Of course, with the obvious mental decline of Joe Biden, combined with him having to defend the far Left Modern Socialist ideas, such as defunding the police, from Donald Trump, who never has a care over attacking, this will surely only apply for this election
"The debates have never made sense as a test for presidential leadership," writes @ElizabethDrewOH. "In fact, one could argue that they reward precisely the opposite of what we want in a president." https://t.co/ICzfURxxhz
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) August 3, 2020
From the screed
Nervous managers of the scheduled 2020 presidential debates are shuffling the logistics and locations to deal with the threat of the coronavirus. But here’s a better idea: Scrap them altogether. And not for health reasons.
Yes, health reasons. But, not COVID19 ones, Joe Biden ones. If you put that there in the first paragraph, that’s the focus
The debates have never made sense as a test for presidential leadership. In fact, one could argue that they reward precisely the opposite of what we want in a president. When we were serious about the presidency, we wanted intelligence, thoughtfulness, knowledge, empathy and, to be sure, likability. It should also go without saying, dignity.
But, hey, you know what makes sense? Demanding Trump’s tax returns.
Over time, the debates came to resemble professional wrestling matches, and more substantive debates were widely panned in the press. Points went to snappy comebacks and one-liners. Witty remarks drew laughs from the audience and got repeated for days and remembered for years.
That’s pretty much politics in the modern era, really going back to the Nixon-JFK debate, which is mentioned.
This, by the way, isn’t written out of any concern that Donald Trump will prevail over Joe Biden in the debates; Mr. Biden has done just fine in a long string of such contests. The point is that “winning†a debate, however assessed, should be irrelevant, as are the debates themselves.
Yes, it is.
The better way to pay attention to and choose among the presidential candidates is to follow the long campaign that so many complain about. The reason for such moaning has always been a mystery, because unless the campaign is taking place in your living room, you can simply switch it off.
Should we pay attention that Biden is essentially hiding? That we rarely ever see him speak, and when he does, it is not good? That the only coherent sentences he speaks are in commercials in which we don’t actually see him speaking them? I watch a lot of programs on Discovery Go and there have been lots of those Biden commercials, none with him actually speaking the lines.
The party conventions, also vestigial organs of a political system that no longer exists, are close to being done away with, if not for the reasons they should be. There’s no reason not to throw the presidential debates on the trash heap of useless (at best) rituals that are no help in our making such a fateful decision.
And next up is doing away with Biden having to make a speech at the convention. Probably just walk out, wave, and walk off.

The notion that the debates are a measure of presidential ability is a poor one. Presidents take decisions in conference with advisors, and with all of the information that his staff can gather; debates put the candidates up on stage, with no notes, no advisors, nothing, and require him to think on his feet to answer questions in just a few seconds, with the pressure of not saying anything wrong, and needing to land that knock-down quip that send his opponent reeling. Thirteen Days by Robert Kennedy goes through the decision-taking process President Kennedy used during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and is a must read.
But, that said, this is all a tawdry attempt to conceal Joe Biden’s obvious and growing Alzheimer’s-like dementia out of the public’s view. The Democrats are trying all sorts of shades of lipstick on this particular pig, and it isn’t working.
The left have always believed that they were just so much smarter than conservatives that the Democrats would always destroy the Republican candidates in the debates, and were shocked, shocked! when Al Gore didn’t destroy George Bush and Hillary Clinton didn’t destroy Donald Trump. Debates are about presentation, not information, and when the Democrats had two dull candidates, it showed. Now they have another dullard winning the nomination, one President would have beaten in the debates even if he weren’t losing his marbles. Now that he is sinking deeper into dementia, the left see an approaching train wreck, and are desperately trying to shift it onto a different track.
Really no need to debate when all you need are photo bombs such as this!
(check around the :25 mark)
Dementia J. Trump, when asked about over 150,000 Americans dying from Covid-19: “It is what it is,” says Feckless Leader.
Anyway, there are many more videos of tRump than VP Biden.
Hitting on a pre-teen on an escalator – “You going up the escalator?” Girl: “Yeah.” “I am going to be dating her in 10 years.”
Ogling girls with Epstein. Slurring words repeatedly. Covfefe.
Stone Cold kicking Dementia’s lard ass.
Looks like Dr. Dementia blew a seal. Naw, it’s just tartar sauce.
We understand that NuCons are afraid. What if your Lard and Mastur can’t keep enough Americans from voting in November? Is that why he keeps the pandemic expanding? To keep people home?
Far-rightists fear that kicking out the NuGOP will lead to extermination camps for connies, but that’s just projection. It’s what connies would do to “the enemy” if granted total power.
Never ever forget, with NuCons it is ALWAYS projection. Connies tell us what they have in mind for “others”.
