Local residents of the neighborhood were not amused (via Twitchy)
While funny, especially that white “vigilantes”, as they were called, were protecting a black police chief from a black movement, here’s the interesting part
A debate unfolded online Sunday night over whether protests against police brutality should include visits to public officials’ homes — and whether such a discussion distracts from the fight for Black lives — after Seattle police Chief Carmen Best implored the City Council to “forcefully call for the end of these tactics.â€
Best wrote a letter to the council Sunday after protesters showed up outside her Snohomish County home Saturday night, the latest in a series of visits the demonstrations have paid to those who hold public power in Seattle, including City Council members and Mayor Jenny Durkan.
Best’s letter said her neighbors “were concerned by such a large group†and didn’t allow protesters to “trespass or engage in other illegal behavior in the area, despite repeated attempts to do so.†She didn’t elaborate on the behavior in question but wrote that the Snohomish County sheriff was “monitoring the situation.â€
The letter states
I urge both of you, and the entire council, to stand up for what is right. These direct actions against elected officials, and especially civil servants like myself, are out of line with and go against every democratic principle that guides our nation. Before this devolves into the new way of doing business by mob rule here in Seattle, and across the nation, elected officials like you must forcefully call for the end of these tactics.
Basically, she’s calling on the city council to take a stand against “protestors” who target the personal residences of city officials. See, now that her own residence has been targeted, she’s upset. Chief Best didn’t seem all that concerned when the “protesters” were targeting the businesses and homes of Other People, you know, the peons. She was only mildly concerned over that silly Seattle autonomous zone, which blocked people from their homes and businesses, destroyed property, and even attacked people and businesses.
See, the high and grand poobahs are fine with all this stuff until the protesters personally involve the poobahs. The Lynwood Times notes
In his statement Sheriff Fortney wrote, “The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office has been supportive and accommodating to all peaceful protests that have occurred in our jurisdiction. With that said, protestors targeting one individual’s house is a bullying tactic that will certainly require an extra patrol response to ensure every resident in Snohomish County can feel safe in their own home, with their loved ones, no matter what they choose to do to make a living.â€
Yeah, but it’s not about every resident, it’s about Chief Best. If another resident had been targeted, would there be an extra patrol? Doubtful.

What an excellent response; “yes you are very peaceful with my 12gg Mossberg pointed at your face”. I will use that one.