Don’t blame the kids: blame the adults. Any of the parents, teachers, news figures, Warmists, etc, who push the gloom and doom frim the climate change scam
While most children benefit from having time outdoors, for some youngsters it is triggering feelings of anxiety and despair due to fears over climate change.
These ‘troubling emotions’ and their link to climate change have been studied by University of Colombia researchers for the British Ecological Society.
In the first of its kind study to focus on children and teenagers connecting with nature, the team conducted a full review of other studies, articles and books.
Children and teenagers were triggered by the natural world and their inability to control what was happening to the ‘unravelling biosphere’, the team said.
The authors found that measures currently used to connect children to the natural world can help others cope with feelings of fear linked to climate change.
Newsflash: children and teenagers have never had the ability to control what was happening in the world. Because they’re children and teenagers. Most adults don’t have power, either.
Within the past generation children’s lives have largely moved indoors with the loss of free-ranging exploration of the natural world, the team said.
Probably has less to do with ‘climate change’ and more with video games, smartphones, and being online. They grew up with these things, and adults do not seem to be forcing them outside, and, instead, catering to their inside lives.
Many children know they are inheriting a changing world that is likely to get worse and this leads them to feelings of anxiety and despair, said Chawla.
Thanks, adults, for creating mental messes.
This new study, which involved multiple pieces of literature, found time spent in the great outdoors was a ‘predictor’ for active care for nature in adulthood.
Yeah, but so many adults aren’t making their kids go outside, particularly in the very leftist areas.
The distress they will feel one day upon waking up to the fact they were programmed to fear at such an early age will be far worse.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) August 6, 2020
But, how many will wake up? And how many will just be mental messes for the rest of their lives?
Yeah, don’t go outside! Stay indoors and suck up that air conditioning.