The Enemy = libs, Blacks, gays, Muslims, immigrants, credentialed media, Hispanics, agnostics, universities, college-educated
I guess Tweetie is out now that everybody’s acknowledged Gropin’ Joe’s senility. Not much of an improvement.
Dementia J. Trump, when asked about over 150,000 Americans dying from Covid-19: “It is what it is,†says Feckless Leader.
That was Zippy’s favorite line. And 375 (the real total) is a far cry from 2 million.
Anyway, there are many more videos of tRump than VP Biden.
Hitting on a pre-teen on an escalator – “You going up the escalator?†Girl: “Yeah.†“I am going to be dating her in 10 years.â€
Ogling girls with Epstein. Slurring words repeatedly. Covfefe.
Only because Trump isn’t hiding in the basement. And there’s no mention of Trump in the testimony released. Only Willie.
Looks like Dr. Dementia blew a seal. Naw, it’s just tartar sauce.
That’s about all you’ve got.
Wishful thinking. If you call that thinking.
We understand that NuCons are afraid. What if your Lard and Mastur can’t keep enough Americans from voting in November? Is that why he keeps the pandemic expanding? To keep people home?
No, you understand nothing; you’re just told what to say. And that’s the Demos and their lockdown.
Far-rightists fear that kicking out the NuGOP will lead to extermination camps for connies, but that’s just projection. It’s what connies would do to “the enemy†if granted total power.
Between rotten economies in blue states, lockdowns, tyrannical rule, and letting the rioters run free, the only people scared are people like you.
The Demos are in trouble. They started it and now they can’t find a way out.
Never ever forget, with NuCons it is ALWAYS projection. Connies tell us what they have in mind for “othersâ€.
As Uncle Saul said, accuse ’em of what we do.
The Enemy = libs, Blacks, gays, Muslims, immigrants, credentialed media, Hispanics, agnostics, universities, college-educated
Hispanics and blacks are on Trump’s side. The rest, you can have.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, at least he appears to have wanted to wait until she was 18 or 20.
Like submitting tax returns, debates are a tradition, not a requirement.
State control of free and fair elections, now that’s a requirement! Why does Demented J. Trump want to postpone the election?
Last I saw, he wanted to move it up.
BTW, why does Demento J. Trump fight so hard to hide his tax returns?
We all know, don’t we.
Same reason Zippy sealed his birth cert and transcripts?
The real reason Jeffery is still trying to make points on Fauci’s Follies.
Turns out the WHO Flu is the reason Trump’s registered 100,000 new voters in swing states.
Republicans have lessened the margin by 133,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania and 87,000 voters in Florida.
Republicans have also chipped away at Democrats’ advantage in the tossup state of North Carolina — gaining a net 216,410 voters since Election Day 2016.
In Iowa, the number of registered Democratic voters surpassed Republicans in March, but Republicans recently took back the advantage.
Democrats had been outpacing Republicans in Arizona as well — but since April, Republicans have overtaken them.
Wah wah.
Sibley the Idiot should be optimistic about the clinical trials starting soon using an antibody against SARS-CoV-2 sponsored by NIH/Eli Lilly. This has a chance to work, unlike hydroxychloroquine.
The bear suit is out. Jeffery knows he’s losing. HCQ works and that’s his problem. Whether some OCare socialist pill does is up for grabs.
I find it amusing that the best argument Jeff can come up with to defend that his old white guy from patriarchy central casting is suffering dementia is, “your guy is too”. That’s a ringing endorsement. Have fun dragging that horse across the finish line. The Democratic party ran a primary of sorts, with 30 plus candidates and this was the best they could do. I’ll be interested to see who they throw in at the last minute to take his place. Someone who can at least pretend to campaign, even if they somehow managed to skip the entire primary process. Once again, Placeholder Joe will be keeping the seat warm for someone better than himself.
We find it amusing that the “perfesser” diagnoses VP Joe Biden with dementia without evidence, yet dismisses any indications that Trump has lost a step or ten. Compare video of trump 20 yrs ago to the 74 yr old now. Joseph R. Biden is a globally well-respected former VP, a long-term US Senator and a decent human. Donald J. Trump is none of those.
We get it. Dementia J. Trump’s campaign is reduced to two themes. First, Joe Biden has dementia and second, violent Blacks and anarchists are coming for white people.
Trump ignores the dual acute crises in America: a 100 year pandemic and the most threatened economy in over a generation. Trumpo fiddles while America burns. His only concern is re-election and the buffer it provides for his criminal activities.
The economy needs TRILLIONS more stimulus. We need to be distributing money to the working classes who spend it, small business who need it to survive, and not to millionaires who hoard it. The GOP in 2009 made certain that the recession would continue, hoping to make Mr. Obama a one-term President. Of course, the GOP actions harmed Americans. Over a decade later, the Dems are trying to help Americans even though it also would help Trump, proving the Dems are gullible, naive and bleeding hearts and that the GOP is cruel, heartless and conniving.
