? Of course you would, ’cause Trump.
The medical community and FDA thoroughly examined the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine would alter the course of Covid-19, based on many early case reports and uncontrolled observations of miracle cures. Results from several randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, gold standard clinical studies did not support the hypothesis. Kudos to the FDA and medical community for being so thorough, correct?
The clinical research continues, hoping to find a “silver bullet”.
Does a conspiracy exist between drug companies, Dr. Fauci, the FDA, the mainstream medical community to bring down DJ Trump? Unlikely.