Surprise: LA Councillor Who Voted To Defund Police Sure Likes Calling Them On Protesters

Of course, Mike Bonin is Blaming the police for the responses to his home

REVEALED: LA councilor who voted to slash police funds has ‘called cops to his home EIGHT TIMES’ since April asking for protection from protesters

A councilor for Los Angeles who voted to slash $150 million from the annual budget of the LAPD has called the police to his house eight times since April, it has been claimed.

Mike Bonin, 53, was among 11 councilors who agreed in June to reduce the annual budget, in the wake of calls to defund police forces across the country following the May 25 death of George Floyd.

On Friday night Bonin was accused of having called the cops to his LA home eight times since April, including requesting protection from protesters.

Bonin whined back at Melugin

Bonin, however, denied that he had made the calls, and said they were generated by the police themselves.

‘I have NEVER asked LAPD for patrols at my house,’ he tweeted in response to Melugin, and described the Fox reporter’s tweet as ‘false’.

‘When protests occurred at the homes of other elected officials and LAPD offered to send patrols to my home as a precaution, I specifically asked for no patrols at my home.

‘Seven of the eight calls you cite were apparently generated by LAPD themselves, sending patrols without my request and often without my knowledge.

He whined that this was being done to damage his reputation

‘This is a cute tactic to try to silence or intimidate a public official who is standing up to the police union,’ he said. ‘It ain’t working.’

Uh huh

Melugin then hit back, tweeting what he said was a text message from a LAPD source denying that the calls to Bonin’s home were generated by the police, without his knowledge.

‘This was definitely a call for service by Bonin or a member of his staff,’ the text read.

‘The call would have been placed by the resident or someone reporting something happening at that address.’

The LAPD should put him on a “no response” list.

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20 Responses to “Surprise: LA Councillor Who Voted To Defund Police Sure Likes Calling Them On Protesters”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    FAKE News from a previously discredited FOX “investigative” reporter, IOW a police sycophant.

    Melugin falsely reported that a barista placed a used tampon in an off duty officer’s latte. It wasn’t true.

    Hate sites like the Gateway Pudendum and Pirates Cove spread disinformation daily.

    • formwiz says:

      Then why do you come here? Why not go on Commie News Net or MSLSD?

      I’m sure they’d love to have you.

      Melugin falsely reported that a barista placed a used tampon in an off duty officer’s latte. It wasn’t true.

      Prove it.

      And Fox is all Lefty with the Murdoch brothers running it. Don’t you like that?

      And, if not, why not?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Then why do you come here?

        Two reasons. One, to suss what the white nationalist trumpists are planning and two, to correct the disinformation, duh.

        • formwiz says:

          Sure. We are white nationalist Trumpist HQ here. /sarc My God, what a joke you are

          And suss as in Jud Süß?

          How positively Dr Goebbels of you.

          correct the disinformation, duh.

          Well, the duh describes you to a T, but if you’re correcting things, why is it I catch you in so many lies?

          PS I take it no proof is forthcoming.

    • Jl says:

      “Hate sites” How So? What do they hate? I’d ask for proof but as usual none would be forthcoming.

      • Kye says:

        To him any site not far left communist is a “hate site”. He just makes up names as he goes along. Hateful little twit. His projection is astounding. I bet he thinks the PTL site is “hate” too.

  2. Est1950 says:

    This is something the MSM will never show you!

  3. formwiz says:

    More peaceful protests.

    Mayor Lightbrain says she doesn’t need any leadership lessons from the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne.

    She needs them from somebody and Shotgun Joe’s advice isn’t forthcoming.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      We notice that the “brave”, fat, white pseudo-patriots only attack peaceful protesters when they outnumber them and rely on the police/federales to control more “rambunctious” protesters. LOL.

      • formwiz says:

        We notice that the “brave”, fat, white pseudo-patriots only attack peaceful protesters when they outnumber them and rely on the police/federales to control more “rambunctious” protesters. LOL.

        Funny, you never object when the Lefties do that.

        Stick you LOL up your pudendum.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    There are riots occurring in Lebanon following the explosions in Beirut. Rioters want to overturn the current government for corruption that resulted in hundreds of Lebanese dying. Only hundreds. Riot police are firing tear gas on the rioters who are trying to enter state buildings. As in tRumplandia, Lebanese soldiers are patrolling the streets in machine-gun armed vehicles. Unpopular tyrants have to rely on state military to keep them safe.

    In America, the current corrupt government is responsible for 165,000 deaths (likely to reach 250,000) and a deep recession (depression?) doomed to get worse out of federal incompetence. tRump has a loyal white nationalist citizen Army who hope to benefit from his continued rule (oppression of non-white, non-christian citizens).

    Do trumpist white nationalists stand in solidarity with the current corrupt gov’t of Lebanon who tried (and failed) to suppress the rioters?

    News alert: The Lebanese PM just stepped down. If only tRump were as responsible (he will only step down with promises of not being prosecuted).

    • Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

      Your honor, everything that guy just said is bullshit.
      (“My Cousin Vinny”)


    • formwiz says:

      There are riots occurring in Lebanon following the explosions in Beirut. Rioters want to overturn the current government for corruption that resulted in hundreds of Lebanese dying. Only hundreds. Riot police are firing tear gas on the rioters who are trying to enter state buildings. As in tRumplandia, Lebanese soldiers are patrolling the streets in machine-gun armed vehicles. Unpopular tyrants have to rely on state military to keep them safe.

      I see those Rangers in the street every day. /sarc

      In America, the current corrupt government is responsible for 165,000 deaths (likely to reach 250,000) and a deep recession (depression?) doomed to get worse out of federal incompetence. tRump has a loyal white nationalist citizen Army who hope to benefit from his continued rule (oppression of non-white, non-christian citizens).

      I see them in the street every day, too. /sarc

      Deaths (more like 330) are the work of state governors, especially those in the occupied Blue Zones.

      Do trumpist white nationalists stand in solidarity with the current corrupt gov’t of Lebanon who tried (and failed) to suppress the rioters?

      Since they’re one with the Moslem crazies, they’re more your crowd.

      News alert: The Lebanese PM just stepped down. If only tRump were as responsible (he will only step down with promises of not being prosecuted).

      Why would Trump step down? He has yet to be charged with a crime.

  5. formwiz says:

    Looks like CA may be in danger this Fall. The savages showed up inSan Diego and were met by those same “brave”, fat, white pseudo-patriots as in Ft Collins.

    Since the hooligans only attack when they outnumber the victim, seems only right they get the same treatment.

    Jeffery whining about “peaceful” protestors when the would-be rioters get their asses kicked is risible.

    Ad we’ve got more than 2 months to election day. Wonder how many more people Jeffery’s “peaceful” protestors will drive into Trump’s camp?

  6. formwiz says:

    I heard BLM was going to march on Sturgis for the rally.

    Any word on casualties?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Most of the fat guys at Sturgis will get sick from Covid-19, anyway.

      • formwiz says:

        WHO Flu wouldn’t go near Sturgis.

        Haven you heard, all the tests for Fauci’s Follies are unreliable. Even if you don’t show up, they say you’re a positive.

        Like your phony death count, it’s only there to scare the rubes.

        And I don’t see you taking down any “fat” guys. Of course, there’s no such thing as black bikers. They’re all too busy being oppressed, right?

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Trump on the TeeVee: Great pandemic of 1917 (sic) probably ended the 2nd World War… all the soldiers were sick…

    Spoken like a stable genius.

    • formwiz says:

      Considering how wrong you get things all the time, you’re hardly one to talk.

      We all have a slip of the tongue. You have slips of the brain.

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