I was talking about you, not to you. You still have nothing interesting to say on any topic. Perhaps if you hadn’t made a career out of hating Trump every day for the last 4 years on this website, then I might read past your name.
And yet, perfesser hate, was talking to us.
Just as we were talking about you, not to you (perish the thought!). We didn’t address you, you having nothing interesting to say on any topic. Perhaps if you hadn’t made a career out of servicing Trump every day for the last 4 years on this website, then we might read past your name.
Get over your pathetic little self, RimJob, if you can’t post something original.
Your whining is monotonous.
A man has a right to defend himself against scurrilous accusations, but his opinions carry more weight than yours.
The Dems have shutdown the economy because that is their best and last hope of defeating Trump. Bill Maher wished for a recession to destroy Trump. The millions of jobs lost, careers ruined and 401Ks and Pension funds decimated would only be a small price to pay for the goal to get rid of the “guy who wasn’t supposed to win”.
The Democrats have NOT helped Americans by shutting down the US economy over a disease that’s so severe you have to be tested to know you’ve even had it. The Democrats have NOT helped Americans by pushing false narratives that HCQ, Zinc and Z-Pak do not work, when this regimen of drugs is showing excellent results around the world where Drs are allowed to practice medicine without an agenda.
The Democrats and the media are doing this country a terrible dis-service and anyone who can’t see this is blind to facts, logic or science.
Please do us a favor and move to Cuba. They’ve fixed that whole wage inequality issue there and they have 100% literacy and FREE medical care. It’s a wonder those refugee boats ever leave Cuba at all, huh?
You have a long 4 years ahead of you, Dowd. Pace yourself.
By the way, I”m curious about all of the people posting in internet articles online about jailing, re-educating or sending anyone who voted GOP in 2016/2020 or didn’t vote at all,(same as a Vote for Trump) to concentration camps. Should anyone that unhinged really be allowed to participate in reasonable discussions about policy? Asking for about 150 million friends.
I see you spelled Trump’s last name. Usually you use tRump. I guess you’re starting to crack after all.
I see you spelled Trump’s last name. Usually you use tRump. I guess you’re starting to crack after all.
Nah, it’s just another Rimjob copy and paste special without attribution.
He does that often.
We appreciate your concern.
The NuCons (connies, right-wing, etc) bridge the gap between their beliefs and reality by constructing conspiracy theories.
The Dems crashed the economy to get tRump! Lacking only evidence to support your claim! Bill Maher is not that powerful.
The Dems are withholding a cure for Covid! Lacking only evidence to support your claim!
Covid-19 is not a serious disease!! Tell that to the families of 160,000 dead Americans (on it’s way to 200,000+). Why do we even need a cure for a fake disease?
The federal government could have mitigated some of the effects by combating the pandemic head on and also by aggressively stimulating the economy (long-term generous unemployment benefits, help for small businesses). Instead a feckless, ignorant and corrupt Congress, Fed and administration diverted trillions to the already rich to hoard and invest – essentially another trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy.
Do you really believe everything you read on the internet? While it’s hard for normal Americans to understand how anyone would vote for tRump once, much yet twice, we get a glimpse into the fevered mind of far, far right wingers from blogs such as this. It seems to be a mix of authoritarianism, white nationalism, anti-abortionism, Christian identity and “owning the libs”. That’s OK, you’re entitled to try and rebuild America as you wish, just don’t expect cooperation.
Actually it’s only about 320 that have died from the Newsom Nausea and the fact the Demos have locked down 15 states tells you all you need to know about who’s crashing the economy.
Now Jeffery wants us to forget how Kaiser Bill and Nipsy Cuomo invited all the sickies of the world to NY.
Now Jeffery asks us not to believe what’s on the Net, but believe him.
I think he’s flunked his cognitive test.
Since even the Demos have admitted that Gropin’ Joe is out to lunch, your trying to deny it only makes you look the fool you are.
And nobody respects him and he’s universally regarded as an arrogant jerk.
Hundred year flu? According to whom? And the economy is already back where it was, unless you live in the Blue Zone where everything is locked down.
We need more stimulus? I thought we were all Keynesians now.
And you’re projecting again.
You’re an idiot. But you may be seriously out of touch with reality.
Economy is back? -33% GDP last quarter. Over 10% unemployment. On the way to over 200,000 dead Americans.
Do you understand stimulus and Keynesian theories? Of course not.
That 33% is an annualized number, and not all that much worse than some European countries. And remember, the virus in and by itself did not cause all this disruption — it was the government response that did it. And much of that response was at the state level, not Federal.
Better than February and you said it was 160,000 dead.
The more you call people idiot, the more you look like one yourself.